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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML18107A02516 April 2018Marshall M
Plant Licensing Branch I
Acceptance of License Amendment Request Relocation of Surveillance Requirement Frequencies to Inservice Testing ProgramAcceptance Review
ML18324A72313 December 2018Marshall M
Plant Licensing Branch I
Issuance of Amendment No. 233 Relocation of Surveillance Requirement Frequencies to Inservice Testing ProgramApproval
ML19280A8658 October 2019William Allen
Spent Fuel Licensing Branch
Letter to R. Libra Tn Americas LLC Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure in Supplemental Information Submittal for Alternative Request Pertaining to Dry Shielded Canisters Equipped with Boral Neutron Absorber PlatesWithholding Request Acceptance
ML19280A4428 October 2019William Allen
Spent Fuel Licensing Branch
Letter to R. Libra Tn Americas LLC Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure in Alternative Request Application Pertaining to Dry Shielded Canisters Equipped with Boral Neutron Absorber PlatesWithholding Request Acceptance