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{{#Wiki_filter:RISK INFORMED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TASK FORCE (RITSTF)RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION INITIATIVE STATUSNEI RITSTFNEIBiff Bradley, 202 739-8083WOGJack Stringfellow, Southern Nuclear, 205 992-7037CEOGAlan Hackerott, OPPD, 402 533-7276Tony Pietrangelo, 202 739-8081Jim Andrachek, Westinghouse, 412 374-5018Gary Chung, SCE, 949 368-9431EXCELDon Hoffman, 301 984-4400 Jerry Andre, Westinghouse, 412 374-4723Ray Schneider, CE, 860 731-6461 EPRIFrank Rahn, 650 855-2037  BWOGPaul Infanger, Progress Energy, 352-563-4796BWROGRick Hill, GE, 408 925-5388John Gaertner, 704 547-6169 R. Schomaker, Framatome, 434 832-2917Dusty Rhoads, Energy Northwest, 509 377-4298Mike Kitlan, Duke, 980 373-8348Don McCamy, TVA 256 729-4595Page 1 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER1Technical SpecificationRequired ActionsPreferred End States NRC provided commentson TSTF-422 on 6/23/03.TSTF and RITSTF provided responses on 11/10/03. TSTF-423 submitted toNRC on 8/12/03. TSTF-423 was submitted to the NRC on 8/12/03. TSTF reviewed and provided comments on theBWOG Topical Report. BWOG Topical Report was submitted to NRCweek of 1/23/04. RITSTF provided draft responses to NRCcomments on TSTF 423 at the 1/30/04 meeting. NRC/Industry met 1/30/04 on TSTF 422 andTSTF 423. The NRC/RITSTF agreed to resolutions for all theNRC comments. TSTF has prepared draft revisions to TSTFs 422and 423 for RITSTF review. TSTF-422 Implementation guidance document tobe provided to the NRC in May 2004. TSTF-423 implementation guidance document beprovided to the NRC in June 2004.CEOG - TSTF-422 R0BWROG - TSTF-423 R0BWOG - TSTF-431 R0(Not created)WOG - TSTF-432 R0(Not created)2Missed SurveillancesSR 3.0.3 TSTF-358, R6, has beenapproved and published for CLIIP adoption. Initiative Complete.TSTF-358 R6 RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 2 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER3Increase Flexibility inMode Restraints LCO 3.0.4 TSTF-359, R9, has beenapproved and published forCLIIP adoption. The final ImplementationGuidance, NEI-03-10, was issued on September 5, 2003. Initiative Complete.TSTF-359 R94aIndividual RiskInformed Allowed Outage Times (AOTs) Owners Groups (OGs) arepursuing generic Risk Informed AOT extensions through OG-specific Topicals and licenseamendments. Ongoing.TSTF-373 R2 (CEOG)TSTF-409 R1 (CEOG)
TSTF-417 R0 (WOG)TSTF-430 R0 (BWOG)TSTF-439 R1 TSTF-446 R0 (WOG)TSTF-454 R0 (BWROG)
RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION INITIATIVE STATUS INITIATIVE                TITLE            INITIATIVE STATUS                            NEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/                            TSTF NUMBER RESPONSIBILITY 1          Technical Specification
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 3 of 95/10/20044bRisk Informed AOTsWith ConfigurationRisk ManagementProgram or Maintenance Rule BackstopTSTF-424 and the Draft RiskManagement Guide wereprovided to the NRC on 1/21/03.NRC comments are expected in May 2004.Hope Creek, Fort Calhoun, andSouth Texas Project havevolunteered to develop pilotsubmittals. RITSTF provided the Interim Report to NRC atthe 11/13/03 meeting. RITSTF provided the Matrix of the responses tothe NRC comments to NRC on 11/21/03. RITSTF/NRC met to discuss the responses anddocuments 12/16/03. STP met with NRC to discuss specifics of STPsubmittal 1/21/04. RITSTF/NRC met 1/29/04 to discuss the TSTF424 and associated risk guidance document. RITSTF provided draft responses to NRCcomments at the 1/29/04 meeting. RITSTF will develop a White Paper to address theinterface of the a.4 process to the Initiative 4b andInitiative 6 process to show the overlap and transition and provide to NRC in May 2004. NRC will provide comments on the RMGDIndustry response to NRC comments in May 2004. RITSTF to provide document describing theinterface between Initiative 4b and Initiative 6.TSTF-424 R05aRelocate SurveillanceRequirements Not Related to Safety Deterministic portion ofInitiative 5 transferred to TSTF responsibility. TSTF reviewing candidate SRs to be relocated. TSTF will provide a TSTF to the NRC by 12/04.None assigned RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 4 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER5bRelocate SurveillanceTest Intervals toLicensee Control RITSTF/BWROG/PilotPlant will be applying themethodology and interfacing with the NRC on the issues in 2003. RITSTF to address NRCposition that SurveillanceTest Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications NRC provided a new concern regardingSurveillance Test Intervals at 5/15/03RITSTF/NRC meeting. NRC stated that OGC was concerned that test intervals (Frequencies) should remain in Technical Specifications under 10 CFR 50.36. It may be acceptable for the Technical