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TSTF-426Revise or Add Actions to Preclude Entry Into LCO 3.0.3 - RITSTF Initiatives 6B and 6C920
TSTF-358Missed Surveillance Requirements930
TSTF-568Clarify Applicability of BWR/4 TS and TS
TSTF-283Modify Section 3.8 Mode Restriction Notes941
TSTF-475Control Rod Notch Testing Frequency and SRM Insert Control Rod Action950
TSTF-412Provide Actions for One Steam Supply to Turbine Driven Afw/Efw Pump Inoperable901
TSTF-580Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 With No Operable RHR Shutdown Cooling800
TSTF-163Minimum Vs. Steady State Voltage and Frequency810
TSTF-551Address Transient Secondary Containment Conditions841
TSTF-339Relocate TS Parameters to Colr851
TSTF-495Bases Change to Address GE Part 21 SC05-03800
TSTF-477Add Action for Two Inoperable Control Room AC Subsystems820
TSTF-566Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Subsystems710
TSTF-478BWR Technical Specification Changes That Implement the Revised Rule for Combustible Gas Control700
TSTF-230Add New Condition B to LCO, RHR Suppression Pool Cooling710
TSTF-266Eliminate the Remote Shutdown System Table of Instrumentation and Controls710
TSTF-432Change in Technical Specifications End States - WCAP-16294720
TSTF-287Ventilation System Envelope Allowed Outage Time731
TSTF-485Correct Example 1.4-1720
TSTF-340Allow 7 Day Completion Time for a TURBINE-DRIVEN AFW Pump Inoperable700
TSTF-222Control Rod SCRAM Time Testing700
TSTF-460Control Rod SCRAM Time Testing Frequency630
TSTF-284Add Met Vs. Perform to Specification 1.4, Frequency611
TSTF-269Allow Administrative Means of Position Verification for Locked or Sealed Valves610
TSTF-471Eliminate Use of Term Core Alterations in Actions and Notes542
TSTF-286Define Operations Involving Positive Reactivity Additions531
TSTF-2643.3.9 and 3.3.10 - Delete Flux Monitors Specific Overlap Requirement SRS500
TSTF-273SFDP Clarifications500
TSTF-343Containment Structural Integrity542
TSTF-476Improved BPWS Control Rod Insertion Process (NEDO-33091)510
TSTF-370Increase Accumulator Completion Time from 1 Hour to 24 Hours - WCAP-15049420
TSTF-276Revise DG Full Load Rejection Test430
TSTF-408Relocation of Ltop Enabletemperature and PORV Lift Setting to the PTLR - CE NPSD-683400
TSTF-422Change in Technical Specifications End States - CE NPSD-1186410
TSTF-546Revise APRM Channel Adjustment Surveillance Requirement410
TSTF-272Refueling Boron Concentration Clarification411
TSTF-246RTS Instrumentation, 3.3.1 Condition F Completion Time400
TSTF-205Revision of Channel Calibration, Channel Functional Test, and Related Definitions310
TSTF-446Risk Informed Evaluation of Extensions to Containment Isolation Valve Completion Times - WCAP-15791300
TSTF-416SR Notation300
TSTF-208Extension of Time to Reach Mode 2 in LCO 3.0.3300
TSTF-330Allowed Outage Time - Ultimate Heat Sink310
TSTF-299Administrative Controls Program 5.5.2.B Test Interval and Exception310
TSTF-315Reduce Plant Trips Due to Spurious Signals to the Nis During Physics Testing301
TSTF-400Clarify SR on Bypass of DG Automatic Trips300
TSTF-431Change in Technical Specifications End States - BAW-2441300
TSTF-308Determination of Cumulative and Projected Dose Contributions in Recp301
TSTF-429Ice Mass Determination Surveillance Requirements300
TSTF-508Revise Control Room Habitability Actions to Address Lessons Learned from TSTF-448 Implementation331