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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML22226A00124 June 2022Texas A&M Univ., License Amendment Request Re Management Change
ML21123A2923 May 2021License Amendment Request for Facility Operating License R-83; Revision of the License Conditions for Removal of the Expiration Date on Possession of the AGN-201M Reactor Fuel
ML16215A5122 August 2016to License Amendment Request Dated October 14, 2015, Facility License R-83, Docket Number 50-128. (ADAMS Accession No. ML15287A148)
ML16132A51611 May 2016Texas A&M University - Supplement 4 to License Amendment Request Dated October 14, 2015Shutdown Margin
ML16078A39218 March 2016Texas A&M University - Supplement 3 to License Amendment Request Dated October 14, 2015
ML16063A2643 March 2016Texas A&M Univ. - Supplement to License Amendment Request Dated October 14, 2015
ML15287A14814 October 2015Texas A&M University - Request for Amendment to License No. R-83 and Technical Specification Associated with Receiving and Storing Special Nuclear Material Currently Located in the Tamu AGN-201M Reactor
ML09216039922 July 2009Request for Amendment to U-235 Possession Limits for the Texas A&M University System, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Nuclear Science Center Reactor
ML06172003313 June 2006Application for Amendment to License R-83 to Increase the Possession Limits for Uranium-235
ML07221084627 February 2003Texas A&M - Nuclear Science Center Reactor SAR Relicensing Report Redacted VersionSafe Shutdown
High winds
Shutdown Margin
Fuel cladding