Specifications to contain a methodologyrather than a fixed interval. RITSTF to address NRC position that SurveillanceTest Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications and NEI to provide a White Paperto NRC. BWROG has identified two pilot plants and willdevelop a draft Traveler based on the application of the methodology. BWROG will attach the Guidance Document to the TSTF. RITSTF provided a draft Technical GuidanceDocument to the NRC at the 11/13/03 meeting. NRC attended several Limerick IDP meetings toobserve process. The TSTF is working closely with Limerick toensure cohesiveness of the Limerick LAR and the TSTF. Three documents will be submitted in 5/04 to6/04: 1. Limerick Pilot as a License AmendmentRequest.2. The Methodology Document
* NRC provided comments
: 3. TSTF 425.TSTF-425 R0(Not created)
* TSTF-423 was submitted to the NRC on 8/12/03.        CEOG - TSTF-422 R0 Required Actions          on TSTF-422 on 6/23/03.
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 5 of 95/10/20046aModify LCO 3.0.3Actions and Timing 1hour - 24 hours On hold. On hold for resolution of Initiative 6b and 6c todetermine if Initiative 6a is required.None assigned6bProvide Conditions inthe LCOs for Those Levels of Degradation Where No Condition Currently Exists to Preclude Entry IntoLCO 3.0.3 NRC drafting SafetyEvaluation. CEOG provided revised version to address theRAIs to NRC in 7/03. NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRCwill finalize the SE based on the CE responses. CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes andjustification to TSTF after NRC completes Safety Evaluation. TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report andrecommended changes to support creation of aTraveler. CEOG developed a revision to the Topical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments. This revised topical was submitted to NRC10/3/03. The revised Topical is under NRC review andNRC plans to issue the draft SE. TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRCcomments provided at April 29 meeting.TSTF-426 R0(Not created)
Preferred End States      TSTF and RITSTF
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 6 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER6cProvide Specific Timesin the LCO For ThoseConditions That Require Entry Into LCO 3.0.3 Immediately NRC drafting SafetyEvaluation. CEOG provided revised version to address theRAIs to NRC in 7/03. NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRCwill finalize the SE based on the CE responses. CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes andjustification to TSTF after NRC completes SafetyEvaluation. TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report andrecommended changes to support creation of aTraveler. CEOG developed a revision to theTopical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments. This revised topical was submitted to NRC10/3/03. The revised Topical is under NRC review and SEunder development. TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRCcomments provided at April 29 meeting.TSTF-426 R0(Not created)
* TSTF reviewed and provided comments on the          BWROG - TSTF-423 R0 provided responses on                BWOG Topical Report.
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 7 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER7aImpact of NonTechnical SpecificationDesign Features on Operability Requirements - Barriers NRC provided commentson TSTF-427 on 6/26/03. Revision 4 of TSTF-372submitted on 4/23/04. Draft Revision 4 of TSTF-372 created on 2/24/03.NRC reviewed and agreed it addressed theircomments. Draft being reviewed by TSTF, RITSTF, and Snubbers Users Group (SNUG). TSTF, Snubbers User Group (SNUG), and NRCmet to discuss TSTF-372 on June 16. SNUGgathered information from their members andworked with the TSTF to draft a revision that addresses the NRC and Industry concerns.
11/10/03.                                                                                BWOG - TSTF-431 R0
Submitted Revision 3 on 11/17/03. TSTF-427 transmitted to NRC on 3/4/03. NRC provided comments on TSTF-427 on6/26/03. RITSTF provided response to NRC comments on 11/7/03. RITSTF/NRC discussed the RITSTF response atthe 11/13/03 meeting. NRC will provide feedback on RITSTF responseson TSTF 427 by February 2004. TSTF/RITSTF will delete the additions to thedefinition of OPERABILITY for TSTF 427 and 372 to address NRC concerns. TSTF/RITSTF will provide bounding analysis inthe TSTF 372 for snubbers that affect both trainsof a system. TSTF submitted TSTF-372, Revision 4 to NRC onApril 23, 2004. TSTF/RITSTF will provide a revision to TSTF427 in 05/04 or 06/04 after completion of the implementation guidance document. TSTF-427 implementation guidance to beprovided to the NRC in 06/04.TSTF-372 R4TSTF-427 R0 RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 8 of 95/10/2004INITIATIVETITLEINITIATIVE STATUSNEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/RESPONSIBILITYTSTF NUMBER7bImpact of Non TSDesign Features onOperability Requirements - All other SSCs not in Technical Specifications A White Paper on theprocess to address this scopeof SSCs is being developed. RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline theprocess to address this scope of SSCs by 6/04. RITSTF/TSTF will work with the NRC on a riskinformed revision of GL 91-18 and integrate the Initiatives. An Operability/GL 91-18 Workshop was held on8/14/03 to discuss these issues. A draft revision of GL 91-18 will be available3/04 with another GL 91-18 Workshop currentlyscheduled for 4/09/04 RITSTF/TSTF will develop a TSTF and submit toNRC by 8/04.None assigned8aRemove or RelocateSystems LCOs That DoNot Meet the 4Criterion of 10 CFR 50.36 From Technical Specifications A White Paper on theapplication of the 10 CFR50.36 criteria is beingdeveloped. NEI 00-04 is being reviewed and will serve as thebasis for Criterion 4 application. RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline theguidance and methodology based on NEI 00-04 for the application of the four criteria of 10 CFR 50.36 and a list of the systems identified forrelocation. RITSTF working on the schedule -current plans are third quarter 2004.None assigned RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUSPage 9 of 95/10/20048bModify 50.36 Rule toPermit Removal orRelocation of Non RiskSignificant Systems out of Technical Specifications Requires Rulemaking RITSTF looking at coordinating Initiative 8b withlonger term initiatives given the requirements forrulemaking. Approach favored by NEI and NRC is makingCriterion 4 a "two way door" (e.g., if it doesn't meet Criterion 4, Specification can be relocated even if it meets Criteria 1, 2, or 3).Not applicableBWOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4 and 7CEOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 6 BWROG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 8WOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, and 5}}
* BWOG Topical Report was submitted to NRC            (Not created)
* TSTF-423 submitted to                week of 1/23/04.
NRC on 8/12/03.                                                                          WOG - TSTF-432 R0
* RITSTF provided draft responses to NRC              (Not created) comments on TSTF 423 at the 1/30/04 meeting.
* NRC/Industry met 1/30/04 on TSTF 422 and TSTF 423.
* The NRC/RITSTF agreed to resolutions for all the NRC comments.
* TSTF has prepared draft revisions to TSTFs 422 and 423 for RITSTF review.
* TSTF-422 Implementation guidance document to be provided to the NRC in May 2004.
* TSTF-423 implementation guidance document be provided to the NRC in June 2004.
2          Missed Surveillances
* TSTF-358, R6, has been
* Initiative Complete.                                 TSTF-358 R6 SR 3.0.3                  approved and published for CLIIP adoption.
NEI RITSTF NEI      Biff Bradley, 202 739-8083            WOG Jack Stringfellow, Southern Nuclear, 205 992-7037        CEOG Alan Hackerott, OPPD, 402 533-7276 Tony Pietrangelo, 202 739-8081              Jim Andrachek, Westinghouse, 412 374-5018                    Gary Chung, SCE, 949 368-9431 EXCEL    Don Hoffman, 301 984-4400                    Jerry Andre, Westinghouse, 412 374-4723                      Ray Schneider, CE, 860 731-6461 EPRI      Frank Rahn, 650 855-2037            BWOG Paul Infanger, Progress Energy, 352-563-4796          BWROG Rick Hill, GE, 408 925-5388 John Gaertner, 704 547-6169                  R. Schomaker, Framatome, 434 832-2917                        Dusty Rhoads, Energy Northwest, 509 377-4298 Mike Kitlan, Duke, 980 373-8348                              Don McCamy, TVA 256 729-4595 Page 1 of 9                                                                    5/10/2004
* TSTF-359, R9, has been
* Initiative Complete.          TSTF-359 R9 Mode Restraints LCO        approved and published for 3.0.4                      CLIIP adoption.
* The final Implementation Guidance, NEI-03-10, was issued on September 5, 2003.
4a    Individual Risk
* Owners Groups (OGs) are
* Ongoing.                      TSTF-373 R2 (CEOG)
Informed Allowed          pursuing generic Risk Outage Times (AOTs)        Informed AOT extensions                                          TSTF-409 R1 (CEOG) through OG-specific Topicals and license                                            TSTF-417 R0 (WOG) amendments.
TSTF-430 R0 (BWOG)
TSTF-439 R1 TSTF-446 R0 (WOG)
Page 2 of 9                                          5/10/2004
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS 4b Risk Informed AOTs    TSTF-424 and the Draft Risk
* RITSTF provided the Interim Report to NRC at          TSTF-424 R0 With Configuration    Management Guide were                      the 11/13/03 meeting.
Risk Management      provided to the NRC on 1/21/03.
