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| number = ML031500241
| number = ML12305A260
| issue date = 01/31/1976
| issue date = 02/05/1973
| title = Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures
| title = Inservice Surveillance of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures.
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/OSD
| author affiliation = NRC/RES
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| addressee affiliation =  
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| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = RG-1.035, Rev. 2
| document report number = RG-1.035
| document type = Regulatory Guide
| document type = Regulatory Guide
| page count = 4
| page count = 3
{{#Wiki_filter:._. ._-. U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY
{{#Wiki_filter:2/5/73 U.S.     ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION
                                DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY
GUIDE Revision 2 January 1976 OFFICE OF STANDARDS  
                                                                                                                                GI JIDE
                                                                  REGULATORY GUIDE 1.35 INSERVICE SURVEILLANCE OF UNGROUTED TENDONS

General Design Criterion
preventing filler (grease). To the fullest extent practical, it should also cover the ducts that contain the tendons.
53, "Provisions for Contain-ment Testing and Inspection," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires in part that the reactor containment be designed to permit (1) periodic inspection of all important areas and (2) an appropriate surveillance program. This guide describes a basis acceptable to the.NRC staff for developing an' appropriate inservice inspection and surveillance program for ungrouted ten-dons in prestressed concrete containment structures of light-water-cooled reactors.

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position.
General Design Criterion 53, "Provisions for                                  Such a surveillance program is necessary because Containment Testing and Inspection" of Appendix A                                    generally there is no permanent instrumentation to 10 CFR Part 50, "General Design Criteria for                                      installed in the containment that could continuously Nuclear Power Plants," requires, in part, that the                                  monitor its structural behavior.
reactor containment be designed to permit (1) periodic inspection of all important areas and (2) 'an                                              When developing a surveillance program, the total appropriate surveillance program. This guide describes                              containment tendon population should be divided into an acceptable basis for developing an appropriate                                  homogeneous subgroups, i.e., tendons having surveillance program for ungrouted tendons in                                      approximately the same probability of corrosion and a prestressed concrete containment structures of                                      similar function in the overall structural capabilities and light-water-cooled reactors. The Advisory Committee                                   properties of the structure. Thus, for each structure the on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning                                 surveillance program. should consider separately the this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position.                            groups of vertical, hoop, and dome tendons.

