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 Start dateSiteTitleDescription
ML20155K8195 June 2020FOF - 2020 NEI _ 060520
ML20157A0945 June 2020FOF - 2020 NextEra _ 060520
ML20157A0955 June 2020FOF - 2020 Entergy _ 060520
ML18235A52328 August 2018Formal Comments on the Office of the Inspector General Final Draft Report: Audit of the Nrc'S Process for Reimbursing Agreement State Personnel Training Expenses.
ML18165A35919 June 2018Draft EDO Responsematrix to Reprisal Memo June 14 2018
ML18165A36119 June 2018Oedo Tasking in Response to the Assessment of the Considerations Identified in a Study of Reprisal and Chilling Effect for Raising Mission-Related Concerns and Differing Views at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NUREG-2154, Acknowledgement Letter to Confirm Receipt of April 22, 2013, Nuclear Energy Institute Comment Letter on Draft NUREG-2154, Acceptability of Corrective Action Programs for Fuel Cycle Facilities19 August 2013Acknowledgement Letter to Confirm Receipt of April 22, 2013, Nuclear Energy Institute Comment Letter on Draft NUREG-2154, Acceptability of Corrective Action Programs for Fuel Cycle Facilities
ML13176A0742 July 2013Part 21 Response Letter to NEI Providing Industry Comments on Draft Part 21 Technical Basis as Discussed During April 11, 2013 Public Meeting