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Air Sampling in the Workplace

Final Report

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

E. E. Hickey, G. A. Stoetzel, D. J. Strom, G. R. Cicotte, C. M. Wiblin, S. A. McGuire

Air Sampling in the Workplace


Final Report

Manuscript Completed: February 1993

Date Published: September 1993

E. E. Hickey*, G. A. Stoetzel*, D. J. Strom*, G. R. Cicotte*, C. M. Wiblin**, S. A. McGuire

Division of Regulatory Applications

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555-0001

  • Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Richland, WA 99352

    • Advanced Systems Technology, Inc.

3490 Piedmont Road, NE - Suite 1410

Atlanta, GA 30305



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Use of NUREG-1400 by Licensees

This report, NUREG-1400, was written to provide technical information to licensees using Regulatory Guide 8.25, Revision 1, Sampling in the Workplace." The report was reviewed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (NRC) staff for its technical content.

NUREG-1400 is not and should not be used as a regulatory compliance document, because it neither establishes

regulatory positions nor defines what is acceptable to the NRC. For the case in which a licensee has made a

commitment to conduct air sampling in accordance with the recommendations in Regulatory Guide 8.25, NUREG-1400

should not be used in compliance reviews to determine whether the recommendations have been followed. Instead,

NUREG-1400 is a technical resource for the licensee to use to obtain technical information when information is wanted.

Regulatory Guide 8.25 specifically states that the guide does not apply to activities conducted under 10 CFR Part 50 at reactor facilities, however, NUREG-1400 provides examples of reactor facilities to demonstrate all types of air

sampling programs.

iii NUREG-1400


This report provides technical information on air sampling that will be useful for facilities following the

recommendations in the NRC's Regulatory Guide 8.25, Revision 1, 'i\ir Sampling in the Workplace." That guide

addresses air sampling to meet the requirements in NRC's regulations on radiation protection, 10 CPR Part 20. This

report describes how to determine the need for air sampling based on the amount of material in process modified by the

type of material, release potential, and confinement of the material. The purposes of air sampling and how the purposes

affect the types of air sampling provided are discussed. The report discusses how to locate air samplers to accurately

determine the concentrations of airborne radioactive materials that workers will be exposed to. The need for and the

methods of performing airflow pattern studies to improve the accuracy of air sampling results are included. The report

presents and gives examples of several techniques that can be used to evaluate whether the airborne concentrations of

material are representative of the air inhaled by workers. Methods to adjust derived air concentrations for particle size

are described. Methods to calibrate for volume of air sampled and estimate the uncertainty in the volume of air

sampled are described. Statistical tests for determining minimum detectable concentrations are presented. How to

perform an annual evaluation of the adequacy of the air sampling is also discussed.

v NUREG-1400


Use of NUREG-1400 by Licensees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w

Abstract ............................................................................... : . v

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xll1

1 Evaluation of the Need for Air Sampling ................................................ . 1.1

1.1 When to Evaluate the Need for Air Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1

1.2 Air Sampling Based on Potential Intakes and Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

1.2.1 Release Fraction R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

1.2.2 Confinement Factor C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

1.2.3 Dispersibility D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

1.2.4 Examples of How to Determine Air-Sampling Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Nuclear Medicine Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Uranium Fuel Fabrication Pellet Grinding Area Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

1.3 Air-Sampling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4

1.3.1 Sample Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Sample Collectors for Particulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Sample Collectors for Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Sample Collector Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6

1.3.2 Air Movers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 1.6

1.3.3 Types of Samplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 7 Lapel Samplers ........... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Pottable Air Samplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Fixed-Location Samplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Air Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8

1.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9

2 Location of Air Samplers ............................................................ . 2.1

2.1 Purpose of Airflow Studies ..................................................... . 2.1

2.1.1 Stratification and Stagnation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2

2.1.2 Water-Filled,Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

2.1.3 Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

2.1.4 Bi-Level Airflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

vii NUREG-1400


2.1.5 Recirculating Airflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6

2.1.6 Wall and Floor Penetrations ............................ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6

2.2 Determination of Airflow Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

2.2.1 Preparation for Airflow Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8

2.2.2 Methods of Airflow Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Qualitative Airflow Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Quantitative Airflow Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10

2.2.3 Performing Qualitative Airflow Pattern Studies ........... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 Examples of a Qualitative Airflow Study

in a Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 Airflow Study at a Nuclear Power Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

2.2.4 Quantitative Airflow Pattern Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16 Example of a Quantitative Airflow Pattern Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

2.3 Selecting Sampler Location .................................................... . 2.21

2.3.i Factors in Locating Samplers .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21

2.3.2 Examples of Determining Sample Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21 Effective Confinement of Radioactive Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22 E~timation of Worker Intakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23 Early Warning of Elevated Air Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24

2.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25

3 Demonstration that Air Sampling Is Representative

of Inhaled Air ................................................................... . 3.1

3.1 Need to Demonstrate that Air Sampling Is Representative

of Breathing Zone Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Comparison of Fixed-Location Air Sample Results with Lapel Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1

3.3 Comparison of Fixed-Location Air Samples with Bioassay Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2

3.4 Comparison with Air Sampler Results Using Multiple Samplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8

3.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8

4 Adjustments to Derived Air Concentrations ............................................. . 4.1

41 Adjusting Derived Air Concentrations for Particle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1

4.2 Methods for Adjusting DACS . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 4.6

4.2.1 Use of a Cascade Impactor to Determine Particle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6

4.2.2 Using Cyclones to Compensate for Particle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6

4.3 Adjusting Derived Air Concentrations for Solubility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6

NUREG-1400 viii




4.4 References ................................................................... . 4.7

Measuring of the Volume of Air Sampled ................................................ . 5.1



Means to Determine Volume of Air Sampled ...................................... .






Flow Control for Portable Air Samplers .................................... .

Flow Control for Air Samplers Connected to Central Vacuum Systems ........... .

The Importance of Having a Gauge to Indicate the Filter Load ................. .

The Importance of Constant Flow .............. : .......................... .

Total Volume Measurement Devices ....................................... .

Calibration Frequency and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .






Calibration Frequency ................................................... .

Calibration to Primary Standards .......................................... .

Calibration to Secondary Standards ........................................ .

Calibration of Rotameters ....... ; ....................................... .

Calibration of Flow Totalizers ............................................ .













5.3 Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7

5.4 Method for Determining Air In-Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8

5.5 Pressure and Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8

5.6 References .......... '... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11

Evaluation of Sampling Results ....................................................... . 6.1





Detecting Changes in Air Concentrations Over Time ............................... .

Efficiency of Collection Media .................................................. .

Detection Sensitivity ..................... ' ..................................... .




6.3.1 Determining the Activity Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3

6.3.2 Deciding Whether an Air Sample Is Above Background:

the Decision Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5

6.3.3 Measuring Detection Capability for a Counting System:

Minimum Detectable Activity .................... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5

6.3.4 Measuring Detection Capability for an Air-Sampling Program:

Minimum Detectable Concentration ................................... : . . . . 6.6

6.3.5 MDC for a Mixture of Radionuclides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7

6.3.6 Checking Counter Background for Non-Random Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7

References .................................................................. . 6.8

Appendix A - Additional Decision Level Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1

lX NUREG-1400





























Example of Stratification of Air Layers ................................................ .

Airflow Modification Due to Water ................................................... .

Example of Variable Flow Through Openings .. ; ....................................... .

Example of Bi-Level Flow Reversals .................................................. .

Example of Unexpected Flows ...................................................... .

Quantitative Dispersion Factors ...................................................... .

Diagram of Example Work Area ..................................................... .

Preliminary Airflow Pattern Survey in Cube at 262-ft Level ............................... .

Airflow Patterns as Determined by Smoke Candles at Selected Locations .................... .

Example Work Area, Test 1 ......................................................... .

Example Work Area, Test 2 .......•.............••...................................

Example Work Area, Multiple Release Points in a New Facility ............................ .

Analytical Laboratory Work Area .................................................... .

Example Work Area Coµfiguration for One Worker and

Two Fixed-Location Samplers ....................................................... .

Example Multi-Workstation Configuration for Six Workers and

Seven Fixed-Location Air Samplers ................................................... .

Sample Work Sheet (1) Showing the Results of a Comparison Study

of Air Sampling with Bioassay ....................................................... .

Sample Work Sheet (2) Showing the Results of a Comparison Study

of Air Sampling with Bioassay ....................................................... .

Sample Work Sheet (3) Showing the Results of a Comparison

with Multiple Samplers ............................................................. .

Values for Ratios of Deposition Fractions .............................................. .

DAC Ratios for 235U ............................................................... .

Rotameter ............................. : ......................................... .

Orifice Meter ........................................ , ............................ .

Calibration Setup of a Rotameter Using a Wet Test Meter ................................ .

Calibration Setup of a Rotameter Using a Spirometer .................................... .

Typical Rotameter Floats and Reading Indicator Positions ................................ .

In Place Calibration of Sample Collector ........ , ....................................... ·

NUREG-1400 x






















5.2 I




















Release Fractions ....... .

Purposes and General Placement of Air Samplers and Monitors ........................... .

Comparison of Techniques Used to Determine Airflow Patterns

Within the Workplace .............................................................. .

Common Tracer Gases and Measurement Techniques ................................... .

Comparison of Lapel Samplers and Fixed-Location Air Samplers,

One Worker with Two Fixed-Location Air Samplers ..................................... .

Comparison of Lapel Samplers and Fixed-Location Air Samplers,

Six Workers with Seven Fixed-Location Air Samplers .................................... .

Ratios for Deposition Fractions ...................................................... .

Percentages of Committee Dose Equivalent,

Factors and H50,T (Sv /Bq) for Cobalt 60, Class W ....................................... .

Values of Deposition Fraction Ratios, Committed Dose Equivalents and Weighted

Committed Dose Equivalents for Cobalt 60, Class W, and AMAD = 7 µm ................... .

Ratios of DAC to DAC for 235U ...................................................... .

Types of Flow Rate Measurement Instruments .......................................... .

Filter Efficiencies for the Oxide Conversion Building ........•.............................

Summary of Symbols, Quantities, and Units ............................................ .

Chi2 Calculation for the Example .................................................... .












6.3 I



xi NUREG-1400


The authors would like to thank the many people who contributed to the development, production, and

publication of this report. We greatly appreciate their guidance, technical assistance, and patience as this document

has evolved from the original drafts of Stephen McGuire, NRC project manager. Wayne Knox and Claude Wiblin of

Advanced Systems Tuchnology are acknowledged for their technical contributions, especially on the hazard evaluatipn

method and flow pattern studies, and Allen Brodsky for the 10-6 factor and its use. A special thanks is given to Alfred

C. Schmidt, Schmidt Instrument Co., for assistance in revising information on air sampling devices. Other technical

contributors include Judson Kenoyer, Timothy Lynch, Jofu Mishima, and Paul Stansbury. Andrew McFarland and N ..

K Anand of Tuxas A&M provided review and technical input on deposition in sampling lines. Many helpful comments were also received from the following NRC reviewers: Jack Bell, Donald Cool, George Kuzo, Cynthia Jones,

Ron Nimitz, Scott Pennington, Alan Roecklein, Sarni Sherbini, Dennis Sollenberger, Joseph Wang, and James

Wigginton. The reviewers at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory included Don Bihl, Jerry Martin, Jack Selby, Paul

Stansbury, Ken Swinth, and Bruce Vesper. Information was contributed for examples by Michael Orcutt of Nuclear

Fuel Services, Richard Dubiel of Philadelphia Electric, Jay Maisler of NUMARC, and Bob Robinson of GE Nuclear

Energy. The assistance from Nora Nicholson, North Anna Power Station, in obtaining data for examples is greatly

appreciated. The review by Tuny Weadock, U.S. Department of Energy, is also appreciated. Finally, a special thanks

is given to the Jim Jamison, Paul Stansbury, and George Vargo for their advice as the final peer reviewers of the

document, to Diana Mcinturff, Marianna Cross, and Mary Heid for text processing, and to the technical editors, Jim

Weber and Susan Ennor, for all the effort necessary to edit and coordinate production of this report.

xiii NUREG-1400

1 Evaluation of the Need for Air Sampling

This document provides examples, methods, and

techniques for air sampling that may be useful for

implementing the recommendations in Regulatory

Guide 8.25, "Air Sampling in the Workplace," and the

requirements of 10 CFR Part 20.

As discussed in Regulatory Guide 8.25 (NRC 1992), the

purposes of air sampling are to determine if the

confinement of radioactive material is effective, to

measure airborne radioactive material concentrations in

the workplace, to estimate worker intakes, to determine

posting requirements, to determine what protective

equipment and me~sures are appropriate, and to warn of

significantly elevated levels of airborne radioactive

materials. Workplace air sampling for both airborne

particulates and radioactive gases is addressed; however,

air sampling of radiological effluents is not addressed.

1.1 When to Evaluate the Need for Air


The need to perform surveys and monitoring is based on

• the need to limit dose to workers. According to 10 CFR 20.1502(b)(l), worker intakes of radioactive materials

must be monitored if the intakes are likely to exceed

10% of the applicable annual limit on intake (ALI) in

1 year. If a worker's intake is likely to exceed 10% of the

ALI, monitoring of intake is required (10 CFR 20.1502)

and the licensee must record the intake, the committed

effective dose equivalent, and the committed dose to the

organ receiving the highest total dose (10 CFR 20.2106).

For most licensee employees, intakes approaching 10%

of the ALI are unlikely and monitoring of intakes under

10 CFR 20.1502 is unnecessary. However, for a small

fraction of licensee employees, intakes exceed 10% of the

ALI and monitoring is required. Some employees

cannot be easily put in either category. These are the

employees for whom 10 CFR 20.1502 requires that the

licensee predict the annual intake.

Thus, in effect, the new 10 CFR Part 20 requires a

method for predicting likely int~kes for some workers

who might (or might not) have a significant intake. The

following method provides a system for determining

whether projected airborne concentrations may be high


enough that workers are likely to exceed 10% of an ALI,

thereby requiring monitoring and indicating the need for

a licensee to perform air sampling. This two-step

method is acceptable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (NRC) through endorsement in Regulatory

Guide 8.25.

The first step is to estimate the quantity Q of unencapsulated radioactive material that is available to be inhaled

by a worker during 1 year in a room or work location.

For facilities that have routine operations throughout the

year in each work area, such as fuel fabrication or

pharmaceutical production operations, estimating the

total amount of material processed is relatively straightforward. For facilities where the process or activity

varies throughout the year, estimates can be based on the

best available knowledge of what will be processed in the

area during the year. All potential radionuclides and

amounts that may be used are to be considered in the

estimate. If more than one radionuclide is present, the

value of the ALI is calculated according to methods

described in the notes in Appendix B of 10 CFR 20.1001-

20.2401. Likewise, if the radioactive material is of several

classes (D, W, or Y) of the same radionuclide, it. may be

evaluated as a mixture of different radionuclides. This

step of the process addresses only the total estimated

amount of material handled in the room or area, without

considering how many workers may be exposed.

The second step in the method is to estimate the potential for the intake of material by a worker. Based on

observations and experience \vith a wide range of facilities, equipment, and processes, Brodsky has concluded

that the fractional amount of radioactive material inhaled

by a worker is generally less than one millionth (10-6) of

the amount of radioactive material processed (Brodsky

1980). This means that the potential intake is one

millionth of the unencapsulated radioactive material in

the work location during 1 year.

Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that the need for air

sampling be considered when the quantity Q of

radioactive material being processed in a year in

unsealed or loose form exceeds 104 times the ALI, a

quantity not likely to cause intakes more than 1 % of the

ALI or average concentrations more than 1 % of the



Need for Air Sampling

DAC. Thus, Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that

the need for air sampling be considered if:

Q > 104 ALI (1.1)

where Q is the total quantity of unencapsulated material

processed in a year for a given work location. The values ·

for ALis are taken from Appendix B of 10 CFR 20.1001-


Therefore, to meet the intent of the regulations, if the

quantity of unencapsulated material handled or

processed annually is approximately 10,000 times the ALI

for inhalation, Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that

the need for air sampling be considered.

Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 8.25, "Recommended Air

Sampling Based on Estimated Intakes and Airborne

Concentrations," recommends air sampling based on

estimated fractions of the ALI or the derived air

concentration (DAC).

1.2 Air Sampling Based on Potential

Intakes and Concentrations

After it is decided that air sampling is needed in a certain

area, several additional factors are involved in

• determining the amount of material that may actually be

inhaled by a worker, the potential intake 1i,. These

factors include the release fraction R for the radioactive

material based on its physical form and use, the type of

confinement C for the material, and dispersibility D of

the material. Using the rule of thumb that, when normal

precautions are tal<en, a worker is not likely to have an

intake 1i, exceeding 10-6 of the material being handled, the

modified potential intake IP will be:

IP = Q x 10-6 x:R x C x D (1.2)

where the modifying factors are described below.

1.2.1 Release Fraction R

The release fraction R is the fraction of the radioactive

material likely to be released into the workplace, as

determined by its physical and chemical form.

NUREG-1400 1.2

The NRC has published suitable release fractions in

10 CFR 30.72. Although the values published in the

NRC regulations were developed specifically for

emergency planning, they are generally suitable for

releases to air in the workplace. The technical basis for

the release fractions, and the experiments from which

they are derived, are described by McGuire (1988). A

simplified list of release fractions adapted from 10 CFR 30.72 is presented in Table 1.1. Adjustments were made

to provide an "order of magnitude" value so that some of

the values used in Table 1.1 differ from those contained

in 10 CFR 30.72. Other references give values for solids

between 10-6 and 10-s (Watson and Fisher 1987). The

value of the release fraction for liquids was estimated

from a maximum spill release in static air (Sutter et al.

1984). For example, the potential intake for a

nonvolatile powder (R = 10·2) would be:

I = Q x 10-6 x 10-2


1.2.2 Confinement Factor C


The confinement factor C takes into consideration

whether the material is separated and confined while a

worker is present or whether it is actually handled in the

open. Suggested values for the confinement factor would

be one hundredth of the material handled in a glovebox

(Q x 0.01), one tenth of the material handled in a wellventilated hood (Q x 0.1), and one for material handled

in an open work area (Q x 1).

1.2.3 Dispersibility D

Another factor that may be appropriate to consider is the

dispersibility that comes from adding energy to the

system through grinding, milling, boiling, or exothermic

chemical reactions. A dispersibility factor D of 10 can be

applied to the calculation if cutting, grinding, heating, or

chemical reactions of materials are performed. Therefore, the potential intake for a nonvolatile powder

(R = 10-2) that is being ground (D = 10) in a glovebox

(C = 10-2) would be:

I = Q x 10-6 x 10-2 x 10-2 x 10 p (1.4)

Need for Air Sampling

Table 1.1. Release Fractions

Physical Form

Gases or volatile material

Nonvolatile powders

Release Fraction

Solids, e.g., uranium fuel pellets,

cobalt, or iridium metal)





Encapsulated material

1.2.4 Examples of How to Determine

Air-Sampling Needs

The following two examples describe the methods for

determining if air sampling is appropriate and the

suggested modifying factors used to help establish the

extent and type of air sampling needed in a facility. Nuclear Medicine Example

A lab technician makes up 125I injections in a fume hood.