* l This revision is the result of comments received on Revision 1, June 1974, and additional staff review.The recommendations of this guide are applicable to"typical" prestressed concrete containnents having a shallow-domed roof on cylindrical walls about 150 feet in diameter, an overall height of about 200 feet, and the following tendons: approximately
Consideration of homogeneous tendon subgroups (i.e., vertical, hoop, and dome) establishes a sampling This guide is applicable to "typical" prestressed                            base for determining loss of prestress, the main concrete containments with ungrouted tendons only, for                               characteristic checked by the surveillance program.
200 in the dome (either three families of tendons 600 apart or two families of tendons 90° apart), 200 vertical in the wall, and 500 hoop tendons in the wall. In addition, these recommendations are applicable to containments having a hemispherical dome-shaped roof on cylindrical walls about 150 feet in diameter, an overall height ranging from 200 to 240 feet, and the following tendons: 70 to*Lines indicate substantive changes from previous issue.90 inverted U tendons' arranged in two families of tendons 900 apart and 150 to 180 hoop tendons in the cylinder and dome.Inservice inspection of ungrouted wire and strand tendons of all sizes (up to an ultimate strength of approximately
1300 tons) and all types should be performed (e.g., tendons with parallel wires, with one or several strands, and with different systems of anchors).Materials for all components should satisfy the require-ments of applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) material standards.
The inservice in-spection program should cover the anchor hardware and the corrosion-preventing filler (grease).
To the fullest extent practical, it should also cover the ducts that contain the tendons. Such an inservice inspection pro-gram is necessary because generally there is no perma-nent instrumentation installed in the containment that could continuously monitor its structural behavior.When an inservice inspection program is being devel-oped, the total containment tendon population should be divided into homogeneous subgroups consisting of tendons having approximately the same probability of corrosion and similar functions in the overall structural capabilities and properties of the structure.
Thus, for each structure the inservice inspection program should consider separately the groups of vertical, inverted U, hoop, and dome tendons. This will permit a sampling.base to be established for determining loss of prestress, the main characteristic checked by the inservice inspec-tion program.IA tendon, both ends of which are anchored at the bottom of the base of the cylindrical walls and which approximately follows the configuration of the containment in the vertical plane passing through the anchor point
GUIDES Comments should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
D.C. 20555. Attention:
Docketing and Regulatory Guides are issued to describe end make available to the pubic Service Section methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of the S n Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in avalu. The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:
ating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to appli-cants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations.
and compliance
1. Power Reactors 6. Products with them is not required.
Methods and solutions different from those set out in 2. Research end Test Reactors 7. Transportation the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite to 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities
8. Occupational Health the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.
4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Review Comments and suggestions for improvements in these guides are encouraged S. Materials and Plant Protection
10. General at all times. and guides will be revised, as appropriate, to accommodate com-ments and to reflect new information or e.perience.
This guide was revised as a Copies of published guides may be obtained by written fequest indicating the result of substantive comments received from the public and additional staff divisions desired to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. 20555. Attention:
Office of Standards Development.
If some tendons are expected to be subject to greater 3. Defec prestress losses than the rest, this should be taken into detensionec account in selecting samples.The inservice inspection programs outlined in this guide are applicable to all containments with ungrouted prestressing systems regardless of plant geographical
1 Gene location.The prestressing force in a tendon may be checked by 1.1 The a liftoff or other equivalent tests. One of the main this guide objectives of the test is to discover any brittle, damaged, prestressed or broken wires. Any eventual decrease in the pre-stressing force is due to the simultaneous interaction of 1.1.1 several time-dependent factors such as: shallow-doi in diameter 1. Stress relaxation in the wire; following
1 (either thr 2. Temperature variation of the wire; families of and 500 h 3. Shrinkage, creep, and temperature deformations in ("typical")
concrete;1.1.2 4. Differential thermal expansion or contraction hemispheric between the concrete and the tendon; and about 150 from 200 t 5. Reduction in cross section of the wires, including
90 inverte possible fracture, due to corrosion.
tendons 90 cylinder ar A liftoff test does not separate the effects of these dome").-factors, and corrosion, the factor of greatest concern, cannot be isolated.
Therefore, tolerance limits for the 1.2 For loss of prestressing force, including the effects of types, the possible corrosion, should be established, and the inser- for the dew vice inspection program should be oriented toward tion prograr determining whether these limits are exceeded.
However, it should be noted that only gross deterioration of the 1.3 All prestressing system can be detected.
dons should Many hoop tendons are anchored on buttresses partially located inside the auxiliary building adjacent to the containment.

Since these anchors are not easily accessible, especially during operation of the facility, they present a special problem for liftoff tests. In the original layout of tendons, this problem should be specifically considered.
which the number of tendons does not exceed: 200 in the dome (either three families of tendons 600 apart or                                    If some tendons are expected to be subject to two families of tendons 900 apart), 200 vertical (in                                greater prestress losses than the rest, this should be taken wall), and 500 complete hoops (in wall).                                            into account in selecting samples..
        For containments that differ from the "typical"                                      The prestressing force in a tendon may :be 'checked containment described above, the model program                                        by a liftoff or other equivalent test., One of the main presented in this guide should serve as the basis for                                objectives of the test is to discover any brittle, damaged, development of a comparable surveillance program.                                    or broken wires. Any eventual decrease in the prestressing force is due to the simultaneous interaction Surveillance of ungrouted wire and strand tendons                            of several time-dependent factors such as:
of all sizes (up to an ultimate strength of approximately
1300 tons) and types should be considered (e.g., tendons                              a.    Stress relaxation in the wire;
with parallel wires, with one or several strands, and with                            b.    Temperature variation of the wire;
different systems of anchors). Materials for all                                      c.    Shrinkage, creep, and temperature stresses in components should satisfy the requirements of                                                concrete;
applicable American Society for Testing and Materials                                d.    Differential thermal expansion ' or contraction (ASTM) material standards. The surveillance program                                          between the concrete and the tendon; and should cover the anchor hardware and the corrosion-                                  e.   -Eventual deterioration of the wires (corrosion).
                      USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES                                      Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545, Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public          Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of    improvements in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in          of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545, evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to    Attention: Chief, Public Proceedings Staff.

