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#REDIRECT [[L-13-243, Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S, First Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order No]]
| number = ML13238A260
| issue date = 08/26/2013
| title = Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S, First Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order No
| author name = Sena P P
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR, NRC/Document Control Desk
| docket = 05000334, 05000346, 05000412, 05000440
| license number = DPR-066, NPF-003, NPF-058, NPF-073
| contact person =
| case reference number = EA-12-049, L-13-243, TAC MF0841, TAC MF0842, TAC MF0961, TAC MF0962
| document type = Letter, Status Report
| page count = 13
| project = TAC:MF0841, TAC:MF0842, TAC:MF0961, TAC:MF0962
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:FENOCi"ffi76 South Main StreetAkron. Ohio 44308Peter P. Sena lllPresident and Chief Nuclear OfficerAugust 26,2013L-13-243ATTN: Document Control DeskU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-001 10 cFR 2.202SUBJEQT:Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationDocket No. 50-346, License No. NPF-3Perry Nuclear Power PlantDocket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58FirstEnerov NucleAr Qperatinq Company's (FENOC's)
First Six-Month Status Report inResponse to March 12. 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Reqard toRequirements for Mitiqation Strateqies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Eventl(Order Number EA-12-019) ffAC Nos. MF0841, MF0842. MF0961, and MF0962)On March 12,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) issuedan order (Reference
: 1) to FENOC. Reference 1 was immediately effective and directsFENOC to develop, implement, and maintain guidance and strategies to maintain orrestore core cooling, containment, and spent fuef pool cooling capabilities in the eventof a beyond-design-basis external event. Specific requirements are outlined inAttachment 2 of Reference 1.Reference 1 required submission of an initial status report 60 days following issuance ofthe final interim staff guidance (Reference
: 2) and an overall integrated plan pursuant toSection lV, Condition C. Reference2 endorses industry guidance document NuclearEnergy Institute (NEl) 12-06, Revision 0 (Reference
: 3) with clarifications and exceptions identified in Reference
: 2. Reference 4 provided the FENOC initial status reportregarding mitigation strategies.
Reference 5 provided the FENOC overall integrated plan for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (BVPS), Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station (DBNPS),
and Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP).Reference 1 requires submission of a status report at six-month intervals following submittal of the overall integrated plan. Reference 3 provides direction regarding thecontent of the status reports.
The purpose of this letter is to provide the first six-month Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationPerry Nuclear Power PlantL-13-243Page 2status report pursuant to Section lV, Condition C.2, of Reference 1, that delineates progress made in implementing the requirements of Reference
: 1. The attached reportsfor BVPS, DBNPS, and PNPP (Attachments 1,2, and 3, respectively) provide an updateof milestone accomplishments since the last status report, including any changes to thecompliance method, schedule, or need for relieflrelaxation and the basis, if any.This letter contains no new regulatory commitments.
lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager - Fleet Licensing, at 330-315-6810.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed onAugust ab ,2013.Respectfu lly subm itted,/* /,tz_Peter P. Sena, lllAttachments:
: 1. Beaver Valley Power Station First Six-Month Status Report for the lmplementation of Order EA-1 2-A49, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsDavis-Besse Nuclear Power Station First Six-Month Status Report for thef mplementation of Order EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsPerry Nuclear Power Plant First Six-Month Status Report for the lmplementation ofOrder EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events
: 1. NRC Order Number EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12,2012NRC Interim Staff Guidance JLD-ISG-2012-01, Compliance with Order EA-12-449, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, Revision 0, dated August 29,2012NEI 12-06, Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) lmplementation Guide,Revision 0, dated August2012 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's)
Initial Status Report inResponse to March 12,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard2.