The maximum activity that is prepared at one time, and

• on average, once per week is 10 mCi. Therefore, the

yearly throughput of 125I is approximately 0.5 Ci (1.9 x

1010 Bq). The ALI is 6 x 10-5 Ci (2.2 x 106 Bq) from

Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001~20.2401. The predicted

maximum likely intake as a fraction of the ALI (Ir) can

be estimated from the 10-6 fractional potential intake of

material processed:

I = 0.5 Ci x rn-6

= 0.0083 (1.5) 1 6 x 10-5 Ci

Similarly, the average annual airborne concentration of

radioactive material as a fraction of the DAC is

estimated to be 0.0083.

When the estimated concentration is less than 1 % of the

DAC, Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 8.25 has the

following recommendation: "Air sampling is generally

not necessary. However, monthly or quarterly grab

samples or some other measurement may be appropriate

to confirm that airborne levels are indeed low."


0 Uranium Fuel Fabrication Pellet Grinding

Area Example

I? one step in the manufacturing of uranium fuel,

sintered pellets of U30 8 are ground to a uniform

diameter. This grinding is mostly an automated dry

process. The apparatus is contained in a well-ventilated

shroud, but the containment is not as tight as a glovebox.

The annual throughput for a grinding station is 100,000

kg of uranium. At 3% enrichment, this amount is 170 Ci

(6.3 x 1012 Bq). The material is class Y with an ALI of

0.04 x 10-6 Ci (1480 Bq).

Using the 10-6 fractional potential intake, the potential

annual intake is 1.7 x 10-4 Ci, which is far greater than an

ALI. To further modify this number to the actual

situation, the factors to modify the intake would be a

release factor of 10-3 since the material is fuel pellets, an

estimated confinement factor of 10·1 (because the shroud

is not as tight as a glovebox, the value for a hood is used),

and an additional modifying factor of 10 (because

' grinding of the material is done). Therefore, the

modified potential intake Ir as a fraction of the ALI is:


I = 170 Ci x 10-6 x 10-3 x 10-1 x 10

f (1.6)

0.04 x 10-6 Ci


1 = 4.25 (1.7)

Since the potential intake is 4.25 times the ALI,

monitoring of worker intake is required by 10 CFR 20.1502, either by air sampling or bioassay. Table 1 of

Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that the


Need for Air Sampling

representativeness of the air sampling be demonstrated

and that an early warning capability should exist to warn

of higher than normal airborne concentrations.

1.3 Air-Sampling Systems

Once the need for and extent of air sampling is determined, an appropriate air-sampling system can be

chosen. Air-sampling systems consist of an air sample

collector with an appropriate collection medium, an air

mover to move the air through the collector, and a means

for controlling the rate of flow. The type of system

chosen depends on the purpose of the air-sampling,

system, type of airborne radiological hazard (particulate

or gas) and concentrations that must be measured.

1.3.1 Sample Collectors

The sample collector typically consists of the collection

medium and a holder, which directs the flow through the

collection medium and permits, it to be removed for


The proper collection medium for air-sampling systems

depends on the physical and chemical properties of the

materials ~o.b: collected and analyzed .. In using a sample

collector, 1t IS important to take into account its

• c?llection efficiency, size (filter area), and resistance to

airflow. Other factors may also be important, depending

upon the application, e.g., background activity of the

filter, cost, self-absorption, fragility, chemical solubility

and the environment in which the filter will be placed.

However, sample collectors nor~ally vary according to

whether they are meant to sample particulates or gases. Sample Collectors for Particulates

Airborne radioactive particulates may be sampled with a

number of different kinds of filters depending on how the

analysis is going to be performed and on the nature of

the radioactivity. Of these, the most commonly used

kinds are glass microfiber filters and cellulose ester

membrane filters. Glass microfiber filters are made with

different efficiency ratings and frequently come with a

thin spun-bonded polyester outer layer to keep the fibers

in place. Cellulose ester membrane filters are available

in a wide range of compositions and pore sizes, with

different collection efficiencies and flow resistances.

NUREG-1400 1.4

Generally, glass fiber filters are a better choice than

cellulose filters.

Four characteristics are important to consider when

choosing a filter: collection efficiency, airflow resistance

blocking rate, and burial depth of particulate aerosols. A

high collection efficiency is needed both for collecting the

smallest airborne· radioactive particles that may be

present, and for keeping particles from contaminating

the _rest of the s~stem. Low resistance to airflow helps

avoid the necessity for excessive vacuum pump power to

collect the sample. Low blocking rate reduces filter

loading. Finally, a low depth of burial of the particulates

in the filter, improves counting efficiency.

The collection efficiency of a filter varies, based on the

flo~ velocity, properties of the filter, and the particle size

bemg collected. Users of filters typically accept the

manufacturer's stated collection efficiency for conditions

under which sampling is conducted. If there is reason to

question the validity of the manufacturer's collection

efficiencies (e.g., using the filter under conditions not

tested by the manufacturer), then the user can conduct a

collection efficiency test using the method described in

Section 6.2.

The collection efficiency and the flow resistance of filters

~sually are specified in terms of the "face velocity," which

1s the flow per unit of usable flow area. Thus, if the

sampling flow rate is 28.3 L/min (1 cfm) and the

effective flow area of the filter holder is 9.6 cm2 the face

velocity will be 49.2 cm/s (96.8 ft/min). Inasm~ch as the

collection efficiency of most filters increases with face

velocity, it is important to use a high enough face velocity

so th~t the filter will be operating efficiently. A high face

velocity also helps the analytical sensitivity by

concentrating the collected particles on a small filter

area, and it saves on filter costs by permitting the use of

small filters.

Small pressure drops are wanted for the sample flow rate

being used. Resistance to airflow through a sample filter

(equivalent to pressure drop across a sample filter)

increases with increasing flow velocity. Section O,

"Sampling Aerosols by Filtration," in Air Sampling

Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants

(ACGIH 1989) provides pressure drop data for different

types of filters at typical sample face velocities (53, 106,

and 211 cm/s (106, 212, and 422 ft/min]) used in air

sampling~ The flow resistance and the blocking tendency

of the filter must also be kept in mind because the higher

the face velocity and the higher the initial pressure drop,

the sooner the filter will become loaded to the point that

it will have to be changed. Blocking will be slower with

glass microfiber filters than with membrane filters, and

slower with large-pore membrane filters than with smallpore membrane filters. A disadvantage of membrane

filters with pore sizes larger that 3 µm is that they can act

like depth filters which reduce the radiation counting


Automatic flow control makes it possible to operate

filters at higher face velocities and for longer periods of

time between filter changes than does manual flow control. Some automatic flow con~rol systems can compensate for flow resistance changes of 254-cm (10-in.) Hg

with less than a 3% change in the incoming flow rate. In

contrast, a positive displacement pump with manual flow

control will have a 5% drop for every 254-mm (1-in.) Hg

increase in the flow resistance of the filter. Sample Collectors for Gas

Iodine is normally collected by adsorption on chemically

impregnated activated charcoal. Collection efficiencies

depend on flow rate, temperature, humidity, particle size,

iodine concentration, and impregoant used. To

maximize the collection efficiency, the optimal grain size

is 12 to 30 mesh. This mesh size provides adequate

packing density to minimize channeling and provides

• adequate surface area for adsorption (APHA 1977).

Adsorption of contaminants in the charcoal cartridge can

be minimized by keeping the cartridge in an air-tight

sealed package before use.

For other halogens, noble gases, and water vapor,

activated charcoal is also an efficient absorber. Because

the adsorption process is not radionuclide-specific, the

analysis of other radioactive halogens and noble gases

with charcoal will require analytical discrimination to

measure the iodine concentrations. Purging the charcoal

after sampling is a procedure that can be used to drive

off the noble gases. Another alternative is to use silver

zeolite cartridges, which collect negligible amounts of the

noble gases compared to activated charcoal cartridges

(Kathren 1984).

Readers can consult Section S, "Gas and Vapor Sample

Collectors," in Air Sampling Instrnments for Evaluation of

Atmospheric Contaminants (ACGIH 1989) for a detailed

discussion of activated charcoal adsorbents. A method of

Need for Air Sampling

analyzing a charcoal cartridge for 1311 is found in Methods

of Air Sampling and Analysis (APHA 1977).

Sampling for airborne tritium (usually as tritiated water

vapor or hy.drogen gas) is most commonly done by

collecting the tritiated water vapor (HTO or T20) using

desiccants and bubblers. Condensation or freezing

techniques can also be used but are not as common.

The use of bubblers is perhaps the simplest method for

collecting airborne tritium. However, gaseous tritium is

not directly collected with bubblers. The gaseous tritium

is first passed over a catalyst such as palladium to convert

it to tritiated water vapor. The tritiated water vapor is

then passed through a water-filled bottle and the tritium

is collected in the water. The collection efficiencies are

high (greater than 90%) if the HTO /H20 ratio in the

water is low (NCRP 1976). The efficiency of specific

' bubblers can be determined by placing several bubblers

in series.


To collect tritiated water vapor, a desiccant such as silica

gel, molecular sieves (alumino-silicates), anhydrous

calcium sulfate, and activated alumina can also be used.

The relative humidity of the sampled air affects the

quantity of moisture the desiccant can hold at equilibrium; the greater the relative humidit)r, the smaller the

quantity of moisture that can be held. Loss of the sample

occurs if the collection capacity is reached during

sampling. Information about the adsorptive capacities is

usually provided by the desiccant manufacturer.

Choosing a desiccant with a capacity approximately

double the maximum anticipated loading minimizes the

chances of saturation. Collection materials are available

that change color when nearing saturation to assist the

user in determining the appropriate time to replace the

collector. Distillation at normal or reduced pressure is

common for the extraction of tritiated water vapor

collected on the desiccant.

A real-time monitoring instrument for directly measuring

tritium in air is the flow-through ionization chamber. A

particulate filter is placed on the inlet to remove dust and

particulates. Ionization chambers also respond to other

radioactive gases and external radiation fields; therefore,

shielding of the chamber or discrimination techniques

may be necessary. Sensitivity is a function of the

chamber volume, with larger chambers having greater



Need for Air Sampling

More detailed discussion on the collection of tritium

from air with bubblers or desiccants is found in NCRP

(1976). Sample Collector Holdfrs

Sample collector holders provide structural support for a

sample filter, prevent flow from passing around the filter,

and ease filter removal. A porous metal backing of wire

mesh or beaded screen is often used. A filter backing

with a smooth surface will minimize tearing during

changing of the filter. Cross-contamination of samples

can be avoided by using filter holders designed for easy

cleaning and decontamination.

Rubber gaskets are frequently used to seal the filter to

the backing plate. A gasket in contact with the filter

along its entire circumference ensures a good seal and is

best located on the downstream side of the filter (i.e., the

clean side) to minimize contamination. Care must be

taken to select a rubber gasket that will not adhere to the

filter medium and damage it. Periodic inspection of the

gasket helps detect degradation and buildup of dust and

filter material that can cause leakage around the filter.

Leakage may occur in filter holders that are not designed

properly or maintained properly. It most often occurs

between the edge of the filter and the sealing face of the

holder, and can result in deceptively low concentration

measurements because it allows part of the air sample to

·bypass the filter. A simple leak test consists of installing

a thin plastic flow barrier (such as polyethylene) in place

of the filter, and connecting the filter holder through a

bubble jar to a controlled source of vacuum. If there is a

leak, there will be a continuous stream of bubbles in the

bubble jar; if not, the bubbles will stop quickly. Testing

at the time of purchase assures that filter holders are

designed properly and periodic testing thereafter assures

that filter holders are properly maintained.

A frequently asked question is, "How much leakage is

permissible?" The answer is that an air-sampling filter is

a quantitative device with a carefully controlled pore size.

Unless the filter holder is as good as the filter itself,

specified filter performance will not be realized.

Furthermore, it is not difficult to make filter holders that

are leak-tight; it mainly requires the manufacturer to

have adequate quality control, and the user to accept no

filter holder without testing it.

Charcoal cartridge holders also are subject to leakage,

especially those that use the ends of the charcoal canister

NUREG-1400 1.6

as a flow seal. Sources of leakage include dents and

other imperfections in the ends of the canisters, variations in the height of the canisters, variations in the

thickness and smoothness of the rubber gaskets, and

imperfections in the pipe threads. Because charcoal

cartridge holders invariably are located downstream from

filter holders, any leakage in them may reduce the flow

through the filter holder, also. Leak-testing of charcoal

cartridge holders can be performed using a bubble jar.

1.3.2 Air Movers

The air mover may be small and serve one air sampler,

or it may be on a central vacuum system that serves a

number of air-sampling stations. The function of the air

mover and associated flow control system is to draw air

through the sample collector at a predetermined flow

rate. The means for controlling the flow rate may be

either manual or automatic and may include an indicating flow meter, as discussed in Section 5. How well the

air flow is controlled can be determined by connecting a

portable flowmeter to the inlet with a valve to simulate

the filter load, and a vacuum gauge or manometer to

measure the filter load. The flow rate, measured at

atmospheric pressure, is then plotted against the filter

load to show how well the system performs.

Adequate air sampling uses a unique combination of flow

and vacuum that is best met by air movers that are

designed to operate at between 127-mm (5-in.) and

379-mm (15-in.) Hg vacuum. At less than 127-mm

(5-in.) Hg, there is not enough vacuum to produce

satisfactory face velocities through the filter medium and

to compensate for filter blocking; at more than 379 mm

(15-in.) Hg, there is too little flow for the size of the

pump and motor. Other desirable features of the air

mover are its quiet operation at the selected operating

vacuum, its nearly pulsation-free flow, and its need for

little maintenance.

Some of the different kinds of air movers that have

proven satisfactory for air sampling include:

• oil-less rotary vane pumps (with carbon vanes) for

flow rates between 14 and 570 L/min (1/2 and 20

cfm) (508 mm [20-in.] Hg maximum operating


• lubricated rotary vane pumps (with phenolic vanes)

for flow rates between 28 and 1416 L/min (1 and

50 cfm) (686-mm [27-in.] Hg maxi~um operating


• rotary positive blowers (Roots type) for flow rates

between 142 and 2832 L/min (5 and 100+ cfm)

(203-to 356-mm [8-in. to 14-in.] Hg maximum

operating vacuum, depending on the size of the

blower and its construction) :

• vacuum cleaner blowers for flow rates between 283

and 1416 L/min (10 and 50 cfm) (127-mm [5-in.] Hg

maximum operating vacuum)

• turbo blowers (1 and 2 stage) for flow rates above

1416 L/min (50 cfm) 152- to 254-mm ([6-in. to 10-in.]

Hg maximum operating vacuum, depending on the

size of the blower and the number of stages)

Piston and diaphragm pumps are not included in the

above list because their pulsating flow affects the

behavior of the airborne particles being sampled and is

difficult to damp to an acceptable level.

Because the noise from air movers varies between

different makes and models, as well as with the operating

vacuum and the kind of muffler provided, evaluation of

noise prior to purchase through actual tests of the air

movers and air samplers is recommended.

Soundproofing enclosures may increase the temperatures

• of the pump and motor, and consequently shorten their

operating life.

Because all air movers have close operating clearances, it

is important to keep out pipe debris and flakes of paint

during their assembly. A protective (or backup) filter

may be used to keep out particulate matter that might

get past the sample collector.

As a general rule, the smaller-size air movers and carbon

vane pumps are built more inexpensively and will operate

continuously for only about a year (8000 hours0.0926 days <br />2.222 hours <br />0.0132 weeks <br />0.00304 months <br />) without

major repairs or replacement. Consequently, for

continuous air sampling, it is often desirable to use one

of the larger heavy-duty air movers.on a central vacuum

system that serves a number of air-sampling stations.

This also enables the air mover to be located in a

machinery room where its noise will not disturb the

people at the sampling stations, saves valuable space at

the sampling stations, and requires only one proof of

operation for the entire system.


Need for Air Sampling

1.3.3 Types of Samplers

There are four basic types of air-sampling systems. The

first consists of a lapel sampler, which is worn by the

worker and can be used to determine intake. The second

and third types are the portable air samplers and fixedlocation air samplers, which are usually used to

determine airborne radioactive concentrations in the

workplace and to ensure that confinement control is

maintained. The fourth sampling system is air monitoring, which samples and measures airborne concentrations for use as an early warning of higher-than-expected

airborne radioactive concentrations. Lapel Samplers

Lapel samplers (also called personal air samplers) are

worn by the worker, with the filter holder worn on or

near the shirt collar and the battery-powered vacuum

pump worn on the belt. Lapel samplers may be the best

method of estimating breathing zone concentrations

because they are located close to the worker's nose and

mouth. ·

Although lapel samplers appear to be the sampler of

choice for breathing zone samplers, they have several

disadvantages. A primary problem is that they have a

low flow rate (2 L/min), which may make them unsuitable for airborne radioactivity areas, just at the point

where breathing zone sampling may be appropriate

according to Regulatory Guide 8.25, Table 1. However,

the problem of a low flow rate can be overcome by

collecting the sample for a longer time, counting the

samples long enough to detect radioactivity, or having a

more sensitive counting system. Another disadvantage is

that lapel samplers may become contaminated by

improper handling, which may cause the instrument to

give a higher reading. Contamination on a lapel sampler

may also result in erroneous worker intake. Lapel

samplers are expensive, many workers think they are

uncomfortable to wear, and the worker must be sure to

turn them on and off. Advancements made by various

manufacturers have improved lapel samplers and, even

with some drawbacks, lapel air samplers may be the

sampling system of choice for determining intake.

When a lapel sampler fails, it is most likely due to battery

failure or inadequate charging, debris in the sample

pump, leakage caused by vibration, fatigue in its valves or

diaphragms, or the mechanical failure of rotary vane

pumps or motor. Approximately 5% to 10% of lapel



Need for Air Sampling

samplers can be expected to be out of service for

maintenance and calibration at any given time.

Consult Ritter et al. (1984), The Role of Personal Air

Sampling in Radiation Safety Programs and Results of a

Laboratory Evaluation of Personal Air-Sampling Equipment, NUREG/CR-4033, for more information about

the types and use of lapel samplers and an evaluation of

personal air samplers. Portable Air Samplers

Portable samplers are usually used in facilities where the

location of airborne radioactivity changes frequently,

such as nuclear power plants, where routine and special

maintenance often create actual or potential radioactive

airborne areas. Because the samplers are portable, they

can be located close to the worker.

The most common portable air samplers are lightweight,

rugged AC samplers designed for taking grab samples.

