SECY-21-0061, Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 11, 2021

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SECY-21-0061: Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 11, 2021
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/29/2021
From: Catherine Haney
To: Jeff Baran, Annie Caputo, Christopher Hanson, David Wright
Sara Mroz, OEDO
Download: ML21172A213 (9)



INFORMATION REPORT JUNE 29, 2021 SECY-21-0061 FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JUNE 11, 2021 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer A Office of the Chief Information Officer B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation C Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D Office of Administration E Office of the Secretary F Signed by Haney, Cathy on 06/29/21 Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations, OEDO CONTACT: Sara Mroz, OEDO 301-415-2900

ML21172A213 OFFICE OEDO OEDO/AO NAME SMroz CHaney DATE 6/22/2021 6/29/2021 Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO)


Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

Items of Interest Week Ending JUNE 11, 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests, Appeals, and Consultations Received During the Period of June 7 - June 11 Tracking Requesters Requesters Request Description Received Number Name Organization as submitted by requester Date 2021-000174 Ryan D. Hoodington Named individual started an underground 06/07/21 Hood PMC reactor group, how many details do you have?1 2021-000175 Matthew Any records or documents pertaining to the 06/07/21 Walker West Lake Landfill near Bridgeton, Missouri at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission facility in Glen Ellyn, Illinois 1 2021-000174 - Description of request is unclear as submitted; therefore, it was closed as an improper FOIA request.


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

Items of Interest Week Ending JUNE 11, 2021 Duke Energy Carolinas Submits Oconee Subsequent License Renewal Application On June 7, 2021, Duke Energy Carolinas submitted a subsequent license renewal application (SLRA) for Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS), Units 1, 2, and 3, requesting an additional 20 years beyond the current license expiration dates. The ONS initial renewed licenses expire on February 6, 2033, October 6, 2033, and July 19, 2034, for Units 1, 2, and 3, respectively. ONS is the sixth plant to submit an SLRA.

NRC Held Second Higher Burnup Fuel Workshop On June 10, 2021, NRC held the Higher Burnup Workshop II (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML21160A036) as a follow up to the July 2020 workshop. The NRC and industry presented on multiple topics regarding the current state of licensing for both higher burnup fuel and increased enrichment, with several NRC/industry discussion breaks and multiple public comment periods. This dialogue furthered mutual understanding regarding licensing of higher burnup and increased enrichment for industrys planned batch loading by the mid-2020s.

NRC Held Meeting on Turkey Point Digital Instrumentation and Control Upgrade On June 9, 2021, NRC staff held a pre-submittal meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML21148A172) with Florida Power and Light (FPL) on its plans to submit a license amendment request (LAR) for major digital upgrades to multiple protection systems at Turkey Point Units 3 and 4. FPL described its technical strategy for demonstrating adequate defense-in-depth against potential common cause failure, and crediting digital self-diagnostics to eliminate NRC technical specifications for periodic operability tests. FPL is seeking approval by September 2022 to support planned installations on Units 3 and 4 in 2023. The NRC staff expects to conduct additional pre-submittal meetings.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

Items of Interest Week Ending JUNE 11, 2021 NRC Conducted a Pre-Application Public Meeting with Nuclear Fuel Services On June 4, 2021, the NRC staff participated in a pre-application meeting via teleconference with staff from Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS). The meeting was focused on potential facility changes at NFS related to a National Nuclear Security Administration contract for performing highly enriched uranium conversion and purification services. Specific aspects of the current design were discussed, including emergency preparedness, safety analysis, material control and accounting, and environmental protection. An application for a license amendment is expected in November of this year. The pre-application meeting was closed to members of the public given the proprietary nature of the presentation.

NRC Held Public Meeting on Risk-Informing the Fuel Cycle and Materials Decommissioning Inspection Programs On June 9, 2021, the NRC staff held an Information Public Meeting to discuss modernizing and further risk-informing the NRCs Fuel Cycle and Materials Decommissioning Inspection Program. The meeting discussed NRCs efforts to revise the Fuel Cycle Facility, Uranium Recovery, Complex Materials, and Non-Complex Materials Decommissioning Inspection Programs in Inspection Manual Chapter 2602 and associated Inspection Procedures. The public meeting was attended by eighty-six stakeholders, from public, industry, Agreement States and federal agencies. The stakeholders had several comments and questions on financial assurance of decommissioning sites, potential impacts on the IMPEP process, potential changes to inspection of LLW disposal sites, and integration of new technologies in decommissioning activities.

