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05000348/FIN-2011008-012011Q2FarleyEvaluation of Potential Tornado Missile Density to Bound TORMIS Evaluation EnclosureAn unresolved item (URI) was identified because additional information related to the impact of ongoing major projects on the approved Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP) TORMIS analysis is required to determine whether a performance deficiency existed with regards to the introduction of potential tornado missiles in excess of the bounding value in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) issued in 2001. The inspectors will review the additional information after the licensee has assembled any evaluations that may have been performed as part of the ongoing major projects at the site. The FNP requested NRC approval to use the TORMIS model for evaluating tornado missile impingement on SSCs at the site through letters dated June 29, 2000, and August 31, 2001. On September 26, 2001, the NRC issued an SER approving its use at the station within the defined parameters contained in the SER. The TORMIS model and its use on an on-going basis is described in RIS 2008-14 and associated documents referenced therein. One of the five points discussed in the RIS is that missile density and their proximity to safety-related and risk-significant SSCs are important factors in the use of TORMIS, especially as conditions may change at the site due to specific work activities. During 2011, the site has conducted extensive work to support relocation of the protected area fence which included staging and relocation of required equipment and material. The licensee was asked for an assessment of the change in the number of potential tornado missiles created by the ongoing major projects which is a required component of the application of the TORMIS model for identifying if additional protection is required for safety-related SSCs. The inspectors will review the additional information detailing any evaluations performed prior to the start of the projects or on an ongoing basis which assessed the change in potential tornado missile density in the area of safety-related SSCs when received from the licensee to determine if a performance deficiency exists. This item is identified as URI 05000348/2011008-001 and 05000364/2011008-001: Evaluation of Potential Tornado Missile Density to Bound TORMIS Evaluation. This issue was entered into the licensees CAP as CR 331527.