Any architectural treatment or environmental protection of the anchors should be removable without damage to the anchor.Defects that an inspector might uncover during visual inspection of the anchorage assembly should be sepa-rated into three groups: 1. Defects that can be found when the tendon is in its normally stressed condition;
applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set out in    The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:
2. Defects that can be found only after the tendon is the existing prestressing
the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.                 1,. Power Reactors                       
; ~~tensioned to a igher value than force; and l:'..-; -.~~~~~cts that can be found only after the tendon is 1.C. REGULATORY
POSITION inservice inspection program described in is applicable to the following types of concrete containment structures:
Prestressed concrete containments having a ned roof on cylindrical walls about 150 feet , an overall height of about 200 feet, and the tendons: 2 approximately
200 in the dome ee families of tendons 60° apart or two tendons 900 apart), 200 vertical in the wall, oop tendons in the wall (herein designated and Prestressed concrete containments having a ial dome-shaped roof on cylindrical walls feet in diameter, an overall height ranging o 240 feet, and the following tendons: 70 to I U tendons' arranged in two families of°apart and 150 to 180 hoop tendons in the id dome (herein designated "hemispherical containments that differ from these two program described should serve as the basis relopment of a comparable inservice inspec-iM.containment structures with ungrouted ten-I be inspected in accordance with this guide.However, if it can be shown by the applicant that identical containment structures are located on one site, that no environmental or other differences are apparent, and that they were constructed by the same contractor in the same manner at the same time (continuous construction), every second containment structure need only be visually inspected as described in regulatory position C.3.1.4 Containments should be designed so that the prestressing anchor hardware is accessible for periodic examination.

1.5 The inservice inspection should be performed
===6. Products===
1, 3, and 5 years after the initial containment structural integrity test and every 5 years thereafter.
                                                                                      2. Research and Test Reactors             

2 For the purpose of this guide, a tendon is defined as a separate continuous multiwire or multistrand tensioned element anchored at both ends to an end anchorage assembly.1.35-2 Q
===7. Transportation===
2. Sample Selection 2.1 Samples for the inspection at 1, 3, and 5 years should be selected as follows: 2.1.1 "Typical" containments:
                                                                                      3. Fuels and Materials Facilities          8. Occupational Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as apprupriate, to accommodate        4. Environmental and Siting                9. Antitrust Review comments and to reflect new information or experience.                               5. Materials and Plant Protection        1 Six dome tendons, two located in each 60° group (i.e., three families of tendons) and randomly distributed to provide representative sampling, or three located in each 900 group (i.e., two families of tendons). Five vertical tendons, randomly but representatively distributed. Ten hoop tendons randomly but repre-sentatively distributed.
===0. General===

2.1.2 "Hemispherical dome" containments:
A liftoff test does not separate the effects of these        accordance with this guide independently from factors, and corrosion, the factor of greatest concern,           containments at any other site. Where identical cannot be isolated. Therefore, tolerance limits for the          containment structures are located on one site, where no loss of prestressing force, including the effects of             environmental or other differences are apparent, and possible corrosion, should be established, and the                where they were constructed by the same contractor in surveillance procedure oriented toward verifying that             the same manner at the same time (continuous these limits are not exceeded. However, it should be              construction), then every second containment structure noted that only gross deterioration of the prestressing          need only be visually inspected in accordance with C.7. 4% of the U tendon population with the result rounded off to the nearest integral number of tendons, but no less than four. 4% of the hoop tendon population with the result rounded off to the nearest integral number of tendons, but no less than nine.2.2 If the inspections described in regulatory posi-tion C.2.1 indicate that there are no problems with prestressing tendons in containment structures, the samples for the subsequent inspections may be selected as follows: 2.2.1 "Typical" containments: If there are three dome groups, one from each group; if there are two dome groups, one from each dome group plus one additional dome tendon selected at random: Three vertical tendons randomly but representatively distributed. Three hoop tendons randomly but representatively distributed.
system can be detected.

