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| issue date = 02/02/2006
| issue date = 02/02/2006
| title = Waste Management '06 Presentation Slides, Two Approaches to Reactor Decommissioning: 10 Cfr Part 50 License Termination and License Amendment, Lessons Learned from the Regulatory Perspective.
| title = Waste Management '06 Presentation Slides, Two Approaches to Reactor Decommissioning: 10 Cfr Part 50 License Termination and License Amendment, Lessons Learned from the Regulatory Perspective.
| author name = Buckley J T, Craig C M, Watson B A
| author name = Buckley J, Craig C, Watson B
| author affiliation = NRC/NMSS/DWMEP/DD
| author affiliation = NRC/NMSS/DWMEP/DD
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Two Ap proaches to React o r Decommissioning: 10 CFR 50 License Termination and License Amend m ent, Lessons Learned From the Regu lat o ry P erspecti v e Bruce A. W a tso n , Jo hn T. B u ck ley and Cla u d i a M. Cra i g Decommis sioning Direct orat e Di vi si on o f W a st e M a na ge m e nt and E n vi r o n m ent a l Protect ion Of fi ce o f N u cl ear M a t e ri al S a f e t y an d S a fe gu ar ds U.S. Nuclea r Reg u latory Commissi o n Wa shing t on, D C  20 555 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2 Presenta tio n Content*U. S. Decommissioning Scope
{{#Wiki_filter:United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two Approaches to Reactor Decommissioning: 10 CFR 50 License Termination and License Amendment, Lessons Learned From the Regulatory Perspective Bruce A. Watson, John T. Buckley and Claudia M. Craig Decommissioning Directorate Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1
*Trojan and Maine Yankee Info rmation*Decommissioning Licen sing*Decommissioning Approach
*Lessons Le arned *Conclusions United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 NRC's C omplex Decommissioning Site Work Sco p e*17 Pow er Reactors
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Presentation Content
*14 Research and Test Reactors
* U. S. Decommissioning Scope
*39 Complex Materials Sites
* Trojan and Maine Yankee Information
*12 Uranium Recovery Sites
* Decommissioning Licensing
*3 Fuel Cycle Sites w i th Partia l Decommissioning United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 Unrestricted Release Criteria
* Decommissioning Approach
*10 CFR 20. 1402 Radiological Criteria for un-restricted release  
* Lessons Learned
-25 mrem (0.25 mSv) per year TEDE to an average member of the critical group
* Conclusions 2
-Includes all pathw ays-Residual radioactivity levels that are "as low as reasonably achievable or ALARA" United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 5 Trojan and Maine Yankee info rmation Site Trojan Maine Yankee Plant Sta r t-up Novem b er 1972 Decem ber 1972 Powe r Rati ngs 3 411 M W Th er m a l 1 130 M W Electric 2 700 M W Th er m a l 93 1 M W E l ect ri c Interim Sp ent Fu el Stora g e Install a tion Sep t em b e r 2 004 Febr uar y 20 04 Plant Size 623 Acre s 8 20 Acre s L o c a t io n R a i n e r, Or eg o n W i s c as s e t, M a in e United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6 Decommissioning Schedules T r oj an Ma i n e Y a n k e e Shutdown Date November 1992 D ecember 1996 Deco mmissi oning Star ted J a nua r y 199 3 A u g u st 1 997 Radi ol og i c a l Deco mmissi oning completed J a nua r y 200 5 S ept e mber 200 5 NRC Licens i n g Acti on Part 50 -L icense Terminati on M a y 20 05 Part 50 -L ice n se Amendment Septe m ber 2005 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7 Trojan Decommissioning Approach to Unrestricte d Release*License Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Facility (ISFSI) per 10 CFR 72  
*Release materials, including the non-contaminated systems, turbine and condenser  
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCs Complex Decommissioning Site Work Scope
*Decontaminate the pla n t for unres tricted release*Terminate 10 CFR Par t 50 License
* 17 Power Reactors
*Non-radiological demolition of con crete and meta l structures United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8 Trojan -B efore Decommissioning United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 Maine Yankee Decommiss i oning Approach to Unrestricte d Release*Comply w i th NRC an d State of Ma ine requirements
* 14 Research and Test Reactors
*License the ISFSI as a Part 50 General L i cense*Dismantle and dispose of most materials as radioactive waste
* 39 Complex Materials Sites
*Remove all structures to 3 feet (1m) below grade*Return the Site to "
* 12 Uranium Recovery Sites
G re enfield" *License Amendment to reduce the license to the ISFSI United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 Maine Yankee B e fore Decommissioning United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11 Decommissioning Licen sing Approaches ISFS I P a rt 72 Speci fic License ISFSI P a rt 50 Gener a l Lice n s e Can reque st termination of the P a r t 50 License Can reque st  l i cense amendme n t to reduce to the ISFS I Financ ial In su rance tr ans f erred to Par t 72 Speci fic License Financ ial In su rance remai n s wi th Part 50 Gener a l Lice n s e NRC appr ov e s Par t 5 0 license termina t ion NRC appr ov e s the P a r t 50 license amendment Spent Fuel Pr oject Office ha s "Sole" NR C Proj ect Ma na ge men t NRC Pro j ec t Ma na ge men t tr ans f erred to Spent F u el Proje c t O f fice United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 12 Decommissioning Lessons Learned Communications Trojan Communications
