Pages that link to "05000368/LER-1989-022"
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The following pages link to 05000368/LER-1989-022:
Displayed 50 items.
- 0CAN129805, LER 98-S02-00:on 981124,security Officer Found Not to Have Had Control of Weapon for Period of Approx 3 Minutes Due to Inadequate self-checking to Ensure That Weapon Remained Secure.All Security Officers Briefed.With (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-016-01, :on 890903 & 18,continuous Fire Watch to Monitor Nonfunctional Fire Barriers Removed Due to High Airborne Activity.Caused by Failure to Establish Contingencies.Tech Spec Change Issued (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-025, :on 880307,reevaluation of Discrepancy Between Assumed Sys Flow Rates & Actual Rates During Reactor Bldg Purges Identified Twelve Releases from 1977-80 Which Exceeded Tech Spec Limits (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-022, :on 881216,identified Discrepancy Which Resulted in Potential Impact on Environ Qualification of Plant.Caused by Failure to Properly Evaluate Changes in Svc Water Flow to DHR Coolers.Plan Developed (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-004, :on 890301,discovered Plant Startup Procedure Inadequate Resulting in Inability to Automatically Transfer HPSI Pump Suction Prohibited by Tech Specs.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedures Revised (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-002-01, :on 890120,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Failure in Main Generator Exciter & Two Reactor Coolant Pumps Tripped on Undervoltage When Bus H1 Failed to Fast Transfer to Offsite Power.Caused by Arcing in Exciter (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1986-018, :on 860720,discovered Blowdown Pipe Missing Required Pipe Whip Restraint.Caused by Inadequate Control of Deviations from Design Requirements During Original Const. Pipe Whip Restraint Installed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-007-01, :on 890318,determined That Postulated Break in HPI Line Upstream of Hpi/Rcs Cold Leg Connection Could Constitute LOCA Not Enveloped by Plant Design Basis.Caused by Inadequate Design Change Process (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-031, :on 890829,unexpected Control Room Isolation & Actuation of Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Occurred.Cause Undetermined.Further Investigation Into Cause Will Be Conducted (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1988-023-01, :on 880219,inoperability of Mechanical Snubber on Main Steam Supply Piping Discovered.Caused by High Dynamic Loading of Piping & Snubber Due to Water Entrainment in Steam Piping.Snubber Replaced (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-027, :on 880422,containment Isolation Valve Inoperable.Caused by Lack of Documentation of Design Basis Info for Sys Piping Temp & Pressures in Original Plant Design.Design Change Package Developed (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1986-017, :on 860604,discovered That Required Type C Testing of Containment Isolation Valves Not Performed Resulting in Noncompliance W/Tech Specs.Caused by Personnel Error.Actions Taken to Test Affected Valves (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-004-01, :on 890120,high Pressure Injection Line Check Valve Failed to Reseat.Caused by Inadequate Design Change Process.Program of Visual Insp & NDEs Completed to Identify Any Sys Degradations Due to Thermal Stresses (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-003-01, :on 890216,personnel Determined That Valve Associated W/Train a Hydrogen Analyzer Exceeded Environ Qualification Parts Replacement Interval Since 1983.Caused by Personnel Error.Components Replaced (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-008-01, :on 890506,overspeed Trip of Steam Turbine Driven Emergency Pump Occurred.Caused by Degraded Ramp Generator.Ramp Generator Replaced & Entire Speed Circuit Calibr (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-001-01, :on 890503,reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation Declared Inoperable Due to Channel Failing Low Intermittently.Caused by Misinterpretation of Procedure. Procedural Guidance Will Be Issued (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-018, :on 890501,reactor Tripped & Inadvertently Jarred Turbine Control Panel Containing Mercoid Switches for Turbine Trip Functions.Caused by Caution Label Missing from Control Panel.Warning Placard Installed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-026, :on 890627,four Tech Spec Fire Barriers Found Not Included in Fire Barrier Penetration Log & Omitted from Insp.Caused by Personnel Error.Fire Barrier Visual Insp Procedure & Penetration Log Revised (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1986-015, :on 860801,review of Fire Barrier Penetration Log Identified 55 Penetrations Not Inspected within Tech Spec Required Interval.Caused by Inadequate Procedure & Personnel Error.Log & Test Procedures Revised (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-030, :on 890620,determined That Unacceptable Modeling Technique Used in Stress Calculations,Potentially Affecting Seismic Capabilities of Eccs.Mods of Affecting Piping Completed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-020-01, :on 881103,nonsafety-related Ventilation Sys Affected Penetration Room Ventilation Sys Capability to Process Penetration Leakage Following Design Basis Accident. Caused by Failure to Assess Sys Impact (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-028, :on 880831,discovered That Piping Span Lengths Between Containment Bldg Penetrations & First Piping Supports Unacceptable.Caused by Inadequate Judgement of Original Designer.Piping Requalified (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1988-022-01, :on 881103,two Discrepancies Noted in DBA Assumptions Used in Evaluations to Demonstrate Environ Qualification of Equipment in Containment.Caused by Lack of Clearly Defined Basis of Accident Analysis (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1986-020, :on 860712,discovered That Time Delay Function Associated W/Feeder Circuit Breaker from ESF Bus to Svc Water Pump Inoperable.Caused by Not Removing Jumper Wire. Jumper Wire Removed & Drawings Revised (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-014, :on 890426 & 0504,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Automatically Actuated Nine Times as Result of Spiking of Radiation