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{{#Wiki_filter:T h e U.S. N u c le a r R e g u la to ry C o m m is s io n (N R C) i s s u e s re g u la to ry g u id e s to d e s c rib e a n d m a k e a v a il a b le to th e p u b li c m e th o d s th a t t h e N R C s ta ff con si der s acc ept abl e f or us e i n i m pl em ent i ng spe ci f i c par t s of t he age ncy's r egu l at i ons , t ech ni que s t hat t he st af f us es i n e val uat i ng spe ci f i c pr obl em s or po st ul at ed acc i den t s, an d d at a t hat t he st af f ne ed i n r evi ewi ng app l i cat i ons f or pe r m i t s and l i cen ses. Regul at or y gu i des ar e n ot s ubs t i t ut es f or r egu l at i ons , an d c om pl i anc e wi t h t hem i s not r equ i r ed. Met hod s and s ol ut i ons t hat di f f er f r om t hos e s et f or t h i n r egu l at or y gu i des wi l l be de em ed acc ept abl e i f t hey pr ovi de a b asi s f or t he f i ndi ngs r equ i r ed f or t he i ss uan ce or c ont i nua nce of a per m i t or l i cen se by t he C om m i ss i on.T hi s gui de was i ss ued af t er c ons i der at i on of c om m ent s r ece i ved f r om t he pub l i c. The N R C s t af f en cou r age s and wel com es com m ent s and s ugg est i ons in c o n n e c ti o n w it h i m p ro v e m e n ts to p u b li s h e d re g u la to ry g u id e s , a s w e ll a s i te m s fo r i n c lu s io n i n re g u la to ry g u id e s th a t a re c u rre n tl y b e in g d e v e lo p e d. T h e N R C s ta ff w il l re v is e e xis ti n g g u id e s , a s a p p ro p ria te , t o a c c o m m o d a te c o m m e n ts a n d to re fl e c t n e w i n fo rm a ti o n o r e xp e rie n c e. W rit te n c o m m e n ts m ay be s ubm i t t ed t o t he R ul es and D i r ect i ves Br anc h, O f f i ce of Adm i ni st r at i on, U.S. N ucl ear R egu l at or y C om m i ss i on, W ash i ngt on, D C 20 555-000 1.R egul at or y gui des ar e i ssued i n 10 br oad di vi si ons: 1, P ow er R eact or s; 2, R esear ch and T est R eact or s; 3, Fuel s and M at er i al s Faci l i t i es;4, Env i r on m en t al a nd Si t i ng; 5 , Ma t er i al s a nd Pl an t Pr ot ec t i on; 6 , Pr od uc t s; 7 , Tr an s po r t at i on; 8 , Occ up at i on al Hea l t h; 9 , Ant i t r us t a nd F i na nc i al Rev i ew;a n d 1 0 , G e n e ra l.R equ est s f or s i ngl e c opi es of dr af t or ac t i ve r egu l at or y gu i des (whi ch m ay be r epr odu ced) s hou l d b e m ade t o t he U.S. N ucl ear R egu l at or y C om m i ss i on, W ash i ngt on, D C 20 555 , At t ent i on: R epr odu ct i on and D i st r i but i on S er vi ces Sect i on, or by f ax t o (301) 41 5-228 9; or by em ai l t o D i st r i but i on@nr E l ect r oni c cop i es of t hi s gui de and ot her r ece nt l y i ss ued gu i des ar e a vai l abl e t hr oug h t he N R C's pub l i c W eb si t e u nde r t he R egu l at or y G ui des do cum ent c o ll e c ti o n o f t h e N R C's E le c tro n ic R e a d in g R o o m a t ht t p://w w eadi ng-r m/doc-col l ect i ons/ a n d th ro u g h th e N R C's A g e n c yw id e D o c u m e n ts A c c e s s a n d M a n a g e m e n t S ys te m (A D A M S) a t h ttp://w w w.n rc.g o v/re a d in g-rm/a d a m s.h tm l, un der Acces si on N o. ML0703 602 53.U.S. N UC LEA R RE GU LA TO RY C OM MI SSIO N M ar ch 2007 R ev i si on 1 RE GUL AT ORY GUI DE OFFICE OF NUCL EA R REGULA TORY RESEA RCH R E G U LA TO R Y G U I D E 1.76 (D r af t w as i ssued as DG-1143, dat ed Ja nuar y 200 6)DESI GN-BA SI S T ORNA DO A ND T ORNA DO M I SSI L ES FO R N U C LE A R P O W E R P LA N TS A. INT ROD UC TIONThi s re g ul at or y g ui de p ro v id es li ce ns ee s an d ap pl ic an ts w it h ne w g ui da nc e th at th e st af f of the U.S. N uclear Reg ulatory C om m ission (NR C) consid ers acc eptable for us e in selecting the d esig n-basis tornado and des ig n-basis tornado-g enerated m issiles tha t a n uclear pow er plan t sho uld b e desig ned to w ithstand to pre v ent u ndue risk to the h ealth a nd safety of the p ublic. This g uidanc e ap plies to th e co nt ig uo us U ni te d S ta te s, w hi ch is d iv id ed in to th re e re g io ns; t hi s do cu m en t p ro v id es s ep ar at e g uidanc e for each reg ion.This g uide does not a ddress the d eterm ination of the des ig n-basis tornado and torna do m issiles for sites located in A lask a, Haw aii, o r Pu erto R ico; the N RC w ill ev aluate such determ inations on a c as e-by-ca se b as is. Th is g ui de a ls o do es n ot id en ti fy th e sp ec if ic s tr uc tu re s, s y st em s, a nd c om po ne nt s that sh ould be d esig ned to w ithstand the effe cts of the d esig n-basis tornado or shou ld be pro tected from torna do-g enerated m issiles an d rem ain fu nctiona l. This g uide also d oes not a ddress extrem e w inds, such as h urricanes , o r the m issiles attribu ted to suc h w inds. Tornad o w ind s peeds m ay no t bou nd hurrican e w ind s peeds for certain portion s of the A tlantic an d G ulf co asts, at the wind spe ed freq uencies of o ccurrenc e co nsidered in this g uide. The NR C will a ddress these extrem e co nditions on a case-by-case basis. This g uide also d oes not a ddress other externally g enerated haz ards s uch as av iation c rashes, nearby accid ental e xplosio ns res ulting in blast o v er-pressure lev els an d ex plosion-borne deb ris and m issiles, and turbine m issiles.
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                                      M arch 2007 Revision 1 REGULATORY GUIDE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH REGULATORY GUIDE 1.76 (Draft was issued as DG-1143, dated January 2006)
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 2Gen eral D esig n C riterion (G DC) 2, "D esig n B ases fo r Pro tection Ag ainst N atural P heno m ena,"of A ppen dix A , "Gen eral D esig n C riteria for Nuc lear P owe r Plan ts," to Title 10, Pa rt 50, of the Cod e of F edera l Re gulation s (10 C FR Pa rt 50), "D om estic L icensing of Prod uction and Utiliz ation Facilities"(Ref. 1), requ ires that structures, sy stem s, and com pone nts th at are im portant to safe ty sha ll be desig ned to w it hs ta nd th e ef fe ct s of n at ur al p he no m en a, s uc h as to rn ad oe s, w it ho ut lo ss o f ca pa bi li ty to p er fo rm their safe ty fun ctions. G DC 2 also re quires that the des ig n b ases fo r these structu res, sy stem s, and com pone nts sh all reflect (1) ap propriate consid eration of the m ost se v ere o f the natural phen om ena th at h av e be en h is to ri ca ll y r ep or te d fo r th e si te a nd s ur ro un di ng a re a, w it h su ff ic ie nt m ar g in for the lim ited ac curacy , q uantity , a nd period of tim e in whic h the histo rical da ta hav e be en a ccum ulated, (2) ap pr op ri at e co m bi na ti on s of th e ef fe ct s of n or m al a nd a cc id en t c on di ti on s w it h th e ef fe ct s of the natu ral ph enom ena, and (3) the im portanc e of the sa fety fun ctions to be perfo rm ed.GD C 4, "Env ironm ental a nd Dy nam ic E ffects D esig n B ases," of App endix A to 10 C FR Pa rt 50 re qu ir es , in p ar t, th at s tr uc tu re s, s y st em s, a nd c om po ne nt s th at a re im po rt an t t o sa fe ty s ha ll b e ad eq ua te ly pr ot ec te d ag ai ns t t he e ff ec ts o f m is si le s re su lt in g f ro m e v en ts a nd c on di ti on s ou ts id e th e pl an t.For stationary po wer reactor site ap plications sub m itted be fore January 10 , 1 997, para g raph 100.10(c)(2) of 1 0 C FR Pa rt 100 , "Reac tor S ite C riteria" (R ef. 2), states th at m eteorolo g ical co nditions at th e si te a nd in th e su rr ou nd in g a re a sh ou ld b e co ns id er ed in d et er m in in g th e ac ce pt ab il it y o f a si te fo r a po w er r ea ct or.For stationary po wer reactor site ap plications sub m itted on or after January 10 , 1 997, para g raph 10 0.20 (c)(2) o f 10 C F R P ar t 1 00 r eq ui re s th at m et eo ro lo g ic al c ha ra ct er is ti cs o f th e si te th at a re n ec es sa ry for safe ty ana ly sis or m ay hav e an im pact u pon plant desig n (su ch a s m axim um pro bable wind spe ed)m ust b e co nsidered in determ ining the acceptab ility of a site for a nuclear pow er plan t. I n ad dition, parag raph 100.21(d) of 1 0 C FR Pa rt 100 requ ires that the p hy sical ch aracteristics of the site, inclu ding m eteorolo g y , m ust b e ev aluated and site pa ram eters es tablished suc h tha t pote ntial thre ats from suc h phy sical ch aracteristics will p ose no undu e risk to the ty pe o f facility pro posed to be lo cated at the site.Thi s re g ul at or y g ui de r el at es to in fo rm at io n co ll ec ti on s th at a re c ov er ed b y th e re qu ir em en ts of 1 0 C FR Pa rt 50, 10 C FR Pa rt 52, and 10 C FR Pa rt 100 , w hich the O ffice of Manag em ent an d B udg et (OMB) app rov ed u nder OMB con trol nu m bers 3 150-0011 , 3 150-0151 , a nd 3150-0093 , re spectiv ely. The NR C m ay neith er co nduc t nor spon sor, and a pe rson is no t requ ired to respo nd to, an in form ation co ll ec ti on r eq ue st o r re qu ir em en t u nl es s th e re qu es ti ng d oc um en t d is pl ay s a cu rr en tl y v al id O MB co nt ro l n um be r.B. DISC US SION Re gio nal iz at ion of To r nado Win d Spe e dsN uc le ar p ow er p la nt s m us t b e de si g ne d so th at th ey r em ai n in a s af e co nd it io n un de r se v er e m et eo ro lo g ic al e v en ts , in cl ud in g th os e th at c ou ld r es ul t i n th e m os t s ev er e to rn ad o th at c ou ld r ea so na bl y be p redicted to oc cur a t the site. The N RC bas ed th e orig inal v ersion of R eg ulatory G uide 1.7 6, publish ed in A pril 19 74, on WAS H-1300 (R ef. 3). WAS H-1300 cho se the des ig n-basis tornado wind spe eds so th at the proba bility that a torn ado exceed ing the desig n b asis w ould occur was on the o rder o f 10 p er y ea r pe r nu cl ea r po w er p la nt. WA S H-13 00 u se d on ly 2 y ea rs o f ob se rv ed to rn ad o in te ns it y d at a!7 (1 97 1 an d 19 72) to d er iv e th e co nd it io na l p ro ba bi li ty th at , if a to rn ad o w er e to s tr ik e a nu cl ea r po w er p la nt , the m axim um torna do wind spe ed w ould exceed a specified v alue. The pro bability that the to rnado wou ld strik e a nuclear pow er plan t (treated as a point) was based on m ore d ata.
