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05000247/FIN-2000006-012000Q2Indian PointApparent failure to augment the ERO in a timely manner - failure to meet planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2), Timely Augmentation of EROIn response to the Alert of February 15, 2000, there was a failure to augment the ERO within 60 minutes of the declaration of the Alert contrary to the Indian Point 2 (IP2) E-Plan Figure 5.2-1. Followup inspection identified several program structure deficiencies or design problems that contributed to an apparent failure to meet NRC emergency planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2). This finding was an apparent violation of low to moderate safety significance because of the failure to meet an NRC emergency planning standard.
05000247/FIN-2000006-022000Q2Indian PointApparent failure to complete accountability in a timely manner - failure to meet planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(lO), Protection of Radiation WorkersIn response to the Alert of February 15,2000, there was a failure to account for onsite radiation workers within 30 minutes of initiation contrary to the IP2 E-Plan section 6.4.1 .d and E-Plan implementing procedure 1027 section 5.1.2.f. Followup inspection further identified several program deficiencies or design problems indicating an apparent failure to meet NRC emergency planning standard I0 CFR 50.47(b)(10) concerning accountability. This finding was an apparent violation of low to moderate safety significance because of the apparent failure to meet an NRC emergency planning standard.
05000247/FIN-2000006-032000Q2Indian PointImproper dissemination of information to public and local official - failure to meet planning standard I0 CFR 50.47 (b) (7), public inform at i o nIn response to the Alert of February 15, 2000, there was a failure to properly disseminate information about the Alert conditions. As a result there was confusion in the public domain about whether there was a radiation release and its magnitude, and one local official was not notified in accordance with a pre-arranged agreement. This was contrary to the IP2 E-Plan section 5.2.3, which requires consistent information be disseminated. Followup inspection identified a number of program structure or design problems indicating an apparent failure to meet NRC emergency planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(7) concerning dissemination of information. This finding was an apparent violation of low to moderate safety significance because of the failure to meet an NRC emergency planning standard.