NUREG-1562, Refers to Request by T Crone of Kreuger-Gilbert Health Physics to Send Info Re Application Process for Obtaining License Pursuant to Section 32.18,10CFR32,authorizing Distribution of Check Sources

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Refers to Request by T Crone of Kreuger-Gilbert Health Physics to Send Info Re Application Process for Obtaining License Pursuant to Section 32.18,10CFR32,authorizing Distribution of Check Sources
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/22/1998
From: Kirkwood A
To: Moore G
RTR-NUREG-1562 NUDOCS 9806260023
Download: ML20249C107 (2)


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e June 22,1998 Polyprobe, Inc.

ATTN: Gary Moore 4170 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131-1604

Dear Mr. Moore:

This refers to a request by Tamrni Crone of Kreuger-Gilbert Health Physics to send you information concerning the application process for obtaining a license pursuant to Section 32.18,10 CFR Part 32, authorizing the distribution of check sources, etc.

In order to possess and use byproduct mbterial, you must first satisfy the general requirements of 10 CFR 30.33. Therefore, you must apply for and obtain a specific license authorizing possession and use of byproduct material from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or an Agreement State, whoever has jurisdiction. NRC regional addresses can be found on the enclosed NRC Form 313.

As an applicant wishing to distribute or initially transfer products containing byproduct material, such as check sources, to persons exempt from licensing, you must also obtain an exempt distribution license from NRC's Headquarters office, whose address can also be found on the NRC Form 313. The product information to be submitted for your distribution license is outlined in 10 CFR Part 32, specifically in Sections 32.18, 32.19, and 32.20, and in NUREG 1562.

Your application for a distribution license should not contain information concerning the possession and use of radioactive material as covered in your possession license. Therefore.

you should only answer questions 1 through 6,12 and 13 on the enclosed application for materiallicense (NRC Form 313).

Regarding the fees required, you should contact Sandra Kimberley, of the License Fee and Debt Collection Branch, at (301) 415-6096, for fee information. Payment of fees should be mailed along with the application package to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, Washington, DC 20555. Please note that this fee is only for an NRC exeinpt distribution license.

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l For your use in applying for a distribution license, I have enclosed reference copies of 10 CFR Parts 2,19,20,30, 32,170, and '71 and NUREG-1562.

It I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (301) 415-6140 Sincerely, Original S!gned By:

Anthony S. Kirkwood Anthony S. Kirkwood Materials Safety Branch Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards


1. NRC Form 313
2. NUREG 1562 3.10 CFR Pads 2,19,20,30,32, 170, and 171 DISTRIBUTION: w/o enclosures NRC File Room (MNS r/f SLBaggett POR - YES DOCUMENT: H AEX EM PT\32.18%PPLTR S\PO LYPR OB .WPD C = COVER E = C'OVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFC MSB:NMSS C_ -

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