Program or            NRC comments are expected in
* RITSTF provided the Matrix of the responses to Maintenance Rule      May 2004.                                  the NRC comments to NRC on 11/21/03.
Backstop Hope Creek, Fort Calhoun, and
* RITSTF/NRC met to discuss the responses and South Texas Project have                  documents 12/16/03.
volunteered to develop pilot submittals.
* STP met with NRC to discuss specifics of STP submittal 1/21/04.
* RITSTF/NRC met 1/29/04 to discuss the TSTF 424 and associated risk guidance document.
* RITSTF provided draft responses to NRC comments at the 1/29/04 meeting.
* RITSTF will develop a White Paper to address the interface of the a.4 process to the Initiative 4b and Initiative 6 process to show the overlap and transition and provide to NRC in May 2004.
* NRC will provide comments on the RMGD Industry response to NRC comments in May 2004.
* RITSTF to provide document describing the interface between Initiative 4b and Initiative 6.
5a Relocate Surveillance
* Deterministic portion of
* TSTF reviewing candidate SRs to be relocated.         None assigned Requirements Not          Initiative 5 transferred to Related to Safety          TSTF responsibility.
* TSTF will provide a TSTF to the NRC by 12/04.
Page 3 of 9                                                                  5/10/2004
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS INITIATIVE          TITLE          INITIATIVE STATUS                            NEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/                          TSTF NUMBER RESPONSIBILITY 5b    Relocate Surveillance
* NRC provided a new concern regarding              TSTF-425 R0 Test Intervals to        Plant will be applying the          Surveillance Test Intervals at 5/15/03            (Not created)
Licensee Control        methodology and                      RITSTF/NRC meeting. NRC stated that OGC interfacing with the NRC             was concerned that test intervals (Frequencies) on the issues in 2003.              should remain in Technical Specifications under 10 CFR 50.36. It may be acceptable for the
* RITSTF to address NRC                Technical Specifications to contain a methodology position that Surveillance            rather than a fixed interval.
Test Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications
* RITSTF to address NRC position that Surveillance Test Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications and NEI to provide a White Paper to NRC.
* BWROG has identified two pilot plants and will develop a draft Traveler based on the application of the methodology. BWROG will attach the Guidance Document to the TSTF.
* RITSTF provided a draft Technical Guidance Document to the NRC at the 11/13/03 meeting.
* NRC attended several Limerick IDP meetings to observe process.
* The TSTF is working closely with Limerick to ensure cohesiveness of the Limerick LAR and the TSTF.
* Three documents will be submitted in 5/04 to 6/04:
: 1. Limerick Pilot as a License Amendment Request.
: 2. The Methodology Document
: 3. TSTF 425.
Page 4 of 9                                                              5/10/2004
* On hold.
* On hold for resolution of Initiative 6b and 6c to None assigned Actions and Timing 1                                  determine if Initiative 6a is required.
hour - 24 hours 6b Provide Conditions in
* NRC drafting Safety
* CEOG provided revised version to address the      TSTF-426 R0 the LCOs for Those      Evaluation.                  RAIs to NRC in 7/03.                             (Not created)
Levels of Degradation Where No Condition
* NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRC Currently Exists to                                  will finalize the SE based on the CE responses.
Preclude Entry Into LCO 3.0.3
* CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes and justification to TSTF after NRC completes Safety Evaluation.
* TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report and recommended changes to support creation of a Traveler. CEOG developed a revision to the Topical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments.
* This revised topical was submitted to NRC 10/3/03.
* The revised Topical is under NRC review and NRC plans to issue the draft SE.
* TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRC comments provided at April 29 meeting.
Page 5 of 9                                                              5/10/2004
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS INITIATIVE        TITLE            INITIATIVE STATUS                    NEXT ACTIONS/SCHEDULE/                         TSTF NUMBER RESPONSIBILITY 6c    Provide Specific Times
* NRC drafting Safety
* CEOG provided revised version to address the    TSTF-426 R0 in the LCO For Those      Evaluation.                  RAIs to NRC in 7/03.                             (Not created)