Public Comment Period Reopened for Mine Waste Disposal at United Nuclear Corporation Mill Site On June 10, 2021, the NRC staff informed the Navajo Nation that the comment period on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the disposal of mine waste at the United Nuclear Corporation Mill Site, located in McKinley County, New Mexico was reopened. The comment period is now extended until October 31 as requested. This reopening was the result of a May 28, 2021 Navajo Nation request to extend the DEIS comment period. The DEIS comment period closed on May 27, 2021 after already being extended once due to an earlier Navajo Nation request.

NRC Met with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Staff on Draft Uranium Is Situ Recovery Rule and Associated Guidance On June 10, 2021, the NRC staff met with EPA staff from the Office of Air and Radiation and the Office of Water to discuss the proposed draft uranium in situ recovery (ISR) rule and associated draft guidance. The discussion was productive in furthering the EPA staffs understanding of the proposed rule. The major comments from EPA staff were regarding the consistency of implementation across the Agreement States as well as the NRCs performance-based approach in some aspects of the proposed rule. During the discussion, the EPA staff did not identify the need for any changes to the draft proposed ISR rule.


NRC Held a Public Webinar to Discuss Part 53 Proposed Rule Language On June 10, 2021, the NRC staff held a public webinar to provide an opportunity for external stakeholders and the NRC staff to exchange information on the NRCs development of the Part 53 preliminary proposed rule language for advanced nuclear reactors. The meeting focused on new preliminary proposed rule language for emergency preparedness, security programs and technology neutral requirements for physical protection against radiological sabotage, protection of digital computer and communication systems and networks, and access authorization. In addition, the staff provided an overview of the proposed changes to Part 26, Fitness for Duty Programs. NEI provided an overview of potential business cases for manufactured reactors and the staff discussed strategies to broaden engagement and bolster forward progress using future topic-specific public and Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards meetings to enable focused dialogue on specific issues and engage other stakeholders. More than 200 stakeholders attended the meeting and provided varying perspectives.

NRC Issued License Amendment to Centrus Energy Corporation On June 11, 2021, the NRC staff issued a final decision approving Centrus Energy Corp./American Centrifuge Operatings (ACOs) license amendment request for the High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Demonstration Program. The HALEU Demonstration Program involves operation of a 16-centrifuge cascade under ACOs license SNM-2011 for the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio. The demonstration program is funded by a three-year, $115 million, cost-sharing contract between the ACO and the United States Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose of the program is to demonstrate production of up to 600 Kilograms of HALEU in the form of uranium hexafluoride for the DOE.


Office of Administration (ADM)

Items of Interest Week Ending JUNE 11, 2021 NRC Awarded Contract for RSA Archer Software Upgrade, Maintenance Support, and Professional Services On June 8, 2021, contract number NNG15SD80B/31310021F0054 was awarded to August Schell Enterprises, Inc., in Rockville, MD. The purpose of this contract is to purchase a proprietary software solution of Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) Archer software use cases, upgrade and maintenance support, and professional services. The period of performance is from June 7, 2021 through September 26, 2022 with two (2) option periods. The total potential value of the contract can be up to $663,031.50.


Office of the Secretary (SECY)

Items of Interest Week Ending JUNE 11, 2021 Document Released to Public Date of Subject Document Decision Documents

1. None Information Papers
1. SECY-21-0058 06/11/21 Weekly Information Report Week Ending 05/28/2021 Memoranda
1. Staff Requirements Memorandum 06/11/21 Briefing on Human Capital and Equal M210608 Employment Opportunity Commission Correspondence
1. None.

Federal Register Notices Issued

1. Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information
2. 687th ACRS Meeting of the ACRS Full Committee on Reactor Safeguards - Notice of Meeting - July 7-9, 2021 JUNE 29, 2021 ENCLOSURE F