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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236K8763 November 1987Responds to Sztaba Expressing Concerns Re Safe Operation of State of CT Nuclear Power Plants.Plants in State Not Rated Among Most Troublesome in Nation.Licensee Performance Monitored in Publicly Available SALP Repts
ML20211B71228 May 1986Forwards Temporary Exemption Issued to Util & SER Re Recently Identified single-failure Vulnerability at Plant,In Response to .Encl Provides NRC Justification Why Plant Operation Will Not Present Undue Risk to PublicExemption Request
Fuel cladding
ML20147D37827 July 1978Forwards Addl NRC Comments by M Goldman Re Allegation Raised by Dr Sternglass Concerning Levels of Strontium & Cesium Near Subj Facil.Concludes Risks from Exposure to Low Level Radiat Exposure Small