* 3 Fuel Cycle Sites with Partial Decommissioning 3
*Exclusively at the Staff level
*Licensing and Technical Issues Maine Yankee Communications
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Unrestricted Release Criteria
*Staff leve l for te chnica l and licensing issues
* 10 CFR 20. 1402 Radiological Criteria for un-restricted release
*Management level for schedule and performance issues
    - 25 mrem (0.25 mSv) per year TEDE to an average member of the critical group
*Drop-in visits w i th NRC Commiss ioners United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 13 Decommissioning Lessons Learned License Termination Plans Trojan License Termination P l an *Specific and detailed -
    - Includes all pathways
18 months to approve
    - Residual radioactivity levels that are as low as reasonably achievable or ALARA 4
*NRC Screening Level DCGLs*No Revisions Maine Yankee L i cense Terminatio n Plan*Genera l Pla n for a complicated s i te -37 months to approve
*LTP revisions using 50.59
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan and Maine Yankee information Site             Trojan       Maine Yankee Plant Start-up   November 1972     December 1972 3411 MW Thermal  2700 MW Thermal Power Ratings 1130 MW Electric  931 MW Electric Interim Spent Fuel September 2004    February 2004 Storage Installation Plant Size         623 Acres        820 Acres Location        Rainer, Oregon  Wiscasset, Maine 5
*Changes to survey methods and reporting United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 14 Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Status Surveys
*Contamination at depth
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Schedules Trojan        Maine Yankee Shutdown Date   November 1992     December 1996 Decommissioning    January 1993      August 1997 Started Radiological    January 2005    September 2005 Decommissioning completed NRC Licensing  Part 50 - License Part 50 - License Action        Termination      Amendment May 2005      September 2005 6
*Quality Control  
*NRC confirmatory surveys  
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Decommissioning Approach to Unrestricted Release
*ISFSI Surveys
* License Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Facility (ISFSI) per 10 CFR 72
*MARSSIM implementa tion*Quality Records United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 15 Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Statu s Survey Records Trojan*FSSR agreement on content and format
* Release materials, including the non-contaminated systems, turbine and condenser
*FSSR's w ere comp lete and concise
* Decontaminate the plant for unrestricted release
*Onsite reco rds supported the FSSRs Maine Yankee
* Terminate 10 CFR Part 50 License
*No agreement on FSSR content and format
* Non-radiological demolition of concrete and metal structures 7
*General FSSRs i nformation
*Records and data retrieval issues United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 16 Trojan FSSR Summary
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan - Before Decommissioning 8
*510 Final Status Surveys in 10 Supplements
*One (1) NRC Request for Additional Informatio n w i th 2 comments
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Decommissioning Approach to Unrestricted Release
*No FSSR Re-submittals
* Comply with NRC and State of Maine requirements
*No Ins p ector Open Items
* License the ISFSI as a Part 50 General License
*No public or management meetings needed
* Dismantle and dispose of most materials as radioactive waste
*Resulted -
* Remove all structures to 3 feet (1m) below grade
T rojan w a s either on schedule or ahead of schedule United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 17 Maine Yankee FSSR Summary
* Return the Site to Greenfield
*180 Final Status Surveys in 12 Supplements
* License Amendment to reduce the license to the ISFSI 9
*10 NRC Re quests for Ad di tiona l Informatio n w i th 60 comments
*3 FSSR Supplement Re-submittals
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Before Decommissioning 10
*8 Inspector Open Items
*15 Months FSSR Appr oval by NRC  
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Licensing Approaches ISFSI Part 72             ISFSI Part 50 Specific License          General License Can request termination       Can request license amendment to reduce to of the Part 50 License             the ISFSI Financial Insurance        Financial Insurance transferred to Part 72     remains with Part 50 Specific License          General License NRC approves Part 50     NRC approves the Part 50 license termination      license amendment Spent Fuel Project Office NRC Project Management has Sole NRC Project    transferred to Spent Fuel Management                Project Office 11