2.2.2 "Hemispherical dome" containments:
3. Containments should be designed so that the Many hoop tendons are anchored on buttresses                prestressing anchor hardware is accessible for periodic partially located inside the auxiliary building adjacent to       inspection. 2% of the U tendon population with the result rounded off to the nearest integral number of tendons, but no less than two. 2% of ie hoop tendon population with the result rounded off to the nearest integral number of tendons, but no less than three.2.3 If some tendons are subject to greater prestress losses than others, this should be considered in the sample selection.

For each inspection, the tendons should again be selected on a random but representative basis so the sample group will change somewhat each time. However, to develop a history and for correlating the observed data, one tendon from each group may be kept unchanged after the initial selection.
the containment. Since these anchors are not easily accessible, especially during operation of the facility,          4. The surveillance measures identified in C.5., C.6.

3. Visual Inspection Tendon anchorage assembly hardware (such as bearing plates, stressing washers, sims, wedges, and buttonheads)
they present a special problem for liftoff tests. The            and C.7. should be performed 1, 2, and 3 years after the original layout of tendons should address itself                  initial containment structural integrity test and every 5 specifically to this problem. Any anchor architectural            years thereafter.
of all tendons selected as described in regulatory position C.2 should be visually examined.

For those containments for which only visual inspections need be performed, tendons selected as described in regulatory position C.2 should be visually examined to the extent practical without dismantling load-bearing components of the anchorage.
treatment or environmental protection should be removable without damage to the anchor.                          5. Selected tendons should be periodically subjected to liftoff or other equivalent tests to monitor loss of Defects that an inspector might uncover during              prestress. These tests should include the following:
visual inspection of the anchorage assembly should be                  a. Properly calibrated jacks and the simultaneous separated into three groups:                                      measurement of elongation and jacking force. Allowable elongations and jacking loads, allowable tolerances, and a. Defects that can be found when the tendon is in its            the effects of influences such as temperature should be normally stressed condition;                                      established prior to the tests.

The surrounding concrete should also be checked visually for indications of abnormal material behavior.
b. Defects that can be found only after the tendon is                  b. A maximum test liftoff force greater than the tensioned to a higher value than the existing prestressing        maximum inservice prestressing force. The liftoff test force; and                                                        should include an unloading cycle going down to c. Defects that can be found only after the tendon is            essentially complete detensioning of the tendon to detensioned.                                                      identify broken or damaged wires or strands.

The visual examination of the concrete should be scheduled during integrated leakage testing while the containment is at its maximum test pressure.The method used for removing grease in order to permit visual examination of the stressing washers, shims, wedges, and bearing plates should neither increase the effects of corrosion nor damage the steel (for instance, scratch it) and should be usable under oper-ating conditions.
c. Selected numbers and types of tendons If the limits provided in C.5. and C.6. are exceeded        periodically tested for loss of prestress:
or if abnormal material behavior is detected pursuant to                    (1) Six dome tendons; two located in each 600
inspection in accordance with C.7., then abnormal                group (i.e.., three families of tendons) and distributed to degradation of the containment structure, a boundary              provide representative, sampling, or three located in each designed to contain radioactive materials, is indicated. In      900 group (i.e., two families of tendons), *
such cases, the reporting provisions of Safety Guide 16,                   (2) Five vertical tendons, randomly but
"Reporting of Operating Information," should apply.              representatively distributed, Included in the report should be a description of the                       (3) Ten hoop tendons (where more than one condition of the concrete (especially at tendon                  tendon comprises the total hoop, one tendon may anchorages), the surveillance procedure, the tolerances          represent the hoop), randomly but representatively on cracking, and the measures to be used when                    distributed.

4. Prestress Monitoring Tests Tendons selected as described in regulatory position C.2 should be subjected to liftoff or other equivalent tests to monitor loss of prestress during each inspection.
tolerances are exceeded.