They are made for heavy-duty industrial applications for

sampling airborne particulates and iodines. The air is

drawn in through an inlet, pulled through the filter, and

exhausted. Usually, a rotameter is used to indicate the

airflow rate. Sample heads on portable air samplers

commonly hold 5-cm-(2-in.-) or 47-mm-(l.9-in.-)

diameter filters. In addition to the commonly used AC

portable air sampler, battery-powered air samplers with

• air volume totalizers are available, as are constant airflow

air samplers with the sampler on a telescoping goose

neck, both of which facilitate collection of the sample in

the breathing zone.

Portable samplers are categorized by their airflow rates

as low-volume and high-volume samplers. For breathing

zone sampling, low-volume portable samplers are used,

with sample airflow rates from 28 to 56 L/min (1 to

2 cfm). High-volume samplers are not typically used for

breathing zone sampling because they are very noisy. I

If a portable sampler meets the criterion in Regulatory

Guide 8.25 for representativeness (i.e., located within

30 cm [1 ft] of the worker's head) and the sampler is

sensitive enough to obtain a lower limit of detection less

than 4 DAC-h for samples collected over a 40-hour

period, the sample result may be considered a breathing

zone sample. If the sampler is not located in the breath-

ing zone, representativeness would have to be demonstrated, which probably would not be feasible.

NUREG-1400 1.8 Fixed-Location Samplers

A major difference between the locations of general air

samplers and breathing zone samplers is that, according

to Regulatory Guide 8.25, breathing zone samplers

should intercept radioactive material before it reaches or

soon after it passes the individual worker. Therefore, if

fixed-location air samplers are placed strategically in a

work area, they too can be used to collect representative

samples of the air that workers inhale. A facility with a

history of operations may have air concentration data

that can be used in conjunction with airflow pattern

studies to determine the best location for fixed-location

air samplers. Air Monitors

Some air-sampling systems are designed to help prevent

or minimize worker exposure to higher-than-expected

levels of airborne radioactive materials by indicating the

presence of elevated concentrations. This early warning

sampling is conducted in either of two ways: by prompt

sample analysis, which involves collecting an air sample

and analyzing it in a counting laboratory; or by continuous monitoring, a real-time monitoring method to

alert staff when concentrations rise far above and remain

above the DAC. A continuous air monitor may have an

automatic alarm that sounds at a predetermined activity

or rate of collection of activity on the collection medium.

In general, commercially available monitors may be

divided into two types: those that measure the presence

of radioactive particulates (either alpha-emitters or beta/

gamma-emitters) and those that measure radioactive

gases or vapors. Among particulate monitors, the alpha

monitors use either solid-state devices (such as surface

barrier or diffused junction detectors) or scintillators

(such as zinc sulfide) as detectors. Beta detectors, on the

other hand, are Geiger-Mueller (GM) tubes, betascintillator material, or ion chambers. The beta monitors

that use GM tubes are generally much larger and heavier

than alpha monitors due to the amount of lead or other

shielding material necessary to reduce the background

radiation to acceptable levels.

Monitors of gases and vapors use ion chambers for their

detection devices. Tritium monitors, for instance, usually

use fairly large ion chambers as their detectors; the

larger the ion chamber, the more sensitive the

measurement. Some instruments have the capability of

simultaneously measuring the presence of particulates

(beta particles), radioiodine, and noble gases. These are

large semi-mobile systems with arrays of monitoring configurations and detectors, shielding to reduce background

radiation effects, and electronic units to control data

acquisition, analysis, and documentation.

1.4 References

10 CPR 20. 1991. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Standards for Protection Against Radiation." U.S. Code

of Federal Regulations.

10 CPR 30. 1988. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of

Byproduct Material."

American Conference of Governmental Industrial

Hygienists (ACGIH). 1989. Air Sampling Instruments

for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants, 7th ed.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

American Public Health Association (APHA). 1977.

Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis, 2 ed., ed. M. Katz.

Washington, D.C.

Brodsky, A. 1980. "Resuspension Factors and

Probabilities oflntake of Material in Process (Or 'Is 10·6

a Magic Number in Health Physics?')." Health Physics


Kathren, R. L. 1984. Radioactivity in the Environment -

Sources, Distribution, and Surveillance. Harwood

Academic Publishers, New York.

McGuire, S. A. 1988. A Regulatory Analysis of

Emergency Preparedness for Fuel Cycle and Other

Radioactive Material Licensees. NUREG-1140, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements (NCRP). 1976. Tritium Measurement

Techniques. NCRP Report No. 47, NCRP Publications,

Bethesda, Maryland.

Ritter, P. D., B. L. Huntsman, V. J. Novick, J. L. Alvarez,

and B. L. Rich. 1984. The Role of Personal Air Sampling

in Radiation Safety Programs and Results of a Laboratory

Evaluation of Personal Air-Sampling Equipment.

NUREG/CR-4033, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, Washington, D.C.


Need for Air Sampling

Sutter, S. L., J. Mishima, M. Y. Ballinger, and C. G.

Lindsey. 1984. Emergency Preparedness Source Term

Development for the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and

Safeguards-Licensed Facilities. NUREG/CR-3796, PNL5081, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington,


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1992. "Air

Sampling in the Workplace." Regulatory Guide 8.25,

Washington, D.C.

Watson, E. C., and D.R. Fisher. 1987. Feasibility Study

on a Data-Based System for Decisions Regarding

Occupational Radiation Protection Measures. NUREG /

CR-4856, PNL-6137, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, Washington, D.C.


2 Location of Air Samplers

Regulatory Guide 8.25 (NRC 1992) notes that concentrations of airborne materials can vary widely within a room

so that improperly placed samplers and monitors can

give misleading results. Even air samplers placed close

to workers, for example, at the end of a hood or

glovebox, may not accurately reflect the air concentrations of radionuclides in the workers' breathing zones.

There have been many instances in which significant

releases of airborne radioactivity Were undetected by

existing air-sampling systems in a work area. The major

cause of such system failures was the improper placement of the air samplers. To locate fixed air samplers,

~ontinuous air monitors, and portable samplers in areas

fo ensure adequate air sampling, health physicists need a

clear understanding of the flow of air in a work area.

Proper placement of samplers cannot be determined by

simply observing the position of room air supply and

exhaust vents. Published experiences with airflow studies

attest to their value.

2.1 Purpose of Airflow Studies

Health physicists can use systematic airflow studies, such

as the release of smoke aerosols, to determine the airflow in a work area. The significance of airflow pattern

studies and the use of the information for locating

samplers depend, of course, on the purpose of the

sample being collected-whether for estimating worker

intakes, warning of high concentrations, testing for

confinement or leakage of radioactive materials from

apparatuses or enclosures, or defining airborne radioactivity areas. Table 2.1 lists the purposes and general

placement of air samplers and monitors to best achieve

the desired measurements.

Studies have shown the extreme differences that are

possible between the concentrations in a worker's

breathing zone and those measured at fixed locations or,

as commonly done, in the area exhausts. In one study, an

aerosol was released from multiple release points and

sampling was conducted in the worker's breathing zone,

at eight area samplers, and at four continuous air

monitors, two located near exhausts and two inside the


exhausts (Scripsick et al. 1978). Dilution measurements

were made between the breathing zone sampler and the

other 12 sampler locations. Quantitative dispersion

factors, equal to the ratio of the concentration at a

remote location to the concentration at the release point,

were then determined for each exhaust vent. Results

showed that the average dispersion factor was 3 x 10-3 for

the closest exhaust vent and 4 x 10·2 for the further

exhaust vent, i.e., exhaust vent measurements

underestimated breathing zone concentrations by a

factor of between 25 and 330.

Other studies have shown that there can be a significant

difference in sample measurements between lapel samplers worn by workers and fixed-location air samplers.

One study compared results for lapel samplers with those

for nearby fixed-location samplers in a work area

containing concentrations of uranium (Brunskill and

Holt 1967). The lapel samplers showed uranium concentrations up to 80 times greater than those of the fixedlocation samplers; .the average was 10 times greater for

lapel samplers than for fixed-location samplers. This

study also noted differences up to a factor of two for

personal samplers located on the right side and on the

left side ofa worker's body. A second study found

similar results when workers' activities caused increased

airborne concentrations of radioactive materials. The

ratio of the concentrations from lapel samplers to fixedlocation samplers varied from 1.5 to 50; 85% of the ratios

were less than 10 (Schulte 1967). Because the lapel

samplers were typically closer to the airborne source

than were the fixed-location samplers, they were

measuring materials with particle sizes larger than those

collected by the fixed-location sampler a short distance


Based on airflow pattern studies conducted by Advanced

Systems Technology, Inc., a significant number of air

samplers in facilities were not positioned adequately to

sample airborne radioactive material released from

potential sources. Air sampler placement based on

'One Securities Centre; 3490 Piedmont Road, NE; Suite 1410; Atlanta,

Georgia 30305-1550.


Location of Air Samplers

Table 2.1. Purposes and General Placement of Air Samplers and Monitors

Purpose of Sampling/Monitoring

Estimate worker's intake for calculating

internal dose

Identify area needing confinement control

Provide early warning of elevated airborne


Test for leakage of radioactive materials

from sealed confinement system

Determine total concentration from many

potential release points

Determine if an airborne radioactivity area


Special purposes, e.g., determining particle


location of ventilation supply and exhaust vents alone

was found to be inadequate because of the considerations discussed below. Although the following examples

do not describe all possible work environments, they

demonstrate how airflow is affected by various features

of the work area.

2.1.1 Stratification and Stagnation

Stratification, the accumulation of contaminants in

distinct layers, can occur in radiological facilities under

several circumstances. Thermal stratification is often

observed in large rooms with high ceilings. Equipment

that introduces a large heat load into a room can produce thermal currents that alter airflow patterns significantly. Heat loads can reverse the normal airflow

patterns from corridors into labmatories or process

areas, with warm air flowing out from the top of a

doorway and cooler air flowing into the room at floor

level, despite the presence of supply and exhaust vents

within the room. The presence of large structures,

equipment, or partitions within rooms can produce

areas with stagnant airflow conditions. This problem


General Placement of Samplers/Monitors

Sampler located in worker's breathing zone,

near nose and mouth

Sampler in airflow pathway near actual or

potential release point

Continuous air monitors placed between

workers and release point(s)

Samplers located downstream of confinementcontrol area

Downstream at exhaust point

Samplers at workers' locations

Case by case, depending on airflow patterns


can be particularly significant if a facility has undergone

modification since its ventilation system was originally

designed. Added equipment can disrupt laminar airflow

patterns within a room and produce low-velocity vortices and eddies with elevated local concentrations of

airborne radioactive material. In the study represented

in Figure 2.1, air was supplied through several vents

located throughout the room. Air was exhausted

through the roof at several evenly spaced vents high on

the walls and also through the floor to the room below.

The air was being pulled up and down, resulting in the

creation of a stratification layer in one section of the

room. The stratification layer was detected by releasing

a smoke candle at an elevated sampling station. The

smoke drifted downward and pooled in a layer approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) thick and about 1.5 m (5 ft) from the

floor. The layer moved slowly southward down one side

of the room. Next, the pooled layer crossed to the other

side of the room, turned northward, and slowly dissipated. Known releases and associated intakes had

occurred in this facility. The releases were generally not

detected by fixed-location air samplers due to the

unusual and .unexpected airflow patterns.





=West wall supply duct locations

.... = Floor exhaust duct locations

~_,__,_,D I II


llorth •



Note: This exhaust

is located beneath

the dissipating

stratified layer

Location of Air Samplers






=Wall supply duct locations

Ill = Floor exhaust duct locations

Figure 2.1. Example of Stratification of Air Layers

2.3 NUREG-1400

Location of Air Samplers

2.1.2 Water-Filled Pools

Water-filled pools, such as spent fuel pools, can modify

airflow patterns as a result of thermal currents. This is

particularly true during periods of high thermal loading,

such as those encountered during full-core, off-load

conditions. Thermal uplift over the surface of the water

can draw air from the walls of the refuel floor or fuel

handling building to the pool. Warm moist air that

reaches the ceiling is cooled and flows downward along

the exterior walls. This problem can be particularly

severe during winter outages. tn some cases, these

thermal air currents can act as flow boundaries that

prevent or restrict flow across the pool.

Thermal uplift can also modify flow patterns observed

under conditions where the pool temperature is '

approximately equal to the building ambient temperature. Performing airflow studies using smoke tubes or

smoke candles during outages or periods of major

activity around water-filled pools provides a realistic

picture of airflow under those operating conditions.

In the facility shown in Figure 2.'2, air was supplied on

the west side of the spent fuel pool through a series of

vents located about 4.5 m (15 ft) from the floor. Air was

vented through a similar arrangement of vents located

on the east side. Air samplers were placed on the east

side of the pool. The health physicist assumed, because

• the air flowed from west to east, that releases from the

pool would move accordingly.

However, based on the study using smoke candles and

smoke tubes to simulate releases at the water surface,

the flow pattern in Figure 2.2 was determined. The

smoke moved westward instead of eastward and then

travelled along the west walkway where no samplers

were located. Releases on the east side of the pool also

moved westward and then upward toward the exhaust

vents. The samplers located on the east walkway would

not intercept a release from the pool.

The airflow at levels above 3.6 m (12 ft) generally flowed

from west to east.

2.1.3 Doors

Under some conditions, cool air may enter a room

through the bottom of a doorway while, at the same

time, warm air flows out through the top. Airflow

NUREG-1400 2.4

studies and air sampler placement verification 'Pade

under the same conditions as experienced during operation helps ensure that samplers will be positioned in the

best locations to collect airborne radioactivity. If the

facility is to be operated with the doors normally open,

making necessary changes to the room air balance

ensures adequate control of potential airborne radioactive sources. Reverse airflow from laboratories or other

engineered facilities can also be induced when the airflow through a corridor is significantly higher than

normal. This can happen when delivery or service

entrances are opened to the outdoors. The increased

airflow through the corridor may be sufficient to draw

air from the laboratories into the corridor.

In one airflow study test of a laboratory, the hood was

used as the principal room exhaust. Air was also vented

through vents located on the mezzanine level above.

Air was supplied through the open doorways and

through small ceiling vents. Smoke tests demonstrated

that air flowed into the bottom of an adjacent office

after bypassing the hood and passing through a surface

contamination area. The airflow entered through the

bottom part of the door even though only air supplies

with no exhausts were located in the office (see

Figure 2.3).

2.1.4 Bi-Level Airflow

Air can flow'in opposite directions within the same

room. This typically occurs in poorly designed ventilation systems, such as the case in which the supply vent

is located near the door to a long, narrow room or

gallery with no exhaust vent provided. In this case,

supply air would flow from the vent toward the rear wall

of the room or gallery where it is deflected back toward

the supply vent and door. In cases of bi-level airflow,

the proper air sampler placement depends heavily on

the elevation of the release point and the worker's

breathing zone. In such cases, it may not be possible or

practical to use a single fixed air sampler. Multiple fixed

air samplers or lapel samplers worn by workers may be

needed to adequately intercept releases of radioactive


In the example shown in Figure 2.4, air was supplied at

the northern end of a long corridor with cells.on both

sides. The air traveled southward and was vented into

some cells and an exhaust pit located on the floor near

the middle of the corridor. The air velocity was high at


Supply Ducts C4.6 m [15 ft] Above Catwalk· Level)

Air Sa""lers Located at Head Height Along This \./all


.... =\.lest wall supply duct ~nd east wall exhaust duct locations,

!iliiilii = Catwalk around pool


Exhaust "<i:;....----- Duct



Catwalk ~Catwalk

'----.Pool Surf ace------'





Location of Air Samplers

=Location of ducts (supply on west [right side] and exhaust on east Cleft side])

D = Location of air sa""lers above catwalk

Figure 2.2. Airflow Modification Due to Water

2.5 NUREG-1400

Location of Air Samplers


Office '\_~

i ro=._oorwa_y -----



= Supply duct locations

Figure 2.3. Example of Variable Flow Through Openings (Doors)

1.8 m/s (350 lfpm) near the northern end. This high

velocity caused air to flow rapidly to the rear of the

corridor, which does not contain an exhaust vent. The

air was then forced upward and returned northward

where it was exhausted into the pit.

Bi-level flows represent a particular problem when

valves and lines transporting radioactive materials are

• located at the top of the cell. Positioning the sampler at

the lower level downstream of the release point (valve)

would not capture the release. The release would

actually flow in the opposite direction.

In this example, personnel had received significant

contamination during the operation of leaking valves,

which were located at the top of the cell. The releases

were not detected. The air circulated across the airborne radioactivity area boundary rope located in the

southwest corner. The health physicist had assumed

incorrectly that air in-leakage through the door would

create a flow toward the center of the room and exhaust

in the cells and pit.

2.1.5 Recirculating Airflow

A recirculation pattern may be established by a poorly

designed ventilation system, or a room configuration

that is different from that for which the original system

was designed. Recirculation patterns can develop if the

NUREG-1400 2.6

supply and exhaust ducts are configured so that the

supply air impinges on a wall, is transported vertically,

and moves back in the direction of the supply without

being intercepted by the exhaust ducts. In such cases,

lobes of higher concentration will be formed.

Samplers could be placed in each recirculating lobe to

capture a representative sample. A redesign of the

ventilation system or reconfiguration of the room layout

could also correct this problem.

2.1.6 Wall and Floor Penetrations

Unsealed wall and floor penetrations represent a potential pathway for movement of airborne radioactive material to or from adjacent rooms or spaces. Aerosols may

be transported by either differential air pressure or

thermal currents. Airflows may be reversed under some

conditions (e.g., open versus closed door, transient heat

loads, etc.).

Performing airflow studies for all possible conditions

helps to determine airflow patterns between rooms for

both proper air sampler placement and protective

requirements. Although sealing of penetrations is

recommended, many considerations, such as thermal

expansion or environmental qualification requirements,

may preclude this.

Location of Air Samplers

North •

-( .....


1\(1~ Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

- I I -

I A Tent Area I I

I /( - 100 lfpm along floor - • 350 l fpm along floor I '


J~ \ .....

~ Cell Cell , Cell· ·~



Top-of-Cel l-Ual l----------.....::11-.,--------

Labyrinth Labyrinth

Door Door • 1 O lfpm along floor




Tent Area

• 350 lfpm along floor


Figure 2.4. Example of Bi-Level Flow Reversals

The control room areas, where personnel may stay

during release events, are generally provided with a

separate ventilation system that can be isolated. In

Figure 2.5, the control room was surrounded by sources

of potential airborne release. During the study, smoke

released from the source points entered the reportedly

sealed control room through the air conditioner intake

located outside the control room.