DESIGN-BASIS TORNADO AND TORNADO MISSILES FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS A. INTRODUCTION This regulatory guide provides licensees and applicants with new guidance that the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considers acceptable for use in selecting the design-basis tornado and design-basis tornado-generated missiles that a nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand to prevent undue risk to the health and safety of the public. This guidance applies to the contiguous United States, which is divided into three regions; this document provides separate guidance for each region.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 3The desig n-basis tornado w ind s peeds prese nted in this reg ulatory g uide are b ased on Rev ision 2 of N UR EG/CR-4461 (R ef. 4). The torn ado databas e us ed in that rev ision of N UR EG/CR-4461 inclu des i nf or mat i on re c or de d f or m or e th a n 4 6, 80 0 t or na do se gm e nt s oc c ur r i ng f r om J a nu a r y 1, 1 95 0, th r ou gh Au gus t 31 , 2 00 3. Mo r e th a n 3 9, 60 0 o f th os e se gm e nt s ha d s uf f i c i e nt in f or mat i on on th e i r lo c a t i on , i nt e ns i t y, leng th, and width to be u sed in the ana ly sis of tornado strik e pro babilities and m axim um w ind s peeds. Rev ision 2 o f N UR EG/CR-4461 differs from R ev ision 1 o f that report, w hich was publish ed in A pril 20 05. The s ec on d re v is io n of N U R E G/C R-44 61 r el ie s on th e E nh an ce d-F ujit a (E F) sc al e (R ef. 5) to r el at e the d eg ree o f dam ag e from a tornado to the to rnado m axim um w ind s peed. The earlier v ersions of the repo rt used the orig inal F uji ta scale. The m ethods use d in Rev isions 1 an d 2 of NU RE G/C R-4461 are sim ilar to those used in the initial v ersion of N UR EG/CR-4461 , p ublishe d in 1986 , w ith the addition o f a t e r m t o a c c o u n t f o r t h e f i n i t e d i me n s i o n s o f s t r u c t u r e s (s o me t i me s c a l l e d t h e "l i f e l i n e" t e r m)an d co ns id er at io n of th e v ar ia ti on o f w in d sp ee ds a lo ng a nd a cr os s th e to rn ad o fo ot pr in t. R.C. G ar so n et a l.(R ef. 6) di sc us s in d et ai l t he te rm a ss oc ia te d w it h th e fi ni te d im en si on s of s tr uc tu re s. Th e li fe li ne te rm assum es tha t a to rnado strik ing any po int on a finite struc ture ca n ca use dam ag e. The orig inal v ersion of N UR EG/CR-4461 use d a point m odel and assum ed th e nu clear p owe r plan t to be a po int struc ture. Therefore, includin g the finite dim ension s of structures increases the tornado strik e pro bability. WASH-1300 and the orig inal v ersion of this reg ulatory g uide did n ot co nsider the lifeline term and use d the o rig inal F uji ta scale.Meteorolog ical an d top og raphic cond itions, whic h v ary sig nificantly w ithin th e co ntinental U ni te d S ta te s, in fl ue nc e th e fr eq ue nc y o f oc cu rr en ce a nd in te ns it y o f to rn ad oe s. Th e N R C s ta ff has determ ined that the des ig n-basis tornado w ind s peeds for new reacto rs sho uld c orrespo nd to the exceed ance frequen cy of 10 per y ear (calc ulated as a best e stim ate), thus using the sam e ex ceedan ce!7 frequen cy as the o rig inal v ersion of this reg ulatory g uide. The results o f the analy sis ind icated that a m ax im um w in d sp ee d of 1 03 m et er s pe r se co nd (m/s) [2 30 m il es p er h ou r (m ph)] is a pp ro pr ia te for torn adoes for the ce ntral p ortion of the U nited States; a m axim um w ind s peed of 8 9 m/s (20 0 m ph)is a pp ro pr ia te f or a la rg e re g io n of th e U ni te d S ta te s al on g th e ea st c oa st , th e no rt he rn b or de r, a nd w es te rn Great Plains; and a m axim um w ind s peed of 7 2 m/s (16 0 m ph) is app ropriate for the w estern United State s. These g eog raphic wind spe ed re g ions are d efined by ob serv ed to rnado occ urrences w ithin th e tw o-deg ree la ti tu de a nd lo ng it ud e bo xe s in th e co nt ig uo us U ni te d S ta te s. F ig ur e 1 sh ow s th e th re e to rn ad o in te ns it y reg ions for the con tig uous U nited States at the 10 per y ear p robab ility lev el, in w hich the ab scissa!7 is th e lo ng it ud e (d eg re es w es t) a nd th e or di na te is th e la ti tu de (de g re es n or th).
This guide does not address the determination of the design-basis tornado and tornado missiles for sites located in Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico; the NRC will evaluate such determinations on a case-by-case basis. This guide also does not identify the specific structures, systems, and components that should be designed to withstand the effects of the design-basis tornado or should be protected from tornado-generated missiles and remain functional. This guide also does not address extreme winds, such as hurricanes, or the missiles attributed to such winds. Tornado wind speeds may not bound hurricane wind speeds for certain portions of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, at the wind speed frequencies of occurrence considered in this guide. The NRC will address these extreme conditions on a case-by-case basis. This guide also does not address other externally generated hazards such as aviation crashes, nearby accidental explosions resulting in blast over-pressure levels and explosion-borne debris and missiles, and turbine missiles.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 4 Fig ure 1. Tornado intensity reg ions for the con tig uous U nited States for ex ceedan ce p robab ilities of 10 per y ear-7 Tornado Ch aract eristic sTornadoes can be c haracteriz ed b y a m utually con sistent s et of param eters, includin g m axim um to ta l w in d sp ee d; r ad iu s of m ax im um ta ng en ti al (ro ta ti on al) w in d sp ee d; to rn ad o ta ng en ti al , v er ti ca l, radial, and translationa l w ind s peeds; and asso ciated atm osph eric pre ssure chang es w ithin th e co re.To estim ate the press ure d rop and rate of pressure dro p as sociated w ith the desig n-basis tornado , this reg ulatory g uide m odels the to rnado as a sing le R ank ine co m bined v ortex, as in the orig inal v ersion of R eg ul at or y G ui de 1.76. A s in g le R an k in e co m bi ne d v or te x is a s im pl e m od el p os se ss in g o nl y a zi mut ha l vel oc i t y. T he wi nd vel oc i t i e s an d p r e s s ur e s ar e as s ume d n ot to var y wi t h t he he i ght ab ove the g round. Therefore, the flo w field is two-dim ension al. The flow field of a Ran k ine co m bined v ortex m is equ iv alent to that of a solid rotating bo dy w ithin th e co re of radius R. Outs ide th e co re, the ro tational speed falls o ff as 1/r w here r is th e dista nce from the center of the v ortex. That is to say , th e rotatio nal R speed V is g iv en b y the follow ing equ ations: (1a)(1b)Rm mI n the se eq uations , V is the m axim um rotation al spe ed, occurrin g at ra dius r = R. I n ad dition, T the R ank ine co m bined v ortex m ov es w ith the translationa l spee d V of the to rnado.
T he U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission (N R C ) issues regulatory guides to describe and m ak e available to the public m ethods that the N R C staff considers acceptable for use in im plem enting specific parts of the agencys regulations, techniques that the staff uses in evaluating specific problem s or postulated accidents, and data that the staff need in reviewing applications for perm its and licenses. Regulatory guides are not substitutes for regulations, and com pliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions that differ from those set forth in regulatory guides will be deem ed acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings required for the issuance or continuance of a perm it or license by the C om m ission.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 5The pressu re dro p from a norm al atm osph eric pre ssure to the cen ter of the R ank ine co m bined v ortex is com puted by balan cing the pressure g radient and the ce ntrifug al force (cy clostroph ic bala nce)and integ rating from infinity to the ce nter o f the v ortex. The follow ing equ ation describe s this relatio nship: Rm (2)
T his guide was issued after consideration of com m ents received from the public. The N R C staff encourages and welcom es com m ents and suggestions in connection with im provem ents to published regulatory guides, as well as item s for inclusion in regulatory guides that are currently being developed.
)p = D V, w here D is th e ai r de ns it y , ta k en a s 1.22 6 k g/m (0.07 65 4 lb m/f t)2 33The follow ing equ ation describe s the m axim um rate of p ressure drop: m ax T m (3)
T he N R C staff will revise existing guides, as appropriate, to accom m odate com m ents and to reflect new inform ation or experience. W ritten com m ents m ay be subm itted to the R ules and D irectives Branch, O ffice of Adm inistration, U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission, W ashington, D C 20555-0001.
(dp/d t) = (V/R) )pThe N R C s ta ff c ho se th e R an k in e co m bi ne d v or te x m od el f or it s si m pl ic it y , a s co m pa re d to the m odel dev eloped by T. F uji ta (R ef. 7). Fu j ita's m odel has a torn ado with an in ner c ore a nd an a nnulu s (outer core) w here the v ertical m otions are co ncentrate d. I n the ann ulus betw een the in ner c ore rad ius and the o uter co re radiu s, suction v ortices fo rm in strong torna does and rotate a round the center of the pare nt torn ado.mI n the Fu j ita m odel, the tornado radiu s R is larg er than the 45.7 m eters (1 50 feet) assu m ed in the orig inal v ersion of R eg ulatory G uide 1.7 6. I n fac t, th e torn ado radius of m axim um rotation al wind spe ed fo r a 103-m/s (23 0-m ph) tornado is 1 23 m eters (4 04 feet). H owe v er, the m axim um rotation al wind spe eds of the suc tion v ortices o ccur at a radius of 2 9 m eters (9 6 fee t). Desp ite the fact tha t th e pr es su re d ro p as so ci at ed w it h a su ct io n v or te x (i.e., th e pr es su re d ro p fr om a m bi en t p re ss ur e to the cen ter of the su ction v ortex) is less than that fo r the parent tornado , th e m axim um rate of p ressure drop is g reater b ecause the m axim um tim e rate of ch ang e of pressure is in v ersely pro portion al to the R ank ine com bined v ortex radius and is directly pro portion al to the tran slational speed of the R ank ine co m bined v ortex. The radius for the suc tion v ortex is sm aller than that for the pare nt torn ado, and the m axim um translationa l spee d fo r a suction v ortex is the sum of the tran slational speed of the to rnado and the speed wi t h wh i c h t he su c t i on vor t e x r ot a t e s ar ou nd th e ce nt e r of th e pa r e nt to r na do. T o a voi d a no nc on s e r vat i ve m axim um tim e rate of ch ang e of pressure , th is reg ulatory g uide retains th e 45.7-m eter (15 0-foot) ra dius of m axim um w ind s peed for the torna do used in the orig inal v ersion of R eg ulatory G uide 1.7 6. I n ad dition, this reg ulatory g uide retains th e de finition of the torna do m axim um rotation al w ind s peed Rm T V as the d ifference betw een the m axim um torna do wind spe ed V and the translationa l spee d V. The to rn ad o tr an sl at io na l s pe ed is o ne-fi ft h of th e m ax im um to rn ad o w in d sp ee d, w hi ch is c on si st en t w it h th e to rn ad o tr an sl at io na l s pe ed s in th e or ig in al v er si on o f R eg ul at or y G ui de 1.76. F ig ur e 2 de pi ct s the tran slational and rotational (or tan g ential) w ind v elocity com pone nts o f the Ran k ine co m bined v ortex.F ig ur e 2. R an k in e co m bi ne d v or te x m od el s ho w in g th e co m po ne nt s of th e w in d v el oc it y Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 6 Design-Basis Tornad o Charact eristic sThe orig inal v ersion of R eg ulatory G uide 1.7 6 ch aracteriz ed to rnado es in each g eog raphical reg ion by (1) m axim um w ind s peed, (2) translationa l spee d, (3) m axim um rotation al spe ed, (4) rad ius o f m axim um rotation al spe ed, (5) pre ssure drop, and (6) rate of pressure dro p. B ecause the m odel used in this reg ulatory g uide is bas ed o n a sing le R ank ine co m bined v ortex, the sam e pa ram eters ap ply. I f a tornado m odel with suction v ortices w ere u sed, add itional p aram eters w ould be n ecessary. Table 1 sum m ariz es the des ig n-basis tornado cha racteristics u sed in this reg ulatory g uide.Table 1. D esig n-Basis Tornado Cha racteristics R egi on M ax i mum w i nd spee d m/s (mph)Trans l at i onal s peed m/s (mph)M ax i mum rot at i onal s pe ed m/s (mph)R adi us of max i mum rot at i onal s peed m (f t)P res s ure dr op m b (p si)R at e of pr es s ur e dr op m b/s (p si/s)I103 (230)21 (46)82 (184)45.7 (150)83 (1.2)37 (0.5)I I89 (200)18 (40)72 (160)45.7 (150)63 (0.9)25 (0.4)I I I72 (160)14 (32)57 (128)45.7 (150)40 (0.6)13 (0.2)Tornado-Gener ated Missile Charac ter isticsTo ensure the safety of nuclear pow er plan ts in the ev ent o f a tornado strik e, NR C reg ulations re qu ir e th at n uc le ar p ow er p la nt d es ig ns c on si de r th e im pa ct o f to rn ad o-g en er at ed m is si le s (i.e., o bjec ts m ov ing un der th e actio n o f aerod y nam ic force s ind uced by the tornado w ind), in ad dition to the direct ac ti on o f th e to rn ad o w in d an d th e m ov in g a m bi en t p re ss ur e fi el d. W in d v el oc it ie s in e xc es s of 3 4 m/s (75 m ph) are ca pable of g enerating m issiles from ob j ects ly ing w ithin th e pa th of the to rnado w ind and from the debris of n earby dam ag ed s tructures.
