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ML20076N49931 October 1994Gulf States Utilities Co Second Supplemental Response to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories Dtd 940908.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML20078D32928 October 1994Gulf States Utilities Company Second Supplemental Response to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories,Dtd 940908.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML20080A29713 October 1994Gulf States Utilities Company Supplemental Responses to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories Dtd 940908.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20073H27022 September 1994Gsu Objections to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories Dtd 940908.* Objects to Identified Interrogatories & Cajun General Instruction B.W/ Certificate of Svc.Related CorrespondenceIncorporated by reference
ML20073H26320 September 1994Gulf States Util Company Responses to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories Dtd 940908.* Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown
ML20072Q5066 September 1994Gulf State Utilities Company Objections to Cajun Electric Cooperative,Inc. Interrogatories,Dtd 940822.* Gsu Objects to General Instruction B of Cajun Requests for Production of Document.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20072Q4882 September 1994Gsu Co Responses to Interrogatories Dtd 940822.* Informs That Responses Subj to Objections Filed by Util Dtd 940906. Related Correspondence
ML20072P22026 August 1994Gulf States Utilities Co First Request for Production of Documents to NRC Executive Director of Operations.* Requests Production of Documents as Listed.W/Certificate of Svc. Related Correspondence
ML20072P20526 August 1994Gulf States Utilities Co First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc.* Requests Production of Listed Documents. W/Certificate of Svc.Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown
ML20093N27024 July 1984Answers to First Set of Interrogatories & Response to Request for Production of Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related CorrespondenceBiofouling
ML20091L0865 June 1984First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents to State of La & Joint Intervenors on Safety Contentions 1 & 2.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20081C34113 March 1984Proposed Emergency Planning Contentions 1-12,identifying Major Flaws in Emergency Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19282C36223 February 1979Greene County,Ny'S Interrogatories to NRC Re NUREG-0512. Answers Requested on or Before 790309.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19259B3635 January 1979County Survival Committee'S Further Responses to NRC Interrogatories.Believes SER to Be Deficient Re non-military Traffic,Population Related to Water Supply, Radioactive Matls & Conditions of Government Agencies
ML20147F1592 October 1978Interrogatories to Cementon Civic Assoc Contentions That Staff & Applicant Failed to Fully Assess Geological Data & Evaluations Sufficiently to Determine Site Geological Stability Re Operation of Three Cement Plants
ML20147F1912 October 1978Interrogatories to Greene County,Towns of Catskill & Athens & Villages of Catskill & Athens Contentions.Contention States That Possible Consequences of Blasting in Vicinity of Cementon Site Not Well Evaluated
ML20147F1792 October 1978Interrogatories to Columbia County Survival Committee. Petition Contends Greene County Site for Nuclear Plant Unsuitable for Listed Reasons & That Applicant PSAR Inadequately Considered Site Susceptability to QuakesEarthquake
ML20147F1692 October 1978Interrogatories to Columbia County.Contention Stipulates There Is Insufficient Evaluation of Effects of Quarrying & Placement of Earth on Stability of Subterranean Formations
ML20147F1482 October 1978Response to Intervenor SA Brand & Mid-Hudson Nuclear Opponents.Contention That Seismic Design of Proposed Facility Inadequate Unproven.Ground Acceleration Associated W/Proposed Safe Shutdown UnderestimatedSafe Shutdown
ML20147F42129 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from AL Reuter & Columbia County Survival Committee
ML20147F41429 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Lehigh Portland Cement Co
ML20147F40929 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Greene County Et Al
ML20147F40229 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Columbia County
ML20147F38829 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Citizens to Preserve Hudson Valley
ML20147F38429 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Cementon Civic Assoc
ML20147F37629 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from SA Brand & Mid-Hudson Nuclear Opponents
ML20204B7798 September 1978Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents from Lehigh Portland Cement Co.Certificate of Svc Encl