These tests should include the following:
d.   A measurement of the prestress force for each  
4.1 The simultaneous measurement of elongation and jacking force with properly calibrated jacks. Allow-able elongations, jacking loads, allowable tolerances, and the effects of influences such as temperature should be established prior to the tests.4.2 The maximum test liftoff force should be greater than the maximum inservice prestressing force. The liftoff test should include an unloading cycle going down to essentially complete detensioning of the tendon to identify broken or damaged wires or strands.5. Tendon Material Tests and Inspections
5.1 Previously stressed tendon wires or strands from one tendon of each type (i.e., for "typical" contain-ments, one dome, one vertical, and one hoop tendon; for"hemispherical dome" containments, one U tendon and one hoop tendon) should be removed for testing and examination over the entire length to determine if evidence of corrosion or other deleterious effects is 1.35-3 0 I.I
present. At each successive inspection, the samples should be selected from different tendons.5.2 Tensile tests should be made on at least three samples cut from each removed wire or strand (one at each end and one at mid-length;
the samples should be the maximum.length practical for testing).
If frequent stress cycling is suspected, tests simulating this condition should be conducted.

Similarly, where the inservice inspection program indicates the possibility of a poten-tially corrosive atmosphere, accelerated corrosion tests should be made.6. Inspection of Filler Grease The method used for checking the presence of sheathing filler grease should account for (1) the minimum grease coverage needed for different parts of the anchorage system including, for example, button-heads; (2) the influence of temperature variations, especially the lowest temperature likely to occur between two successive inspections;
(3) the procedure used to uncover possible voids in grease in the trumpet;and (4) requirements imposed by grease specifications, qualification tests, and acceptability tolerances.
tendon    tested in C.5.c., with acceptable limits being defined  as not less than the predicted lower bound nor
1. This guide should be applied to "typical"                      greater  than the predicted upper bound forces at the prestressed concrete containments having a                        time of the test.

7. Acceptance Criteria 7.1 The prestress force measured for each tendon in the tests described in regulatory position C.4 should be within the limits predicted for the time of the test.7.2 There should be no more than one defective tendon in the total sample population.
shallow-domed roof on cyclindrical walls about 150 feet in diameter, an overall height of about 200 feet, and for              e. An allowable limit of not more than one defective tendon out of the total sample population. If which the number of tendons does not exceed: 200 in the dome (either three families of tendons 600 apart or          one sample tendon is defective, an adjacent tendon on each side of the defective tendon should also be two families of tendons 90' apart), 200 vertical (in checked. If both of these tendons are acceptable as wall), and 500 complete hoops (in wall). For defined in C.5.d., then the surveillance program should containments that differ from the "typical"
                                                                  proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and containment described above, this guide should serve as acceptable. However, if either adjacent tendon is the basis for development of a comparable surveillance defective or if more than one tendon out of the original program, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If one sample tendon is defective, an adjacent tendon on each side of the defective tendon should also be checked. If both of these tendons are acceptable as defined in regulatory position C.7.1, the inservice inspection program should proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and acceptable.
sample population is defective, abnormal degradation of the containment structure is indicated, and the
2.  Each containment structure should be inspected in            Commission should be notified in accordance with C.8.

However, if efither adjacent tendon is defec-tive or if more than one tendon out of the original sample population is defective, the occurrence should be considered as unacceptable.

6. The physical condition of the tendon material                inspected to the extent practical without dismantling should be checked as noted below.                               load-bearing components of the anchorage. The surrounding concrete should also be checked visually for a. Previously stressed tendon wires or strands            indications of abnormal material behavior. If the entire from one dome tendon and two wall tendons (one from            containment is pressurized for leak testing purposes, the a vertical tendon and one from a hoop tendon) should            visual inspection should be scheduled, if possible, to be removed for testing and examination over the entire          coincide with the leak test.
WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 OFFiCIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. 300 7.3 Failure in the tensile test should not occur at a strength value less than the guaranteed ultimate strength of the tendon material.

