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TSTF-408Relocation of Ltop Enabletemperature and PORV Lift Setting to the PTLR - CE NPSD-683400
TSTF-422Change in Technical Specifications End States - CE NPSD-1186410
TSTF-406Predicting END-OF-CYCLE Mtc and Deleting Need for END-OF-CYCLE Mtc Verifiation (NPSD-911-A)200
TSTF-368Incorporate CEOG Topical Report to Eliminate Pressure Sensor Response Time Testing200
TSTF-487Relocate DNB Parameters to the Colr230
TSTF-486Revise Mtc Surveillance for Startup Test Activity Reduction (STAR) Program (WCAP-16011)110
TSTF-424RISK-INFORMED HPSI Aot/Ct Extension - WCAP-15773100
TSTF-182Add Manual Trip to Condition for Two Channels of RPS Logic and Trip Initiation Inoperable000
TSTF-192Correct a Reference to Rtcb Channels000
TSTF-183Eliminate Incorrect Reference to Functions from RPS Logic and Trip Initiation LCO000
TSTF-184Change Required Action Reference from 3.6.3 to 3.9.3000
TSTF-185Change and to or in Cpis Condition B000
TSTF-186Correct SRS Which Verify Setpoints000
TSTF-187Add Condition for Two Inoperable Actuation Channels000
TSTF-188Remove Incorrect Reference from the PAM Table000
TSTF-190Remove Reference to Inadvertently Bypassing a Redundant Channel000
TSTF-191Eliminate Reference to Manual Trip in Bases000
TSTF-150Replace DNBR Power Decrease Number with Reference to the Colr010
TSTF-180Add Bypass Removal Features to the RPS Instrumentation - Shutdown LCO000
TSTF-179Replace the Phrase Maximum Allowed Thermal Power Level with RTP000
TSTF-178Remove Trip or Bypass Removal from RPS and ESFAS Action Note000
TSTF-177Revise LCO 3.4.5 Bases to Clarify RCP Requirements000
TSTF-176Revise SR to Delete SR Note000
TSTF-175Delete Incorrect Bases Discussion from 3.7.8, Action B000
TSTF-172Revise SR to Correct Mtc Reference000
TSTF-171Revise Excore Channel Calibration Performance000
TSTF-170Open Only Affected Rtcbs When a Single Channel is Inoperable000
TSTF-073Indicate That Rc Flow - LOW, Step Allowable Value is <= 7.231 Psid000
TSTF-351Isolation of Components Supplied by Ec+000
TSTF-324Correct Logarithmic Power Vs. RTP000
TSTF-537Increase CIV Completion Time - Update of TSTF-373010
TSTF-536Resolve CE Digital TS Inconsistencies Regarding Cpcs and Ceacs000
TSTF-520Correct Specification 3.1.4, Required Action A.1 Bases000
TSTF-489Reactor Trip Breakers Surveillance Frequency Extension - CE NPSD-951000
TSTF-450Staggered Integrated ESFAS Testing - WCAP-15830000
TSTF-410Relocation of Steam Generator Level - High Trip to the Trm000
TSTF-409Containment Spray System Completion Time Extension - CE NPSD-1045-A010
TSTF-407Extending ESFAS Subgroup Relay Test Intervals - CEN-403 Rev 1000
TSTF-193Revise CE Analog CEA Position Indication Verification000
TSTF-350Revise Bases for Rspt SR
TSTF-326Delete Reference to 2 Ecw Trains Inoperable from Bases000
TSTF-317Add Note to ESFAS Logic That MSIS Function Not Required When Affected Valves Are Closed000
TSTF-307Revise Required Actions of Pressurizer Safety Valves to Match Applicability000
TSTF-305Revise Actions for Exiting Physics Tests000
TSTF-304Suspend Additional Lcos During Physics Tests000
TSTF-303Revise STE-SDM LCO Format to Match Writer'S Guide000
TSTF-195Revise 3.4.6 Action A.1 to Be Consistent with the Specification000
TSTF-194Add Shutdown Ceas to the SDM Special Test Exception000
TSTF-050Revise the 1.3 Examples to Match the CEOG Standard000
TSTF-074ESFAS Automatic Bypass Removal SR000