Conditions That Require Entry Into
* NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRC LCO 3.0.3 Immediately                                  will finalize the SE based on the CE responses.
* CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes and justification to TSTF after NRC completes Safety Evaluation.
* TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report and recommended changes to support creation of a Traveler. CEOG developed a revision to the Topical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments.
* This revised topical was submitted to NRC 10/3/03.
* The revised Topical is under NRC review and SE under development.
* TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRC comments provided at April 29 meeting.
Page 6 of 9                                                              5/10/2004
* NRC provided comments
* Draft Revision 4 of TSTF-372 created on 2/24/03. TSTF-372 R4 Technical Specification    on TSTF-427 on 6/26/03.           NRC reviewed and agreed it addressed their Design Features on                                          comments. Draft being reviewed by TSTF,           TSTF-427 R0 Operability
* Revision 4 of TSTF-372            RITSTF, and Snubbers Users Group (SNUG).
Requirements - Barriers    submitted on 4/23/04.
* TSTF, Snubbers User Group (SNUG), and NRC met to discuss TSTF-372 on June 16. SNUG gathered information from their members and worked with the TSTF to draft a revision that addresses the NRC and Industry concerns.
Submitted Revision 3 on 11/17/03.
* TSTF-427 transmitted to NRC on 3/4/03.
* NRC provided comments on TSTF-427 on 6/26/03. RITSTF provided response to NRC comments on 11/7/03.
* RITSTF/NRC discussed the RITSTF response at the 11/13/03 meeting.
* NRC will provide feedback on RITSTF responses on TSTF 427 by February 2004.
* TSTF/RITSTF will delete the additions to the definition of OPERABILITY for TSTF 427 and 372 to address NRC concerns.
* TSTF/RITSTF will provide bounding analysis in the TSTF 372 for snubbers that affect both trains of a system.
* TSTF submitted TSTF-372, Revision 4 to NRC on April 23, 2004.
* TSTF/RITSTF will provide a revision to TSTF 427 in 05/04 or 06/04 after completion of the implementation guidance document.
* TSTF-427 implementation guidance to be provided to the NRC in 06/04.
Page 7 of 9                                                            5/10/2004
* A White Paper on the
* RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline the  None assigned Design Features on    process to address this scope        process to address this scope of SSCs by 6/04.
Operability            of SSCs is being developed.
Requirements - All
* RITSTF/TSTF will work with the NRC on a risk other SSCs not in                                            informed revision of GL 91-18 and integrate the Technical                                                    Initiatives.
* An Operability/GL 91-18 Workshop was held on 8/14/03 to discuss these issues.
* A draft revision of GL 91-18 will be available 3/04 with another GL 91-18 Workshop currently scheduled for 4/09/04
* RITSTF/TSTF will develop a TSTF and submit to NRC by 8/04.
8a    Remove or Relocate
* A White Paper on the
* NEI 00-04 is being reviewed and will serve as the  None assigned Systems LCOs That Do    application of the 10 CFR            basis for Criterion 4 application.
Not Meet the 4          50.36 criteria is being Criterion of 10 CFR    developed.
* RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline the 50.36 From Technical                                        guidance and methodology based on NEI 00-04 Specifications                                              for the application of the four criteria of 10 CFR 50.36 and a list of the systems identified for relocation. RITSTF working on the schedule -
current plans are third quarter 2004.
Page 8 of 9                                                               5/10/2004
RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS 8b          Modify 50.36 Rule to
* Requires Rulemaking
* RITSTF looking at coordinating Initiative 8b with  Not applicable Permit Removal or                                      longer term initiatives given the requirements for Relocation of Non Risk                                  rulemaking.
Significant Systems out of Technical
* Approach favored by NEI and NRC is making Specifications                                        Criterion 4 a two way door (e.g., if it doesnt meet Criterion 4, Specification can be relocated even if it meets Criteria 1, 2, or 3).
BWOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4 and 7 CEOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 6 BWROG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 8 WOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, and 5 Page 9 of 9                                                                5/10/2004}}