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationPerry Nuclear Power PlantL-13-243Page 3to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049),
dated October 26,20125. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's)
Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049),
dated February 27,2013cc: Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I Administrator NRC Region lll Administrator NRC Resident Inspector (BVPS)NRC Resident Inspector (DBNPS)NRC Resident Inspector (PNPP)NRC Project Manager (BVPS)NRC Project Manager (DBNPS)NRC Project Manager (PNPP)Ms. Jessica A. Kratchman, NRR/JLD/PMB, NRCDirector BRP/DEP (without Attachments)
Site BRP/DEP Representative (without Attachments)
Utility Radiological Safety Board (without Attachments)
Attachment 1L-13-243Beaver Valley Power Station First Six-Month Status Report for the lmplementation ofOrder EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsPage 1 of 41 Introduction FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) developed an Overall Integrated Plan (OlP) for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Reference 1 inSection 8), documenting the diverse and flexible strategies (FLEX), in response toReferen ce 2. This attachment provides an update of milestone accomplishments sincesubmittal of the OlP, including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, orneed for relief/relaxation and the basis, if any.2 MilestoneAccomplishments The following milestone(s) have been completed since the submittal of the OIP(Reference 1). This update is current as of July 19, 2013.. Completed review of the FLEX strategies following the submittal.
FLEXstrategies are unchanged, and a vendor has been selected to perform thedetailed design engineering for the plant modifications.
. Submitted the Phase 1 staffing study (Reference
: 3) performed using theguidance in Nuclear Energy Institute (NEl) 12-01, Guideline for Assessrng Beyond Design Basis Accidenf Response Sfaffing and Communications Capabilities.
o Planned plant modifications have been targeted to the appropriate refueling outage and/or on-line work period.o The Pressurized Water Reactors Owners Group (PWROG) has issued thegeneric FLEX Support Guidelines.
3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following provides an update to Attachment 2 of the OlP. lt provides the activitystatus of each item and whether the expected completion date has changed.
The datesare planning dates subject to change as design and implementation details aredeveloped.
The following milestones are being added as part of this update.Validation:
o Walk-throughs or Demonstrations:
February-2015 Attachment 1L-13-243Page 2 of 4The revised milestone target completion dates do not impact the order implementation date.Milestone TargetCompletion DateActivity Status(as of 711$131Revised TargetCompletion DateSubmit FLEX Integrated lmplementation Plan02t28t13Complete6 Month NRC Status Updates08t28t15StartedUpdate 108t28t13StartedUpdate 202t28114Not StartedUpdate 308t28114Not StartedUpdate 402t27 t15Not StartedUpdate 508t28t15Not StartedComplete FLEX Strateqv ReviewMarch-2O13 CompleteValidation N/ANot StartedFebruarv-2415 Wal k-th rouqh s or De monstrations N/ANot StartedFebruary-2015 Gomplete Staffing AnalysisNovember-2015 StartedNovember-2014 Submit NEI 12-01 Phase 1 Staffinq StudvApril-2013 CompleteSubmit NEI 12-01 Phase 2 Staffinq StudvNovember-2015 Not StartedNovember-2Q14 Gomplete Plant Modifications November-2015 StartedTarqet plant modifications April-2013 CompleteUnit 1 Modifications completeMav-2015StartedComplete 1 R22 outaqe madificafions November-2013 StartedComplete on-l i ne mod ifications February-2415 StartedComplete 1 R23 outaqe modifications Mav-2015StartedUnit 2 Modifications comoleteNovember-2015 StartedComplete 2R17 outaqe modifications Mav-2014StartedCom plete on-line modifications Auoust-2015 StartedComplete 2R1 I outaqe modificafions November-2015 StartedFLEX Storaqe GompleteMarch-2O15 Not StartedComplete Buildins DesisnDecember-2013 Not StartedCommence Construction June-2014 Not StartedComplete Construction March-2O15 Not StartedRiver (UHS) Access GompleteOctober-2014 Not StartedFence & Gate frtlodification DesiqnAuoust-2013 Not StartedFebruary-2014 New Fence & Gate Construction Auqust-2014 Not StartedSecuritv Barrier Pipe Penetrations DesiqnJanuary-2014 Not StartedSecurity Barrier Pipe Penetration Construction October-2014 Not StartedOn-site FLEX Equipment June-2014 