2.2 Determination of Airflow Patterns

Regulatory Guide 8.25, suggests that an airflow study be

conducted after any work-area changes, including

changes in the setup of work areas, ventilation system

changes, or seasonal variations that might change

airflow patterns (such as opening doors and windows in


Location of Air Samplers

potentially contaminated area I


I Air ,.-----------, Supply Duct



Potential Ly



Control Room

Potentially Contaminated Area

Figure 2.5. Example of Unexpected Flows

the spring or summer). Changes in the configuration of

work areas often involve the addition of contamination

containment structures or partitions, or of hoods or

waste compactors; any of these added features in a work

area can change the airflow. A new hood, for example,

will act as another exhaust point in the room, and the

• waste compactor's exhaust vent, if directed into the

room, could modify the airflow. Equipment that

generates waste heat, such as chillers, power supplies,

large motors, or other process or experimental equipment, can produce the airflow pattern changes described

in Section 2.1. Ventilation system changes to be aware of

include rebalancing the ventilation system, adding or

removing supply air or exhaust vents, or changing the

location of an existing supply air or exhaust vent.

Regulatory Guide 8.25 also recommends a routine

evaluation of fixed-location samplers-10% evaluated

once a year-to determine if their locations are still

appropriate. Such spot tests would most profitably

concentrate on samplers near the points in a work area

with greatest potential for release.

Finally, informal observations of changes in airflow

patterns, such as a change in the direction of flow or a

noticeable increase or decrease in flow velocity, would

require further investigation and a proper airflow study.

NUREG-1400 2.8

2.2.1 Preparation for Airflow Studies

Certain preparations provide a good starting point for

making an airflow pattern study. First, review the

significant features of the work area, the area's airsampling history, and any facility changes that may have

affected airflow patterns since the last study to determine

which areas to test. Additional useful information can be

gained by determining potential radiological source

terms for each work area, noting those that have the

greatest potential for release, and mapping the normal

configuration of the work areas, both for the current

study and for future reference. The maps could include

the locations of current air samplers and monitors,

supply air vents, exhaust vents, doors, and major pieces

of equipment, such as process equipment, gloveboxes,

and hoods.

Recording normal working conditions that may affect

airflow is also suggested, including whether each door is

open or closed during normal operations, or whether the

heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HV AC) unit is

normally on or off. Heat-generating sources, such as

ovens or furnaces, and equipment exhaust fans may also

affect airflow. Note that the engineering drawings of the

ventilation system ~ay not accurately reflect how the

system currently works unless they have been carefully

maintained to reflect as-built conditions. The HVAC

maintenance staff may be the best source of information;

they may be able to supply differential pressure readings

and hood and stack flows. A health physicist may want

to determine if modifications to the ventilation system

have altered the airflows, or if future alterations can be

expected to change airflows. If major ventilation system

modifications are planned within the next several

months, delaying the study until after modifications are

finished may eliminate the need for retesting.

In areas of high external dose rate or high concentrations

of airborne radioactive materials, it is desirable to keep

airflow testing to a minimum. Regulatory Guide 8.25

recommends that worker dose be maintained as low as

reasonably achievable (ALARA) during airflow studies.

For example, instead of using smoke candles with two

people observing the dispersal of the aerosol, a single

observer using smoke tubes would reduce the disruption

during operating hours and perhaps be more representative of normal airflow. Another possibility would be to

videotape the airflow tests, removing workers from the

area while the test is being conducted.

2.2.2 Methods of Airflow Studies

The two types of airflow pattern studies are qualitative

studies, which use an aerosol that can be visually

observed and recorded, and quantitative methods, which

.actually provide measurements of dilution effects in the

work area. Qualitative studies are generally adequate for

placing air samplers. The quantitative methods, which

are more expensive and time-consuming, determine how

well ftxed-location samplers actually measure the

concentration in air that workers breathe. The

advantages and disadvantages of the methods are

summarized in Table 2.2. Qualitative Airflow Stu.dies

Qualitative methods are the primary means of determining airflow patterns to assist in the placement of air

samplers. Qualitative methods include the use of smoke

candles and smoke tubes, helium-filled balloons, and

isostatic bubbles. A combination of smoke candles and

smoke tubes is in common use today at nuclear facilities

because they are readily available and relatively



Location of Air Samplers

The airflow direction and transit times can be readily

determined by visual observation of the smoke aerosol.

The airflow patterns can be recorded on worksheet

drawings with narrative descriptions or by using

photographs or videotapes.

Smoke candles, sometimes referred to as smoke bombs,

are available in a variety of sizes ( e.g.,120 m3 [4000 ft3]

and 240 m3 (8000 ft3]) and produce a grayish white

smoke. The smoke is actually a mist, seeded by zinc

chloride, and contains a large percentage of atmospheric

moisture. The diameter of smoke particles is 0.01 to

1 µm. The smoke is somewhat buoyant because of the

heat generated by the smoke candle.

Smoke candles are best used to determine the general

airflow patterns in large areas. The observation of

smoke as a means to determine airflow is limited to

situations of relatively low air velocity. At high velocity

(greater than 30 m/min (100 ft/min]), the smoke diffuses

too rapidly to allow tracking with the naked eye. Most

work areas have airflow velocities of less than 30 m/min

(100 ft/min), except for those locations near supply air

vents, narrow corridors, or entrances into rooms.

The appropriate amount of smoke released during a test

depends on the size of the work area. To protect the

floor surface, smoke candles are typically placed in a

metal can before being lighted. Enough smoke is

released to create a visible haze but not enough to totally

obscure vision. The amount of smoke can be varied by

the size of the candle used or by smothering the candle

to stop the smoke (i.e., placing a lid on the metal can).

During testing, personnel wear full-face respirators with

special cartridges for particulates, smoke, mists, and

vapors (e.g., MSA-GMC-H chemical cartridges) because

the smoke is a respiratory irritant.

Smoke tubes produce less aerosol than smoke candles,

approximately the amount produced by a burning

cigarette. The smoke generated is a cold smoke produced by a corrosive acid, which is not as dense as that of

smoke candles and has no initial buoyancy. Smoke is

generated from the plastic or glass tube containing the

corrosive acid material by squeezing air through the tube

with an aspirator bulb.



Location of Air Samplers

Table 2.2. Comparison of Techniques Used to Determine Airflow Patterns Within the Workplace

(Mishima et al. 1988)


Qualitative Methods

Smoke candles


Equipment readily available;

provides visible evidence of



Semi-quantitative; limits visibility; may

affect operations; leaves residue; makes

thermal plume

Smoke tubes Readily available; visible evidence

of airflow, leaves no residue

Can only evaluate small areas at a time;

not quantitative

Isostatic bubbles Visible; more persistent than


Semi-quantitative; may affect operations;

leaves residue

Quantitative Methods

Tracer aerosols Quantitative for range of particle


Choice of tracer particles limited; costly;

requires large array of detectors

Tracer gases Quantitative for gases, vapors, and


Can require many detectors;< 2-µm

activity median aerodynamic diameter

(AMAD); choice of tracer gases limited

Smoke tubes are used primarily in small work areas less

than 27 m2 (300 ft2), where smoke candles would produce too much smoke to allow observation of the airflow. In laboratories or work areas with sensitive

analytical equipment, smoke tubes are used because

they leave less residue than do smoke candles. Sensitive

equipment can be covered for protection from the

smoke candle residue. Smoke tubes can be used to

quickly show if airflow direction is different at various

heights above the floor. They also give initial information on workplace airflow before using smoke candles.

Air velocity measurement instruments, such as hot-wire

anemometers, can provide useful information on air

velocities in work areas. Such air velocity measurements, used in conjunction with smoke test results,

provide information on airflow patterns. For example,

air velocity measurements would tell ttie time it will take

a release to reach a key location in the work area (e.g.,

the exhaust vent); these measurements could then be

compared with the velocities estimated from the smoke

drift over a known distance. In another kind of

NUREG-1400 2.10

application, air velocity measurements can be used to

help determine the size of an area of stagnant air noted

during the smoke testing. For instance, if smoke tests

revealed little air movement in a certain location, a

hot-wire anemometer reading of less than 3 m/min

(10 ft/min) in the same location would reinforce the

smoke test results. Quantitative Airflow Studies

Quantitative methods, such as tracer studies, provide

measurements of dilution effects in the work area, but

are more expensive and time-consuming than qualitative

methods. To characterize the aerosol dispersion, nonradioactive tracer aerosols are released at the potential

release points for radioactive materials and then the

concentrations of the aerosol are measured at selected

points in the work area. The dispersion of the aerosol at

a remote location from the release point is expressed as

the ratio of the concentration measured at the remote

location to tlie concentration measured at the release



An application of this concept is illustrated in

Figure 2.6. The largest concentration is measured near

the release point (Location A) and the dispersion

factors (D) at remote locations are determined by the

ratio of the concentration at the remote location to the

concentration at Location A From the dispersion

factor data in Figure 2.6, one can conclude that most of

the flow is toward the east into the exhaust vent sampled

by Sampler C.

Quantitative methods of analyzing airflow patterns can

be used to determine the representativeness for breathing zone samples, as discussed in Section C.3.2 of

Regulatory Guide 8.25. These methods can be especially effective when the workplace air concentrations

are normally near the lower limit of detection, making it

difficult to use any one of the other three methods for

determining that breathing zone samples are representative (i.e., comparison with lapel sampler results,

comparison with bioassay results, and comparison with

multiple measurements near tl'le breathing zone).

Quantitative methods can also be used for placing fixedlocation air samplers. For example, they can be used to

quantify the amount of dilution between a release point

and an exhaust vent, allowing a health physicist to

determine if the counting equipment is sensitive enough

to measure a release for the given sampling conditions.

Several kinds of tracers can be used: tracer gases (e.g.,

helium and sulfur hexafluoride), fluorescent particle

tracers, ice nucleus particle tracers, and nonspecific

aerosol particle tracers. Tracers are not used routinely

in the nuclear industry as an aid in placement of workplace air samplers. Therefore, facilities that elect to use

one of these methods either to show sample representativeness or to aid in determining sampler placement are

likely to have to perform some development work.

The desirable properties of tracer gases are detectability

at a relatively low concentration in ambient air, nonreactivity, and nontoxicity. If a large area is to be tested,

tracer gas can become costly. Although sulfur hexafluoride, halocarbon refrigerants, and perfluorocarbons

have been found to be the most cost-effective for large

areas, they are environmentally unsound and are being

phased out. Common tracer gases and their typical

measurement techniques are noted in Table 2.3 and discussed below. Refer to the report by Mishima et al.

(1988) for more detailed information on using tracer

gases for determining airflow patterns.


Location of Air Samplers

Fluorescent Particle Tracer

Fluorescent particle tracers have the advantage of more

closely simulating the inertial properties of particulate

aerosols (e.g., uranium aerosols) than do gaseous

tracers. A disadvantage of this method is that only timeintegrated concentrations can be determined from the

sample analysis.

One successfully concluded quantitative airflow study

using a fluorescent particle tracer was done in an area

containing.several plutonium gloveboxes (Scripsick

et al. 1978). Simulated airborne releases at gloveboxes

were made from 20 potential release locations in the

work area under study. The fluorescent particle test

aerosol was generated from a 0.1 % solution of fluorescein in 0.01 N NH40H. Fluorescein is an organic compound used to generate test aerosols in the laboratory.

Its fluorescent properties permitted detection of

airborne concentrations down to 0.1 µ,g/m3. The aerosol

generator used was designed and built at Los Alamos

National Laboratory and consisted of 24 nebulizers

suspended in a 30-cm- (12-in.-) diameter canister filled

with the 0.1 % fluorescein solution. Releases were made

at about 1.3 m ( 4.3 ft) above the floor. During the

release, air samples were collected with the room airsampling system. Additional air samples were collected

with samplers located at both room ventilation exhausts.

Air sample filters from the tests were placed in bottles

containing 0.01 N NH40H solution. These solutions

were analyzed using a fluorometer. Blanks for this test

were made by placing clean filters into 0.01 N NH40H

solution. The breathing zone concentration to an

individual at the release location was measured by air

sampling at -0.4 m (1.3 ft) above the generator exhaust,

i.e., about 1.7 m (5.6 ft) above the floor. The results

were used to calculate dilution factors between the

worker's breathing zone and the sampler locations.

Ice Nucleus Particle Tracer

Ice nuclei are particles that nucleate ice crystals in

super-cooled clouds. Only a few chemicals (e.g., silver

iodide and phloroglucinol) can nucleate ice crystals

efficiently. The advantages of using this type of tracer

are that it can be detected in very low concentrations

and pro"?de a real-time indication of air concentrations.

The major disadvantage of this method is that detectors

are bulky and heavy, making multipoint sampling difficult. Laser particle counting is better suited for


Location of Air Samplers


D =0.6






D = 0.1

@F D= 0.2

D = 0.45



® Sampler Location

0 Exhaust

0 = Concentration at Sampler

Concentration at Point A

D = 0.05

Figure 2.6. Quantitative Dispersfon Factors

multipoint sampling. A single-particle, real-time

detector has been used to track ice nuclei particles in a

plutonium area (Langer 1987). The detector consisted

of a 10-L cloud chamber and associated refrigeration.

NUREG-1400 2.12

For more information, refer to the report by Mishima

et al. (1988), where experience in using ice nuclei

particle tracers is reviewed.



Location of Air Samplers

Table 2.3. Common Tracer Gases and Measurement Techniques

Tracer Gases

Hydrogen (H2), helium (He), and carbon

dioxide (COz)

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6), refrigerants, and


Ethane (CzH6)

carbon monoxide (CO), C02, SF6, N20, CzH6,

and methane ( CH4) 1

Ethyl iodide (CH3CH2I)

Nonspecific Aerosol Particle Tracer

A nonspecific aerosol tracer is useful because instrumentation for counting aerosol particles by optical

means is readily available and relatively inexpensive.

One type of nonspecific aerosol tracer system is the laser

particle counter, which has the advantage of showing the

effects of particulate depositions, that a gaseous aerosol

cannot show. Moreover, a laser particle counter system

provides data in real time, the detectors can be multiplexed, and the data output can be routinely compu-

•terized. Commercial software and a multiplexer system

are available that can handle data from up to 64 laser

particle counter detectors simultaneously. A laser

particle counter system has been used to study airflow

patterns at a plutonium facility (Langer 1987). A simple

pneumatic atomizer produced solid tracer particles with

two particle-size ranges (greater than 0.5 µm and less

than 5.0 µm) from the evaporation of sugar solution


2.2.3 Performing Qualitative Airflow Pattern


Ideally, qualitative airflow studies would be performed

with staff positioned in the work area, performing their

normal jobs to best represent airflow patterns. In

reality, however, studies are typically done with no

workers in the work area (i.e., no movement in the area)

because it is neither practical nor desirable to have

workers wearing respirators during smoke testing.


Measurement Technique

Thermal conductivity detector

Electron capture gas chromatograph

Flame ionization gas chromatograph

Infrared absorption

Neutron activation analysis (see Contreras

and Schlapper 1985)

Often to avoid exposing workers to the smoke, testing is

performed during off-shifts or at other times when

workers are not present. However, during work activities, airflow patterns could vary, particularly in the

localized area around a worker who is .moving. Thus,

the health physicist anticipated the actual airflow

patterns, based on observations of work habits in the

area and on the qualitative airflow study, in order to find

suitable locations for the samplers.

Preparation for a qualitative airflow pattern study using

smoke candles includes covering sensitive equipment

such as computers to keep out potentially damaging

smoke residues. Because smoke plumes are tracked in

the work area during testing, the room is well lit. If the

light in the area is dim, portable lighting may be used for

better visibility of the smoke; it is important to

remember, however, that portable lighting could produce unwanted thermal effects on the airflow.

To begin a qualitative airflow pattern test, the smoke

candle is placed near the points at which radioactive

materials are potentially or actually released. After the

smoke is released, it is recommended that at least two

persons observe the dissipation of the smoke in the

work area: one person standing downwind of the

release point and one person standing upwind. Both

observers record 1) the pattern of smoke flow and 2) the

time it takes for the smoke to be dissipated (i.e., until it

is not visible to the naked eye). In addition, the downwind observer notes the time required for smoke to


Location of Air Samplers

reach key locations, to enable estimates of air velocities

in the work area. Each observer independently records

observations. The results are then documented on

drawings of the work area. After the smoke has cleared,

the observers consolidate their observations into a

single airflow pattern description for the work area. Examples of a Qualitative Airflow Study in a


The following example, which is based on real data,

outlines the steps a health physicist would take in

conducting an airflow pattern study for the work area

shown in Figure 2.7.

First, the health physicist identifies potential release

points for radioactive materials in this work area: the

hot cell loadout port, the hot cell manipulator area,

Hood 1, and Hood 2. The areas with the largest source

term potential are the hot cell loadout port and the hot

cell manipulator area. The health physicist also takes ·

into account the physical and chemical form of the

material. The next step is to document the configuration of the ventilation system in the work area. Supply

air to the work area is from two ceiling supply air vents

and through the south door, which is left open during

work activities. The room air is vented through the wall

exhaust vent in the northeast comer of the room and

through Hoods 1 and 2. There are no temporary activities, such as opening large service-bay doors, nor are

• there other equipment or a heat-generating source that

might affect airflow in the room.

The health physicist now documents routine work activities. During routine operations, two workers operate

the manipulators located on the east side of the hot cell.

Work in the hot cell is typically done during two shifts

per week. Hoods 1 and 2 are used for sample preparation activities on a daily basis. Review of past air sample

results for the four air samplers located in the room

indicates no elevated results for the past 2 years.

Next, the health physicist documents the status of the

work area's ventilation system before beginning the

airflow study. No ventilation system upgrades were

performed during the past year and none are currently

planned by the maintenance staff. Monthly differential

pressure readings taken at various locations throughout

NUREG-1400 2.14

the work area have been consistent for the past several

months. Monthly air velocity measurements for

Hoods 1 and 2 have been consistent. The latest ventilation system data (before the current airflow study) were


The health physicist then performs the smoke test and

observes airflow patterns. Smoke candles are lit in front

of the hot cell loadout port and between the hot cell

manipulators because these areas have the greatest

potential source term. Smoke tubes are used to define

airflow near the hoods. The smoke aerosol from the

candle in front of the loadout port travels north and

west, with most of the aerosol flowing towards Hood 2.

A smaller portion of the aerosol flows into the northeast

corner exhaust vent. The smoke aerosol that does not

flow directly into either exhaust vent continues to the

north wall and recirculates in a southward direction,

filling the north third of the room. Eventually, the

aerosol is exhausted through Hood 2 and the northeast

comer eXhaust vent. The smoke aerosol from the candle

near the manipulators rises and mixes with the supply

air and quickly disperses through the width of the room.

The aerosol then drifts to the north and is vented

through the northeast exhaust vent and Hood 2. More

of the aerosol is observed flowing into the northeast

exhaust vent.

Based on the smoke test, the health physicist draws the

following conclusions and makes the associated recommendations regarding the locations of the four samplers:

• Sampler 1 - This sampler is upwind of the loadout

port and would be better located to the east side of

the loadout port.