Revision as of 02:09, 24 November 2019

04/29/2004: Risk Informed Technical Specification Task Force (RITSTF) Risk Management Technical Specification Initiative Status - Attachment 4
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/13/2004
From: Tjader T
To: Bradley B
Nuclear Energy Institute
Tjader T., NRC/IROB, 415-1187
Shared Package
ML041350025 List:
Download: ML041350046 (9)




  • NRC provided comments

Preferred End States TSTF and RITSTF

  • TSTF reviewed and provided comments on the BWROG - TSTF-423 R0 provided responses on BWOG Topical Report.

11/10/03. BWOG - TSTF-431 R0

  • BWOG Topical Report was submitted to NRC (Not created)

NRC on 8/12/03. WOG - TSTF-432 R0

  • RITSTF provided draft responses to NRC (Not created) comments on TSTF 423 at the 1/30/04 meeting.
  • The NRC/RITSTF agreed to resolutions for all the NRC comments.
  • TSTF-422 Implementation guidance document to be provided to the NRC in May 2004.
  • TSTF-423 implementation guidance document be provided to the NRC in June 2004.

2 Missed Surveillances

NEI RITSTF NEI Biff Bradley, 202 739-8083 WOG Jack Stringfellow, Southern Nuclear, 205 992-7037 CEOG Alan Hackerott, OPPD, 402 533-7276 Tony Pietrangelo, 202 739-8081 Jim Andrachek, Westinghouse, 412 374-5018 Gary Chung, SCE, 949 368-9431 EXCEL Don Hoffman, 301 984-4400 Jerry Andre, Westinghouse, 412 374-4723 Ray Schneider, CE, 860 731-6461 EPRI Frank Rahn, 650 855-2037 BWOG Paul Infanger, Progress Energy, 352-563-4796 BWROG Rick Hill, GE, 408 925-5388 John Gaertner, 704 547-6169 R. Schomaker, Framatome, 434 832-2917 Dusty Rhoads, Energy Northwest, 509 377-4298 Mike Kitlan, Duke, 980 373-8348 Don McCamy, TVA 256 729-4595 Page 1 of 9 5/10/2004


  • Initiative Complete. TSTF-359 R9 Mode Restraints LCO approved and published for 3.0.4 CLIIP adoption.
  • The final Implementation Guidance, NEI-03-10, was issued on September 5, 2003.

