OIG-22-A-13, - Status of Recommendations: Audit of the Nrc’S Strategic Workforce Planning Process, Dated, June 18, 2024

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OIG-22-A-13 - Status of Recommendations: Audit of the Nrc’S Strategic Workforce Planning Process, Dated, June 18, 2024
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/18/2024
From: Virkar H
To: Raymond Furstenau
Download: ML24176A130 (1)



DAT E : June 18, 2 0 24

TO: Raym o n d V. F u r st e n au A ct i n g Execu tive Director for Operations

F R OM: Hr u t a V i r k ar, CP A / RA/

Assistant Inspector General for Au dits & Eval u at i o n s




Attach ed is th e Office of th e Inspector Generals (OIG) analysis and statu s of r ecom m en dations as discu ssed in t h e agen cys r espon se dat ed May 31, 2 0 24. Based on th is response, recom m endations one th rou gh th ree from th is report are open and resolved. Please provide an u pdated statu s of th e open, resolved recom m endations by Decem ber 15, 2 0 24.

If you h ave any qu estions or concerns, please call m e at (301) 415 -198 2 or Pau l Rade s, Te am L e ade r, at (301) 415-6228.

Attachm ent:

As st at ed

cc: J. Mar t i n, A ct i n g ADO M. Meyer, DADO J. Jo l i co e u r, O EDO OIG Liaison Resou r ce ED O ACS Distribu tion

N RC H ea d qu a r ter s l 115 5 5 Roc kvi l l e P i ke l Rockville, Maryland 20852 l 301.415.5 930 nrco ig.o v e rsight.go v Au d i t R ep ort AUDIT OF TH E NR CS STR ATE GIC WOR KF OR CE PL ANNING PR OCE SS Sta tu s of R ec ommend a ti ons OIG A-13

Recom m endation 1 : Update th e Enhance d St rat e gi c W o rkfo rce P l anni ng: O ffi ce Di re ct o r and Re gi o nal A dmi ni st rat o r G ui dance to provide specific m eth odologies, detailed instru ctions, m easu rem ent criteria, and scales th at can be u sed to estim ate th e anticipated level of workload ch ange, ranking of position risk factors, and prioritization of workforce gaps or su rplu ses.

Agency Response NRC initiated an evalu ation of th e SWP Process in October Dat e d May 31, 2024: 2022. Th e e val u at i o n was co n du ct e d by Paci fi c Research an d Eval u at i o n (PRE) an d was r e ce n t l y com pleted. Th e evalu ation report was finalized in April 2024, an d t h e age n cy is cu rrently developing plans for th e im plem entation of recom m endations from th e evalu ation, w h i c h w i l l s u ppo r t enh ancem ent of th e process gu idance and developm ent of a new software application to the agencys execu tion of th e pr ocess.

Tar ge t Date for Com pletion: Septem ber 30, 2 0 25

OIG An al ysis: Th e proposed actions m eet th e intent of th is recom m endation. Th e OIG will close th is recom m endation u pon reviewing th e finalized Enh ance d Strategic Workforce P l anni ng: O ffi ce D i re ct o r and Re gi o nal A dmi ni st rat o r G ui dance.

Sta tu s: Open: Resolved.

2 Au d i t R ep ort AUDIT OF TH E NR CS STR ATE GIC WOR KF OR CE PLANNING PR OCE SS Sta tu s of R ec ommend a ti ons OIG A-13

Recom m endation 2: Update th e Enh ance d S t rat e gi c W o rkfo rce P l anni ng: O ffi ce Di re ct o r and Re gi o nal A dmi ni st rat o r G ui dance to incorporate attrition rates so that the NRC quantifies and co n sider s n o n -retirement separations in workforce planning.

Agency Response Leveraging insigh ts from th e com pleted evalu ation, th e Dat e d May 31, 2024: agency is considering recom m ended approach es for th e estim ation of attrition rates within the SWP process. Th e m ethodology that will be u tilized m oving forward, as reflected in th e enh anced process gu idance th at is u nder developm ent, will consider both retirem ent an d nonr etirem ent attrition rates, in accordance with, the OIG recom m endation.

Target Date for Com pletion: Septem ber 30, 2 0 27

OIG An al ysis: Th e proposed actions m eet th e intent of th is recom m endation. Th e OIG will close th is recom m endation u pon reviewing th e finalized Enhanced Strategic Workforce Planning: Office Director and Regional Administrator G ui dance.

Sta tu s: Open: Resolved.

3 Au d i t R ep ort AUDIT OF TH E NR CS STR ATE GIC WOR KF OR CE PLANNING PR OCE SS Sta tu s of R ec ommend a ti ons OIG A-13

Recom m endation 3: Update agency policy and procedu res to inclu de Hu m an Capi t al Ope r at i n g Pl an i n fo r m at i o n s pe ci fi cal l y,

inform ation regarding th e periodicity of th e plans review, appr o val, an d u pdat i n g i n acco r dan ce w i t h t h e O ffi ce o f Personnel Managem ents Human Capi t al O pe rat i ng P l an G ui dance : F i scal Ye ars 20 22-2026.

Agency Response In fo r m at i o n o n t h e NRC Hu m an Capi t al Ope r at i n g Pl an Dat e d May 31, 2024: will be inclu ded in th e forth com ing revision to Managem ent Directive 6.10, Strategic Planning," wh ich is sch edu led to be u pdated in calendar year 2024.

Target Date for Com pletion: Septem ber 30, 202 4

OIG An al ysis: Th e proposed actions m eet th e intent of th is recom m endation. Th e OIG will close th is recom m endation u pon reviewing th e finalized Managem ent Directive 6.10, S t rat e gi c P l anni ng, u pdat e d t o i n cl u de Hu m an Capi t al Ope r at i n g Pl an (HCOP) i n acco r dan ce w i t h t h e O ffi ce o f Personnel Managem ents Human Capi t al O pe rat i ng P l an G ui dance : F i scal Ye ars 20 22-2026.

Sta tu s: Open: Resolved.