• Sampler 2 - This sampler appears to be in a good

location to sample any releases that may occur near

the manipulators.

• Sampler 3 - This sampler is located in the supply

airflow coming in the south door. The sampler

would be better located on the front surface of

Hood 1.

• Sampler 4 - This sampler appears to be in a good

location to sample any releases from Hood 2.






Loadou~ ~



2~_J •L-..-J




@ = Ceiling Supply Air Vent

~ = Wall Exhaust


• = Fixed Air Sampler Location



Hood 1

0 = Recommended Air Sampler Location

(!) = Smoke Candle Location

Figure 2.7. Diagram of Example Work Area


Location of Air Samplers


Location of Air Samplers Airflow Study at a Nuclear Power Plant

The following example outlines the steps a health

physicist could take in conducting an airflow pattern

study at a nuclear power plant.

A health physicist at a pressurized water reactor power

plant needs to determine the air-sampling needs for a

nonroutine radiation work permit. The job requires

removing insulation and preparing welds and

components for nondestructive examinations for inservice inspection programs. For this particular task, the

insulation is removed and the loop stop valves are

inspected. The health physicist expects that the work

may cause higher-than-normal airborne radioactive

material levels. The health physicist reviews the general

area survey data, the air-sampling data from similar past

operations, and data from the adjacent operating unit.

Before the work begins, there are some surface

contamination levels above 1000 dpm/100 cm2 and the

general area survey reads about 20 mrem/h. Because of

the surface contamination levels, there is the potential

for increased airborne contamination requiring

continuous air sampling during the job.

While not done in this case, the health physicist could

decide to perform qualitative smoke tests to determine if

the portable air samplers are well-located to measure

airborne radioactive material levels. In making that

• decision, the health physicist would have to decide if the

improvement in the air sampling data would be worth the

dose that would be received while ~he smoke tests were

being performed. If the dose received due to conducting

airflow tests is likely to be a substantial fraction of the

dose received when performing the in-service inspection

work, smoke tests probably would not be justified. On

the other hand, if the dose likely to be received during

the in-service inspection work was likely to be

substantial, it would be acceptable to receive some dose

while doing airflow tests in order to improve the quality

of the measurements of dose received during in-service

inspection. In this example, it is assumed that the health

physicist has concluded that more accuracy in the air

sampling measurements is important and that the air

flow tests are thus necessary.

There are little data on the ventilation systems that

would be useful in determining the flow patterns of the

cubicle in question. However, in the cubicle being

evaluated, the cooling coil banks are suspended from the

ceiling above the 81-m (271-ft) level. Below the cooling

coil banks is the loop stop valve that will be worked on.

NUREG-1400 2.16

In general, containment air flows from the top of the

dome ~d upper elevations to lower elevations. Four 3.1

x la5 L/min (11,000-cfm) fans, two for supply and two for

exhaust, are located in the auxiliary building; they are

operated in various combinations to yield flow rates

through containment that range from 3.4 x 104 - 6.2 x ia5

L/min (1200 cfm to 22,000 cfm).

Because the cubicle is an odd shape with large open bays

to the steam generator and reactor coolant pumps that

might affect the airflow, the health physicist makes a

thorough survey of the area with smoke tubes to determine the expected flow and determine where to locate

the smoke candles. Figure 2.8 illustrates the flow

patterns obtained from the smoke tubes.

After the general survey using smoke tubes, smoke

candles are lit one at a time in the areas numbered 1

through 4 in Figure 2.9. However, because the areas are

rather confined, with the large bays open to levels below,

the health physicist has several assistants who are

assigned to observe the smoke at various elevations (i.e.,

floor level, about eye level, and overhead). However,

because of the high exposure rates in the area, the number of personnel to observe the test is minimized. The

smoke patterns observed are also shown in Figure 2.9.

Based on the smoke tests, the health physicist concludes

that most of the air near the loop stop valves located

under the cooling coil banks (at the top left corner of the

cubicle) is swept east and down the opening to the loop

stop valves on the lower level. The health physicist

recommends the following sampler locations:

• Sampler 1 -A portable air sampler is recommended

to be located east of and as close as possible to the

loop stop valves, about 1.5 m (5 ft) from the floor, if


• Sample 2 -A second sampler is recommended to be

located west of the loop stop valves at the elevation

below 80 m (262 ft), about 1.5 m (5 ft) above the

floor. This air sampler would probably sample airborne contamination from the adjacent loop stop

valve and, if work was going on at the same time, at

the loop stop valve on the 83-m (271-ft) level.

2.2.4 Quantitative Airflow Pattern Studies

Before choosing a quantitative method for an airflow

study, the type of potential release is characterized in as

Location of Air Samplers


Figure 2.8. Preliminary Airflow Pattern Survey in Cube at 262-ft Level

much detail as possible. For example, for a potential

noble gas release, a gaseous tracer would be applicable;

for a potential uranium release, the laser particle counter

method or fluorescent particle tracer method would be

better. Particle sizes of the released material are

matched with the particle sizes of the tracer material so

that the effect of particle deposition will be similar. Example of a Quantitative Airflow Pattern Study

The following example, which is based on real data that

have been adjusted for the example, outlines the steps a

health physicist would take in conducting a quantitative

airflow pattern study. The health physicist has already

conducted a qualitative (smoke testing) study and knows

the general airflow patterns in the work area. Those

results are included in the example above of a qualitative

airflow pattern study of a laboratory (see Figure 2.7).


The health physicist uses a fluorescent particle tracer

method to perform the quantitative airflow study (see

Scripsick et al. 1978). An aerosol generator is located at

the loadout port for Test 1 and at the manipulator area

for Test 2. The following conditions exist at each test


• Releases are made at the height of the loadout port

for Test 1 and at the height of the manipulators for

Test 2 to simulate potential release heights.

• Six portable air samplers capable of collecting

samples at a rate of 75 L/min (2 cfm) are located as

indicated in Figures 2.10 and 2.11. The locations

were chosen based on the smoke test results, which

showed the major portion of the smoke aerosol passing these locations. The sample collectors are


Location of Air Samplers


® = Smoke Candle

• North

Figure 2.9. Airflow Patterns as Determined by Smoke Qlndles at Selected Locations

located at the worker's head level or about 1.7 m

(5.5 ft) above the floor to simulate the worker's

breathing zone.

• The aerosol is generated during the first 15 minutes

of each run. The portable air samplers are started

with the aerosol generator and continue to operate

for an additional 15 minutes after the aerosol I

generator is stopped. Six runs are completed fi;>r

each test, based on the study completed by Scripsick

et al. (1978). Sufficient time is allowed between runs

for the aerosol to dissipate to several orders of

magnitude below test concentrations.

• Sample filters are placed in bottles containing a

0.01 N NH40H solution and analyzed using a


NUREG-1400 2.18

The health physicist averages the concentrations for the

six runs for each sampler and then calculates the quantitative dispersion factor (D) by dividing the average air

concentration for each sampler by the average concentration for the sampler located above the aerosol

generator. The D values are shown in Figures 2.10 and

2.11 for the example work area.

Based on the results of the tracer test, the health

physicist concludes that the quantitative dispersion

factors in the loadout port area (Figure 2.10) are greater

than 0.7, which Regulatory Guide 8.25(NRC1992)

defines as a representative sample. The health physicist

recommends the following locations for samplers:





0 2

0 •6







2 = 0.72

3 = 0.75

4 = 0.30

5 = 0.05

6 = 0.20




Loadout Port






@) Ceiling Supply Air Vent

l:8J Wall Exhaust

• Fixed Air Sampler Location


Hood 1

0 Aerosol Generator and Air Sampler


Figure 2.10. Example Work Area, Test 1 (Loadout Port)



Location of Air Samplers


Location of Air Samplers



0 2





Loadout Port

Hot • Manipulators

Cell 1


2 = 0.35

3 = 0.30

4 = 0.2

5 = 0.05

6 = 0.001






@ Ceiling Supply Air Vent

~ Wall Exhaust

• Fixed Air Sampler Location


Hood 1

0 Aerosol Generator and Air Sampler


Figure 2.ll. Example Work Area, Test 2 (Manipulator Area)



• Sampler 1 - A fixed air sampler should be positioned

within 0.6 m (2 ft) north or east of the loadout port

to be representative of the worker's breathing zone.

• Sampler 2- Hood 2 would be a better place to locate

a fixed-location air sampler than the northeast

exhaust vent because the D value for Sampler 6 in

front of Hood 2 is four times greater than the D

value for the northeast corner exhaust.

Based on the test results in the manipulator area, the

health physicist concludes that the influence of the

supply air resulted in a greater dilution within several

feet of the release points (as shown in Figure 2.11 ),

producing dispersion factors o~ approximately 0.3. The

effect of the supply air mixing was to decrease the

concentration gradient in the local area around the

release point. The D values at the exhaust were low,

indicating that a fixed-location air sampler at the

exhaust vent may not be appropriate. Thus the health

physicist recommends that the samplers would be better

positioned closer to a potential release point (i.e., a

loadout port or manipulators).

2.3 Selecting Sampler ~ocation

The steps taken to determine air sampler locations

include identifying the purpose of the sample, identifying release points, and determining airflow patterns

around these release points, as discussed in Sections 2.1

and 2.2. This section provides information on using the

sample purpose, the release points, and airflow patterns

along with other modifying factors (e.g., worker movements and influence of supply air ventilation) to determine air sampler locations.

2.3.1 Factors in Locating Samplers

When workers' locations within the workplace during

various processing operations are defined in enough

detail, a health physicist can ensure that air sampler

placement does not interfere with the normal conduct of

work. For example, if a potential release point is a hood

or glovebox, the air sampler can be placed where it cannot be bumped by a worker. Fixed-location air samplers

on hoods are typically placed at a height of 1.8 m (6 ft)

or less from the floor on the front face of the hood. The

ideal sampler height is 1.5 to 1.8 m (5 to 6 ft) from the

floor to the sampler; however, in corridors and busy


Location of Air Samplers

work areas, samplers may be placed overhead, preferably

not higher than 2.4 m (8 ft), or at the sides of the areas.

Air samplers are generally placed so as to avoid the

influence of supply airflow. An air sampler placed in the

supply airflow wilt' be sampling air that is representative

of the supply instead of the ambient workplace air. This

could result in the underestimation of ambient workplace air concentrations. If an air sampler is in the

supply airflow just downwind of a potential or actual

release point, then information on the airflow patterns

in the area is used to reposition the sampler out of the

supply air and in position to sample material from the

potential release point. If ~he ventilation system is

operated in the recirculation mode, sampling the supply

air may be warranted because the supply air now

becomes a potential airborne release point in the work

area. Some other rules-of-thumb for locating samplers

include the following:

• Samplers are placed so that they are easily accessible

for changing filters and servicing.

• High-volume samplers are positioned so that their

exhaust is directed downstream from the sample

collector to avoid sampling their own clean exhaust


• If a sampler is operated on a horizontal surface, as a

convenient means of support, the air discharged

from the sampler is not directed at the surface, where

it could cause localized excessive air concentration

from resuspended surface contamination.

• When sampling at an exhaust duct with an area of

more than 0.09 m2 (1 ft2), the health physicist

evaluates the need for a multi-nozzle sample inlet. If

there is good mixing of the air before the exhaust,

the use of one sample inlet may be justified. If the

air is not well mixed, it is recommended in American

National Standards Institute Standard N13.1 that the

multi~nozzle sample inlet be used (ANSI 1969).

2.3.2 Examples of Determining Sample


Several examples of how to determine air sampler locations are presented below, based on the purpose of the

measurement identified in Section 2.1. Examples are


Location of Air Samplers

provided for locating air samplers to 1) verify confinement of radioactive materials, 2) estimate worker

intakes, and 3) provide early warning of elevated concentrations. The examples are based on real data that were

adjusted for the purpose of the examples. Effective Confinement bf Radioactive Material

The two examples presented in this section involve work

areas with multiple release points in a new facility tpat is

not yet operational and in an existing operational facility.

Determining sample locations is not an exact science,

and qualified health physicists' interpretations of the

following examples may vary.

' Example 1-Sampler Locations for a New Facility

Figure 2.12 depicts a work area in a new facility that is

not yet operational. The hot cell loadout port and the

hood are the two potential release points. Supply air

enters the room through perforated ceiling panels from

diffusers, located above the panels, that distribute the

supply air evenly over the surface area of the ceiling. A

qualitative airflow study shows that the general airflow is

to the west, with air exiting through either the hood or

the exhaust vent in the southwest corner.

Air concentrations in the work area are estimated to be

about 10% of the DAC during work operations that

• would result in about 4-DAC-h/wk exposure to the

workers. Therefore, continuous air sampling is recommended, based on Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 8.25

(NRC 1992).

An appropriate place for a continuous air sampler is on

the front face of the hood (see Figure 2.12), preferably at

a height less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from the floor. The

sampler is best placed so as not to hinder the movement

of the worker using the hood. The sampler at the loadout port should be located just downwind of the release

point, as shown on Figure 2.12. Again, the sampler is

located less than 1.8 m {6 ft) from the floor, but not

hindering worker activities at the loadout port.

If the airflow pattern study had shown that most of the

air flowing from the loadout port was exhausted through

the hood, one sampler placed at the hood might cover

the entire work area. However, to be sure that releases

would not be so diluted as to escape detection, a

quantitative airflow study of potential releases from the

NUREG-1400 2.22

loadout port would have to be done to justify placement

of a single sampler.

Example 2-Sampler Locations for an Existing

Operational Facility

An existing operational facility contains a sample

preparation room in an existing analytical laboratory (see

Figure 2.13). The five hoods in the work area are the

potential release points. High-activity process samples

are prepared in Hoods 4 and 5, while lower-activity

process samples are handled in Hoods 1, 2, and 3.

Supply air enters the room through the doors to Corridor

A and the perforated ceiling panels from diffusers

located above the panels. This results in an even

distribution of supply air over the surface area of the

ceiling. Smoke testing shows that the general airflow is

to the east, with air exhausting through the hoods or into

Corridor B.

Routine sample results for the continuous air sampler

located between Hoods 4 and 5 average about 5% of the

DAC. Based on these results and the guidance in

Regulatory Guide 8.25, the health physicist recommends

that the continuous air sampling near the two hoods be

continued. However, the location of the sampler needs

to be reevaluated based on the airflow patterns in the

room. A release from Hood 4 would travel to the east

and might escape detection by the sampler in its current

location. Because each hood has the same potential for a

release, the health physicist considers relocating the

sampler to the east side of Hood 4 (see Figure 2.13) to

allow sampling of a potential release from either hood. I

Air sampler results for the sampler located between

Hoods 1 and 2 average less than 1 % of the DAC.

According to guidance in Regulatory Guide 8.25, no air

sampling is needed. However, based on the location of

the air sampler and the airflow patterns, the health

physicist cannot be certain that a release from Hood 1

would not exceed 1 % of the DAC near the hood and be

diluted to less than 1 % of the DAC by the time it

reached the current sampler. Also, the sampler is

located upstream of any releases from Hoods 2 or 3. To

properly evaluate this situation, the health physicist could

either 1) conduct temporary air sampling at Hoods 1, 2,

and 3 for several weeks to verify actual concentrations

near the hoods (i.e., worker location), or 2) calculate

potential releases for each hood to determine if air

sampling is needed.




8 Recommended Air Sampler Location





Log Unit Port

Location of Air Samplers



Figure 2.12. Example Work Area, Multiple Release Points in a New Facility Estimation of Worker Intakes

Air samplers that collect samples for estimating worker

intake intercept radioactive material before it reaches or

soon after it passes the individual worker. Fixedlocation air samplers can be used to collect representative samples of the air that workers inhale if they are

strategically placed in the work area (see Section 3).

Two examples are presented below illustrating how to

locate fixed-location air samplers to obtain sample

results that can be used to estimate worker intake. One

example discusses sampling in a new (not-yetoperational) facility and the other covers sampling in an

existing operational facility.

Example 1-Locating Fixed-Location Samplers in a New


Fixed-location air samplers are to be placed in a new

facility, depicted in Figure 2.12 (above). Workers will

be located at 1) the hot cell loadout port and 2) in front

of the hood. Smoke testing showed that the general airflow is to the west, with air venting'through either the


hood or the exhaust vent in the southwest corner. A

worker exposure greater than 12 DAC-h was estimated

for work near the hot cell loadout port. Therefore,

according to Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 8.25, the

sample collected should be representative of the air

inhaled by the worker. Placing the fixed-location air

sampler just downwind of the loadout port will serve to

monitor the integrity of the confinement. However,

because it is not possible to position the sample within

30 cm (1 ft) of the worker's mouth and nose, an evaluation needs to be performed to determine if the sample is

representative. Results from this single sampler could

serve both as the basis for estimating worker intake and

for monitoring the integrity of confinement control.

Example 2-Locating Fixed-Location Samplers in an

Existing Operational Facility

Fixed head air samplers are to be installed in the existing facility shown in Figure 2.13. The work area is a

sample preparation room in an analytical laboratory.

The five hoods in the work area are the potential release

points. Smoke testing revealed that the general airflow


Location of Air Samplers



Hood 1




Hood 2


/ r-----~I Work Bench . Doors




~ ....




Hood 5 Hood4 Hood3


• Existing Air Sampler Location

0 Recommended Air Sampler Location

Figure 2.13. Analytical Laboratory Work Area

is to the east, with air venting either through the hoods

or into Corridor B.

Air sampler results for the past year show that sample

results for the continuous air sampler located between

Hoods 4 and 5 were greater than 30% of the DAC.

Therefore, air sampling is required for Hoods 4 and 5

and the location of the air sampler needs to be evaluated

to determine if it is representative of what the worker

inhales, as found in Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 8.25 ..

Because the air sample results will be used to determine

worker intake, air samplers are located on the front

faces of Hoods 4 and 5, positioned to avoid being

bumped by workers.

NUREG-1400 2.24 Early Warning of Elevated Air Concentrations

Regulatory Guide 8.25 states that early warning

samplers should be located close to release points,

preferably between workers and release points, and

should be capable of detecting a release. For work areas

with a single release point and where workers may

exceed 40 DAC-h in 1 week, placing the air sampler

immediately downwind from the release point provides

the best indication of elevated airborne concentrations.

Placement at an exhaust is also appropriate if dilution

effects would still allow detection of a release in a

reasonable amount of time; such a determination can be

made with quantitative methods of analyzing airflow


(see Section For an area with multiple release

points and where workers may exceed 40 DAC-h in 1

week, two alternatives are possible. First, samplers can

be placed downwind of each release point. Second, a

sampler can be placed at each room exhaust vent, when a

quantitative evaluation shows that dilution effects

between the sampler and the exhaust vent will still allow

prompt detection of the release. If there are multiple

exhaust vents, air samplers located at all the vents that

would receive airflow from any release points would

provide coverage for all possible releases. Thus, the

health physicist can analyze airflow data to determine

which exhaust vents receive most of the releases.