4a Individual Risk

  • Owners Groups (OGs) are

Informed Allowed pursuing generic Risk Outage Times (AOTs) Informed AOT extensions TSTF-409 R1 (CEOG) through OG-specific Topicals and license TSTF-417 R0 (WOG) amendments.

TSTF-430 R0 (BWOG)

TSTF-439 R1 TSTF-446 R0 (WOG)


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RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS 4b Risk Informed AOTs TSTF-424 and the Draft Risk

  • RITSTF provided the Interim Report to NRC at TSTF-424 R0 With Configuration Management Guide were the 11/13/03 meeting.

Risk Management provided to the NRC on 1/21/03.

Program or NRC comments are expected in

  • RITSTF provided the Matrix of the responses to Maintenance Rule May 2004. the NRC comments to NRC on 11/21/03.

Backstop Hope Creek, Fort Calhoun, and

  • RITSTF/NRC met to discuss the responses and South Texas Project have documents 12/16/03.

volunteered to develop pilot submittals.

  • STP met with NRC to discuss specifics of STP submittal 1/21/04.
  • RITSTF/NRC met 1/29/04 to discuss the TSTF 424 and associated risk guidance document.
  • RITSTF provided draft responses to NRC comments at the 1/29/04 meeting.
  • RITSTF will develop a White Paper to address the interface of the a.4 process to the Initiative 4b and Initiative 6 process to show the overlap and transition and provide to NRC in May 2004.
  • NRC will provide comments on the RMGD Industry response to NRC comments in May 2004.
  • RITSTF to provide document describing the interface between Initiative 4b and Initiative 6.

5a Relocate Surveillance

  • Deterministic portion of
  • TSTF reviewing candidate SRs to be relocated. None assigned Requirements Not Initiative 5 transferred to Related to Safety TSTF responsibility.
  • TSTF will provide a TSTF to the NRC by 12/04.

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  • NRC provided a new concern regarding TSTF-425 R0 Test Intervals to Plant will be applying the Surveillance Test Intervals at 5/15/03 (Not created)

Licensee Control methodology and RITSTF/NRC meeting. NRC stated that OGC interfacing with the NRC was concerned that test intervals (Frequencies) on the issues in 2003. should remain in Technical Specifications under 10 CFR 50.36. It may be acceptable for the

  • RITSTF to address NRC Technical Specifications to contain a methodology position that Surveillance rather than a fixed interval.

Test Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications

  • RITSTF to address NRC position that Surveillance Test Intervals must be in the Technical Specifications and NEI to provide a White Paper to NRC.
  • BWROG has identified two pilot plants and will develop a draft Traveler based on the application of the methodology. BWROG will attach the Guidance Document to the TSTF.
  • RITSTF provided a draft Technical Guidance Document to the NRC at the 11/13/03 meeting.
  • NRC attended several Limerick IDP meetings to observe process.
  • The TSTF is working closely with Limerick to ensure cohesiveness of the Limerick LAR and the TSTF.
  • Three documents will be submitted in 5/04 to 6/04:
1. Limerick Pilot as a License Amendment Request.
2. The Methodology Document
3. TSTF 425.

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  • On hold.
  • On hold for resolution of Initiative 6b and 6c to None assigned Actions and Timing 1 determine if Initiative 6a is required.

hour - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 6b Provide Conditions in

  • NRC drafting Safety
  • CEOG provided revised version to address the TSTF-426 R0 the LCOs for Those Evaluation. RAIs to NRC in 7/03. (Not created)

Levels of Degradation Where No Condition

  • NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRC Currently Exists to will finalize the SE based on the CE responses.

Preclude Entry Into LCO 3.0.3

  • CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes and justification to TSTF after NRC completes Safety Evaluation.
  • TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report and recommended changes to support creation of a Traveler. CEOG developed a revision to the Topical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments.
  • This revised topical was submitted to NRC 10/3/03.
  • The revised Topical is under NRC review and NRC plans to issue the draft SE.
  • TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRC comments provided at April 29 meeting.

