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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20210G92620 July 1999Proposed Tech Spec 3.2.1.i,revising Senior Reactor License Requirement for Operations Manager
ML20057E22429 September 1993Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Frequency of Radioactive Effluent Release Rept from Semiannual to Annual
ML20057E26029 September 1993Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Administrative Controls of High Radiation Area KeysHigh Radiation Area
ML20056A72027 July 1990Proposed Tech Spec Page 3.10-9
ML20043J00121 June 1990Proposed Tech Specs Changes Re Removal of cycle-specific Parameter Limits,Per Generic Ltr 88-16Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Fire Protection Program
ML20245F84425 July 1989Proposed License Conditions D & H,Reflecting Changes,Per Rev 10 to Physical Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Safeguards Contingency Plan
ML20195H63630 June 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Figures 3.1 & 3.2 from Unit 1 Tech Specs & Figures 6.2.1 & 6.2.2 from Unit 2 Tech Specs Per Guidance of Generic Ltr 88-06Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
ML20151P13615 April 1988Proposed Tech Specs Figures 3.1,3.2,6.2.1 & 6.2.2 Reflecting Administrative Changes to Organization ChartsFire Protection Program
ML20236G49027 July 1987Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Section 3.2.6 & Adding Sections 4.1.7 & 4.1.8 Re Radiation Protection Requirements. Supporting Documentation EnclHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
ML20215A08026 November 1986Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Changes in Facility Organization Structure & Title Changes for Members of Station Nuclear Safety Committee
ML20203P02030 April 1986Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Anticipatory Reactor Trip on Turbine TripSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Protection Program
Overspeed trip
ML20141G79419 December 1985Proposed Tech Specs,Ensuring Requirements for Radiation Protection Program Uniform for Units 1 & 2High Radiation Area
ML20127E64830 June 1985Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Administrative Changes to Facility Organization & Limiting Unit 2 Overtime for Critical Shift Job PositionsSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Integrated leak rate test
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
ML19323B8675 May 1980Proposed Tech Spec Change to Section 4.13 Re Containment Vent & Purge Sys & 3.8 for Refueling,Fuel Handling & Storage.Safety Evaluation EnclShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Control of Heavy Loads
Fire Protection Program
ML19211C7554 January 1980Proposed Changes to Tech Specs Section 3.4 Requiring Operability of All Three Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps During Power Operations.Util Safety Evaluation EnclTurbine Missile
Fire Protection Program
Overspeed trip
ML19209B5942 October 1979Proposed Tech Spec Changes to License DPR-64,consisting of Changes to Mgt Organization Charts & Position Titles.Safety Evaluation EnclFire Protection Program
ML19305A73528 September 1979Proposed Page 44 to ETS Re Mgt Titles
ML10026059128 September 1979Proposed Pages 247,251-253 & 259 to Tech Specs Re Mgt TitlesSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Operated Valves
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML19259A5993 January 1979Tech Specs Page Revisions to License DPR-26 Re Accumulator Water Volume & New Limit for Total Nuclear Peaking Factor. W/Encl Safety Evaluation