As in locating samplers for evaluating confinement

control and worker intake estimates, early warning

sampler locations are determined differently for new and

for existing facilities. For new (or proposed) facilities, an

estimate of workplace air concentrations is used as a

basis for determining the need for early warning

samplers because there are no measurement data from

which to draw information. At existing facilities,

however, use data from past air sample results to

determine the need for early warning sampling.

An example of the situation a health physicist faces when

locating early warning samplers in a new facility that has

multiple release points is described here. Figure 2.13

shows the work area. The hot cell loadout port, the

glovebox, and the hood are the three potential release

• points. Observation and diagrams of the facility reveal

that the supply air enters the room through perforated

ceiling panels from diffusers located above the panels. It

appears that there is an even distribution of supply air

over the surface area of the ceiling. The room air is

vented through the hood and the wall exhaust vent

located in the southwest corner of the room. Smoke

tests show that the general airflow is to the west, with air

venting through either the hood or the southwest-corner

exhaust vent.

The health physicist obtains data on source terms and

then estimates weekly worker exposures in DAC-h for

the hood, the glovebox, and the hot cell loadout port,

with the results of 5, 15, and 50 DAC-h, respectively.

Based on this information and Table 1 of Regulatory

Guide 8.25, the following conclusions can be drawn:


Location of Air Samplers

• Continuous fixed-location air sampling should be

performed at the hood and the glovebox. In addition,

the air sampling at the glovebox needs to be

evaluated to determine if it is representative of air

inhaled by the worker.

• Early warning sampling should be performed at the

loadout port. Samples should be evaluated at the end

of each shift or a continuous air monitor should be


Because airflow in the room (specifically from the hot

cell) is towards the hood, a fixed-location air sampler is

placed on the front face of the hood, at a height slightly

less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from the floor, making sure that the

sampler does not interfere with the movements of the

worker using the hood.

A fixed-location air sampler is also placed 1.8 m (6 ft)

from the floor, on the center of the glovebox's north face,

where the worker will be located. Once the facility is

operating, one of the methods in Section C.3 of

Regulatory Guide 8.25 will be used to demonstrate that

the samples are representative.

Finally, the hot cell loadout port warrants placing a

continuous air monitor downwind of the loadout port. A

fixed-location air sampler is also placed near the loadout

port to determine the representativeness of the sample,

using one of the methods in Section C.3 of Regulatory

Guide 8.25 once the facility is operating.

2.4 References

American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 1969.

Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in

Nuclear Facilities. ANSI N13.1, New York.

Brunskill, R. T., and F. B. Holt. 1967. "Aerosol Studies

on Plutonium and Uranium Plants at the Windscale and

Springfield$ Works of the United Kingdom Enetgy

Authority." SM-95/30, In Proceedings of a Symposium

on Instruments and Techniques for the Assessment of

Airborne Radioactivity in Nuclear Operations, July 3-7,

1967, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.



Location of Air Samplers

Contreras, Y. R., and G. A Schlapper. 1985. "Aerosol

Dilution and Dispersion in a Nuclear Research Facility.•

Radiation Protection Management 2( 4 ):41-50.

Langer, L. 1987. Ventilation Air Change Rate Versus

Particulate Contaminant Speed. RFP-4154, Rockwell

International, Golden, Colorado.

Mishima, J., J. Hunt, W. D. Kittinger, G. Langer, D.

Ratchford, P. D. Ritter, D. Rowan, and R. G. Stafford.

1988. Health Physics Manual of Good Practices for the

Prompt Detection of Airborne Plutonium in the

Workplace. PNL-6612, Pacific Northwest Laboratory,

Richland, Washington.

Schulte, H. F. 1967. "Personal Air Sampling and

Multiple Stage Sampling: Interpretation of Results

from Personal and Static Air Sampler."

CONF-670621-3, in Proceeding of ENEA Symposium

on Radiation Dose Measurements, June 12-16, 1967.

NUREG-1400 2.26

Scripsick, R. C., R. G. Stafford, R. J. Beckman, M. I.

Tillery, and P. 0. Romero. 1978. Evaluation of a

Radioactive Aerosol Surveillance System. IAEA-SM229/62, In Proceedings of an International Symposium

on Advances In Radiation Protection Monitoring, June

26-30, 1978, International Atomic Energy Agency,


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1992. "Air

Sampling in the Workplace." Regulatory Guide 8.25,

Washington, D.C.


3 Demonstration that Air Sampling Is Representative of Inhaled Air

When air sampling results are being used to determine

intake, correct interpretation of the air sampling data is

important, and includes the knowledge of the physical

and chemical properties and particle size of the

contaminant, the extent to which samples represent the

air inhaled by the workers, the time the workers are in

the work area are other details.

3.1 Need to Demonstrate that Air

Sampling Is Representative of

Breathing Zone Air

Many factors can contribute to samples taken using area

air samplers not being representative of the breathing

zone of workers. For instance, even if air samplers are

located in what appears to be the airflow pattern from

the release point to the worker, airflow may be disturbed

by worker movement and equipment operation. Air

sampling rate and particle size are also factors that affect

the representativeness of the sample. For these and

other reasons, air ~amples may not be truly

representative of the air breathed by the worker.

Regulatory Guide 8.25 (NRC 1992) states that if the

decision is made to monitor a worker because the worker

will exceed 10% of an ALI and 1

the dose of record will be

based on air sampling, then the air sample should be

representative of the air breathed by the worker.

Further, if the sample is taken with a lapel sampler, then

it is considered to be representative of the air breathed

by the worker. If the air sampler is either fixed, portable

or a continuous monitor, the sampler must be shown to

be in the breathing zone of the worker (approximately

30 cm [1 ft] from the head) or the air sample location

must be shown to be representative of the breathing

zone. If air samples are not taken within about 30 cm

(1 ft) of the worker's head, Regulatory Guide 8.25

suggests the use of one of four methods to demonstrate

that samples are representative. The Guide also

provides a mechanism for correcting sampling results

that are not within its suggested acceptance criteria.

Four methods are used, as follows: comparison of area


air sample results with 1) lapel sampler results,

2) bioassay results, 3) multiple measurements taken near

the breathing zone, and 4) quantitative airflow tests

(discussed in Section 2.2.4).

3.2 Comparison of Fixed-Location

Air Sample Results with Lapel

Sample Results

Comparing fixed-location air sampler results with those

of lapel samplers ·is useful when airborne radioactivity

levels are routinely above the detection limit. This

method of comparison, as described in Regulatory Guide 8.25, is appropriate for workers whose intake is likely to

exceed 10% of an ALI and whose dose of record will be

based primarily on air sampling. If airborne levels are at

or near the' lower limit of detection for the lapel sampler,

this comparison will be difficult because the lapel

samplers may not detect radioactive air concentrations

that the fixed-location samplers can detect for the same

sampling time.

Fuel fabrication facilities have used this method of

comparison to determine whether their fixed-location

samplers are representative of the air breathed by the

workers. The studies are usually conducted on all shifts

for comparison purposes and there is often a significant

difference between the comparison ratio on day shift,

when most of the work is performed and the swing and

midnight shifts. Results from the studies are used to

determine whether lapel sampling is desirable (if the

criteria for sample representativeness are not met) or

whether other corrective actions are appropriate. These

corrective actions could include better contamination

control, repair of equipment for better confinement

control, and modification of ventilation systems.

Lapel sampler and fixed-location air sampler comparisons were taken from information from actual fuel fabrication facilities and are presented in the following

paragraphs. Although the data in the example provided

are taken from real situations, they have been adjusted


Inhaled Air

to adequately describe specific circumstances and

information considered crucial to understanding air

sampling practices.

The example scenario is as follows, Staff at a fuel

fabrication facility want to perform a comparison study,

as described in Regulatory Guide 8.25, to determine if

the air sampled by fixed-location air samplers used for

breathing zone sampling is representative of the air

breathed by the workers. By company policy, they perform such studies annually. The facility staff evaluated

each fixed-location air sampler location used to collect

breathing zone samples. Each worker who may have an

intake of 10% of an ALI or more is equipped with a

lapel sampler, which is worn for at least one week or

three operations. Sample results from the fixed-location

air sampler and lapel samplers are each measured for

equivalent time periods; that is, the filter on the fixedlocation sampler is changed and counted at the same

frequency as the lapel sampler, or adjustments are made.

The study compares lapel air sampler results with fixed

air sample results for two areas in the facility that show

greater than 10% of a DAC for the fixed air samplers.

The first area is occupied by a single individual who

spends most of his/her time at or near a hood (see

Figure 3.1); two fixed-location air samplers are placed in

this work area. The second area is larger, with seven

fDced-location air samplers and six workers during a shift

• (see Figure 3.2). To perform the comparison stud~es,

workers wear lapel samplers for 5 days during the time

they are working in the specified area. The lengths of

the sampling times are recorded. The fixed-location air

samplers are run as usual for an 8-hour shift; they are

then replaced and the samples are counted.

Table 3.1 shows the data collected for the small work

area with one worker and two fixed-location air

samplers. The health physicist averages the readings

from the two fixed-location samplers and calculates the

DAC-h based on the sample time of the lapel samplers.

As described in Regulatory Guide 8.25; the ratio of the

intakes is calculated by dividing the intakes calculated

from the fixed-location air samplers by the intakes from

the lapel samplers. To determine the DAC-h, the measured concentration, in µCi/mL is multiplied by the

sample time and divided by the DAC for 234U, class Y

(2 x 10-11 µCi/mL). The ratios range from 0.2 to 0.5.

According to Regulatory Guide 8.25, the ratio for an

NUREG-1400 3.2

individual worker should exceed 0.5 or corrective

actions should be taken.

The health physicist determined the correction factor by

taking the total DAC-h for the fixed-location air samplers and the lapel samplers, and determining the ratio.

The correction factor that makes the fixed-location air

sample data comparable to the lapel sampler data is

3.58. The correction factor is applied to all the intakes

calculated previously for that area for the year. For

further corrective actions, airflow pattern studies of the

room were made and the locations of the fixed-location

samplers were adjusted based on the studies.

The second area studied for comparison involved the six

workers in, the larger room with many work stations and

seven fixed-location air samplers, which have been

placed according to the results of an airflow pattern

study. Table 3.2 shows the data collected for this work

area.1 The ratios for the daily intake calculations varied

from 0.09 to 0.46. The correction factor calculated to

adjust the ALis of the workers is 4.75. This correction

factor is applied to all intakes calculated for that area

for the previous quarter. The health physicist decided

that because three of the five daily ratios are so low

(below 20% of the lapel sampler intake calculations)

even though the samplers were located based on airflow

studies, it would be preferable to put the workers in

lapel samplers rather than trying to change the locations

of the fixed-location air samplers.2

3.3 Comparison of Fixed-Location Air

Samples with Bioassay Results

To meet the intent of Regulatory Guide 8.25 in demonstrating the representativeness of fixed-location air


Although the workers stay primarily at one assigned work location

each day, the study was performed by averaging all the results from

fixed-location air samplers and averaging the results from the lapel


2nie health physicist also considered the possibility of performing

quantitative airflow studies, but decided to wait until the next cycle of

lapel/fixed-location sampler studies before making such a


Sink e


I Exha~sl Ventilation


,___+---- e


I Hood el•

I e



L Area of Interest ------- - - -

0 = Air sampler head location lfE = Face of exhaust duct opening

Figure 3.1. Example Work Area Configuration for One Worker

and Two Fixed-Location Samplers



Hood 0

mm omm iiliil


Hood 0 0

Inhaled Air





) = Supply ventilation duct 0 = Exhaust ventilation extraction duct

Louvered Door

0 = Air sampler head location

Figure 3.2. Example Multi-Workstation Configuration for Six Workers and Seven Fixed-Location

Air Samplers

3.3 NUREG-1400


Inhaled Air

Table 3.1. Comparison of Lapel Samplers and Fixed-Location Air Samplers, One Worker with Two

Fixed-Location Air Samplers

LaJ!el SamJ!ler Fixed-Locatioi:i Air SamJ!lers

Time Calculated Calculated

Concentration Sampled Intake Concentration<a)

Day (µCi x 10·12 mL) I (h) (DAC-h) (µCi x 10-12 mL)

1 14.5 4 2.9 2.3

2 8.2 4 1.4 I 2.8

3 11.3 4 2.3 5.7

4 11.6 4 2.3 2.8

5 15.3 5 3.8 3.1

Total 12.7

(a) Average of the two air samplers located near work station.

(b) Ratio of intakes (air sampler DAC-h/lapel sampler DAC-h).

Sample Time/ Intake

Exposure Time (DAC·h)

8/4 0.5

8/4 0.6

8/4 1.1

8/4 0.6

8/5 0.8

Total 3.6

Table 3.2. Comparison of Lapel Samplers and Fixed-Location Air Samplers, Six Workers with

Seven Fixed-Location Air Samplers

LaJ!el SamJ!ler Fixed-Location Air SamQlers

Time Calculated Calculated

Concentration Sampled Intake Concentration<a) Sample Time/ Intake

Day (µCi x 10-12 mL) (h) (DAC-h) (µCi x 10·12 mL) Exposure Time (DAC-h)

1 8.3 5 2.1 0.87 8/5 0.22

2 6.1 5 1.5 0.55 8/5 0.14

3 9.9 5 2.5 1.73 8/5 0.41

4 10.2 5 2.6 3.44 8/5 0.86

5 3.9 4 0.8 1.83 8/4 0.37

Total 9.5 Total 2.0

(a) Average concentrations for four workers.

(b) Average of seven air samplers located in work area.

(c) Ratio of intakes (air sampler DAC-h/lapel sampler DAC-h).

NUREG-1400 3.4













sampling, a comparison can be made of area air sampled

by fixed-location air samplers with bioassay results of

workers located in the area of the air sampler. This

comparison method is probably the hardest to do and

has the most limitations. For instance, if air sampling is

used as the method of choice to determine intake

because detection limits for bioassay are not sensitive

enough to measure intakes close to 10% of an ALI, then

comparison with bioassay results to determine

representativeness is not appropriate. Other drawbacks

include the need to keep the worker only in the location

being studied or in areas with no potential intakes so

that the bioassay result is only related to that of the air

sampler being compared against. Finally, it is best for

the study duration to be long enough to have a positive

bioassay of the worker(s) of interest. Using routine air

sampling data and bioassay data probably will not show

a true correlation of the intake by the workers working

at the air samplers of interest.

Although a less rigorous study may be adequate, if

comparison of air samples with bioassay results is

chosen the following method will provide the most

accurate comparison. The method includes setting up

and conducting the study, as well as applying

appropriate correction factors, as needed.

Parameters for setting up the study are as follows:

The air sampler filters are to be indicative of the

time the worker(s) is at the work location. Installing

a new filter when the worker starts work and

changing the filter when the work is stopped will

assure that the air sample data are for a time period

comparable to the bioassay results. To provide

continuous sampling of the work location, sampling

can continue during normal operations, but the data

from the samples taken when the worker is not

present are not used in the study.

• All air samplers that represent a given work location

are to be used in the study.

• One or more workers can participate in the study. If

more than one worker is involved, the workers are to

be in the area of study at the same time. Any time

the workers are not in the area of study, they are to

be located in an area with no for potential for an



Inhaled Air

• Baseline bioassays are to be performed prior to the

start of the study, and preferably the workers have no

body burden.

• The study is to be conducted long enough so that the

potential intake necessary to exceed the minimum

detectable activity for the bioassay counting system is


The comparison study is conducted by completing the

following steps in sequence:

1. Determine which fixed-location samplers are located

in areas that have the potential for airborne

radioactivity concentrations 10% of a DAC or

higher. ·

2. Identify the workers who will be monitored under 10

CPR 20.1502 and whose dose of record will be based

primarily on air sampling, but who are on a bioassay

program with results routinely above the minimum

detectable activity.

a. In addition, ensure that the workers are working

in, the area of the fIXed-location air sampler of


b. For best results, perform this study with several

workers in the same work location.

c. Work is not performed wearing respirators.

3. Carefully track the air sampling data to ensure that

the air samples are collected for the same time the

workers are in the work location. (Sample work

sheets are shown in Figures 3.3 and 3.4.)

4. Record the time that the worker is at the work

location being studied, and when the worker is not in

this area, limit him/her to areas where there is a no

likelihood of intake.

5. Change the air sampler filter when the worker comes

to the work location of interest and record the time

of the filter change on the work sheet.

a. Replace the filter when the worker leaves the

area and again record that time on the work


b. Record the reading of the filter on the data sheet.











8 """





NAME: Andy Anderson AREA: Baseline Bioassay: 0 DAC-h

BLDG: 333 AREA: Lab AIR SAMPLER NO(s).: 222

Date Times Worked Air Sample Filter Changed Filter Reading (DAC-h)

03/01/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.7

1-4 pm Yes 1.1

03/02/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.3

03/03/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.9

2:30-4 Yes 0.4 -

03/04/92 7:30-noon Yes 1.0

1-4 Yes 0.2

03/05/92 1-4 Yes 1.0

Total: 5.6


DATE: 03/06/92

RATIO 5.6 DAC-h = O 42 13.3 DAC-h .

Figure 3.3. Sample Work Sheet (1) Showing the Results of a Comparison Study of Air Sampling with Bioassay





~ ...










""" 8



NAME: James Jameson AREA: Baseline Bioassay: 0 DAC-h

BLDG: 333 AREA: Lab AIR SAMPLER NO(s).: 222

Date Times Worked Air Sample Filter Changed Filter Reading (DAC-h)

03/01/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.7

1-4 pm Yes 1.1

03/02/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.3

03/03/92 7:30-noon Yes 0.9

2:30-4 Yes 0.4

03/04/92 7:30-noon Yes 1.0

1-4 Yes 0.2

03/05/92 1-4 Yes r.o

Total: 5.6


DATE: 03/06/92

RATIO 5.6 DAC-h = o. 6

9.4 DAC-h

Figure 3.4. Sample Work Sheet (2) Showing the Results of a Comparison Study of Air Sampling with Bioassay






Inhaled Air

c. Convert the data so that the units are the same

for both the air sample data and the bioassay data

(see Figure 3.1).

6. Upon completion of the study, total the results of

the air samples taken, obtain the bioassay results,

and determine the ratio of the total air sampled to

the bioassay results.

The following example describes the data from a comparison study made using bioassay data and a fixedlocation air sampler. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 present data

obtained from actual workers at a fuel fabrication

facility, however modifications have been made to better

illustrate the method for performing this comparison

study. Both individuals for whom the study was

performed had intakes higher than calculated for the

fixed-location sampler being studied.