Failure below this value in any tendon material sample should be considerea as unaccep-table.8. Reporting to the Commission If the acceptance criteria of regulatory position C.7 are not met or if abnormal material behavior is detected as described in regulatory positions C.3 and C.6, a possible abnormal degradation of the containment struc-ture (a boundary designed to contain radioactive mate-rials) is indicated.
length to determine if evidence of corrosion or other deleterious effects are present. At each successive The method used for checking the presence of inspection the samples should be selected from different sheathing filler grease should account for: (1) the tendons.

Such an occurrence should be reported to the Commission.
minimum grease coverage needed for different parts of the anchorage system including, for example, b. Tensile tests should be made on at least three          buttonheads; (2) the influence of temperature variations, samples cut from each removed wire or strand (one at            especially the lowest temperature likely to occur each end and one at mid-length; the samples being of a          between two successive inspections; (3) the procedure maximum length practical for testing). If frequent stress      used to uncover possible voids in grease in the trumpet;
cycling is suspected, tests simulating his condition            and (4) requirements imposed by grease specifications, should be conducted. Similarly, where as a result of the        qualification tests, and acceptability tolera'nces. The surveillance program a potentially corrosive atmosphere        method used for removing grease in order to permit is suspected, accelerated corrosion tests should be made.      visual inspection of the stressing washers, shims, wedges, and bearing plates should neither increase the effects of c. Failure below the guaranteed ultimate strength corrosion nor damage the steel (for instance, scratch it)
of any one of the three tendon material sample tests            and should be usable even under unfavorable conditions should be considered an indication of abnormal                  so as not to conflict with operational requirements.

The'report should include a description of the tendon condition, the condition of the concrete (especially at tendon anchorages), the I inspection procedure, the tolerances on cracking, and the measures to be used when tolerances are exceeded.
degradation of the containment structure, and the Commission should be notified in accordance with C.8.

8. Any significant or critical deterioration of the
The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for utilizing this regulatory guide.This guide reflects current NRC practice.
7. Tendon anchorage assembly hardware (such as                  containment revealed by the inservice surveillance bearing plates, stressing washers, shims, wedges, and          program should be reported to the Commission as an buttonheads) of all tendons inspected pursuant to C.5.          abnormal occurrence in accordance with Safety Guide and C.6. should be visually inspected. For those                16, "Reporting of Operating Information," except that containments for which only visual inspections need be          the initial report may be made within 10 days of the performed, as noted in C.2., the same numbers and types        completion of the tests, and the detailed report may of tendons as noted in C.5.c. should be visually                follow within 90 days of the completion of the tests.

Therefore, except in those cases in which the applicant proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying with speci-fied portions of the Commission's regulations, this guide will be used by the NRC staff in evaluating construction permit and operating license applications for plants whose construction permits are docketed after the date of publication of the guide.3The report to the Commission should be made in accordance with the reporting program summarized in Regulatory Guide 1.16, "Reporting of Operating Information
-Appendix A Technical Specification." POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY
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Latest revision as of 21:46, 11 November 2019

Inservice Surveillance of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures.
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/05/1973
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML12305A260 (3)









preventing filler (grease). To the fullest extent practical, it should also cover the ducts that contain the tendons.

General Design Criterion 53, "Provisions for Such a surveillance program is necessary because Containment Testing and Inspection" of Appendix A generally there is no permanent instrumentation to 10 CFR Part 50, "General Design Criteria for installed in the containment that could continuously Nuclear Power Plants," requires, in part, that the monitor its structural behavior.

reactor containment be designed to permit (1) periodic inspection of all important areas and (2) 'an When developing a surveillance program, the total appropriate surveillance program. This guide describes containment tendon population should be divided into an acceptable basis for developing an appropriate homogeneous subgroups, i.e., tendons having surveillance program for ungrouted tendons in approximately the same probability of corrosion and a prestressed concrete containment structures of similar function in the overall structural capabilities and light-water-cooled reactors. The Advisory Committee properties of the structure. Thus, for each structure the on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning surveillance program. should consider separately the this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position. groups of vertical, hoop, and dome tendons.