R egulatory guides are issued in 10 broad divisions: 1, P ow er R eactors; 2, R esearch and T est R eactors; 3, Fuels and M aterials Facilities; 4 , E n viro nm e nta l and Siting; 5, Materials and Plant Protectio n; 6, Products; 7, T ransportation; 8, O c cupational H ealth; 9, Antitrust and Financial Re vie w; and 10, G eneral.
The tw o ba si c ap pr oa ch es u se d to c ha ra ct er iz e to rn ad o-g en er at ed m is si le s ar e (1) a st an da rd s pe c t r um of to r na do m i s s i l e s , a nd (2) a p r ob a bi l i s t i c as s e s s men t of th e to r na do ha zar d. No de f i ni t i ve g uidanc e ha s be en d ev eloped for use in ch aracteriz ing site-depen dent tornado-g enerated m issiles by haz ard p robab ility m ethods. The dam ag e to safety-related structures by torna do or o ther w ind-g enerated m issiles im plies th e oc currence of a seq uence of rando m ev ents. That ev ent se quen ce ty pically inclu des a w in d-ba se d oc cu rr en ce in th e pl an t v ic in it y in e xc es s of 3 4 m/s (75 m ph), e xi st en ce a nd a v ai la bi li ty of m issiles in the are a, inj ection of m issiles into the wind field, susp ension and flig ht of those m issiles, im pact o f the m issiles w ith safety
R equests for single copies of draft or active regulatory guides (which m ay be reproduced) should be m ade to the U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission, W ashington, D C 20555, Attention: R eproduction and D istribution S ervices Section, or by fax to (301) 415-2289; or by em ail to D istribution@
-related structures, and resultin g dam ag e to critical eq uipm ent. G iv en d ef en se-in-de pt h co ns id er at io ns , th e un ce rt ai nt ie s in th es e ev en ts p re cl ud e th e us e of a p ro ba bi li st ic assessm ent as the sole b asis fo r asses sing ho w well the p lant is protected ag ainst to rnado m issile da m ag e.Protectio n from a spectrum of m issiles (ran g ing from a m assiv e m issile that deform s on im pact to a r ig id p en et ra ti ng m is si le) pr ov id es a ss ur an ce th at th e ne ce ss ar y s tr uc tu re s, s y st em s, a nd c om po ne nt s w il l b e av ai la bl e to m it ig at e th e po te nt ia l e ff ec ts o f a to rn ad o on p la nt s af et y. G iv en th at th e de si g n-ba si s tornado w ind s peed has a v ery low frequ ency , to be credible, the represen tativ e m issiles m ust b e com m on item s arou nd the p lant site and m ust h av e a reasona ble p robab ility of becom ing airbo rne within the tornado w ind fie ld.
E lectronic copies of this guide and other recently issued guides are available through the N R C s public W eb site under the R egulatory G uides docum ent collection of the N R C s E lectronic R eading R oom at /doc-collections/ and through the N R C s A gencywide D ocum ents A ccess and Managem ent System (A D A M S ) at /adam s.htm l, under Accession N o. ML070360253.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 7To ev aluate the res istance of b arriers to penetratio n an d g ross fa ilure, the to rnado m issile sp eeds m ust also be defined. Sim iu an d S canlan (Ref. 8) estim ate torn ado-g enerated m issile sp eeds for nu clear plant desig n p urpose s. They assu m ed th at m issiles start their m otion from a point located on the to rnado translation axis, at a distance do wnw ard o f the tornado cen ter equ al to the rad ius o f the m axim um circum ferential w ind s peeds. I n ad dition, they assu m ed th at the speed w ith w hich a m issile hits a targ et is equ al to the m axim um spe ed (V) th at th e sa m e m is si le w ou ld a tt ai n if it s tr ajec to ry w er e m ax unob structed by the presenc e of any ob stacle.The tornad o w ind fie ld m odel used to calc ulate th e m axim um m issile v elocities differs so m ewh at fr om th e to rn ad o w in d fi el d m od el u se d in th e ab ov e di sc us si on o f to rn ad o ch ar ac te ri st ic s to o bt ai n the to rnado press ure d rop and m axim um tim e rate of ch ang e of the p ressure. C hapter 16 of R eference 8 prov ides th e torn ado wind field m odel (whic h inc ludes a rad ial com pone nt for the to rnado w ind s peed)and the eq uations of m otion used for the m axim um m issile v elocities.
The NR C staff de v eloped a co m puter prog ram to calculate the m axim um ho riz ontal m issile sp eeds by solv ing these equ ations.De sig n-Bas is T or nado M iss ile Spe c tr umI n ac cordan ce w ith 10 C FR 50.34 , "Con tents o f A pplication s; Technical I nform ation," G DC 2, and GD C 4 stru ctures, sy stem s, and com pone nts th at are im portant to safe ty m ust b e de sig ned to w ithstand the effe cts of natural phen om ena witho ut los ing the capab ility to perform their safety fun ction. Tornado m issiles are am ong the m ost ex trem e effects of credible natural phen om ena at nu clear p owe r pl a nt si t e s. T he se l e c t e d d e s i gn-ba s i s m i s s i l e s fo r nu c l e a r po we r pl a nt s in c l ud e at le a s t (1) a mas s i ve hig h-k inetic-energ y m issile that deform s on im pact, (2) a rig id m issile that tests pe netration resistence, and (3) a sm all rig id m issile of a siz e su fficient to pass throug h an y op ening in protectiv e ba rriers. The NR C staff co nsiders a 6-inch (15.24-centim eter) S chedu le 40 steel pipe and an a utom obile to be acceptab le as the p enetrating and m assiv e m issiles, respectiv ely , fo r use in the des ig n o f nu clear p owe r plan ts. Auto m obiles are co m m on objects near the p lant site, and am ple ev idence supp orts the ir pote ntial to be lifted in a torn ado wind field. S chedu le 40 pipe is a lso co m m on aroun d p lant sites.
General Design Criterion (GDC) 2, Design Bases for Protection Against Natural Phenomena, of Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, to Title 10, Part 50, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 50), Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities (Ref. 1), requires that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety shall be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena, such as tornadoes, without loss of capability to perform their safety functions. GDC 2 also requires that the design bases for these structures, systems, and components shall reflect (1) appropriate consideration of the most severe of the natural phenomena that have been historically reported for the site and surrounding area, with sufficient margin for the limited accuracy, quantity, and period of time in which the historical data have been accumulated, (2) appropriate combinations of the effects of normal and accident conditions with the effects of the natural phenomena, and (3) the importance of the safety functions to be performed.
H owe v er, such pipe is inten ded to rep resent a rig id co m pone nt of a larg er m issile (e.
GDC 4, Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design Bases, of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety shall be adequately protected against the effects of missiles resulting from events and conditions outside the plant.
g., building deb ris or an a utom obile)that m ay be lifted in the to rnado w ind fie ld. Thus, the sta ff used the m axim um spe ed c alculated for the auto m obile m issile for the p enetrating m issile as well, rather than the sp eed calculated for a pip e. To test the config uration of o pening s in the p rotectiv e ba rriers, th e m issile sp ectrum also include s a 1-inch (2.5 4-centim eter) so lid steel sphere as a sm all rig id m issile. Sim iu an d S canlan (Ref. 8) describe the m ethods that form the bases for the cha racteristics o f these m issiles. Table 2 sum m ariz es the d esig n-basis tornado m issile sp ectrum and m axim um ho riz ontal speed s.
For stationary power reactor site applications submitted before January 10, 1997, paragraph 100.10(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria (Ref. 2), states that meteorological conditions at the site and in the surrounding area should be considered in determining the acceptability of a site for a power reactor.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 8 Table 2. D esig n-Basis Tornado Missile Sp ectrum and Maxim um H oriz ontal Spee ds M i s s i l e Ty peSchedul e 40 P i peA utomo bi l eSol i d Ste el Sphere D i men s i ons 0.1 6 8 m dia x 4.5 8 m l o ng (6.62 5 i n. dia x 1 5 f t l o ng)R egi o n I and II 5 m x 2 m x 1.
For stationary power reactor site applications submitted on or after January 10, 1997, paragraph 100.20(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 100 requires that meteorological characteristics of the site that are necessary for safety analysis or may have an impact upon plant design (such as maximum probable wind speed) must be considered in determining the acceptability of a site for a nuclear power plant. In addition, paragraph 100.21(d) of 10 CFR Part 100 requires that the physical characteristics of the site, including meteorology, must be evaluated and site parameters established such that potential threats from such physical characteristics will pose no undue risk to the type of facility proposed to be located at the site.
