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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055D10722 June 1990Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9073,in Response to
ML20248F2053 October 1989Advises of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9073,per 890829 Request
ML20245G72214 August 1989Informs of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9073,per 890802 Request
ML20247D39419 July 1989Informs of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9151,per 890703 Request
ML20239A04814 September 1987Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9151
ML20238D1213 September 1987Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9079,9151 & 9159 in Response to 870812 Request
ML20215D75716 June 1987Notification of Registration as User of Models CNS 14-195-H, CNS 6-80-2,CNS 6-80-2A & CNS 8-120 B,In Response to 870520 Request
ML20209D44623 April 1987Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 870410 Request.Util Also Registered as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Iii,Ln 14-170 1 & NES-1
ML20211D8839 February 1987Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 870126 Request & 870206 Telcon
ML20215D13912 December 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 861126 Request
ML20211G23228 October 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Iii,Nus 14-170 I & NES-1,in Response to 861015 Request
ML20203N6899 October 1986Notification of Registration as User of Listed Models, Including CNS 8-120 A,OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 Mkib, OH-142 Mkii,Nus 10-135,NUPAC 14D-2.0 & HN-100,Series 2,in Response to 860926 Request
ML20204E95928 July 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models Nupac 14/190L,NUPAC 14/190M,NUPAC 14/190H,NUS 14-170L,NUS 14-170M, NUS 14-170H & CNS 8-120 B in Response to 860715 Request
ML20202C3902 July 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models Nupac 14D-2.0,HN-100 Series 2,HN-100 2A,HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170.III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 860617 Request
ML20202B8202 July 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii,Nus 10-135 & CNS 8-120 B in Response to 860611 Request
ML20210R34813 May 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170III,NUS 14-170I,NUPAC 14/190L,NUPAC 14/190M & Nupac 14/190H,in Response to 860403 & 28 Requests
ML20203N58430 April 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-600, Nupac 100,CNS 7-100,HN-100 Series 3,GNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 860407 & 08 Requests
ML20203N33028 April 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 860407 Request
ML20141G25717 April 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 860404 Request
ML20199L73126 March 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 860311 Request
ML20140F26724 March 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii,Nus 10-135,NUPAC 14D-2.0,HN-100 Series 2,HN-100 2A,HN-600,NUPAC 100, CNS 7-100 & Nupac 50-1.5L,in Response to 851227 Request
ML20154R40219 March 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 860310 Request
ML20137Z1555 March 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 860225 Request
ML20137S2996 February 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii,Nus 10-135 Nupac 140-2.0, HN-100 Series 2,HN-100 2A,HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III, NUS 14-170 I & Nupac 14/190L,in Response to 860123 Request
ML20151R21328 January 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 860110 Request
ML20141K23016 January 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120, CNS 14-195-H,CNS 21-300,CNS 6-80-2,CNS 6-80-2A,HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 851119 Request
ML20137D46413 January 1986Notification of Registration as User of Listed Model Numbers in Response to 851227 Request
ML20137C2809 January 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 851212 Request
ML20137C7109 January 1986Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 851205 Request
ML20138F26610 December 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-I42, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OK-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 851029 Request
ML20198C3915 November 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 851021 Request
ML20198C7054 November 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 851023 Request
ML20205D6778 October 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 851001 Request
ML20135G23711 September 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-200, Nupac 14D-2.0,HN-100 Series 2,HN-100 2A,HN-600,NUPAC 100, CNS 7-100,HN-100 Series 1,HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I
ML20135C8789 September 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 850814 Request
ML20134B93012 August 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 850730 Request
ML20132F74725 July 1985Notification of Registration as User of Listed Models, Including CNS 8-120,HN-600,NUPAC 100 & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 850710 Request
ML20126M16518 July 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii,Nus 10-135,NUPAC 14D-2.0,HN-100 Series 2,HN-100 2A,HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & Mus 14-170 I,In Response to 850627 Request
ML20129D85415 July 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I in Response to 850708 Request
ML20129H3639 July 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142,OH-142 MK,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135 in Response to 850628 Request
ML20128C16126 June 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models HN-100,Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & NUS 14-170 I,In Response to 850613 Request
ML20127N21620 June 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models H-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 III & Hus 14-170 I in Response to 850610 Request
ML20126F1946 June 1985Notification of Registration as User of Models OH-142, OH-142 MKI,OH-142 MKIB,OH-142 Mkii & NUS 10-135,in Response to 850524 Request