Consideration of homogeneous tendon subgroups (i.e., vertical, hoop, and dome) establishes a sampling This guide is applicable to "typical" prestressed base for determining loss of prestress, the main concrete containments with ungrouted tendons only, for characteristic checked by the surveillance program.

which the number of tendons does not exceed: 200 in the dome (either three families of tendons 600 apart or If some tendons are expected to be subject to two families of tendons 900 apart), 200 vertical (in greater prestress losses than the rest, this should be taken wall), and 500 complete hoops (in wall). into account in selecting samples..

For containments that differ from the "typical" The prestressing force in a tendon may :be 'checked containment described above, the model program by a liftoff or other equivalent test., One of the main presented in this guide should serve as the basis for objectives of the test is to discover any brittle, damaged, development of a comparable surveillance program. or broken wires. Any eventual decrease in the prestressing force is due to the simultaneous interaction Surveillance of ungrouted wire and strand tendons of several time-dependent factors such as:

of all sizes (up to an ultimate strength of approximately

1300 tons) and types should be considered (e.g., tendons a. Stress relaxation in the wire;

with parallel wires, with one or several strands, and with b. Temperature variation of the wire;

different systems of anchors). Materials for all c. Shrinkage, creep, and temperature stresses in components should satisfy the requirements of concrete;

applicable American Society for Testing and Materials d. Differential thermal expansion ' or contraction (ASTM) material standards. The surveillance program between the concrete and the tendon; and should cover the anchor hardware and the corrosion- e. -Eventual deterioration of the wires (corrosion).

USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545, Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of improvements in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545, evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention: Chief, Public Proceedings Staff.

applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:

the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1,. Power Reactors

6. Products

2. Research and Test Reactors

7. Transportation

3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as apprupriate, to accommodate 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Review comments and to reflect new information or experience. 5. Materials and Plant Protection 1

0. General

A liftoff test does not separate the effects of these accordance with this guide independently from factors, and corrosion, the factor of greatest concern, containments at any other site. Where identical cannot be isolated. Therefore, tolerance limits for the containment structures are located on one site, where no loss of prestressing force, including the effects of environmental or other differences are apparent, and possible corrosion, should be established, and the where they were constructed by the same contractor in surveillance procedure oriented toward verifying that the same manner at the same time (continuous these limits are not exceeded. However, it should be construction), then every second containment structure noted that only gross deterioration of the prestressing need only be visually inspected in accordance with C.7.

system can be detected.

3. Containments should be designed so that the Many hoop tendons are anchored on buttresses prestressing anchor hardware is accessible for periodic partially located inside the auxiliary building adjacent to inspection.

the containment. Since these anchors are not easily accessible, especially during operation of the facility, 4. The surveillance measures identified in C.5., C.6.

they present a special problem for liftoff tests. The and C.7. should be performed 1, 2, and 3 years after the original layout of tendons should address itself initial containment structural integrity test and every 5 specifically to this problem. Any anchor architectural years thereafter.

treatment or environmental protection should be removable without damage to the anchor. 5. Selected tendons should be periodically subjected to liftoff or other equivalent tests to monitor loss of Defects that an inspector might uncover during prestress. These tests should include the following:

visual inspection of the anchorage assembly should be a. Properly calibrated jacks and the simultaneous separated into three groups: measurement of elongation and jacking force. Allowable elongations and jacking loads, allowable tolerances, and a. Defects that can be found when the tendon is in its the effects of influences such as temperature should be normally stressed condition; established prior to the tests.

b. Defects that can be found only after the tendon is b. A maximum test liftoff force greater than the tensioned to a higher value than the existing prestressing maximum inservice prestressing force. The liftoff test force; and should include an unloading cycle going down to c. Defects that can be found only after the tendon is essentially complete detensioning of the tendon to detensioned. identify broken or damaged wires or strands.

c. Selected numbers and types of tendons If the limits provided in C.5. and C.6. are exceeded periodically tested for loss of prestress:

or if abnormal material behavior is detected pursuant to (1) Six dome tendons; two located in each 600

inspection in accordance with C.7., then abnormal group (i.e.., three families of tendons) and distributed to degradation of the containment structure, a boundary provide representative, sampling, or three located in each designed to contain radioactive materials, is indicated. In 900 group (i.e., two families of tendons), *

such cases, the reporting provisions of Safety Guide 16, (2) Five vertical tendons, randomly but