3 m (1 6.4 ft x 6.6 ft x 4.3 ft)2.5 4 c m d ia (1 i n. di a)R egi o n II I 4.5 m x 1.7 m x 1.5 m (1 4.9 ft x 5.6 ft x 4.9 ft)M a ss 1 3 0 kg (287 l b)R egi o n I and II 1 8 1 0 kg (4000 l b)0.0 6 6 9 kg (0.147 l b)R egi o n II I 1 1 7 8 kg (2595 l b)D C A/m 0.0 0 4 3 m/kg 2 (0.0212 f t/l b)2 R egi o n I and II 0.0 0 7 0 m/kg 2 (0.0343 f t/l b)2 0.0 0 3 4 m/kg 2 (0.0166 f t/l b)2 R egi o n II I 0.0 0 9 5 m/kg 2 (0.0464 f t/l b)2 Mh Vm ax R egi on I 4 1 m/s (1 3 5 f t/s)4 1 m/s (1 3 5 f t/s)8 m/s (2 6 f t/s)R eg i o n II 3 4 m/s (1 1 2 f t/s)3 4 m/s (1 1 2 f t/s)7 m/s (2 3 f t/s)R eg i o n III 2 4 m/s (7 9 f t/s)2 4 m/s (7 9 f t/s)6 m/s (2 0 f t/s)The NR C consid ers the m issiles listed in Table 2 to be cap able o f strik ing in all directio ns Mh Mh w it h ho ri z on ta l v el oc it ie s of V a nd v er ti ca l v el oc it ie s eq ua l t o 67 p er ce nt o f V. Ba r r i e r de s i gn m ax m ax sh ou ld b e ev al ua te d as su m in g a n or m al im pa ct to th e su rf ac e fo r th e S ch ed ul e 40 p ip e an d au to m ob il e m issiles. The au tom obile m issile is consid ered to im pact a t all altitud es less than 30 feet (9.1 4 m eters)abov e all g rade lev els w ithin 0.5 m ile (0.8 k ilom eter) of the p lant stru ctures. Table 2 inc ludes a differe nt siz e an d w eig ht au tom obile for R eg ion I I I than for Reg ions I and I I. The heav ier auto m obile used in th e ca lc ul at io ns f or R eg io ns I a nd I I w il l h av e a lo w er k in et ic e ne rg y in R eg io n I I I. Th is e ff ec t i s Mh a co nsequ ence of the low m axim um ho riz ontal speed V o f t h e h e a vi e r a u t o mo b i l e i n t h e Re gi o n I II m ax tornado w ind fie ld.
This regulatory guide relates to information collections that are covered by the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, 10 CFR Part 52, and 10 CFR Part 100, which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved under OMB control numbers 3150-0011, 3150-0151, and 3150-0093, respectively.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 9 C. R EGU LAT ORY PO SITIONThe N R C s ta ff h as e st ab li sh ed th e fo ll ow in g r eg ul at or y p os it io ns f or li ce ns ee s an d ap pl ic an ts to us e in selecting the desig n-basis tornado and des ig n-basis tornado-g enerated m issiles tha t a n uclear pow er plan t sho uld b e de sig ned to w ithstand to pre v ent u ndue risk to the h ealth a nd safety of the p ublic.1.
The NRC may neither conduct nor sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection request or requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Design-Basis Tornad o P aram ete rsNuc lear po wer plants shou ld be des ig ned to w ithstand the d esig n-basis tornado. The param eter v al ue s sp ec if ie d in Ta bl e 1 fo r th e ap pr op ri at e re g io ns id en ti fi ed in F ig ur e 1 ar e g en er al ly a cc ep ta bl e to the N RC staff for de fining the desig n-basis tornado for a nu clear p owe r plan t. I f a desig n-basis tornado propo sed for a g iv en s ite is c haracteriz ed b y less-conse rv ativ e pa ram eter v alues than the reg ional v alues i n T a bl e 1, a c ompr e he ns i ve a na l ysi s sh ou l d b e pr ovi de d t o j us t i f y th e se l e c t i on of th e le s s-c on s e r vat i ve de s i gn-ba s i s to r na do. Si t e s lo c a t e d n e a r th e gen e r a l bo un da r i e s of ad j oi ni ng r e gio ns m a y in vol ve addition al con sideration
B. DISCUSSION Regionalization of Tornado Wind Speeds Nuclear power plants must be designed so that they remain in a safe condition under severe meteorological events, including those that could result in the most severe tornado that could reasonably be predicted to occur at the site. The NRC based the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76, published in April 1974, on WASH-1300 (Ref. 3). WASH-1300 chose the design-basis tornado wind speeds so that the probability that a tornado exceeding the design basis would occur was on the order of 10!7 per year per nuclear power plant. WASH-1300 used only 2 years of observed tornado intensity data (1971 and 1972) to derive the conditional probability that, if a tornado were to strike a nuclear power plant, the maximum tornado wind speed would exceed a specified value. The probability that the tornado would strike a nuclear power plant (treated as a point) was based on more data.
: s. The rad ius o f m axim um rotation al spe ed o f 45.7 m eters (1 50 feet) is used for all three to rnado inten sity reg ions.2.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 2
De sig n-Bas is T or nado-G e ne r at e d M iss ile Spe c tr umThe d es ig n-ba si s to rn ad o-g en er at ed m is si le s pe ct ru m in Ta bl e 2 is g en er al ly a cc ep ta bl e to the staff for the des ig n o f nu clear p owe r plan ts.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 10 D. IMP LEM ENT ATIONThe purp ose of this section is to prov ide in form ation to ap plicants and licensees reg arding the N RC staff's plans for us ing this reg ulatory g uide. N o b ack fitting is in tended or appro v ed in co nnectio n w ith its issuanc e.Exce pt in those cases in w hich an a pplican t or licensee propo ses o r has prev iously estab lished an a cceptab le alterna tiv e m ethod for co m ply ing w ith sp ecified portion s of the N RC's reg ulations, th e N R C s ta ff w il l u se th e m et ho ds d es cr ib ed in th is g ui de to e v al ua te (1) s ub m it ta ls in c on ne ct io n w it h applicatio ns fo r con struction perm its, sta ndard plan t desig n ce rtifications, early site perm its, o perating li ce ns es , a nd c om bi ne d li ce ns es; a nd (2) s ub m it ta ls f ro m o pe ra ti ng r ea ct or li ce ns ee s w ho v ol un ta ri ly propo se to initiate sy stem m odification s that hav e a clear n exus with the su bject for w hich g uidanc e is pro v ided herein.R EG U LA TO R Y A N A LY SI S / B A C KF IT A N A LY SI SThe r eg ul at or y a na ly si s an d ba ck fi t a na ly si s fo r th is r eg ul at or y g ui de a re a v ai la bl e in D ra ft Reg ulatory G uide DG-1143 , "Desig n-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuc lear P owe r Plan ts"(R ef. 9). Th e N R C is su ed D G-11 43 in Jan ua ry 2 00 6 to s ol ic it p ub li c co m m en t o n th e dr af t o f th is Rev ision 1 o f R eg ulatory G uide 1.7 6.
The design-basis tornado wind speeds presented in this regulatory guide are based on Revision 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 (Ref. 4). The tornado database used in that revision of NUREG/CR-4461 includes information recorded for more than 46,800 tornado segments occurring from January 1, 1950, through August 31, 2003. More than 39,600 of those segments had sufficient information on their location, intensity, length, and width to be used in the analysis of tornado strike probabilities and maximum wind speeds.
A ll NR C r eg ula tions li st ed her ei n a re a v ai la ble e le ct ronic al ly thr oug h the El ec troni c Re adi ng Room on t he NR C's 1 public W eb si te , a t h tt p://www.n rc.go v/r ead in g-r m/d o c-c o ll ect io n s/cfr. C opie s ar e al so av ai la ble f or i nspe ct ion or copy ing f or a f ee f rom the N RC's Public D ocum ent Room a t 11555 Roc k v ill e Pike , R ock v ill e, MD; t he PDR's m ai ling addr es s is U SN RC PDR, W as hing ton, DC 20555; te le phone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; f ax (301) 415-3548; em ai l PDR@nrc.g ov.Copi es a re a v ai la ble f or i nspe ct ion or c opy ing f or a f ee f rom the N RC's Public D ocum ent Room (PDR), w hic h is 2 located at 115 55 Rockv ille P ike, Rock ville, Mary land; the P DR's m ailing address is USNRC P DR, W ashington , DC 20555. T he PDR c an al so be re ac hed by te le phone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by f ax (301) 415-3548, and by e m ai l t o PDR@nrc.g ov.Copi es a re a v ai la ble f or i nspe ct ion or c opy ing f or a f ee f rom the N RC's Public D ocum ent Room a t 11555 Roc k v ill e 3 Pike , R ock v ill e, MD; t he PDR's m ai ling a ddre ss is U SN RC PDR, W as hing ton, DC 20555; te le phone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; f ax (301) 415-3548; e m ai l PDR@nrc.g ov. C opie s ar e al so av ai la ble a t c urr ent ra te s f rom the U.S. G ov er nm ent Printi ng O f f ic e, P.O. Box 37082, W as hing ton, DC 20402-9328, te le phone (202) 512-1800; or f rom the N at iona l T ec hnic al Inf orm at ion Se rv ic e (N T IS) a t 5285 Port Roy al Roa d, Spr ing f ie ld, Virg inia 22161, online a t http://w w w.nti s.g ov, by te le phone at (800) 553-N T IS (6847) or (703) 605-6000, or by f ax to (703) 605-6900.
Revision 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 differs from Revision 1 of that report, which was published in April 2005.
This docume nt is also ava ilable electronically thro ugh th e NRC's pub lic W eb site at http://w w w.nrc.g ov/re adi ng-r m/doc-c olle ct ions/nure g s/cont ra ct/c r4461/.T his doc um ent is a v ai la ble e le ct ronic al ly a t 4http://w w w.w ind.t tu.e du/F_Sc al e/im ag es/e f sr.pdf.Cop ies m ay be purch ased f rom the A m erican Society f or Civil Engineers (A SCE), 1 80 1 A lexa nd er Be ll Drive, 5 Reston, Virgin ia 201 90 , telepho ne (80 0) 54 8-ASCE (272 3). P urchase inform ation is av ailable thro ugh th e A SCE We b si te a t http://w w w.pubs.a sc W W dis pla y.c g i?5011559.Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 11 REF ERE NC ES 1.
The second revision of NUREG/CR-4461 relies on the Enhanced-Fujita (EF) scale (Ref. 5) to relate the degree of damage from a tornado to the tornado maximum wind speed. The earlier versions of the report used the original Fujita scale. The methods used in Revisions 1 and 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 are similar to those used in the initial version of NUREG/CR-4461, published in 1986, with the addition of a term to account for the finite dimensions of structures (sometimes called the lifeline term) and consideration of the variation of wind speeds along and across the tornado footprint. R.C. Garson et al.
U.S. Cod e of Fede ral R egulatio ns , Title 10 , P art 50 , "Dom estic L icensing of Prod uction and Util izat ion Faci li ti es," U.S. Nucl ear Regulat ory Com m is si on, W ash ingto n, DC.1 2.
(Ref. 6) discuss in detail the term associated with the finite dimensions of structures. The lifeline term assumes that a tornado striking any point on a finite structure can cause damage. The original version of NUREG/CR-4461 used a point model and assumed the nuclear power plant to be a point structure.
U.S. Cod e of Fede ral R egulatio ns , Title 10 , P art 10 0, , "Reac tor S ite C riteria,"
Therefore, including the finite dimensions of structures increases the tornado strike probability.
U.S. Nuc lear Regulat ory Com m is si on, W ash ingto n, DC.1 3.
WASH-1300 and the original version of this regulatory guide did not consider the lifeline term and used the original Fujita scale.
W AS H-13 00 , "T e c hn i c a l Ba s i s fo r I nt e r i m Re gio na l T or na do Cr i t e r i a ," U.S. At omi c En e r gy Com m ission, Washin g ton, DC , May 19 74.2 4.
Meteorological and topographic conditions, which vary significantly within the continental United States, influence the frequency of occurrence and intensity of tornadoes. The NRC staff has determined that the design-basis tornado wind speeds for new reactors should correspond to the exceedance frequency of 10!7 per year (calculated as a best estimate), thus using the same exceedance frequency as the original version of this regulatory guide. The results of the analysis indicated that a maximum wind speed of 103 meters per second (m/s) [230 miles per hour (mph)] is appropriate for tornadoes for the central portion of the United States; a maximum wind speed of 89 m/s (200 mph) is appropriate for a large region of the United States along the east coast, the northern border, and western Great Plains; and a maximum wind speed of 72 m/s (160 mph) is appropriate for the western United States.
