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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20235U8681 June 1988Forwards Comments Resulting from Review of Util Scenario for 880622 Exercise.No Major Deficiencies Noted
ML20214P56015 December 1986Forwards 861027-31 Site Visit Summary Rept Re Generic Issue 83 on Control Room Habitability
ML19331E28525 August 1980Forwards Input on Fire Protection Review,Items 3.1.15/3.2.4, 3.1.16,3.1.28 & 3.2.2 Re Cable Separation,Fire Water Supply, Protection for Stairways & Open Hatch & Testing Fire DetectorsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML19305A95114 March 1980Forwards Fire Protection Review for Items 3.1.4,12,15,16,20, 28, & 3.2.2,3 & 4 Re Fuel Tank,Fire Detectors,Cable Separation & Fire Water SupplySafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML19296C80719 February 1980Forwards Refs Belonging to BNL 800212 Ltr Re Facility Fire Detector Analysis.Ref Should Be Attached to 800212 Ltr