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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML22010A0665 January 2022Gerard van Noordennen
TMI-2 Solutions
Supplemental Information to License Amendment Request, Decommissioning Technical SpecificationsSupplement
ML22101A0777 April 2022TMI-2 Solutions
Van Noordennen G
Supplemental Information to License Amendment Request, Decommissioning Technical SpecificationsSupplement
ML22210A08829 July 2022Amy Snyder
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
Enclosure - Three Mile Island, Unit No. 2 - Request for Additional Information for Requested Licensing Action Regarding Decommissioning Technical SpecificationsRAI
ML22210A08029 July 2022Requests for Addition Information for Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs License Amendment RequestRequest
ML22210A08729 July 2022Amy Snyder
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
Letter - Letter to J. Sauger, TMI-2, from A. Snyder, NRC - Three Mile Island, Unit No. 2 - RAI for Requested Licensing Action Regarding Decommissioning Technical SpecificationsRAI
ML22307A08231 October 2022EnergySolutions
TMI-2 Solutions
Lackey M
(TMl-2), License Amendment Request, Decommissioning Technical Specifications, Supplement to Response to Request for Additional InformationSupplement
ML22313A0507 November 2022Energy Solutions
TMI-2 Solutions
Lackey M
License Amendment Request - Three Mile Island, Unit 2, Decommissioning Technical Specifications, Response to Request for Information Regarding Radiation Protection Program Ventilation ControlsResponse to RAI
ML22364A19430 December 2022TMI-2 Solutions
Devik T
Email Mitigation for Hydrogen Concerns Commitment, Dated December 30, 2022Request
ML23033A10327 January 2023EnergySolutions
Hazelhoff A
TMI-2 Solutions
Supplement to License Amendment Request - Proposed Changes to TMl-2 Possession Only License and Technical SpecificationsSupplement
ML23068A4689 March 2023State of PA
Dept of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Radiation Protection
Werner B
Response Re State Consultation - License Amendment Request TMI-2 Solutions - Update Technical Specifications and Remove Certain License Conditions Applicable to PdmsRequest
ML23094A06030 March 2023Energy Solutions
Devik T
TMI-2 Response on Draft TS WordingRequest
ML23090A21630 March 2023Hazelhoff A
TMI-2 Solutions
Supplement to License Amendment Request - Proposed Changes to TMI-2 Possession Only License and Technical SpecificationsSupplement
ML23090A21430 March 2023EnergySolutions
Devik T
Asnyder, NRC Email from Tdevik, Energysolutions, Three Mile Island, Unit 2 -Response Regarding MC&A TS Change, ModificationOther
ML23051A04331 March 2023Shaun Anderson
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
License DPR-73Other
ML23051A04231 March 2023Amendment No. 67Request
ML23051A04531 March 2023Amy Snyder
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
Cover Letter for Amendment 67Other
ML23051A04431 March 2023Reactor Decommissioning BranchSafety EvaluationApproval
ML23200A18831 July 2023Amy Snyder
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
TMI-2 Correction Letter Amendment 67Other
ML23200A18731 July 2023TMI2 Typographical and Reference Errors Corrected Related to License Amendment No. 67 to Possession Only License No. DPR-73Request
ML23199A02131 July 2023Amy Snyder
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
TMI-2 Amendment 67 Discrepancies and Revision to SEROther