Ram sdell, J.V., J r., NU RE G/C R-4461 , "Tornado Clim atolog y of the C ontig uous U nited States,"Revisi on 2, PNNL-1511 2, U.S. Nucl ear Regulat ory Com m is si on, W ash ingto n, DC, Febru ary 20 07.3 5.
These geographic wind speed regions are defined by observed tornado occurrences within the two-degree latitude and longitude boxes in the contiguous United States. Figure 1 shows the three tornado intensity regions for the contiguous United States at the 10!7 per year probability level, in which the abscissa is the longitude (degrees west) and the ordinate is the latitude (degrees north).
"A Reco m m endatio n fo r an Enh anced Fu j ita Sc ale (E F-Scale)," Wind Scienc e an d E ng ineering Cen ter, Texas Tech U niv ersity , L ubbo ck , TX, June 20 04.4 6.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 3
Garso n, R.C., e t al., "Tornado D esig n Wind s B ased on Risk ," Journ al of the S tructura l D ivision, Proc eeding s of the A meric an Society of C ivil En gineers , Vol. 10 1, No. 9, pp. 1 883-1897 , Septem ber 1 975.5 Copi es a re a v ai la ble f or i nspe ct ion or c opy ing f or a f ee f rom the N RC's Public D ocum ent Room (PDR), w hic h is 6 located at 115 55 Rockv ille P ike, Rock ville, Mary land , the P DR's m ailing address is USNRC P DR, W ashington , DC 20555. T he PDR c an al so be re ac hed by te le phone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by f ax a t (301) 415-3548, and by e m ai l t o PDR@nrc.g ov. T his do cum ent is also av ailable thro ugh th e NRC's A gency w ide Docume nts A cce ss and Ma nag em ent Sy st em (A DA MS) a t h t t p://www.n r c.go v/r ea d i n g-r m/a d ams.h t ml, unde r A cc es si on #ML 052650410.
Copi es m ay be purc has ed f rom the publi she r, John W ile y & Sons , 111 R iv er Str ee t, Hobok en, N J  07030-5774, 7 te le phone (201) 748-6000.
Figure 1. Tornado intensity regions for the contiguous United States for exceedance probabilities of 10-7 per year Tornado Characteristics Tornadoes can be characterized by a mutually consistent set of parameters, including maximum total wind speed; radius of maximum tangential (rotational) wind speed; tornado tangential, vertical, radial, and translational wind speeds; and associated atmospheric pressure changes within the core.
Purc has e inf orm at ion i s av ai la ble thr oug h the publi she r's W eb si te at h t t p://www.wi l m/W i l eyC D A/Wi l eyTi t l e/p r o d u ct C d-0 4 7 1 1 2 1 5 7 6.h t ml.Dr af t R eg ula tory G uide D G-1143 i s av ai la ble e le ct ronic al ly unde r A cc es si on #ML 053140225 in the N RC's 8 A g enc y w ide D ocum ent s A cc es s and Ma nag em ent Sy st em (A DA MS) a t ht tp://w w w.nrc.g ov/re adi ng-r m/a dam s.htm l. Copi es a re a ls o a v ai la ble f or i nspe ct ion or c opy ing f or a f ee f rom the N RC's Public D ocum ent Room (PDR), w hic h is located at 115 55 Rockv ille P ike, Rock ville Mary land; the P DR's m ailing address is USNRC P DR, W ashington , DC 20 55 5-0 00 1. The PDR can also be reac hed b y telepho ne at (301) 415-47 37 or (80 0) 39 7-4 20 9 by f ax at (301) 415-3548, a nd by e m ai l t o PDR@nrc.g ov.Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Pa g e 12 7.
To estimate the pressure drop and rate of pressure drop associated with the design-basis tornado, this regulatory guide models the tornado as a single Rankine combined vortex, as in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. A single Rankine combined vortex is a simple model possessing only azimuthal velocity. The wind velocities and pressures are assumed not to vary with the height above the ground. Therefore, the flow field is two-dimensional. The flow field of a Rankine combined vortex is equivalent to that of a solid rotating body within the core of radius Rm . Outside the core, the rotational speed falls off as 1/r where r is the distance from the center of the vortex. That is to say, the rotational speed VR is given by the following equations:
Fujita, T. Theodo re, "Work book of Tornadoes and Hig h Wind s for Eng ineering A pplication s,"SMRP R esearch Pape r N o. 165, Se ptem ber 1 978.6 8.
Sim iu, Em il, an d R obert H. Sc anlan, W ind E ffects on Stru ctures:  Fu ndam entals and App lications to D esign , 3 Ed ition, J ohn Wiley & So ns, Hob ok en, NJ, A ug ust 1 996.rd 7 9.
Draft Reg ulatory G uide DG-1143 , "Desig n-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuc lear Pow er P lants," U.S. N uclear Reg ulatory C om m ission, Washin g ton, DC , January 20 06.8}}
In these equations, VRm is the maximum rotational speed, occurring at radius r = Rm . In addition, the Rankine combined vortex moves with the translational speed VT of the tornado.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 4
The pressure drop from a normal atmospheric pressure to the center of the Rankine combined vortex is computed by balancing the pressure gradient and the centrifugal force (cyclostrophic balance) and integrating from infinity to the center of the vortex. The following equation describes this relationship:
(2)      )p = DVRm 2 , where D is the air density, taken as 1.226 kg/m3 (0.07654 lbm/ft3 )
The following equation describes the maximum rate of pressure drop:
(3)      (dp/dt)max = (VT /Rm ) )p The NRC staff chose the Rankine combined vortex model for its simplicity, as compared to the model developed by T. Fujita (Ref. 7). Fujitas model has a tornado with an inner core and an annulus (outer core) where the vertical motions are concentrated. In the annulus between the inner core radius and the outer core radius, suction vortices form in strong tornadoes and rotate around the center of the parent tornado.
In the Fujita model, the tornado radius Rm is larger than the 45.7 meters (150 feet) assumed in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. In fact, the tornado radius of maximum rotational wind speed for a 103-m/s (230-mph) tornado is 123 meters (404 feet). However, the maximum rotational wind speeds of the suction vortices occur at a radius of 29 meters (96 feet). Despite the fact that the pressure drop associated with a suction vortex (i.e., the pressure drop from ambient pressure to the center of the suction vortex) is less than that for the parent tornado, the maximum rate of pressure drop is greater because the maximum time rate of change of pressure is inversely proportional to the Rankine combined vortex radius and is directly proportional to the translational speed of the Rankine combined vortex. The radius for the suction vortex is smaller than that for the parent tornado, and the maximum translational speed for a suction vortex is the sum of the translational speed of the tornado and the speed with which the suction vortex rotates around the center of the parent tornado. To avoid a nonconservative maximum time rate of change of pressure, this regulatory guide retains the 45.7-meter (150-foot) radius of maximum wind speed for the tornado used in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76.
In addition, this regulatory guide retains the definition of the tornado maximum rotational wind speed VRm as the difference between the maximum tornado wind speed V and the translational speed VT .
The tornado translational speed is one-fifth of the maximum tornado wind speed, which is consistent with the tornado translational speeds in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. Figure 2 depicts the translational and rotational (or tangential) wind velocity components of the Rankine combined vortex.
Figure 2. Rankine combined vortex model showing the components of the wind velocity Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 5
Design-Basis Tornado Characteristics The original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76 characterized tornadoes in each geographical region by (1) maximum wind speed, (2) translational speed, (3) maximum rotational speed, (4) radius of maximum rotational speed, (5) pressure drop, and (6) rate of pressure drop. Because the model used in this regulatory guide is based on a single Rankine combined vortex, the same parameters apply.
If a tornado model with suction vortices were used, additional parameters would be necessary.
Table 1 summarizes the design-basis tornado characteristics used in this regulatory guide.
Table 1. Design-Basis Tornado Characteristics Radius of M aximum      maximum M aximum      Translational    rotational    rotational      Pressure          Rate of wind speed          speed          speed          speed          drop          pressure drop Region      m/s (mph)        m/s (mph)      m/s (mph)        m (ft)        mb (psi)          mb/s (psi/s)
I      103 (230)        21 (46)        82 (184)      45.7 (150)      83 (1.2)          37 (0.5)
II        89 (200)        18 (40)        72 (160)      45.7 (150)       63 (0.9)         25 (0.4)
III        72 (160)        14 (32)        57 (128)      45.7 (150)      40 (0.6)         13 (0.2)
Tornado-Generated Missile Characteristics To ensure the safety of nuclear power plants in the event of a tornado strike, NRC regulations require that nuclear power plant designs consider the impact of tornado-generated missiles (i.e., objects moving under the action of aerodynamic forces induced by the tornado wind), in addition to the direct action of the tornado wind and the moving ambient pressure field. Wind velocities in excess of 34 m/s (75 mph) are capable of generating missiles from objects lying within the path of the tornado wind and from the debris of nearby damaged structures.
The two basic approaches used to characterize tornado-generated missiles are (1) a standard spectrum of tornado missiles, and (2) a probabilistic assessment of the tornado hazard. No definitive guidance has been developed for use in characterizing site-dependent tornado-generated missiles by hazard probability methods. The damage to safety-related structures by tornado or other wind-generated missiles implies the occurrence of a sequence of random events. That event sequence typically includes a wind-based occurrence in the plant vicinity in excess of 34 m/s (75 mph), existence and availability of missiles in the area, injection of missiles into the wind field, suspension and flight of those missiles, impact of the missiles with safety-related structures, and resulting damage to critical equipment.
Given defense-in-depth considerations, the uncertainties in these events preclude the use of a probabilistic assessment as the sole basis for assessing how well the plant is protected against tornado missile damage.
Protection from a spectrum of missiles (ranging from a massive missile that deforms on impact to a rigid penetrating missile) provides assurance that the necessary structures, systems, and components will be available to mitigate the potential effects of a tornado on plant safety. Given that the design-basis tornado wind speed has a very low frequency, to be credible, the representative missiles must be common items around the plant site and must have a reasonable probability of becoming airborne within the tornado wind field.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 6