Monitor 2RE-8750-1.Detector Replaced & Bad Connection in Holder Repaired (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-016, :on 890414,noted That Firewater Deluge Valve for Emergency Diesel Generator Not Repaired Since Crack Fitting Identified in Oct 1988.On 890201,sys Inoperable While Attempting to Replace Fitting (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-013, :on 881025,anchor Support for Core Flood Tank (CFT) T2A Vent Line Not Seismically Qualified & Operability of CFT Could Not Be Assured.Caused by Missing Anchor Support.Anchor Support Modified (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-010, :on 890425,discovered That Valve Stroke Surveillance Test for LPSI Sys & Refueling Water Tank Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Personnel Incorrectly Indicating Tests as Already Performed (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1986-014, :on 860627,emergency Diesel Generator Failed. Caused by Engine Fuel Starvation Due to Severely Fouled Y- Strainer 2F-195B Screen Element.Mesh Screen Internals of Y-strainers Removed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-012, :on 890402,discovered That High Energy Line Break Door Covered,Resulting in Condition Outside Design Basis of Main Feedwater Line Break in Piping Penetration Room.Caused by Personnel Error.Cover Removed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-017, :on 890420,discovered That Dhr/Low Pressure Injection Cooler Discharge Isolation Valves Not Tested Quarterly.Caused by Inadequate Mod Review Process.Provisions Made to Test Valves Every 3 Months (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-015, :on 861209,RCS Loop B Flow Transmitters Sensing Line Not Properly Supported.Cause Undetermined.Engineering Insp of Similar Components Conducted During 1R7 & Revealed No Other Discrepancies (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-006, :on 890418,high Pressure Turbine Extraction Ruptured Resulting in Reactor Trip on High RCS Pressure. Caused by Pipe Wall Thinning Due to erosion-corrosion. Defective Wiring Replaced & Sys Satisfactory (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-025, :on 890623-0702,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Unexpectedly Activated Four Times.Caused by Induced Electrical Noise from Operation of Relays in Alarm Circuitry.Temp Instrumentation Repaired (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-015-01, :on 890809,personnel Identified Discrepancy Re Single Failure Design Criterion of Containment Hydrogen Analyzers.Caused by Inadequate Design Review Process. Evaluations Being Conducted to Correct Design (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-014-01, :on 870710,discovered That Portions of Piping & Supports,Associated W/Auxiliary Spray Piping Designed to Max Temp of 120 Degrees Instead of Possible Temp of 479 Degrees. Caused by Error in Analysis.Insp Performed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-009, :on 890224,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Unexpectedly Started.Cause Not Determined.Area in Vicinity of Chlorine Monitors Posted to Prohibit Use of Radios (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-003, :on 880907,determined That Floor Penetration Located in Fire Barrier at Elevation 335 of Auxiliary Bldg Sealed Using Unqualified styrofoam-type Matl.Caused by Personnel Error.Penetration Seals Repaired (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-021, :on 890601,inadvertent Main Steam Line Isolation Occurred During Maint.Caused by Defective Instrument Modules.Defective Modules Replaced & Affected Channels Tested (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-024, :on 890309,incorrect Trip Coil Installed in Power Supply Feeder Breaker for Motor Actuator for Emergency Feedwater Sys Train a Isolation Valve to Steam Generator B. Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Mod Improved (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-023, :on 890605,determined That Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Calibr Required by Tech Specs Had Not Been Performed within Specified Frequency.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Procedure Revised (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1989-005-01, :on 890518,25 & 31,void Found in Silicone Foam Matl.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance to Ensure Voids Not Present in Sealing Matl After Installation.Repairs Initiated to Restore Seals to Working Order (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-010-01, :on 890516 & 17,daily RCS Unidentified Leakrate Determination Indicated That Leakage Increased from Previous Day.Root Cause Not Positively Know.Visual Insp Indicated Possibility of Pinhole.Reactor Shutdown (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-019-01, :on 881209,emergency Feedwater Initiation & Control Sys Actuation Occurred on Indicated Low Water Level. Caused by Personnel Error.Memo Issued Describing Event & Recognition of Need for Valve Use Emphasized (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-005, :on 890201,calculated Reactor Shutdown Margins Less Conservative than Assumed in Design Basis.Caused by Personnel Error Resulting in Inadequate Procedure.Reactivity Balance Procedure Revised (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-026, :on 880706,certain Discrepancies Identified in Design Analyses & Assumptions Re Dhr/Low Pressure Injection & Core Flood Sys.Caused by Oversights by Various Design Groups Involved in Sys Design (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-019, :on 880517,discrepancies Identified in Piping Supports for HPI Sys Which Have Impacted Seismic Qualification.Caused by Deficiencies Resulting from 1979 Sys Mod Which Were Not Detected During Review (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1988-023, :on 881216,inadequate Work Controls Resulted in Nonisolable RCS Leak Necessitating Plant Shutdown.Caused by Inadequate Work Controls Under Existing Conditions.Work Control Improvements Being Addressed (← links)
- 05000313/LER-1989-006-01, :on 890209,analytical & Procedural Inadequacies Noted Re Use of Hpis in Piggyback Flowpath Alignment.Caused by Deficient ECCS Analysis.Affected Portions of Piggyback Piping Reanalyzed & Mods Implemented (← links)
- 05000368/LER-1985-028, :on 851025,procedure for Safety Injection Tanks Identified as Allowing cross-connecting of Safety Injection Tanks Via Nonseismic Piping of Nitrogen Addition Sys for Tanks.Caused by Personnel Error (← links)