NUREG/CR-3597, Further Response to FOIA Request for Five Categories of Documents & Info Re NUREG/CR-3597,SAND 84-0938 Rv, NUREG/CR-3418,SAND 83-167 Rv & Board Notification 84-032. Forwards App G Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR

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Further Response to FOIA Request for Five Categories of Documents & Info Re NUREG/CR-3597,SAND 84-0938 Rv, NUREG/CR-3418,SAND 83-167 Rv & Board Notification 84-032. Forwards App G Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/20/1985
From: Felton J
To: Curran D
Shared Package
ML20137D171 List:
FOIA-84-863, RTR-NUREG-CR-3418, RTR-NUREG-CR-3597 NUDOCS 8508220412
Download: ML20137D166 (2)


cP **c TDWol6 o uq'o, UNIYED STATES

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me so nes Diane Curran, Esquire Harmon, Weiss & Jordan 2001 S Street, NW Suite 430 IN RESPONSE REFER WasHtgton, DC 20009 TO F01A-84-863

Dear Ms. Curran:

This is in further response to your letter dated November 16, 1984, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, five categories of documents and information related to NUREG/CR-3597, SAND 84-0938, RV; NUREG/CR-3418, SAND 83-1617, RV; and Board Notification 84-032.

Enclosed Appendix G is a listing of records subject to your request that are being placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) at 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC, in folder F01A-84-863 under your name.

The NRC has not completed its review of the remaining documents subject to your request. We will respond again as soon as our review is complete.

S rely, n .

8  %,

> . M. Felton, Director

[ Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated l

8508220412 850820 PDR FOIA CURRAN 84-863 PDR

e n


1. 01/12/79 Internal Memo from R. E. Jones, Co. 60 Product 3 Manager, to J.H. Cherb - General Electric Company


_ Cobalt-60 Calibration Standards 1

2. 03/09/81 Internal Memo from H.E. Stone, VP&GM 1 Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) -

General Electric Company, subject:

Engineering Operating Procedures

3. 11/05/81 Irradiated Processing Operations-Chapter X 5 Processed Isotope Procedures-General Electric Company

~4. 01/10/83- FOREWARD-Internal Memo from H.E. Stone VP&GM NED 1


Engineering Operating Procedures General Electric Company

5. 01/11/83 Nuclear Power Systems Engineering Department 1 Memo from C.W Dillman, General Electric Company
6. 04/05/83 Partial Organization Chart for Nuclear Energy 1 Business Operations - General Electric Company
7. Undated Part 21 Posting - General Electric Company _ ~2



" 6 H ARMON, WEISS & JORDAN 300' 5 STmett. N w SutTE 430 WAsnINoTox D.G. eoooo OAttMcGattyy MARMON TELEPHONE ELLyh R wies $ (20F3328 3500 WILLI AM S JORDAN. lH DI ANE CURR AN DE AN R TOUSLEY HAND DELIVERED November, 16, 1984 FREEDOM OF INFORMATIOh, J. M. Felton, Director ACT, REQUESI, Division of Rules and Records U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission yg g)

Washington, D.C. 20555 g /g //./g .p


~ Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear Mr. Felton:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 3 U.S.C. S 552, et Jse ., I request that you make the following information available to the Union of Concerned Scientists: .

1. Please release all documents in NRC's possession discussing in any aspect the contents.of the following publications:
a. Wyant and Minor, " Equipment Qualification Me thodology f Research: Tests of RTDs," NUREG/CR-3597, SAND 84-0938, RV I (Septembe r , 1984).
b. Craft, " Screening Tests of Terminal Block Performance in a Simulated LOCA Environment," NUREG/CR-3418, SAND 83-1617, RV (August, 1984).
2. Please identify the model number and manufacturer of each resistance temperature detector whose testing is described in NUREG/CR-3596, and the model number and manufacturer of each terminal block whose testing is described in NUREG/CR-3418.
3. Please identify all nuclear power plants for which the components described in NUREG/CR-3596 and NUREG/CR-3418 have been ordered, or in which they are installed.
4. Please release the following information relating to the 1983 Annual Report by Sandia. National Laboratories, which is attached to Board Notification 84-032 (February 13, 1984):
a. Please release all documents discussing the contents of the Sandia Annual Report.

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l A

- .HACMON, WE1SS & JODDAN J. M. Felton, Director November 16, 1984 Page 2

b. Please release all documents relating to the forty NRC, RIV inspections of qualification test ef forts and f acilities described in paragraph 1 of the Annual Report's Executive Summary.-
c. Please identity the ten test laboratories, eight irradiation f acilities, six manuf acturers performing qualification activities, and two NSSS vendors described in paragraph 1 of the Annual Report's Executive Summary.
d. Please identify the test laboratory, irradiation f acility, manuf acturer, or NSSS vendor described in each "e x ampl e" given in paragraph 2 of the Annual Report entitled

" Summary of Technical Findings for FY 83 Activities." In addition, please identify each component model number and manuf acturer where specific components are discussed.

e. Please release all reports of and documents discussing the following activities described in paragraph 3 of the Annual Report: technical reviews at Sandia of four

_ qualification test plans; three EQIP program reviews with NRC, RIV staf f; NRC Form 1.89 for the EQIP Program; program status reports; and any minutes of transcriptions of a ,

seismic seminar.

t l S. Please release all documents in NRC's possession l

relating in any way to the following -statements made in viewgraphs attached to Board Notification 84-032: " pressure for research not to impact licensing issue resolution;" " pressure for research not to impact previous licensing decisions;" and

" pressure to resolve the problem today." In this regard, please include all documents describing specific instances in which Sandia officials perceived or experienced the above-mentioned pressures.

The Union of Concerned Scientists is a non-profit l

organization dedicated to the promotion of safety in nuclear  !

power plant operation. The requested information will be used in these efforts, and will not inure to the benefit of any


individual. Therefore, UCS requests that you waive any fees incurred in searching for or copying this information.

l l

HAcw.ow, Wriss & Jonn4x J. M. Felton, Director November 16, 1984 Page 3 I look forward to receiving your response within the ten working days permitted by the Freedom of Information Act.

Sincerely, Diane Curran cc: Robert D. Pollard, Union of Concernti Scientists I

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