*3 public meetings and 2 management meetings
*Results -8 months behind Maine Yankee schedule United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 18 Trojan Containment United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 19 Trojan Turbine Building United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 20 Trojan Spent Fuel Pool United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 21 Trojan Spent Fuel Pool United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 22 T r oj an Co ol i n g T o w e r United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 23 Maine Yankee B e fore Decommissioning United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 24 Maine Yankee Containment Building Demolition United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 25 Maine Yankee -
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Communications Trojan Communications
"Greenfield" United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 26 Decommissioning Perfo r mance T r oj an Ma i n e Y a n k e e OS HA Repor t able s 83 65 OS HA Rate << 7.8 2.6 T o t a l D o se 33 5 Rem 5 1 5 Rem R a di oa ctiv e Wa st e 1 2,375 m 3 10 0, 0 0 0 m 3 Cos t ~ $ 42 2 M U S D~ $ 43 0 M U S D United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 27 Conclusions
* Exclusively at the Staff level
*No signi f ic ant di ffer e nces in licens i ng pr ocesses*Technical is sues s h ould be r e sol v ed at the staff le vel*License Termi nati on Pl ans mu s t have sufficie nt de tail*D a t a ma na g e m e n t a n d q u ality co nt ro l is c r i t i ca l fo r F i n a l St at us Su rv ey s R eco rd s*Hi gh qu ali t y decommi ssi on ing sub m i ssi ons are e ssen t i a l United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 28 Questions}}
* Licensing and Technical Issues Maine Yankee Communications
* Staff level for technical and licensing issues
* Management level for schedule and performance issues
* Drop-in visits with NRC Commissioners 12
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned License Termination Plans Trojan License Termination Plan
* Specific and detailed - 18 months to approve
* NRC Screening Level DCGLs
* No Revisions Maine Yankee License Termination Plan
* General Plan for a complicated site - 37 months to approve
* LTP revisions using 50.59
* Changes to survey methods and reporting 13
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Status Surveys
* Contamination at depth
* Quality Control
* NRC confirmatory surveys
* ISFSI Surveys
* MARSSIM implementation
* Quality Records 14
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Status Survey Records Trojan
* FSSR agreement on content and format
* FSSRs were complete and concise
* Onsite records supported the FSSRs Maine Yankee
* No agreement on FSSR content and format
* General FSSRs information
* Records and data retrieval issues 15
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan FSSR Summary
* 510 Final Status Surveys in 10 Supplements
* One (1) NRC Request for Additional Information with 2 comments
* No FSSR Re-submittals
* No Inspector Open Items
* No public or management meetings needed
* Resulted - Trojan was either on schedule or ahead of schedule 16
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee FSSR Summary
* 180 Final Status Surveys in 12 Supplements
* 10 NRC Requests for Additional Information with 60 comments
* 3 FSSR Supplement Re-submittals
* 8 Inspector Open Items
* 15 Months FSSR Approval by NRC
* 3 public meetings and 2 management meetings
* Results - 8 months behind Maine Yankee schedule 17
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Containment 18
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Turbine Building 19
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Spent Fuel Pool 20
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Spent Fuel Pool 21
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Cooling Tower 22
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Before Decommissioning 23
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Containment Building Demolition 24
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee - Greenfield 25
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Performance Trojan      Maine Yankee OSHA                83             65 Reportables OSHA Rate           << 7.8           2.6 Total Dose        335 Rem         515 Rem Radioactive Waste    12,375 m3      100,000 m3 Cost        ~ $ 422 M USD  ~ $ 430 M USD 26
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Conclusions
* No significant differences in licensing processes
* Technical issues should be resolved at the staff level
* License Termination Plans must have sufficient detail
* Data management and quality control is critical for Final Status Surveys Records
* High quality decommissioning submissions are essential 27
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Questions 28}}