To evaluate the resistance of barriers to penetration and gross failure, the tornado missile speeds must also be defined. Simiu and Scanlan (Ref. 8) estimate tornado-generated missile speeds for nuclear plant design purposes. They assumed that missiles start their motion from a point located on the tornado translation axis, at a distance downward of the tornado center equal to the radius of the maximum circumferential wind speeds. In addition, they assumed that the speed with which a missile hits a target is equal to the maximum speed (V max) that the same missile would attain if its trajectory were unobstructed by the presence of any obstacle.
The tornado wind field model used to calculate the maximum missile velocities differs somewhat from the tornado wind field model used in the above discussion of tornado characteristics to obtain the tornado pressure drop and maximum time rate of change of the pressure. Chapter 16 of Reference 8 provides the tornado wind field model (which includes a radial component for the tornado wind speed) and the equations of motion used for the maximum missile velocities. The NRC staff developed a computer program to calculate the maximum horizontal missile speeds by solving these equations.
Design-Basis Tornado Missile Spectrum In accordance with 10 CFR 50.34, Contents of Applications; Technical Information, GDC 2, and GDC 4 structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena without losing the capability to perform their safety function.
Tornado missiles are among the most extreme effects of credible natural phenomena at nuclear power plant sites. The selected design-basis missiles for nuclear power plants include at least (1) a massive high-kinetic-energy missile that deforms on impact, (2) a rigid missile that tests penetration resistence, and (3) a small rigid missile of a size sufficient to pass through any opening in protective barriers.
The NRC staff considers a 6-inch (15.24-centimeter) Schedule 40 steel pipe and an automobile to be acceptable as the penetrating and massive missiles, respectively, for use in the design of nuclear power plants.
Automobiles are common objects near the plant site, and ample evidence supports their potential to be lifted in a tornado wind field. Schedule 40 pipe is also common around plant sites. However, such pipe is intended to represent a rigid component of a larger missile (e.g., building debris or an automobile) that may be lifted in the tornado wind field. Thus, the staff used the maximum speed calculated for the automobile missile for the penetrating missile as well, rather than the speed calculated for a pipe.
To test the configuration of openings in the protective barriers, the missile spectrum also includes a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) solid steel sphere as a small rigid missile. Simiu and Scanlan (Ref. 8) describe the methods that form the bases for the characteristics of these missiles. Table 2 summarizes the design-basis tornado missile spectrum and maximum horizontal speeds.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 7
Table 2. Design-Basis Tornado Missile Spectrum and Maximum Horizontal Speeds M issile Type            Schedule 40 Pipe                  Automobile              Solid Steel Sphere Region I and II 5 m x 2 m x 1.3 m 0.168 m dia x 4.58 m long        (16.4 ft x 6.6 ft x 4.3 ft)       2.54 cm dia Dimensions (6.625 in. dia x 15 ft long)           Region III                  (1 in. dia) 4.5 m x 1.7 m x 1.5 m (14.9 ft x 5.6 ft x 4.9 ft)
Region I and II 1810 kg 130 kg                        (4000 lb)                 0.0669 kg M ass (287 lb)                     Region III                  (0.147 lb) 1178 kg (2595 lb)
Region I and II 0.0070 m 2/kg 0.0043 m 2/kg                  (0.0343 ft2/lb)             0.0034 m 2/kg C DA/m (0.0212 ft2/lb)                  Region III                (0.0166 ft2/lb) 0.0095 m 2/kg (0.0464 ft2/lb) 41 m/s                          41 m/s                    8 m/s Region I (135 ft/s)                      (135 ft/s)                  (26 ft/s) 34 m/s                         34 m/s                     7 m/s V Mhmax    Region II (112 ft/s)                      (112 ft/s)                  (23 ft/s) 24 m/s                         24 m/s                     6 m/s Region III (79 ft/s)                      (79 ft/s)                  (20 ft/s)
The NRC considers the missiles listed in Table 2 to be capable of striking in all directions with horizontal velocities of VMh max and vertical velocities equal to 67 percent of VMh max. Barrier design should be evaluated assuming a normal impact to the surface for the Schedule 40 pipe and automobile missiles. The automobile missile is considered to impact at all altitudes less than 30 feet (9.14 meters) above all grade levels within 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometer) of the plant structures. Table 2 includes a different size and weight automobile for Region III than for Regions I and II. The heavier automobile used in the calculations for Regions I and II will have a lower kinetic energy in Region III. This effect is a consequence of the low maximum horizontal speed VMh max of the heavier automobile in the Region III tornado wind field.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 8
C. REGULATORY POSITION The NRC staff has established the following regulatory positions for licensees and applicants to use in selecting the design-basis tornado and design-basis tornado-generated missiles that a nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand to prevent undue risk to the health and safety of the public.
: 1.       Design-Basis Tornado Parameters Nuclear power plants should be designed to withstand the design-basis tornado. The parameter values specified in Table 1 for the appropriate regions identified in Figure 1 are generally acceptable to the NRC staff for defining the design-basis tornado for a nuclear power plant. If a design-basis tornado proposed for a given site is characterized by less-conservative parameter values than the regional values in Table 1, a comprehensive analysis should be provided to justify the selection of the less-conservative design-basis tornado. Sites located near the general boundaries of adjoining regions may involve additional considerations. The radius of maximum rotational speed of 45.7 meters (150 feet) is used for all three tornado intensity regions.
: 2.       Design-Basis Tornado-Generated Missile Spectrum The design-basis tornado-generated missile spectrum in Table 2 is generally acceptable to the staff for the design of nuclear power plants.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 9
D. IMPLEMENTATION The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staffs plans for using this regulatory guide. No backfitting is intended or approved in connection with its issuance.
Except in those cases in which an applicant or licensee proposes or has previously established an acceptable alternative method for complying with specified portions of the NRCs regulations, the NRC staff will use the methods described in this guide to evaluate (1) submittals in connection with applications for construction permits, standard plant design certifications, early site permits, operating licenses, and combined licenses; and (2) submittals from operating reactor licensees who voluntarily propose to initiate system modifications that have a clear nexus with the subject for which guidance is provided herein.
REGULATORY ANALYSIS / BACKFIT ANALYSIS The regulatory analysis and backfit analysis for this regulatory guide are available in Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143, Design-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants (Ref. 9). The NRC issued DG-1143 in January 2006 to solicit public comment on the draft of this Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.76.
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 10
: 1. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.1
: 2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 100, , Reactor Site Criteria, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.1
: 3. WASH-1300, Technical Basis for Interim Regional Tornado Criteria, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC, May 1974.2
: 4. Ramsdell, J.V., Jr., NUREG/CR-4461, Tornado Climatology of the Contiguous United States, Revision 2, PNNL-15112, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, February 2007.3
: 5. A Recommendation for an Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), Wind Science and Engineering Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, June 2004.4
: 6. Garson, R.C., et al., Tornado Design Winds Based on Risk, Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 101, No. 9, pp. 1883-1897, September 1975.5 1
All NRC regulations listed herein are available electronically through the Electronic Reading Room on the NRCs public Web site, at Copies are also available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555; telephone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; email
2 Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by fax (301) 415-3548, and by email to
3 Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555; telephone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; email Copies are also available at current rates from the U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328, telephone (202) 512-1800; or from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, online at, by telephone at (800) 553-NTIS (6847) or (703) 605-6000, or by fax to (703) 605-6900.
This document is also available electronically through the NRCs public Web site at
4 This document is available electronically at
5 Copies may be purchased from the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, Virginia 20190, telephone (800) 548-ASCE (2723). Purchase information is available through the ASCE Web site at
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 11
: 7. Fujita, T. Theodore, Workbook of Tornadoes and High Winds for Engineering Applications, SMRP Research Paper No. 165, September 1978.6
: 8. Simiu, Emil, and Robert H. Scanlan, Wind Effects on Structures: Fundamentals and Applications to Design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, August 1996.7
: 9. Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143, Design-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, January 2006.8 6
Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by fax at (301) 415-3548, and by email to This document is also available through the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at, under Accession #ML052650410.
7 Copies may be purchased from the publisher, John Wiley & Sons, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, telephone (201) 748-6000. Purchase information is available through the publishers Web site at
8 Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143 is available electronically under Accession #ML053140225 in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at
Copies are also available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville Maryland; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555-0001. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209 by fax at (301) 415-3548, and by email to
Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 12}}