Not StartedDecember-2014 Confirm FLEX Eauipment Requirements April-2013 StartedNovember-2013 FLEX Equinment OrderedMav-2013Not StartedDecember-2013 FLEX Equipment Delivered Mav-2014Not StartedDecember-2014 Off-site FLEX Equipment April-2015 Not StartedDevelon Strateqies with RRCNovember-2013 Not StartedJune-201 4Phase 3 Srfe Access Strate,gies in PlaceOctober-2014 Not StartedComplete Near Sffe Sfagrng Location (asneeded)March-2015 Not StartedApril-2015 Attachment 1L-13-243Page 3 of 44 Changes to Compliance MethodThere are no changes to the compliance method as documented in the OIP(Reference 1).5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOC expects to comply with the order implementation date. Relief/relaxation is notrequired at this time.6 Open ltems from Overall Integrated Plan and Draft Safety Evaluation The following tables provide a summary of the open items documented in the OIP or thedraft safety evaluation (SE) and the status of each item.Draft Safetv Evaluation Open ltemStatusN/AN/AMilestone TargetGompletion DateActivity Status(as of 71191131Revised TargetCompletion DateProcedures CompleteDecember-2014 StartedPWROG issues NSSS-sp ecific quidelines June-2013 Complete/ssue Beaver Vallev FSGJune-2014 Not Started/ssue M ainten ance Proced u resDecember-2014 Not StartedTraining CompleteApril-2015 StartedDevelop Traininq PIanSeptember-2014 Startedlmplement TraininqOctober-2014 Not StartedApril-2015 Submit Completion ReportNovember-2015 Not StartedOverall Inteqrated Plan Open ltemStatusOl 1 . Finalize the location of the FLEX storagebuilding.
The deployment routes, distances, andtimes provided in this report are bounded for thecurrently proposed locations but will be updated asnecessary.
Not StartedOl 2. Perform containment evaluation based on theboundary conditions described in Section 2 ofNEI 12-06. Based on the results of this evaluation, required actions to ensure maintenance ofcontainment integrity and required instrument function will be developed.
Not StartedOl 3. Modify the RWST at each unit to protect itfrom tornado missiles or identify a borated sourcethat is protected from tornados and can be utilizedto provide core cooling when steam generators arenot available.
Not Started Attachment 1L-13-243Page 4 of 47 Potential Draft Safety Evaluation lmpactsThere are no potential impacts to the draft safety evaluation identified at this time.I References The following references support the updates to the OIP described in this attachment.
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's)
Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents (Order Number EA-12-049),
dated February 27,2013.NRC Order Number EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12,2012.Response to NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of theCode of Federal Regulations 50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1 ,2.3, and9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichiAccident, dated April 29,2013.1.2.3.
Attachment 2L-13-243Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station First Six-Month Status Report for thelmplementation of Order EA-1 2-A49, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsPage 1 of 31 Introduction FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) developed an Overall Integrated Plan (OlP) for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (Reference 1 in Section 8),documenting the diverse and flexible strategies (FLEX), in response to Reference2.
This attachment provides an update of milestone accomplishments since submittal ofthe OlP, including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need forrelief/relaxation and the basis, if any.2 Milestone Accomplishments The following milestone(s) have been completed since the submittal of the OIP(Reference 1). This update is current as of July 19, 2013.. Planned plant modifications have been targeted to the appropriate refueling outage and/or on-line work period.3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following provides an update to Attachment 2 of the OlP. lt provides the activitystatus of each item and whether the expected completion date has changed.
The datesare planning dates subject to change as design and implementation details aredeveloped.
The following milestones are being added as part of this update.Validation:
. Walk-throughs or Demonstrations:
April-2016 The revised milestone target completion dates do not impact the order implementation date.
