SECY-20-0078, Enclosure 2 - Status of Tasking Items

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SECY-20-0078: Enclosure 2 - Status of Tasking Items
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/02/2020
From: Les Cupidon
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
To: Commissioners
Cupidon L
Shared Package
ML20174A604 List:
Download: ML20224A368 (2)


STATUS OF TASKING ITEMS1 Item Task Due Date Status 1 Update agency-level guidance on backfitting and issue 12/31/2020 On track2 finality to reflect Commission direction on the use of the compliance exception to the backfit rule and submit for Commission approval. (Executive Director for Operations (EDO) Tasking Memo Action 1a) 2 Update office-level implementing guidance on 09/30/2021 On track backfitting and issue finality and the Enforcement Manual to reflect Commission-approved agencywide guidance. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 1b, 1c) 3 Develop and conduct reset training for managers and 02/28/2018 Completed staff on backfitting and issue finality. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 3a) 4 Conduct interactive training on backfitting and issue 08/17/2018 Completed finality for all staff with backfitting responsibilities.

(EDOs Tasking Memo Action 3g) 5 Develop or update training and/or developmental 09/30/2021 On track activities on backfitting and issue finality for inclusion in office/regional qualification procedures. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 3b, 3c) 6 Revise office qualification procedures to require initial 09/30/2021 On track and refresher training and developmental activities on backfitting and issue finality. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 3d, 3e) 7 Make available "just-in-time" training and references on 10/31/2018 Completed backfitting and issue finality. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 3f) 8 Add backfitting information to agency knowledge 09/18/2017 Completed management Web site. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 4a) 9 Prepare a NUREG/Knowledge Management report on 09/30/2020 On track the history and activities of the CRGR. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 4b) 10 Create a backfitting Community of Practice with office 08/31/2017 Completed points of contact. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 4c) 1 The tasks in this table are the items being tracked that are listed in the enclosure to the July 19, 2017, memorandum (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML17198C141). Some items in the enclosure were grouped together because of the relevance, and 3 items (1d, 2a, 5a) did not require tracking.

2 The status of this item was incorrectly stated as complete in the previous 2019 Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR) annual report.. This item will only show completion when the remaining two backfit related guidance documents are issued final: NUREG/BR-0058, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Revision 5, NUREG-1409, Backfitting Guidelines, Revision 1. Management Directive 8.4, Management of Backfitting, Forward Fitting, Issue Finality, and Information Requests was issued final on September 20, 2019.

Enclosure 2

Item Task Due Date Status 11 Conduct an effectiveness review of actions taken in 08/31/2023 On track response to the June 27, 2017, CRGR report. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 5b) 12 Propose a revision to the charter for the CRGR to 06/29/2018 Completed reflect rulemaking criteria, incorporate recent Commission direction, and enhance rigor of CRGR assessments. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 6a) 13 Report on the availability of key docketed information 02/28/2018 Completed categories and the resources needed to make information more readily retrievable. (EDOs Tasking Memo Action 7a) 14 Report on the resources needed to implement the 10/02/2017 Completed actions in the July 19, 2017, EDO tasking on backfitting.

(EDOs Tasking Memo Action 7b) 2