The study made on the air sampler did not meet the

acceptance criteria of exceeding 0.7 when averaged for

all the workers in the comparison. One worker met the

0.5 acceptance criteria, but the other did not. Based on

Regulatory Guide 8.25, a correction factor should be

applied to the workers. The average between the two

ratios was about 0.5, so a correction factor of 2 should

be applied to both workers intake estimates made within

the last year. It may be appropriate to only apply the

correction factor to the dose estimates made while the

• workers were at that location if the records are adequate

to allow such a determination. The Regulatory Guide

also suggests that the problem be corrected. Either the .

air sampler can be moved and the evaluation can be performed again, or the workers can be put in lapel

samplers while working in that area, or the bioassay data

can be used to estimate the intake of the workers.

3.4 Comparison of Air Sampler Results

Using Multiple Samplers

This method for determining whether air samplers are

sampling air that is representative of the breathing zone

NUREG-1400 3.8

air is probably the easiest and most reliable. The studies

can be performed during normal operations, although

there may be some inconvenience to the workers during

the time. A multiple sample comparison can use portable air samplers located in the breathing zone or a

simple apparatus can be devised connecting several fixed

samplers that can be situated around a workers head and

connected to a pump or house vacuum.

The results of a multiple sampler comparison are shown

in Figure 3.5. In this example, four fixed-location

samplers were used in one work area of a decontamination facility. The samplers were run 24 h/day and the

filters were changed after each shift. A four-head test

air sampler was placed as conveniently as possible

around a worker in the decontamination facility during

the day shift. The test samplers were run and the filters

were changed after the swing shift and midnight shift

even though the facility was not in use. The data show

that the ratio of the fixed-location samplers to the

averaged value of the multiple test air samplers was

between 0.7 and 1.0. Therefore, the conclusion is that

the four samplers, as placed in the decontamination

facility, adequately demonstrate that the air sampled was

representative of the air the worker breathes.

3.5 References

10 CFR 20. 1991. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, "Standards for Protection Against

Radiation." U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1992. "Air

Sampling in the Workplace." Regulatory Guide 8.25,

Washington, D.C.







9 ,_.

+>- 0




LOCATION: Decon Facility

DATE: 10/05/92

Air Sampler Test Air Sampler Concentration in µCi/ml x 10-11


in µCi/ml x 10-11 MIDNIGHT - DAYS SWING

Sampler MidNo. night Days Swing 1 2 3 4 Avg. 1 2 3 4 Avg. 1 2 3

111 0.3 15.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 18.0 17.2 21.2 16.0 18.2 0.4 0.2 0.3

112 0.2 2.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 3.1 2.8 3.2 4.0 3.3 0.3 0.4 0.2

113 0.2 22.9 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 29.0 31.0 24.0 27.0 27.8 0.2 0.2 0.3

114 0.3 16.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 20.0 19.0 18.7 17.9 18.9 0.2 0.4 0.2


Saml!ler 111 = 0.3 = 1.0 Saml!ler 111 = 15.3 = 0.84 Saml!ler 111 = 0.2 = 1.0

Midnight Avg. 0.3 - . Days Avg. 18.3 Swing Avg. 0.3 Average: 0.95

Sam[!ler 112 = 0.2 = 0.7 Sam[!ler 112 = 2.4 = 0.7 Saml!ler 112 = 0.3 = 1.0

Midnight Avg. 0.3 Days Avg; 3.3 Swing Avg. 0.3 Average: 0.8 -

Saml!ler 113 = 0.2 = 0.7 Saml!ler 113 = 22.9 = 0.8 Saml!ler 113 = 0.3 = 1.0

Midnight Avg. 0.3 Days Avg. 27.8 Swing Avg. 0.3 Average: 0.8

Sam[!ler I 14 = 0.3 = 1.0 Sam[!kr I 14 = ~ = 0.9 Saml!ler I 14 = 0.3 = 1.0

Midnight Avg. 0.3 Days Avg. 18.9 Swing Avg. 0.3 Average: 0.95

Figure 3.5. Sample Work Sheet (3) Showing the Results of a Comparison Using Multiple Samplers

4 Avg.

0.1 0.3

0.2 0.3

0.4 0.3

0.3 0.3









4 Adjustments to Derived Air Concentrations

With the prior approval of NRC (based on 10 CFR 20.1204 [c]), the committed effective dose equivalent can

be calculated by adjusting the DAC or ALI to better

represent the physical and biochemical characteristics of

the radionuclides taken into the body or their behavior in

an individual. This section reviews.considerations for

adjusting DACs by particle sizing (e.g., aerosol size

distribution or density), by measuring the respirable

fraction of airborne particles (using size selective inlets

like cyclone separators), and by identifying compound


4.1 Adjusting Derived Air Concentrations for Particle Size

The calculations of committed effective dose equivalent

presented in Publication 30 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP 1979) are

based on a standard aerosol with 1-µm activity median

aerodynamic diameter (AMAD). For an aerosol with an

AMAD between 0.2 µm and 10 µm and a geometric

standard deviation less than 4.5, an adjustment can be

• made to the 50-year committed dose equivalent, Hso.

Each radionuclide will have its own dose adjustment, due

to the differing contribution to committed dose

equivalent of radionuclides dep0sited in the three lung

compartments: nasal passage (N-P), trachea and

bronchial tree (T-B), and pulmonary parenchyma (P).

The following equation expresses the adjustment tQ the

committed dose equivalent in terms of ~he changed

deposition in the different lung compartments:


Hso(l µm) = fN-P DN-P(l µm)


+ f DT_B(AMAD) + !. Dp(AMAD)

T-B D (1 ) p D (1 ) T-B µm p µm

where f N-P• fT-B• and fp are fractions of the committed dose

equivalents in the reference tissues resulting from


deposition in the N-P, T-B, and P regions, and DN-P• DT-B•

and Op are the fractions of inhaled material initially

deposited in the three compartments ofthe lung.

The values for fN-P• fT-B• and fp are found in the

Supplement to Part 1 of ICRP 30. These values are

presented in the Supplement and are given as

percentages of the committed dose equivalent. The

numbers are in parentheses beneath the value of the

committed dose equivalent and must be converted to

decimal fractions before use.

Values for the ratios of deposition fractions (AMAD to 1

µm) are derived from the data in Part 1 ofICRP 30

(pages 24 and 25) and are presented in NUREG/CR4884 (page B-801) as shown here in the Table Figure 4.1 plots the data in Table 4.1 and allows the user to

interpolate.values other than those specifically given in

the table. · ·

Substitution of the fractions of committed dose

equivalent and the ratios of deposition fraction into

Equation (4.1), for a given AMAD, will provide a

correction value for the Hso (the 50-year committed dose

equivalent). Because the fractions of committed dose

equivalent routinely differ for the various tissues, this

correction value is likewise different for each tissue. This

is important in the formulas for deriving stochastic ALI

but not for deriving a nonstochastic ALis. Regulatory

Guide 8.34, Monitoring Criteria and Methods to Calculate

Occupational Radiation Doses, discusses how to

determine the appropriate ALI to use when adjusting

DA Cs.

0.05 Sv ALI (1 µm) otocbutic = (4.2) LT WT Hso,T Sv/Bq

ALI (1 µm) nomtccbutic

0.5 Sv (4.3)

Hso,T Sv/Bq


Air Concentrations












c( •


Table 4.1. Ratios for Deposition Fractions (AMAD to 1 µm)

Aerosol IlN.p(AMAD) IlT.u(AMAD) .Qp(AMAD}

AMAD (µm) DN_p(l µm) DT_8 (1 µm) Dp(l µm)














0.17 1.00

0.53 1.00

0.77 1.00

1.00 1.00

1.67 1.00

2.47 1.00

2.70 1.00

2.90 1.00




Deposition Fraction Ratios (D [AMAD])









Figure 4.1. Values for Ratios of Deposition Fractions



where WT is the weighting factor for tissue (T) and has

the values from 10 CFR 20.1003. The H50,T per unit

intake (in Sv/Bq) is the committed dose equivalent in

tissue (T) from the uptake of unit activity of the


This task can become tedious, as seen in the following

example using the percentages of H50,T, weighting factors,

and the H50,T (Sv/Bq) for class W cobalt-60 that are

presented in Table 4.2.

The E WT H50(1 µm) value is inserted into Equation

(4.2). The maximum value of H50(1 µm) occurs for the

lung in this example and is used in Equation ( 4.3).

ALI (1 m) = 0.05 Sv (4.4)

µ stochastic 7.97 X 10-9 Sv/Bq

ALI (1 µm) llochastic i' 6.27 x 106 Bq (4.S)

0.5 Sv ALI (1 µm) nonotocbutic = (4.6) 3.6 x 10-s Sv /Bq ,

Air Concentrations

ALI (1 µm) nomlocbutic = 1.39 X 107 Bq (4.7)

The stochastic At.I used in this example is found on page

41, of ICRP 30, Supplement to Part 1 (ICRP 1979).

Changing the deposition percentages into fractions and

inserting deposition fraction ratios from Table 4.1 into

Equation (4.1) produces the value of H50(7 µm)/H50(1

µm) for the various organs. To continue the ex~mple,

Equation (4.1) is used, as shown in Equation 4.8, for an

AMAD particle size of 7 µm and the results shown in

Table 4.3.

H50 (

7 µm) = f (2.70)

H50 (1 µm) N-P

+ f T-B (1.00) + fp (0.28)

The E WT H50(7 µm) value is inserted into Equation

(4.2). The maximum value of H50(7 µm) into


Equation ( 4.3) to perform an evaluation of the maximum

ALI allowed, as follows:

Table 4.2. Percentages of Committed Dose Equivalent , Factors,

and H50,T (Sv /Bq) for Cobalt 60, Class W



Tissue (fN-P,f.r.u1fp) WT Hso,T x 10·' WTHso,T x 10·9

Gonads (35,21,44) 0.25 4.0 1.00

Breast (19,17,64) 0.15 4.2 0.62

Red marrow (20,17,63) 0.12 4.2 0.51

Lungs (02,02,96) 0.12 36.0 4.32

LLI wall (45,15,40) 0.06 8.2 0.49

Liver (21,19,60) 0.06 9,2 0.55

Remainder (10,09,81) 0.06 8.0 0.48

EWTH50,T = 7.97

4.3 NUREG-1400


Air Concentrations

Table 4.3. Values of Deposition Fraction Ratios, Committed Dose Equivalents and Weighted

Committed Dose Equivalents for Cobalt 60, Class W, and AMAD = 7 µm

Tissue Ratio H50,T(l µm) x 10_,

Gonads 1.28 4.0

Breast 0.86 4.2

Red Marrow 0.89 4.2

Lungs 0.34 36.0

LLI wall 1.48 8.2

Liver 1

o.93 9.2

Remainder 0.59 8.0

0.05 Sv

ALI (7 µm) 11ochas1ic = -------

5.26 x 10-9 Sv /Bq


ALI (7 µm) stochastic = 9.51 X 106 Bq (4.10)

ALI (7 µm) nonstochastic 0.5 Sv (4.ll)

1.22 x 10-s Sv /Bq

ALI (7 µm) nonsl<'Cha.stic = 4.10 X 107 Bq (4.12)

To complete the example, a relationship between the

DAC and the ALI is required,

DAC = [ALI/2.4 x 103 ] Bq/m 3 (4.13)

Therefore, with rounding, the DAC for the ALI (1 µm)

of 6.0x106 Bq for class W 00Co, class W, is 3.0 x 103


, while the DAC for the ALI (7 µm) of 1.0 x 107

Bq is 4.0 x 103 Bq/m3

Not all calculations will be as straightforward as in the

case of class W 00Co. Computer programs are developed

that compute adjusted DACs and ALis for particle-sizing

corrections. The computer program used to develop the

Environmental Protection Agency's, Federal Guidance

Report No. 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake

and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for

Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion (EPA 1988), does

NUREG-1400 4.4

H50,T(7 µm) x 10..,, WTHso,T(7 µm) x 10_,

5.12 1.28

3.61 0.54

3.74 0.45

12.24 1.47

12.14 0.73

8.56 0.51

4.72 0.28,T = 5.26

not employ rounding methods as suggested in ICRP 30

and effective dose equivalent factors may be slightly

higher (by 10 to 20% ). The described program gives

slightly higher doses for the same intake described in 10 CFR Part 20.

There are examples of the ratio of the 50-year committed

dose equivalents (Equation [4.1)) becoming simple

ratios, such as for 235U, classes Wand Y (Thind 1986).

This is primarily true because of the reported deposition

percentages of,T are (0,0,100). Thus for class Y 235U,

Equation 4.8 simplifies to

H50 (AMAD)

H50 (1 µm)

DAC (1 µm)



Table 4.4 and Figure 4.2 present the calculated data for

class D, W, and Y 235U. The data presented clearly show

that various multiples of a DAC are appropriate,

depending upon the particle size and solubility class. The

data indicate that for class Y 235U for an AMAD of 7 µm,

the DAC may be increased by a multiple of 3.6.

According to ICRP 35 (1982), "If the AMAD of the

aerosol is known to be markedly different from 1 µm, the

retained fraction will differ from the standard aerosol

and the need for correction factors should be

considered." Particle-sizing devices, such as cascade

impactors, are useful for measuring the AMAD of the

Air Concentrations

Table 4.4. Ratios of DAC (AMAD) to DAC (1 µm) for 235U

Ratio of DAC (AMAD) to DAC (1 M:m)


Class D ClassW ClassY Size (µm)

0.2 0.81 0.5 0.5

0.5 0.94 0.71 0.71

0.7 0.98 0.83 0.83

1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00

2.0 0.96 1.5 1.5

5.0 0.86 2.8 2.8

7.0 0.84 3.6 3.6

10.0 0.82 5.0 5.0


-E 4






0 3







- 2 0





a: -

O-t-~--StriderTol (talk)--~~..-~..-~...-~--~....-~---~--t

0 2 4 6 8 1 0

Particle Size (µm) '

Figure 4.2. DAC Ratios for 235u

4.5 NUREG-1400

Air Concentrations

sampled radioactive aerosol. Section 4 of Regulatory

Guide 8.25 notes that particle size measurements and

adjustments of DACs and ALis are not required, but are

permitted (with NRC approval as stated in 10 CFR 20.1204) for determining adjusted DACs and ALis and

subsequent change in effective dose equivalent. Particle

size measurements may sometimes reduce the calculated

dose equivalent due to internal 1

radionuclide exposure,

because particle size distributions found in the nuclear

industry are often significantly greater than the default

value of 1-µm AMAD, which is used in ICRP 30 (ICRP


4.2 Methods for Adjusting DACS

The DAC or ALI can be adjusted by determining particle sizes using measurements made with a cascade

impactor or a cyclone separator or by determining the

solubility classes of the materials and adjusting the DAC

based on the fraction of material that is class D, W, or Y.

Additional information on particle size sampling can be

found in Particle Size-Selective Sampling in the Workplace

(ACGIH 1985).

4.2.1 Use of a Cascade Impactor to

Determine Particle Size

Particle size distributions can be determined using a

• cascade impactor or similar method. The cascade

impactor separates particulate aerosols into many

different size fractions for analysis of particle size

distributions. Practical guidance on the operation of

cascade impactors can be found in the monograph,

Cascade Impactor Sampling and Data Analysis (Lodge

and Chan 1986). (See Section 6.4 of this publication for

plotting lognormal distributions of particle size

measurements.) To determine whether the entire workplace can be represented by a single particle size,

measurements of aerosols in each work area or process

can be made. If the results of the particle-size

determination indicate a geometric standard deviation of

less than 4.5 for all measurements, one particle size can

be assumed, and used in adjusting the DAC.

A geometric standard deviation of 4.5 or greater is likely

to indicate a bimodal distribution of aerosols. Resolution of a composite distribution into two components that

can be accounted for in ICRP 30 (ICRP 1979) methodology may require complicated procedures (Cheng 1986).

Coarse particles are created by mechanical processes

NUREG-1400 4.6

such as cutting, abrasion, and mixing, while operations

involving high-temperature processes such as heating,

welding, and distillation produce particles smaller than 1

µm. It is possible that with several and different ongoing

operations in a workplace, multiple size modes will be


4.2.2 Using Cyclones to Compensate for

Particle Size

Cyclone separators can discriminate against large particles and thus are useful in directly measuring

particulates that are respirable. Inspection of cyclone

efficiency curves shows that a cyclone separator can be

operated at a flow rate to collect a sample of an aerosol

that mimics the deposition of particles in the pulmonary

parenchyma (P region of the lung as modeled in the

ICRP 30 lung model) (Bartley and Breuer 1982).

According to Regulatory Guide 8.25, the use of a cyclone

is acceptable for insoluble radionuclides as long as

collection efficiency of the cyclone is at least 50% for a

particle of 4 µm aerodynamic diameter.

Cyclone separators can only be used to estimate the

intake of insoluble radionuclides (class Wand class Y).

For insoluble radionuclides material deposited in the P

region of the lungs is the principal contributor to the

dose because most material deposited in the N-P and TB regions is cleared without much uptake. For soluble

radionuclides (class D), there is significant uptake of

material deposited in the N-P and T-B regions, and thus

a significant contribution to dose from soluble materials

deposited in those regions. Since larger particles are

preferentially deposited in those regions, there is a

significant contribution to dose from large particles that

would not be collected by a cyclone sampler. Thus,

cyclone samplers are not suitable for sampling soluble

(class D) radionuclides.

4.3 Adjusting Derived Air Concentrations for Solubility

The DAC may be adjusted based on chemical characteristics of the radionuclide. The DACs for inhalation

are given for three classes (D, W, and Y) of radioactive

material, which refer to their retention (approximately

days, weeks, or years) in the pulmonary region of the

lung. This classification applies to a range of clearance

half-times for class D material of less than 10 days, for

class W from 10 to 100 days, and for class Y greater than

100 days. Generally, if the physical and biochemical

properties of the radionuclides or the behavior of the

material in the body are known and different from the

ICRP assumptions, the DAC can be adjusted using that

information. A variation in intake retention factors or

discovery of a classification not listed for a radionuclide

are examples of two situations that could lead to a DAC

adjustment. Lessard et al. (1987) provide information to

, relate biological data to estimates of intakes. From this

estimate of intakes and associated doses, a correction

factor to the DAC may be made. · The process for

making DAC adjustments based on solubility involves

sampling a workplace for the respirable fraction of the

radionuclide in question. Samples are then subjected to

dissolution in simulated lung fluid, which chemically

represents the pulmonary environment. A detailed

discussion of a method for performing a solubility study

is provided by Briant and James (1990).


4.4 References

10 CFR 20. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission."

Standards for Protection Against Radiation." U.S. Code

of Federal Regulations.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial

Hygienists (ACGIH). 1985. Particle Size-Selective

Sampling in the Workplace. ACGIH, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bartley, D. L., and G. M. Bruer. 1982. "Analysis and

Optimization of the Performance of the 10 mm Cyebne."

