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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML16281A3807 October 2016Changes to the Texas A&M University AGN-201M Technical Specifications, Facility License R-23, Docket Number 50-59 Associated with the November 11, 2016 License Amendment Request (ADAMS Accession No. ML15315A027)High Radiation Area
ML16279A0005 October 2016Changes to the Texas A&M University AGN-201M Technical Specification Pages 11 and 14, Supporting the November 11, 2015, License Amendment Request for the AGN-201M ReactorHigh Radiation Area
ML16272A43427 September 2016Proposed Changes to Texas A&M University AGN-201M Technical Specification Page 15 Associated with License Amendment Request Dated November 11, 2015, for the AGN-201M Reactor