NUREG/CR-3854, Query - RES Is Adding Old NUREGs to ADAMS

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Query - RES Is Adding Old NUREGs to ADAMS
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/05/2020
From: Bayssie M
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
To: Kevin Johnson, Jennene Littlejohn, Graciela Vera
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
M. Bayssie
NUREG/CR-3854, NUREG/CR-6322
Download: ML20218A271 (2)



Bayssie, Mekonen To:

Littlejohn, Jennene; Johnson, Kevin; Vera, Graciela Cc:

Rahimi, Meraj; Karagiannis, Harriet


FW: Query: RES is adding old NUREGs to ADAMS Date:

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:24:29 AM Attachments:

image001.png Good morning,

Three NUREGS that have affiliation with RES needs to be made publicly available. The documents are described per email from Bernie White ( NMSS). The documents are needed for revision of RG.

Mekonen Bayssie, Ph.D.

Materials Scientist Regulatory Guidance and Generic Issues Branch Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Phone: 301-415-1699

From: White, Bernie <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 9:13 AM To: Bayssie, Mekonen <>


Query: RES is adding old NUREGs to ADAMS


I see that RES is adding old NUREGs (from the 80s and 90s) to ADAMS to make them publicly available. I have cited two of them in DG-7011 for the Part 71 rulemaking. The following two NUREGs are in ADAMS but not publicly available. Do you know who is leading this effort and how long until they will become publicly available?

NUREG/CR-3854 is in ADAMS Accession No. ML20100F724, NUREG/CR-6322 is in ADAMS Accession No. ML20083N844

Thanks Bernie White Senior Project Manager Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (301) 415-6577