"Reporting of Operating Information," should apply. representatively distributed, Included in the report should be a description of the (3) Ten hoop tendons (where more than one condition of the concrete (especially at tendon tendon comprises the total hoop, one tendon may anchorages), the surveillance procedure, the tolerances represent the hoop), randomly but representatively on cracking, and the measures to be used when distributed.

tolerances are exceeded.

d. A measurement of the prestress force for each


tendon tested in C.5.c., with acceptable limits being defined as not less than the predicted lower bound nor

1. This guide should be applied to "typical" greater than the predicted upper bound forces at the prestressed concrete containments having a time of the test.

shallow-domed roof on cyclindrical walls about 150 feet in diameter, an overall height of about 200 feet, and for e. An allowable limit of not more than one defective tendon out of the total sample population. If which the number of tendons does not exceed: 200 in the dome (either three families of tendons 600 apart or one sample tendon is defective, an adjacent tendon on each side of the defective tendon should also be two families of tendons 90' apart), 200 vertical (in checked. If both of these tendons are acceptable as wall), and 500 complete hoops (in wall). For defined in C.5.d., then the surveillance program should containments that differ from the "typical"

proceed considering the single deficiency as unique and containment described above, this guide should serve as acceptable. However, if either adjacent tendon is the basis for development of a comparable surveillance defective or if more than one tendon out of the original program, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

sample population is defective, abnormal degradation of the containment structure is indicated, and the

2. Each containment structure should be inspected in Commission should be notified in accordance with C.8.


6. The physical condition of the tendon material inspected to the extent practical without dismantling should be checked as noted below. load-bearing components of the anchorage. The surrounding concrete should also be checked visually for a. Previously stressed tendon wires or strands indications of abnormal material behavior. If the entire from one dome tendon and two wall tendons (one from containment is pressurized for leak testing purposes, the a vertical tendon and one from a hoop tendon) should visual inspection should be scheduled, if possible, to be removed for testing and examination over the entire coincide with the leak test.

length to determine if evidence of corrosion or other deleterious effects are present. At each successive The method used for checking the presence of inspection the samples should be selected from different sheathing filler grease should account for: (1) the tendons.

minimum grease coverage needed for different parts of the anchorage system including, for example, b. Tensile tests should be made on at least three buttonheads; (2) the influence of temperature variations, samples cut from each removed wire or strand (one at especially the lowest temperature likely to occur each end and one at mid-length; the samples being of a between two successive inspections; (3) the procedure maximum length practical for testing). If frequent stress used to uncover possible voids in grease in the trumpet;

cycling is suspected, tests simulating his condition and (4) requirements imposed by grease specifications, should be conducted. Similarly, where as a result of the qualification tests, and acceptability tolera'nces. The surveillance program a potentially corrosive atmosphere method used for removing grease in order to permit is suspected, accelerated corrosion tests should be made. visual inspection of the stressing washers, shims, wedges, and bearing plates should neither increase the effects of c. Failure below the guaranteed ultimate strength corrosion nor damage the steel (for instance, scratch it)

of any one of the three tendon material sample tests and should be usable even under unfavorable conditions should be considered an indication of abnormal so as not to conflict with operational requirements.

degradation of the containment structure, and the Commission should be notified in accordance with C.8.

8. Any significant or critical deterioration of the

7. Tendon anchorage assembly hardware (such as containment revealed by the inservice surveillance bearing plates, stressing washers, shims, wedges, and program should be reported to the Commission as an buttonheads) of all tendons inspected pursuant to C.5. abnormal occurrence in accordance with Safety Guide and C.6. should be visually inspected. For those 16, "Reporting of Operating Information," except that containments for which only visual inspections need be the initial report may be made within 10 days of the performed, as noted in C.2., the same numbers and types completion of the tests, and the detailed report may of tendons as noted in C.5.c. should be visually follow within 90 days of the completion of the tests.