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  • NRC drafting Safety
  • CEOG provided revised version to address the TSTF-426 R0 in the LCO For Those Evaluation. RAIs to NRC in 7/03. (Not created)

Conditions That Require Entry Into

  • NRC PSA Branch developed a draft SE and NRC LCO 3.0.3 Immediately will finalize the SE based on the CE responses.
  • CEOG to provide a list of ISTS changes and justification to TSTF after NRC completes Safety Evaluation.
  • TSTF reviewed CEOG Topical Report and recommended changes to support creation of a Traveler. CEOG developed a revision to the Topical to address NRC comments and the TSTF comments.
  • This revised topical was submitted to NRC 10/3/03.
  • The revised Topical is under NRC review and SE under development.
  • TSTF to develop Traveler based on NRC comments provided at April 29 meeting.

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  • NRC provided comments
  • Draft Revision 4 of TSTF-372 created on 2/24/03. TSTF-372 R4 Technical Specification on TSTF-427 on 6/26/03. NRC reviewed and agreed it addressed their Design Features on comments. Draft being reviewed by TSTF, TSTF-427 R0 Operability

Requirements - Barriers submitted on 4/23/04.

  • TSTF, Snubbers User Group (SNUG), and NRC met to discuss TSTF-372 on June 16. SNUG gathered information from their members and worked with the TSTF to draft a revision that addresses the NRC and Industry concerns.

Submitted Revision 3 on 11/17/03.

  • NRC provided comments on TSTF-427 on 6/26/03. RITSTF provided response to NRC comments on 11/7/03.
  • RITSTF/NRC discussed the RITSTF response at the 11/13/03 meeting.
  • NRC will provide feedback on RITSTF responses on TSTF 427 by February 2004.
  • TSTF/RITSTF will delete the additions to the definition of OPERABILITY for TSTF 427 and 372 to address NRC concerns.
  • TSTF/RITSTF will provide bounding analysis in the TSTF 372 for snubbers that affect both trains of a system.
  • TSTF submitted TSTF-372, Revision 4 to NRC on April 23, 2004.
  • TSTF/RITSTF will provide a revision to TSTF 427 in 05/04 or 06/04 after completion of the implementation guidance document.
  • TSTF-427 implementation guidance to be provided to the NRC in 06/04.

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  • A White Paper on the
  • RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline the None assigned Design Features on process to address this scope process to address this scope of SSCs by 6/04.

Operability of SSCs is being developed.

Requirements - All

  • RITSTF/TSTF will work with the NRC on a risk other SSCs not in informed revision of GL 91-18 and integrate the Technical Initiatives.


  • An Operability/GL 91-18 Workshop was held on 8/14/03 to discuss these issues.
  • A draft revision of GL 91-18 will be available 3/04 with another GL 91-18 Workshop currently scheduled for 4/09/04
  • RITSTF/TSTF will develop a TSTF and submit to NRC by 8/04.

8a Remove or Relocate

  • A White Paper on the
  • NEI 00-04 is being reviewed and will serve as the None assigned Systems LCOs That Do application of the 10 CFR basis for Criterion 4 application.

Not Meet the 4 50.36 criteria is being Criterion of 10 CFR developed.

  • RITSTF will develop a White Paper to outline the 50.36 From Technical guidance and methodology based on NEI 00-04 Specifications for the application of the four criteria of 10 CFR 50.36 and a list of the systems identified for relocation. RITSTF working on the schedule -

current plans are third quarter 2004.

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RITSTF INITIATIVE STATUS 8b Modify 50.36 Rule to

  • Requires Rulemaking
  • RITSTF looking at coordinating Initiative 8b with Not applicable Permit Removal or longer term initiatives given the requirements for Relocation of Non Risk rulemaking.

Significant Systems out of Technical

  • Approach favored by NEI and NRC is making Specifications Criterion 4 a two way door (e.g., if it doesnt meet Criterion 4, Specification can be relocated even if it meets Criteria 1, 2, or 3).

BWOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4 and 7 CEOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 6 BWROG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, 5 and 8 WOG - Active in Initiatives 1, 4, and 5 Page 9 of 9 5/10/2004