Attachment 2L-13-243Page 2 of 3Milestone TargetGompletion DateActivity Status(as of 71191131Revised TargetGompletion DateSubmit FLEX Integrated lmplementation Plan02t28t13Complete6 Month NRC Status Updates02t28t16StartedUpdate 108128113StartedUpdate 202t28114Not StartedUpdate 308128t14Not StartedUpdate 402t27 t15Not StartedUpdate 508t28115Not StartedUpdate 602t28t16Not StartedValidation N/ANot StartedApril-2016 Walk-th rough s or De monstrations N/ANot StartedApril-2016 Complete Staffinq AnalvsisNovember-2015 Not StartedOctober-2015 Submit NEI 12-01 Phase 2 Staffino SfudvNovember-2015 Not StartedOctober-2415 Complete Plant Modifications April-2016 StartedTarset plant modifications Mav-2013CompleteMod ifications com pleteApril-2016 StartedComplete 1 Rl I outaqe modifications June-2014 Complete*
Complete on-line modifications Februarv-2016 StartedComplete 1 R19 outaqe modifications April-2016 StartedCom plete Com m u n ication sModifications April-2016 StartedComplete SFP Level lndication Modificafrons April-2016 StartedFLEX Storage CompleteApril-2016 Not StartedComplete Buildinq DesiqnDecember-2014 Not StartedCommence Construction June-2O15 Not StartedComplete Construction April-2016 Not StartedOn-site FLEX Equipment April-2016 StartedConfirm FLEX Equipment Reouirements January-2014 StartedFLEX Equipment OrderedJanuary-2015 Not StartedFLEX Equipment Delivered April-2016 Not StartedOff-site FLEX Equipment April-2016 Not StartedDevelop Strateqies with RRCJune-2014 Not StartedPhase 3 S,fe Access Strateqies in PlaceApril-2016 Not StartedComplete Near Sife Sfaging Location (asneeded)April-2016 Not StartedProcedures CompleteApril-2016 StartedPWROG issues NSSS-sp ecific quidelines June-2013 StartedAuqust-2013
/ssue Davis-Besse FLEX StrategyGuidelines June-2014 Not StartedJune-2015
/ssue Maintenance Procedures April-2016 Not StartedTraining CompleteApril-2016 Not StartedDevelop Traininq PlanSeptember-2015 Not StartedImplement TraininqApril-2016 Not StartedSubmit Completion ReportApril-2016 Not Started* Modifications are targeted for 1R19 and on-line; none targeted for 1 R18.
Attachment 2L-13-243Page 3 of 34 Changes to Compliance MethodThere are no changes to the compliance method as documented in the OIP(Reference 1).5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOC expects to comply with the order implementation date. Relief/relaxation is notrequired at this time.6 Open ltems from Overall Integrated Plan and Draft Safety Evaluation The following tables provide a summary of the open items documented in the OIP or thedraft safety evaluation (SE) and the status of each item.Draft Safety Evaluation Open ltemStatusN/AN/A7 Potential Draft Safety Evaluation lmpactsThere are no potential impacts to the draft safety evaluation identified at this time.8 References The following references support the updates to the OIP described in this attachment.
: 1. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's)
Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents (Order Number EA-1 2-049), dated February 27,2013.2. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12,2012.Overall Inteqrated Plan Open ltemStatusOl 1. Finalize locations for FLEX storage buildings.
Deployment routes, distances and times contained in the submittal are bounded for the currently proposed locations but will be updated asnecessary.
StartedOl 2. Finalize the strategy for providing a protected source of borated water to support FLEX strateqies.
StartedOl 3. Determine if a mobile boration unit and/orwater purification unit is required to support theFLEX strategies.
Started Attachment 3L-13-243Perry Nuclear Power Plant First Six-Month Status Report for the lmplementation ofOrder EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsPage 1 of 31 Introduction FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) developed an Overalt Integrated Plan (OlP) for Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Reference 1 in Section 8), documenting thediverse and flexible strategies (FLEX), in response to Referen ce 2. This attachment provides an update of milestone accomplishments since submittal of the OlP, including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and thebasis, if any.2 Milestone Accomplishments The following milestone(s) have been completed since the submittal of the OIP(Reference 1). This update is current as of July 19, 2013.Completed review of the FLEX strategies following the submittal.
FLEXstrategies are unchanged, and a vendor has been selected to perform thedetailed design engineering for the plant modifications.
Planned plant modifications have been targeted to the appropriate refueling outage and/or on-line work period.3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following provides an update to Attachment 2of the OlP. lt provides the activitystatus of each item and whether the expected completion date has changed.
