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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
NL-15-021, Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control Systems Indian Point Unit Number 212 February 2015Entergy
Larry Coyle
Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control Systems Indian Point Unit Number 2Other
ML15054A06723 February 2015Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Individual Notice for Indian Point, Unit 2Other
ML15057A22026 February 2015Render D
Plant Licensing Branch I
NRR E-mail Capture - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 Acceptance of Amendment to Change Surveillance Requirement for Control Rod G-3Acceptance Review
NL-15-031, Response to RAI Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control Systems10 March 2015Entergy
Larry Coyle
Response to RAI Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control SystemsResponse to RAI
NL-15-041, Unit Number 2 - Response to Discussion on Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control Systems1 April 2015Entergy
Larry Coyle
Unit Number 2 - Response to Discussion on Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control SystemsOther
ML15083A4902 April 2015Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Issuance of Amendment Proposed License Amendment Regarding a Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 Reactivity Control SystemsApproval
ML15083A07917 April 2015Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Shutdown Margin ConfirmationWithholding Request Acceptance