Latest revision as of 10:49, 23 November 2019

of Regulatory Guide 1.76, Design-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants (Formerly Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143)
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/12/2007
From: Harvey B
NRC/NRO/DSER/RSAC, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Harvey Brad, NRO/DSER/RSAC, 415-4118
Shared Package
ML070260280 List:
DG-1143, FOIA/PA-2015-0456, FOIA/PA-2015-0458 RG-1.076, Rev 1
Download: ML070360253 (12)



DESIGN-BASIS TORNADO AND TORNADO MISSILES FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS A. INTRODUCTION This regulatory guide provides licensees and applicants with new guidance that the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considers acceptable for use in selecting the design-basis tornado and design-basis tornado-generated missiles that a nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand to prevent undue risk to the health and safety of the public. This guidance applies to the contiguous United States, which is divided into three regions; this document provides separate guidance for each region.

This guide does not address the determination of the design-basis tornado and tornado missiles for sites located in Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico; the NRC will evaluate such determinations on a case-by-case basis. This guide also does not identify the specific structures, systems, and components that should be designed to withstand the effects of the design-basis tornado or should be protected from tornado-generated missiles and remain functional. This guide also does not address extreme winds, such as hurricanes, or the missiles attributed to such winds. Tornado wind speeds may not bound hurricane wind speeds for certain portions of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, at the wind speed frequencies of occurrence considered in this guide. The NRC will address these extreme conditions on a case-by-case basis. This guide also does not address other externally generated hazards such as aviation crashes, nearby accidental explosions resulting in blast over-pressure levels and explosion-borne debris and missiles, and turbine missiles.

T he U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission (N R C ) issues regulatory guides to describe and m ak e available to the public m ethods that the N R C staff considers acceptable for use in im plem enting specific parts of the agencys regulations, techniques that the staff uses in evaluating specific problem s or postulated accidents, and data that the staff need in reviewing applications for perm its and licenses. Regulatory guides are not substitutes for regulations, and com pliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions that differ from those set forth in regulatory guides will be deem ed acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings required for the issuance or continuance of a perm it or license by the C om m ission.

T his guide was issued after consideration of com m ents received from the public. The N R C staff encourages and welcom es com m ents and suggestions in connection with im provem ents to published regulatory guides, as well as item s for inclusion in regulatory guides that are currently being developed.

T he N R C staff will revise existing guides, as appropriate, to accom m odate com m ents and to reflect new inform ation or experience. W ritten com m ents m ay be subm itted to the R ules and D irectives Branch, O ffice of Adm inistration, U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission, W ashington, D C 20555-0001.

R egulatory guides are issued in 10 broad divisions: 1, P ow er R eactors; 2, R esearch and T est R eactors; 3, Fuels and M aterials Facilities; 4 , E n viro nm e nta l and Siting; 5, Materials and Plant Protectio n; 6, Products; 7, T ransportation; 8, O c cupational H ealth; 9, Antitrust and Financial Re vie w; and 10, G eneral.

R equests for single copies of draft or active regulatory guides (which m ay be reproduced) should be m ade to the U .S . N uclear R egulatory C om m ission, W ashington, D C 20555, Attention: R eproduction and D istribution S ervices Section, or by fax to (301) 415-2289; or by em ail to D istribution@

E lectronic copies of this guide and other recently issued guides are available through the N R C s public W eb site under the R egulatory G uides docum ent collection of the N R C s E lectronic R eading R oom at /doc-collections/ and through the N R C s A gencywide D ocum ents A ccess and Managem ent System (A D A M S ) at /adam s.htm l, under Accession N o. ML070360253.

General Design Criterion (GDC) 2, Design Bases for Protection Against Natural Phenomena, of Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, to Title 10, Part 50, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 50), Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities (Ref. 1), requires that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety shall be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena, such as tornadoes, without loss of capability to perform their safety functions. GDC 2 also requires that the design bases for these structures, systems, and components shall reflect (1) appropriate consideration of the most severe of the natural phenomena that have been historically reported for the site and surrounding area, with sufficient margin for the limited accuracy, quantity, and period of time in which the historical data have been accumulated, (2) appropriate combinations of the effects of normal and accident conditions with the effects of the natural phenomena, and (3) the importance of the safety functions to be performed.

GDC 4, Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design Bases, of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety shall be adequately protected against the effects of missiles resulting from events and conditions outside the plant.

For stationary power reactor site applications submitted before January 10, 1997, paragraph 100.10(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria (Ref. 2), states that meteorological conditions at the site and in the surrounding area should be considered in determining the acceptability of a site for a power reactor.

For stationary power reactor site applications submitted on or after January 10, 1997, paragraph 100.20(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 100 requires that meteorological characteristics of the site that are necessary for safety analysis or may have an impact upon plant design (such as maximum probable wind speed) must be considered in determining the acceptability of a site for a nuclear power plant. In addition, paragraph 100.21(d) of 10 CFR Part 100 requires that the physical characteristics of the site, including meteorology, must be evaluated and site parameters established such that potential threats from such physical characteristics will pose no undue risk to the type of facility proposed to be located at the site.

This regulatory guide relates to information collections that are covered by the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, 10 CFR Part 52, and 10 CFR Part 100, which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved under OMB control numbers 3150-0011, 3150-0151, and 3150-0093, respectively.

The NRC may neither conduct nor sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection request or requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control number.

B. DISCUSSION Regionalization of Tornado Wind Speeds Nuclear power plants must be designed so that they remain in a safe condition under severe meteorological events, including those that could result in the most severe tornado that could reasonably be predicted to occur at the site. The NRC based the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76, published in April 1974, on WASH-1300 (Ref. 3). WASH-1300 chose the design-basis tornado wind speeds so that the probability that a tornado exceeding the design basis would occur was on the order of 10!7 per year per nuclear power plant. WASH-1300 used only 2 years of observed tornado intensity data (1971 and 1972) to derive the conditional probability that, if a tornado were to strike a nuclear power plant, the maximum tornado wind speed would exceed a specified value. The probability that the tornado would strike a nuclear power plant (treated as a point) was based on more data.

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The design-basis tornado wind speeds presented in this regulatory guide are based on Revision 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 (Ref. 4). The tornado database used in that revision of NUREG/CR-4461 includes information recorded for more than 46,800 tornado segments occurring from January 1, 1950, through August 31, 2003. More than 39,600 of those segments had sufficient information on their location, intensity, length, and width to be used in the analysis of tornado strike probabilities and maximum wind speeds.

Revision 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 differs from Revision 1 of that report, which was published in April 2005.

The second revision of NUREG/CR-4461 relies on the Enhanced-Fujita (EF) scale (Ref. 5) to relate the degree of damage from a tornado to the tornado maximum wind speed. The earlier versions of the report used the original Fujita scale. The methods used in Revisions 1 and 2 of NUREG/CR-4461 are similar to those used in the initial version of NUREG/CR-4461, published in 1986, with the addition of a term to account for the finite dimensions of structures (sometimes called the lifeline term) and consideration of the variation of wind speeds along and across the tornado footprint. R.C. Garson et al.

(Ref. 6) discuss in detail the term associated with the finite dimensions of structures. The lifeline term assumes that a tornado striking any point on a finite structure can cause damage. The original version of NUREG/CR-4461 used a point model and assumed the nuclear power plant to be a point structure.

Therefore, including the finite dimensions of structures increases the tornado strike probability.

WASH-1300 and the original version of this regulatory guide did not consider the lifeline term and used the original Fujita scale.

Meteorological and topographic conditions, which vary significantly within the continental United States, influence the frequency of occurrence and intensity of tornadoes. The NRC staff has determined that the design-basis tornado wind speeds for new reactors should correspond to the exceedance frequency of 10!7 per year (calculated as a best estimate), thus using the same exceedance frequency as the original version of this regulatory guide. The results of the analysis indicated that a maximum wind speed of 103 meters per second (m/s) [230 miles per hour (mph)] is appropriate for tornadoes for the central portion of the United States; a maximum wind speed of 89 m/s (200 mph) is appropriate for a large region of the United States along the east coast, the northern border, and western Great Plains; and a maximum wind speed of 72 m/s (160 mph) is appropriate for the western United States.

These geographic wind speed regions are defined by observed tornado occurrences within the two-degree latitude and longitude boxes in the contiguous United States. Figure 1 shows the three tornado intensity regions for the contiguous United States at the 10!7 per year probability level, in which the abscissa is the longitude (degrees west) and the ordinate is the latitude (degrees north).

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 3

Figure 1. Tornado intensity regions for the contiguous United States for exceedance probabilities of 10-7 per year Tornado Characteristics Tornadoes can be characterized by a mutually consistent set of parameters, including maximum total wind speed; radius of maximum tangential (rotational) wind speed; tornado tangential, vertical, radial, and translational wind speeds; and associated atmospheric pressure changes within the core.

To estimate the pressure drop and rate of pressure drop associated with the design-basis tornado, this regulatory guide models the tornado as a single Rankine combined vortex, as in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. A single Rankine combined vortex is a simple model possessing only azimuthal velocity. The wind velocities and pressures are assumed not to vary with the height above the ground. Therefore, the flow field is two-dimensional. The flow field of a Rankine combined vortex is equivalent to that of a solid rotating body within the core of radius Rm . Outside the core, the rotational speed falls off as 1/r where r is the distance from the center of the vortex. That is to say, the rotational speed VR is given by the following equations:



In these equations, VRm is the maximum rotational speed, occurring at radius r = Rm . In addition, the Rankine combined vortex moves with the translational speed VT of the tornado.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 4

The pressure drop from a normal atmospheric pressure to the center of the Rankine combined vortex is computed by balancing the pressure gradient and the centrifugal force (cyclostrophic balance) and integrating from infinity to the center of the vortex. The following equation describes this relationship:

(2) )p = DVRm 2 , where D is the air density, taken as 1.226 kg/m3 (0.07654 lbm/ft3 )

The following equation describes the maximum rate of pressure drop:

(3) (dp/dt)max = (VT /Rm ) )p The NRC staff chose the Rankine combined vortex model for its simplicity, as compared to the model developed by T. Fujita (Ref. 7). Fujitas model has a tornado with an inner core and an annulus (outer core) where the vertical motions are concentrated. In the annulus between the inner core radius and the outer core radius, suction vortices form in strong tornadoes and rotate around the center of the parent tornado.

In the Fujita model, the tornado radius Rm is larger than the 45.7 meters (150 feet) assumed in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. In fact, the tornado radius of maximum rotational wind speed for a 103-m/s (230-mph) tornado is 123 meters (404 feet). However, the maximum rotational wind speeds of the suction vortices occur at a radius of 29 meters (96 feet). Despite the fact that the pressure drop associated with a suction vortex (i.e., the pressure drop from ambient pressure to the center of the suction vortex) is less than that for the parent tornado, the maximum rate of pressure drop is greater because the maximum time rate of change of pressure is inversely proportional to the Rankine combined vortex radius and is directly proportional to the translational speed of the Rankine combined vortex. The radius for the suction vortex is smaller than that for the parent tornado, and the maximum translational speed for a suction vortex is the sum of the translational speed of the tornado and the speed with which the suction vortex rotates around the center of the parent tornado. To avoid a nonconservative maximum time rate of change of pressure, this regulatory guide retains the 45.7-meter (150-foot) radius of maximum wind speed for the tornado used in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76.

In addition, this regulatory guide retains the definition of the tornado maximum rotational wind speed VRm as the difference between the maximum tornado wind speed V and the translational speed VT .

The tornado translational speed is one-fifth of the maximum tornado wind speed, which is consistent with the tornado translational speeds in the original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76. Figure 2 depicts the translational and rotational (or tangential) wind velocity components of the Rankine combined vortex.