The datesare planning dates subject to change as design and implementation details aredeveloped.
The following milestones are being added as part of this update.Validation:
. Walk-throughs or Demonstrations:
March-2O15 The following milestones replace previous modification milestones.
Complete Plant Modifications:
o Target plant modifications o Complete on-line modifications o Complete 1R15 outage modifications Attachment 3L-13-243Page 2 of 3The revised milestone target completion dates do not impact the order implementation date.Milestone TargetCompletion DateActivity Status(as of 71191131Revised TargetCompletion DateSubmit FLEX Integrated lmplementation Plan02t28113Complete6 Month Status Updates02t27 t15StartedUpdate 108t01t13StartedUpdate 202128t14Not StartedUpdate 308128114Not StartedUpdate 402t27 t15Not StartedFLEX Strategy ReviewMav-2013CompleteValidation N/ANot StartedMarch-2O15 Walk-th rouqh s or Demonstration sN/ANot StartedMarch-2015 Complete Staffing Analysis*
January-2014 Not StartedOctober-2014 Complete Plant Modifications April-2015 StartedMarch-2015 Tarqet plant modifications Mav-2013CompleteComplete on-line modifications December-2014 StartedComplete 1 Rl 5 outaqe modifications February-2015 StartedMarch-2O15 FLEX StoraqeJanuary-2015 Not StartedComplete Unit 2 Aux Building for storageand UseJanuary-2015 Not StartedConveft Unit 2 diesel Building for storageand UseJanuary-2015 Not StartedLake (UHS) AccessNovember-2014 StartedReqrade road to barqe slip areaOctober-2014 Not StartedFence & Gate Construction modifications October-2014 Not StartedSecuritv Barrier Pipe Penetrations DesignJanuary-2014 StartedFebruary-2014 Security Barrier Pipe Penetration Construction November-2014 Not StartedOn-site FLEX Equipment January-2015 Not StartedOctober-2014 OrderedAuqust-2013 Not StartedNovember-2013 Delivered Januarv -2015Not StartedOctober-2014 Off-site FLEX Equipment March-2015 Not StartedDevelop Stratesies with RRCDecember-2013 Not StartedJune-2014 Complete Near Slfe Sfagrng Location (asneeded)March-2015 Not StartedPhase 3 SrTe Access Strateqies in PlaceNovember-2014 Not StartedProcedures March-2O15 StartedImplement EPG/SAG Rev 3 GuidanceAuqust-2014 StartedCreate Perry FSGMav-2014Not Startedlmplement Perrv FSGMarch-2015 Not StartedCre ate M ai nten ance Proced uresJuly-2014 Not StartedTraininsMarch-2015 StartedDevelop EOP Traininq PlanJanuary-2014 StartedImplement EOP TraininqJuly-2014 Not StartedMarch-Z015 Develop SAMG Trainin,s PlanJanuary-2014 Not Started Attachment 3L-13-243Page 3 of 3*Changed milestone from Perform Staffing Analysis to Complete Staffing Analysis.
4 Changes to Compliance MethodThere are no changes to the compliance method as documented in the OIP(Reference 1).5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOC expects to comply with the order implementation date. Relief/relaxation is notrequired at this time.6 Open ltems from Overall Integrated Plan and Draft Safety Evaluation None.7 Potential Draft Safety Evaluation lmpactsThere are no potential impacts to the draft safety evaluation identified at this time.8 References The following references support the updates to the OIP described in this attachment.
: 1. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's)
Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents (Order Number EA-1 2 -049), dated February 27,2013.2. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12,2012.Milestone TargetCompletion DateActivity Status(as of 7llgll3lRevised TargetGompletion Datelmplement SAMG TraininqJanuary-2015 Not StartedMarch-2015 Develop FLEX Traininq PlanAuoust-2014 Not StartedI mplement FLEX TrainingNovember-2014 Not StartedMarch-2015 Submit Gompletion ReportMarch-2015 Not Started}}

Latest revision as of 16:53, 11 April 2019