Latest revision as of 23:46, 23 November 2019

Waste Management '06 Presentation Slides, Two Approaches to Reactor Decommissioning: 10 Cfr Part 50 License Termination and License Amendment, Lessons Learned from the Regulatory Perspective.
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee, Trojan
Issue date: 02/02/2006
From: Buckley J, Craig C, Bruce Watson
Watson, Bruce NMSS/DWMEP/DCD301-415-6221
Shared Package
ML060320021 List:
Download: ML060320031 (28)


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two Approaches to Reactor Decommissioning: 10 CFR 50 License Termination and License Amendment, Lessons Learned From the Regulatory Perspective Bruce A. Watson, John T. Buckley and Claudia M. Craig Decommissioning Directorate Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Presentation Content

  • U. S. Decommissioning Scope
  • Trojan and Maine Yankee Information
  • Decommissioning Licensing
  • Decommissioning Approach
  • Lessons Learned
  • Conclusions 2

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCs Complex Decommissioning Site Work Scope

  • 17 Power Reactors
  • 14 Research and Test Reactors
  • 39 Complex Materials Sites
  • 3 Fuel Cycle Sites with Partial Decommissioning 3

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Unrestricted Release Criteria

  • 10 CFR 20. 1402 Radiological Criteria for un-restricted release

- 25 mrem (0.25 mSv) per year TEDE to an average member of the critical group

- Includes all pathways

- Residual radioactivity levels that are as low as reasonably achievable or ALARA 4

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan and Maine Yankee information Site Trojan Maine Yankee Plant Start-up November 1972 December 1972 3411 MW Thermal 2700 MW Thermal Power Ratings 1130 MW Electric 931 MW Electric Interim Spent Fuel September 2004 February 2004 Storage Installation Plant Size 623 Acres 820 Acres Location Rainer, Oregon Wiscasset, Maine 5

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Schedules Trojan Maine Yankee Shutdown Date November 1992 December 1996 Decommissioning January 1993 August 1997 Started Radiological January 2005 September 2005 Decommissioning completed NRC Licensing Part 50 - License Part 50 - License Action Termination Amendment May 2005 September 2005 6

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Decommissioning Approach to Unrestricted Release

  • License Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Facility (ISFSI) per 10 CFR 72
  • Release materials, including the non-contaminated systems, turbine and condenser
  • Decontaminate the plant for unrestricted release
  • Non-radiological demolition of concrete and metal structures 7

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan - Before Decommissioning 8

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Decommissioning Approach to Unrestricted Release

  • Comply with NRC and State of Maine requirements
  • License the ISFSI as a Part 50 General License
  • Dismantle and dispose of most materials as radioactive waste
  • Remove all structures to 3 feet (1m) below grade
  • Return the Site to Greenfield
  • License Amendment to reduce the license to the ISFSI 9

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Before Decommissioning 10

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Licensing Approaches ISFSI Part 72 ISFSI Part 50 Specific License General License Can request termination Can request license amendment to reduce to of the Part 50 License the ISFSI Financial Insurance Financial Insurance transferred to Part 72 remains with Part 50 Specific License General License NRC approves Part 50 NRC approves the Part 50 license termination license amendment Spent Fuel Project Office NRC Project Management has Sole NRC Project transferred to Spent Fuel Management Project Office 11

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Communications Trojan Communications

  • Exclusively at the Staff level
  • Licensing and Technical Issues Maine Yankee Communications
  • Staff level for technical and licensing issues
  • Management level for schedule and performance issues
  • Drop-in visits with NRC Commissioners 12

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned License Termination Plans Trojan License Termination Plan

  • Specific and detailed - 18 months to approve
  • NRC Screening Level DCGLs
  • No Revisions Maine Yankee License Termination Plan
  • General Plan for a complicated site - 37 months to approve
  • LTP revisions using 50.59
  • Changes to survey methods and reporting 13

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Status Surveys

  • Contamination at depth
  • Quality Control
  • NRC confirmatory surveys
  • MARSSIM implementation
  • Quality Records 14

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Lessons Learned Final Status Survey Records Trojan

  • FSSR agreement on content and format
  • FSSRs were complete and concise
  • Onsite records supported the FSSRs Maine Yankee
  • No agreement on FSSR content and format
  • General FSSRs information
  • Records and data retrieval issues 15

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan FSSR Summary

  • 510 Final Status Surveys in 10 Supplements
  • One (1) NRC Request for Additional Information with 2 comments
  • No FSSR Re-submittals
  • No Inspector Open Items
  • No public or management meetings needed
  • Resulted - Trojan was either on schedule or ahead of schedule 16

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee FSSR Summary

  • 180 Final Status Surveys in 12 Supplements
  • 10 NRC Requests for Additional Information with 60 comments
  • 3 FSSR Supplement Re-submittals
  • 8 Inspector Open Items
  • 15 Months FSSR Approval by NRC
  • 3 public meetings and 2 management meetings
  • Results - 8 months behind Maine Yankee schedule 17

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Containment 18

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Turbine Building 19

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Spent Fuel Pool 20

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Spent Fuel Pool 21

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Trojan Cooling Tower 22

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Before Decommissioning 23

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee Containment Building Demolition 24

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Maine Yankee - Greenfield 25

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Performance Trojan Maine Yankee OSHA 83 65 Reportables OSHA Rate << 7.8 2.6 Total Dose 335 Rem 515 Rem Radioactive Waste 12,375 m3 100,000 m3 Cost ~ $ 422 M USD ~ $ 430 M USD 26

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Conclusions

  • No significant differences in licensing processes
  • Technical issues should be resolved at the staff level
  • License Termination Plans must have sufficient detail
  • Data management and quality control is critical for Final Status Surveys Records
  • High quality decommissioning submissions are essential 27

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Questions 28