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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML10145041119 May 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Rod Krich
Cycle 16 - 180-Day Steam Generator Inspection ReportRequest
ML1014800187 June 2010Siva Lingam
Plant Licensing Branch II
Request for Additional Information Regarding the 90-Day and 180-Day Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reports for Cycle 16 Refueling OutageRAI
ML10202020016 July 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Rod Krich
Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the 90-Day and 180-Day Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reports for Cycle 16 Refueling OutageResponse to RAI
ML1022905322 August 2010Siva Lingam
Plant Licensing Branch II
SG Tube ISI RAIsOther
ML10230017413 August 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Rod Krich
Response to Request for Clarification of Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the 90-Day and 180-Day Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reports for Cycle 16 Refueling Outage, Dated July 16, 2010Response to RAI
ML10243044631 August 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Cook R
SQN 2 SG ISI Report ClarificationOther