Figure 2. Rankine combined vortex model showing the components of the wind velocity Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 5

Design-Basis Tornado Characteristics The original version of Regulatory Guide 1.76 characterized tornadoes in each geographical region by (1) maximum wind speed, (2) translational speed, (3) maximum rotational speed, (4) radius of maximum rotational speed, (5) pressure drop, and (6) rate of pressure drop. Because the model used in this regulatory guide is based on a single Rankine combined vortex, the same parameters apply.

If a tornado model with suction vortices were used, additional parameters would be necessary.

Table 1 summarizes the design-basis tornado characteristics used in this regulatory guide.

Table 1. Design-Basis Tornado Characteristics Radius of M aximum maximum M aximum Translational rotational rotational Pressure Rate of wind speed speed speed speed drop pressure drop Region m/s (mph) m/s (mph) m/s (mph) m (ft) mb (psi) mb/s (psi/s)

I 103 (230) 21 (46) 82 (184) 45.7 (150) 83 (1.2) 37 (0.5)

II 89 (200) 18 (40) 72 (160) 45.7 (150) 63 (0.9) 25 (0.4)

III 72 (160) 14 (32) 57 (128) 45.7 (150) 40 (0.6) 13 (0.2)

Tornado-Generated Missile Characteristics To ensure the safety of nuclear power plants in the event of a tornado strike, NRC regulations require that nuclear power plant designs consider the impact of tornado-generated missiles (i.e., objects moving under the action of aerodynamic forces induced by the tornado wind), in addition to the direct action of the tornado wind and the moving ambient pressure field. Wind velocities in excess of 34 m/s (75 mph) are capable of generating missiles from objects lying within the path of the tornado wind and from the debris of nearby damaged structures.

The two basic approaches used to characterize tornado-generated missiles are (1) a standard spectrum of tornado missiles, and (2) a probabilistic assessment of the tornado hazard. No definitive guidance has been developed for use in characterizing site-dependent tornado-generated missiles by hazard probability methods. The damage to safety-related structures by tornado or other wind-generated missiles implies the occurrence of a sequence of random events. That event sequence typically includes a wind-based occurrence in the plant vicinity in excess of 34 m/s (75 mph), existence and availability of missiles in the area, injection of missiles into the wind field, suspension and flight of those missiles, impact of the missiles with safety-related structures, and resulting damage to critical equipment.

Given defense-in-depth considerations, the uncertainties in these events preclude the use of a probabilistic assessment as the sole basis for assessing how well the plant is protected against tornado missile damage.

Protection from a spectrum of missiles (ranging from a massive missile that deforms on impact to a rigid penetrating missile) provides assurance that the necessary structures, systems, and components will be available to mitigate the potential effects of a tornado on plant safety. Given that the design-basis tornado wind speed has a very low frequency, to be credible, the representative missiles must be common items around the plant site and must have a reasonable probability of becoming airborne within the tornado wind field.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 6

To evaluate the resistance of barriers to penetration and gross failure, the tornado missile speeds must also be defined. Simiu and Scanlan (Ref. 8) estimate tornado-generated missile speeds for nuclear plant design purposes. They assumed that missiles start their motion from a point located on the tornado translation axis, at a distance downward of the tornado center equal to the radius of the maximum circumferential wind speeds. In addition, they assumed that the speed with which a missile hits a target is equal to the maximum speed (V max) that the same missile would attain if its trajectory were unobstructed by the presence of any obstacle.

The tornado wind field model used to calculate the maximum missile velocities differs somewhat from the tornado wind field model used in the above discussion of tornado characteristics to obtain the tornado pressure drop and maximum time rate of change of the pressure. Chapter 16 of Reference 8 provides the tornado wind field model (which includes a radial component for the tornado wind speed) and the equations of motion used for the maximum missile velocities. The NRC staff developed a computer program to calculate the maximum horizontal missile speeds by solving these equations.

Design-Basis Tornado Missile Spectrum In accordance with 10 CFR 50.34, Contents of Applications; Technical Information, GDC 2, and GDC 4 structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena without losing the capability to perform their safety function.

Tornado missiles are among the most extreme effects of credible natural phenomena at nuclear power plant sites. The selected design-basis missiles for nuclear power plants include at least (1) a massive high-kinetic-energy missile that deforms on impact, (2) a rigid missile that tests penetration resistence, and (3) a small rigid missile of a size sufficient to pass through any opening in protective barriers.

The NRC staff considers a 6-inch (15.24-centimeter) Schedule 40 steel pipe and an automobile to be acceptable as the penetrating and massive missiles, respectively, for use in the design of nuclear power plants.

Automobiles are common objects near the plant site, and ample evidence supports their potential to be lifted in a tornado wind field. Schedule 40 pipe is also common around plant sites. However, such pipe is intended to represent a rigid component of a larger missile (e.g., building debris or an automobile) that may be lifted in the tornado wind field. Thus, the staff used the maximum speed calculated for the automobile missile for the penetrating missile as well, rather than the speed calculated for a pipe.

To test the configuration of openings in the protective barriers, the missile spectrum also includes a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) solid steel sphere as a small rigid missile. Simiu and Scanlan (Ref. 8) describe the methods that form the bases for the characteristics of these missiles. Table 2 summarizes the design-basis tornado missile spectrum and maximum horizontal speeds.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 7

Table 2. Design-Basis Tornado Missile Spectrum and Maximum Horizontal Speeds M issile Type Schedule 40 Pipe Automobile Solid Steel Sphere Region I and II 5 m x 2 m x 1.3 m 0.168 m dia x 4.58 m long (16.4 ft x 6.6 ft x 4.3 ft) 2.54 cm dia Dimensions (6.625 in. dia x 15 ft long) Region III (1 in. dia) 4.5 m x 1.7 m x 1.5 m (14.9 ft x 5.6 ft x 4.9 ft)

Region I and II 1810 kg 130 kg (4000 lb) 0.0669 kg M ass (287 lb) Region III (0.147 lb) 1178 kg (2595 lb)

Region I and II 0.0070 m 2/kg 0.0043 m 2/kg (0.0343 ft2/lb) 0.0034 m 2/kg C DA/m (0.0212 ft2/lb) Region III (0.0166 ft2/lb) 0.0095 m 2/kg (0.0464 ft2/lb) 41 m/s 41 m/s 8 m/s Region I (135 ft/s) (135 ft/s) (26 ft/s) 34 m/s 34 m/s 7 m/s V Mhmax Region II (112 ft/s) (112 ft/s) (23 ft/s) 24 m/s 24 m/s 6 m/s Region III (79 ft/s) (79 ft/s) (20 ft/s)

The NRC considers the missiles listed in Table 2 to be capable of striking in all directions with horizontal velocities of VMh max and vertical velocities equal to 67 percent of VMh max. Barrier design should be evaluated assuming a normal impact to the surface for the Schedule 40 pipe and automobile missiles. The automobile missile is considered to impact at all altitudes less than 30 feet (9.14 meters) above all grade levels within 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometer) of the plant structures. Table 2 includes a different size and weight automobile for Region III than for Regions I and II. The heavier automobile used in the calculations for Regions I and II will have a lower kinetic energy in Region III. This effect is a consequence of the low maximum horizontal speed VMh max of the heavier automobile in the Region III tornado wind field.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 8

C. REGULATORY POSITION The NRC staff has established the following regulatory positions for licensees and applicants to use in selecting the design-basis tornado and design-basis tornado-generated missiles that a nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand to prevent undue risk to the health and safety of the public.

1. Design-Basis Tornado Parameters Nuclear power plants should be designed to withstand the design-basis tornado. The parameter values specified in Table 1 for the appropriate regions identified in Figure 1 are generally acceptable to the NRC staff for defining the design-basis tornado for a nuclear power plant. If a design-basis tornado proposed for a given site is characterized by less-conservative parameter values than the regional values in Table 1, a comprehensive analysis should be provided to justify the selection of the less-conservative design-basis tornado. Sites located near the general boundaries of adjoining regions may involve additional considerations. The radius of maximum rotational speed of 45.7 meters (150 feet) is used for all three tornado intensity regions.
2. Design-Basis Tornado-Generated Missile Spectrum The design-basis tornado-generated missile spectrum in Table 2 is generally acceptable to the staff for the design of nuclear power plants.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 9

D. IMPLEMENTATION The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staffs plans for using this regulatory guide. No backfitting is intended or approved in connection with its issuance.

Except in those cases in which an applicant or licensee proposes or has previously established an acceptable alternative method for complying with specified portions of the NRCs regulations, the NRC staff will use the methods described in this guide to evaluate (1) submittals in connection with applications for construction permits, standard plant design certifications, early site permits, operating licenses, and combined licenses; and (2) submittals from operating reactor licensees who voluntarily propose to initiate system modifications that have a clear nexus with the subject for which guidance is provided herein.

REGULATORY ANALYSIS / BACKFIT ANALYSIS The regulatory analysis and backfit analysis for this regulatory guide are available in Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143, Design-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants (Ref. 9). The NRC issued DG-1143 in January 2006 to solicit public comment on the draft of this Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.76.

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 10


1. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.1
2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 100, , Reactor Site Criteria, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.1
3. WASH-1300, Technical Basis for Interim Regional Tornado Criteria, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC, May 1974.2
4. Ramsdell, J.V., Jr., NUREG/CR-4461, Tornado Climatology of the Contiguous United States, Revision 2, PNNL-15112, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, February 2007.3
5. A Recommendation for an Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), Wind Science and Engineering Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, June 2004.4
6. Garson, R.C., et al., Tornado Design Winds Based on Risk, Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 101, No. 9, pp. 1883-1897, September 1975.5 1

All NRC regulations listed herein are available electronically through the Electronic Reading Room on the NRCs public Web site, at Copies are also available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555; telephone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; email

2 Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by fax (301) 415-3548, and by email to

3 Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555; telephone (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; email Copies are also available at current rates from the U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328, telephone (202) 512-1800; or from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, online at, by telephone at (800) 553-NTIS (6847) or (703) 605-6000, or by fax to (703) 605-6900.

This document is also available electronically through the NRCs public Web site at

4 This document is available electronically at

5 Copies may be purchased from the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, Virginia 20190, telephone (800) 548-ASCE (2723). Purchase information is available through the ASCE Web site at

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 11

7. Fujita, T. Theodore, Workbook of Tornadoes and High Winds for Engineering Applications, SMRP Research Paper No. 165, September 1978.6
8. Simiu, Emil, and Robert H. Scanlan, Wind Effects on Structures: Fundamentals and Applications to Design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, August 1996.7
9. Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143, Design-Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, January 2006.8 6

Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209, by fax at (301) 415-3548, and by email to This document is also available through the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at, under Accession #ML052650410.

7 Copies may be purchased from the publisher, John Wiley & Sons, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, telephone (201) 748-6000. Purchase information is available through the publishers Web site at

8 Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1143 is available electronically under Accession #ML053140225 in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at

Copies are also available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR), which is located at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville Maryland; the PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555-0001. The PDR can also be reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or (800) 397-4209 by fax at (301) 415-3548, and by email to

Rev. 1 of RG 1.76, Page 12