NUREG/CR-6190, Ltr to D. Walters, NEI from: G. M. Tracy Subject: to Provide NEI an Updated Copy of NUREG/CR-6190 (SGI)

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Ltr to D. Walters, NEI from: G. M. Tracy Subject: to Provide NEI an Updated Copy of NUREG/CR-6190 (SGI)
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/08/2003
From: Tracy G
To: Walters D
Nuclear Energy Institute
Arildsen J NSIR/DNS 301-415-7779
Download: ML031560022 (3)


SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION July 8, 2003 Mr. Douglas Walters Director of Emergency Planing and Security Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 I Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708

Dear Mr. Walters:

The purpose of this letter is to provide the Nuclear Energy Institute a copy of the enclosed update to NUREG/CR 6190, Update of NUREG/CR-6190 Material to Reflect Postulated Threat Requirements, dated March 27, 2003. This update contains safeguards information (SGI) and requires commensurate handling. The update is provided for your information and to share with nuclear power reactor licensees, as appropriate.

This update does not impose any new requirements for licensees. The information provided by the curves and standoff distances in the update will allow power reactor licensees to ascertain the impact on their sites due to considerations associated with specific vehicle bomb sizes, extending beyond the current design basis threat for power reactor facilities.

If you have any questions concerning the update or its intended use, please direct them to Jesse Arildsen at (301) 415-7779.



Glenn M. Tracy, Director Division of Nuclear Security Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response Upon Removal of Enclosure, This Document is DECONTROLLED

SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION July 8, 2003 Mr. Douglas Walters Director of Emergency Planing and Security Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 I Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708

Dear Mr. Walters:

The purpose of this letter is to provide the Nuclear Energy Institute a copy of the enclosed update to NUREG/CR 6190, Update of NUREG/CR-6190 Material to Reflect Postulated Threat Requirements, dated March 27, 2003. This update contains safeguards information (SGI) and requires commensurate handling. The update is provided for your information and to share with nuclear power reactor licensees, as appropriate.

This update does not impose any new requirements for licensees. The information provided by the curves and standoff distances in the update will allow power reactor licensees to ascertain the impact on their sites due to considerations associated with specific vehicle bomb sizes, extending beyond the current design basis threat for power reactor facilities.

If you have any questions concerning the update or its intended use, please direct them to Jesse Arildsen at (301) 415-7779.

Sincerely, (Original Signed by:)

Glenn M. Tracy, Director Division of Nuclear Security Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response DISTRIBUTION:

DNS r/f ADAMS: ML031560022 G:/DNS Staff/Arildsen/6190 ltr to NEI 4-30-03.wpd

  • see previous concurrence OFFICE RSS/DNS RSS/DNS D:DNS NAME JArildsen*


GMTracy DATE 06/03/2003 06/04/2003 07/8/2003 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Upon Removal of Enclosure, This Document is DECONTROLLED