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 NameStart dateEnd date
EPID:L-2023-LRM-01064 January 20248 January 2024
EPID:L-2023-LRO-0067Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) Regarding the Steam Generator (SG) Tube Inspection Report for Vogtle, Unit 18 December 202312 July 2024
EPID:L-2023-LLE-0018Request for Exemption from Physical Barrier Requirement7 July 20235 August 2024
EPID:L-2023-LLA-0075ITAAC Closure Verification Evaluation Form (Vef) for ITAAC Number (Index No. 301) for Vogtle Unit 4 Combined License (VOG4)25 May 202328 June 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-005116 May 20231 June 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLR-0023License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement and Proposed Inservice Testing Alternative ALT-VR-021 May 20235 October 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-0061License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement and Proposed Inservice Testing Alternative ALT-VR-021 May 202330 May 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLR-007814 April 202314 April 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLR-0016GEN-ISI-ALT-2023-01, Request to Use Provision of a Later Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI12 April 20232 August 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-0072License Amendment Request: More Restrictive Action for Technical Specification 3.1.9 (LAR-23-006)5 April 202329 June 2023
EPID:L-2023-NFO-00023 April 202310 April 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-0043Request for License Amendment: Relocation of TS 3.7.9, Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Water Sources (LAR-23-003)24 March 20235 July 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-023521 March 202321 March 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-00023 March 20233 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLR-00683 January 20233 January 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0190ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC 2.1 .02.08d.ii (Index Number 33)21 December 202215 June 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0189License Amendment Request to Revise the Frequency of Surveillance Requirement December 20225 April 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0187TSTF-52916 December 202226 April 2023
EPID:L-2023-LLA-0050Summary of December 8, 2022, Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company28 November 202229 June 2023
EPID:L-2022-LRM-0094Southern Nuclear Pre-Submittal Meeting on December 1, 2022 - Vogtle SR LAR and Alternative Relief Request 18 November 20225 December 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLR-0079ITAAC Closure Verification Evaluation Form (Vef) for ITAAC Number (Index No. 579) for Vogtle Unit 4 Combined License (VOG4)4 November 20224 May 2023
14 October 202219 December 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRO-0120Pre-Submittal Meeting on September 13, 2022 - Vogtle Online Monitoring LAR30 September 202216 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0138License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.3 Fuel Storage to Correct Tabulated Values from the Associated Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Criticality Analysis21 September 202229 November 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-006730 August 202219 September 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLE-0022Dashboard Report 8-12-20221 August 202217 January 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLE-00211 August 202228 September 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0096TSTF-4901 August 20223 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLA-009830 June 202216 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLR-0053Response to March 12, 2012, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(1) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review.29 June 202222 September 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLA-0130Tier 1, Revision 10, Updated Through 04/22/202215 June 202222 November 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLL-0010Request for One-Time Exception to LIC-109, LIC-101, and LIC-500 Acceptance Review Criteria for Accident Tolerant Fuel Lead Test Assemblies License Amendment Request and Exemptions8 June 202214 June 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-004431 May 202211 July 2022
EPID:2023(TMl-2) - License Amendment Request - Three Mile Island, Unit 2, Decommissioning Technical Specifications, Response to Questions16 May 202231 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LRM-0033TSTF-4904 May 202218 May 2022
EPID:L-2022-NFO-000211 April 202211 April 2022
EPID:L-2022-LLR-0042Submittal of Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 1, Technical Requirements Manual and Technical Specifications Bases Annual8 April 202214 September 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRO-0030Icn Review Status for Vogtle Unit 3 as of July 19, 20221 April 20229 August 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRO-001223 February 202223 February 2022
EPID:L-2017-LRN-001518 February 202218 February 2022
EPID:L-2022-LRM-000327 January 20221 February 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLA-0234TSTF-26922 December 202127 April 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLA-0235License Amendment Request to Relocate Augmented Piping Inspection Program Details22 December 202122 March 2023
EPID:L-2022-LLE-0020ITAAC Closure Verification Evaluation Form (Vef) for ITAAC Number (Index No. 265) for Vogtle Unit 3 Combined License (VOG3)21 December 202128 September 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLA-0236TSTF-28321 December 202116 November 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLA-0229License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 5.5.17, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program to Increase Calculated Peak Containment Pressure13 December 20211 November 2022
EPID:L-2021-LLE-0051Request for Exemption: Applicability of 10 CFR 26.3, Scope, Until Initial Fuel Load3 November 202121 December 2021
EPID:L-2021-LLE-0049Vog 3 Dashboard 11-1-20211 November 202123 November 2021
TSTF-571, TSTF-448
27 October 20212 June 2023
EPID:L-2021-LRM-0108Pre-Submittal Meeting Regarding Proposed Revision to Technical Specification (TS) 5.5.16 for Farley Nuclear Plant (Farley), Units 1 and 2; and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (Vogtle), Units 1 and 215 October 202130 November 2021