American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal


Briant, J. K., and A. C. James. 1990. Dissolution and

Particle Size Characterization of Radioactive

Contaminants in Hanford Facilities: Criteria for Methods

of Measurement. PNL-7438, Pacific Northwest

Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

International Commission on Radiological Protection

(ICRP). 1978. Limits for Intakes of R:idionuclides by

Workers. ICRP Publication 30, Part 1, and ICRP

Publication 30, Supplement to Part 1, Pergamon Press,


International Commission on Radiological Protection

(ICRP). 1982. General Principles of Monitoring for

Radiation Protection of Worker. ICRP Publication 35,

Pergamon Press, Oxford.


Air Concentrations

Lessard, E.T. et al. 1987. Interpretation of Bioassay

Measurements, NUREG/CR-4884, U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

Lodge, J.P., and T. L. Chan, eds. 1986. Cascade Impactor

Sampling and Data Analysis. American Industrial

Hygiene Association (AIHA), Akron, Ohio.

Thind, K. S. 1986. "Determination of Particle Size for

Airborne U02 Dust at a Fuel Fabrication Work Station

and Its Implication on the Derivation and Use ofICRP

Publication 30 Derived Air Concentration Values."

Health Physics 51(1):97-105.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1988.

Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air

Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for

Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion. Federal Guidance

Report No. II, Cincinnati, Ohio.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1992. Air

Sampling In the Workplace. Regulatory Guide 8.25,

Rev. 1, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1992.

Monitoring Criteria and Methods to Calculate

Occupatibnal Radiation Doses. Regulatory Guide 8.34,

Washington, D.C.

International Commission of Radiological Protection

(ICRP). 1979. Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by

Workers. ICRP Publication 30, Pergamon Press, New

York, NY.


5 Measurement of the Volume of Air Sampled

Determining the concentration of radioactive materials

in the air involves accurate measurements of both the

sample activity collected and the volume of air collected

during the sampling interval. Regulatory Guide 8.25

(NRC 1992) recommends that an air-sampling program

provide for an annual calibration of all flow-rate

measurement instruments (airflow or volume meters).

Regulatory Guide 8.25 also recommends that additional

calibrations be performed after repairs or alterations are

made or ifthe flow-rate measurement instrument is


5.1 Means to Determine Volume of Air


For most workplace air-sampling applications, the

sample volume is measured with a flow-rate measurement instrument such as a rotameter or orifice meter.

These instruments are relatively inexpensive,

lightweight, compact, and useful over a wide range of

flow rates. With proper handling and maintenance, they

provide acceptable measurement accuracy.

The rotameter typically consists of a tapered transparent

tube with a solid float inside (see Figure 5.1). The crosssectional area of the tube increases from the bottom to

the top. A scale in flow-rate units is marked on the

outside surface. The airflow raises the float until the

buoyant and kinetic forces of the air balance the gravitational force on the float. The height of the float varies

in proportion to the volumetric flow rate. There are

rotameter designs to measure flow rates from less than

1 cm2

/min. to hundreds of cubic feet per minute. Float

design will vary depending on the manufacturer and the

flow rate. Readings are conventionally taken at the

widest point of the float, but the user's manual for a

particular instrument will specify the reading point.

The orifice meter consists of a carefully machined

constriction in a tube between the upstream and

downstream pressure taps (see Figure 5.2). The flow

rate is calculated from the orifice diameter, the pressure

upstream of the orifice, the ratio of the orifice


diameter to the tube diameter, and the upstream

temperature. (Refer to Section F of the ACGIH'sAirSampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric

Contaminants [1989]) for a discussion of the equation

used to calculate flow rate.)

In addition to rotameters and orifice meters, mass flow

meters are commonly used as flow-rate measurement

devices in continuous air monitors. A mass flow meter

contains a heating element in a duct section between

two points where the temperature of the air is measured.

The temperature difference between the two points is

dependent on the mass flow rate and the heat input.

Pressure loss through the mass flow meter is usually


For more information on the design and operating characteristics of the rotameter, orifice meter, mass flow

meter, and other types of flow-rate measurement

instruments Section F (Calibration of Air-Sampling

Instruments) in ACGIH (1989) can be consulted.

5.1.1 Flow Control for Portable Air Samplers

Constant flow for portable air samplers to avoid

correction problems can be maintained as follows:

• flow control with a vacuum gauge at the pump

calibrated to indicate the entering flow rate,

regardless of the filter load

• manual adjustment of the flow with a rotameter

located between the control valve and the pump; the

rotameter can be calibrated to indicate the entering

volumetric flow rate regardless of the filter load

• automatic flow control with a vacuum regulator in

series with each sample collector to compensate for

the filter load

• automatic flow control with a differential regulator

in series with each sample collector to compensate

for the filter load


Measuring Air Sampled






Typical _ _....._


Figure 5.1. Rotameter


- - - - - Orifice Diameter - ::. - - -

- --

Figure 5.2. Orifice Meter



• automatic flow control with a thermal anemometer

used to control the speed of the pump.

Contrary to popular belief, orifice flow control (in which

the velocity in the orifice is at the speed of sound) cannot

compensate for changing filter loads, and consequently is

not recommended for use in air samplers that employ a

filter as the sample collector.

5.1.2 Flow Control for Air Samplers

Connected to Central Vacuum Systems

Flow control for air samplers connected to central

vacuum systems is simplified greatly if the system is used

only for air-sampling, and if the pump and piping are

operated at a constant vacuum. This makes each sampling station independent of the others (like electrical

appliances on a 115-V electrical circuit), provides a

constant reference vacuum for flow control purposes,

and permits the air mover to be optimized for one

operating condition. The vacuum most frequently

selected is 254-mm Hg (10-in. Hg), which is adequate for

most air-sampling purposes and is within the operating

range of most of the heavy-duty air movers.

The sampling flow rate to air samplers connected to a

constant vacuum system can be controlled, while at the

same time avoiding flow meter correction problems, by

one of the following methods:

• manual flow control with the flowmeter located

downstream from the control valve and calibrated for

the constant vacuum in the piping system

• automatic flow control with a differential regulator

and an adjustable metering orifice in series with the

sample collector, to compensate for the filter load

• automatic flow control with a thermal anemometer

used to operate a control valve in series with the

sample collector.

5.1.3 The Importance of Having a Gauge to

Indicate the Filter Load

A vacuum gauge for indicating the filter load is recommended for a number of reasons: 1) it shows whether

the load from a newly installed sampling filter is normal;


Measuring Air Sampled

2) it shows whether the load from the protective (or

backup) filter is normal; 3) it shows the effect of using

different sample collectors; 4) it shows how fast the filter

load is increasing, which is an indication of the amount of

a particulate in the air; 5) it simplifies the testing of the

flow control system; and 6) it shows how close the filter

load is to the limit of the flow control system.

5.1.4 The Importance of Constant Flow

Accurate interpretation of air-sampling data depends

upon knowing how much air the sample came from and

obtaining a true time average of the changing concentrations of contaminants in the air during the test. With

constant flow, the amount of air sampled is simply a

product of the flow rate and the elapsed time. Without

constant flow, the sample may contain a disproportionately large amount of particulate from the start of the

test when the filter was clean and a disproportionately

small amount from later periods. Thus, under varying

flow conditions, a short radioactive burst might be

collected at either a high or a low flow rate, depending

on the condition of the filter, making the sample

unrepresentative and jeopardizing its usefulness in

radiation protection.

5.1.5 Total Volume Measurement Devices

For some air-sampling applications, the total volume of

the sample is measured, rather than calculating the flow

rate and integrating over time. The method of operation

of flow totalizers may vary, but most use some adaptation

of rate measurement. Some devices use electronic

calculation of integrated flow based on critical orifice

parameters or the position of a rotameter or similar

device; however, the most commonly used totalizers use

timing devices that assume a continuous flow rate and

read out in units of total volume sampled. Compositor

samplers are usually of the latter type, with a timedoperation positive displacement air mover. Under

normal conditions, the reliability and accuracy are

comparable to rate measurement devices. Totalizers can

be made more accurate than rate measurement devices

by designing them to correct for fluctuations in flow rate.

A summary of the types of flow-rate measurement

instruments is in Table 5.1.


Measuring Air Sampled

Table 5.1. Types of Flow-Rate Measurement InstrumentsCa)

Type of Meter Quantity Measured Typical Range

Spirometer Integrated volume 6 to 600L

Soap film meter Integrated volume 0.002 to lOL

Wet test meter Integrated volume Unlimited volumes, maximum rates

Dry gas meter Integrated volume Unlimited volumes, maximum flow

rates from 10 to 150 L/min

Venturi meter Volumetric flow rate Depends on tube and orifice diameters

Orifice meter Volumetric flow rate Depends on tube and orifice diameters

Rota meter Volumetric flow rate From 0.001 L/min

(a) Adapted from Table F-4 of the ACGIH document (1989).

5.2 Calibration Frequency and


calibration of flow-rate measurement instruments used

in the field (typically, rotameters or critical orifice

meters) is performed by comparing the flow rate measured by the field instrument with the flow rate measured

by a primary standard instrument, such as a spirometer

or soap film flowmeter, or a secondary standard instrument, such as a dry gas meter or wet test meter.

5.2.1 Calibration Frequency

Regulatory Guide 8.25 states that licensees should

calibrate airflow rate meters annually and after

modifications, repairs, or any indication that the meter

is not performing properly. The annual frequency was

established as follows:

1. Five vendors were queried on, the recommended

frequency of calibration based on historical

performance of the instruments. Three of the

vendors recommended annual calibration, one

vendor suggested semiannual calibration as use and

operating experience dictates, and one vendor did

not recommend recalibration of their meters.

NUREG-1400 5.4

2. In addition to the annual frequency, ANSI N42.17B,

Performance Specification for Health Physics

Instrumentation-Occupational Airborne Radioactivity

Monitoring Instruments (ANSI 1989), Section 4.9,

•Alteration and Modification," states, "Instruments

that have been altered, changed or modified by the

manufacturer in any manner which could affect the

capability of the instrument to meet the specifications provided in this standard shall be re-evaluated

to ensure conformance ... ."

Other criteria in ANSI N42.17B are also given to help

determine when calibration is needed between the

annual scheduled calibrations. When these criteria

(listed below) are not met, repair and or recalibration is


• Section 9.1, "Flow-Rate Meter Accuracy," states,

•Airflow rate meters shall be accurate to within

±20% of the conventionally true flow-rate values."

• Section 9.2, "Air In-Leakage," states, "The leakage of

air into the monitoring unit upstream of the flowrate meter shall be less than 5% of the nominal flow


• Section 9.3, •flow-Rate Stability; states, "The

manufacturer shall state the nominal flow rate for

the type of filter that is used. After the warm-up

time specified by the manufacturer for the

monitoring unit, the measured flow rate shall not

vary more than 10% from the nominal flow rate.•

5.2.2 Calibration to Primary Standards

The spirometer and soap film flowmeter are examples of

primary standards that measure volume directly. The

spirometer is a cylindrical bell with its open end under a

liquid seal. Tite soap film flowmeter is a graduated tube .

in which a suap bubble is created. These are primary

standards because they are a direct measurement of

volume based on the physical dim~nsions of an enclosed

space. Recalibration of primary standards is not

necessary, except when there is physical damage that can

change the volume of the enclosed air space used for the

flow-rate measurement.

Refer to the American Society of Testing and Materials

Standard 01071, Standard Methods for Volumetric

Measurement of Gaseous Fuel Samples (ASTM 1983a),

for a calibration procedure for spirometers using standard cubic-foot bottles. A calibration procedure for a

soap film flowmeter using a liquid positive-displacement

technique is contained in Volume II of the EPA's

Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution

Measurement Systems (EPA 1985).

5.2.3 Calibration to Secondary Standards

The wet test and dry gas meters are examples of

secondary standards, tracing their calibrations to

primary standards. Although secondary standards

require recalibration, they can maintain their accuracy

for extended periods with proper handling and maintenance. A calibration procedure for a wet test meter

can be found in Section 19 of ASTM Standard 01071

(ASTM 1983a). A wet test meter measures volume by

displacement of the liquid in the meter by the air being

measured; a dry gas meter measures volume by displacement of the air in the meter by the air being measured.

A more complete description of the operation of these

meters is provided by ACGIH (1989; Section F).

Air-Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric

Contaminants (ACGIH 1989) refers to rotameters and

critical orifice meters as "additional secondary


Measuring Air Sample~

standards; meaning that they usually have an accuracy

less than either a wet test meter or a dry gas meter.

These additional calibration standards have accuracy

characteristics similar to those of field rotameters and

orifice meters. Therefore, if they are used to calibrate

field instruments, it is appropriate to calibrate them

against a primary or secondary standard at the same

frequency specified for field instruments. The

calibration hierarchy is as follows:

• primary standard (e.g., spirometer)

• secondary standard (e.g., wet test meter)

• additional secondary standard (e.g., rotameter).

Thus, a rotameter can be calibrated with a wet test

meter, which in turn can be calibrated with a spirometer,

or the rotameter can be calibrated directly with a

primary standard.

5.2.4 Calibration of Rotameters

Because rotameters are the flow-rate meters most often

used in the field, their calibration and maintenance are

of common concern to users. The ASTM Procedure

03195, Standard Practice for Rotameter Calibra'tion

(ASTM 1983b), provides a method for calibrating a

rotameter with either a wet test meter or a spirometer

(gasometer). Beginning with a wet test meter or

spirometer, the rotameter output (usually at the top of

the rotameter) is connected to the wet test meter or

spirometer, as shown in Figures 5.3 and 5.4. Keeping

connections as short as possible, with a maximum

inside-line diameter helps avoid appreciable pressure

drops. It is important to the calibration process that air

leakage be avoided and that tight connections be made

between the rotameter and the standard. Leakage can

be checked in several ways. Plugging the line upstream

of the connection will cause the flow to drop to zero if

the connection is tight. A smoke test or small amounts

of soap solution applied near potential leak points can

also be used to detect leaks.

The ASTM Procedure 01071, Standard Methods for

Volumetric Measurement of Gaseous Fuel Samples

(ASTM 1983a), suggests that a minimum of five readings be taken over the entire range of flow rates for the

particular instrument. The average of a pair of timed

readings on the wet test me~er or spirometer should be



Measuring Air Sampled





Source --.j ......... ,,.









Figure 5.3. Calibration Setup of a Rotameter Using a Wet Test Meter









Figure 5.4. Calibration Setup of a Rotameter Using a Spirometer




determined for each measurement point. When taking

readings, the meter is first read from lowest to highest

measurement point and then from highest to lowest. The

manometer reading and the meter water temperature are

recorded for each measurement. In addition, the room

temperature, the barometric pressure, and the relative

humidity are recorded before and after the calibration

run; the average values are used in the calculations.

An alternative calibration procedure for a rotameter is in

Volume Il ofEPA's Quality Assurance Handbook for Air

Pollution Measurement Systems (EPA 1985). The

procedure uses a soap-film meter for the calibration. A

calibration procedure for the s_pecial situation of

calibrating a lapel-sampler rotameter is contained in

Appendix A.1 of ASTM Procedure 04185, Methods for

Calibration of Small Volume Air Pumps (ASTM 1983c).

Again, the procedure described uses a soap-film meter

for the calibration.

5.2.5 Calibration of Flow Totalizers

Two methods of calibration are typically used. One is to

calibrate the flow-rate measurement portion and independently test the time integration. The other is to pass

a specific volume through the device, and compare this

with the measured result, most often by slowly releasing

a compressed gas of known mass, with corre-:tions for

pressure 2.nd temperature.

5.3 Uncertainty

As specified in Regulatory Guide 8.25, air-sampling

instruments, including personal air samplers having flowrate meters or total-volume meters, should have the

meters calibrated so that the overall measurement

uncertainty in determining the sample volume is less than

20%. The overall uncertainty or measurement error is

calculated by adding 1) the estimated uncertainty that

arises when a user reads the meter scale, 2) the

estimated uncertainty in the measurement instrument's

calibration factor, and 3) the estimated uncertainty in the

measurement of sampling time. Each of these

uncertainties is e>:-iressed as a percent uncertainty, i.e.,

the absolute value of an arbitrary allowance for

uncertainty (absolute uncertainty) divi:led by a relevant

true value and then multiplied by 100. For example, in

determining the percent uncertainty in reading the meter

scale, the arbitrary uncertainty is customarily assumed to

be one-half of the smallest scale division on the

instrument. Thus, if an instrument scale reads a total of


Measuring Air Sampled

50 L/min, with each L/min divided into segments of 0.1

L/min, the absolute uncertainty is 0.1/2, or 0.05 L/min.

(That is, the uncertainty is arbitrarily assumed to be

±0.25 L/min around a middle value; then, the absolute

uncertainty is the absolute value of the number, or 0.05

L/min.) To find the percent of uncertainty in reading

the meter scale, this absolute uncertainty is dived by the

flow rate (in this example, 2 L/min) of the instrument

and then multiplied by 100:

(0.05 L/min / 2 L/min) x 100 = 2.5% (5.1)

Similar approaches yield the percent of uncertaipty in the

calibration and in the measurement of sampling time.

The calibration percent of uncertainty is found relative to

a standard. The percent uncertainty in sampling time,

which is used only for samplers with flow-rate meters,

has been assumed to be 1 % for most sampling times.

Once the uncertainties for meter reading, calibration,

and sampling are obtained, the overall measurement

uncertainty (Uv) in computing the total volullle of air

sampled can be calculated using Equation (5.2):

where U, = the percent uncertainty in reading the

meter scale. The absolute uncertainty in

the meter reading is converted to a percent uncertainty before being inserted in

Equation (5.2). This is done by dividing

the absolute uncertainty by the flow rate

( cfm) and multiplying by 100. An estimate of the absolute uncertainty in reading a meter scale for both flow-rate

instruments and total flow volume instruments is one-half of the smallest scale


·u. = the uncertainty in determining the calibration factor. An estimate is the

percent uncertainty associated with the

standard instrument used in the


ul = the percent uncertainty in the

measurement of sampling time. When

using a timing device to measure sample

volume, an appropriate value of the

percent uncertainty for usual sampling


Measuring Air Sampled

volume, an appropriate value of the

percent uncertainty for usual sampling

intervals is 1 %. For an instrument with

a total volume meter, this term is

dropped from the equation.

Assuming some typical values,ithe overall uncertainty

(U ) associated with a calibration factor (Uc)

un~rtainty of 1 %, a scale reading (U8) uncertainty of

2%, and a sampling time (U1

) uncertainty of 1 % is

determined as follows:

UV = [(2.5)2 + 12 + 12 ]1/2 = 2.9% (S.3)

Minimizing the uncertainty in reading the scale requires

a consistent method for reading the rotameter. Most

manufacturers recommend reading the float at the

widest point. Establishing procedures for reading the

scale will help reduce the variation among readings from

individuals using different methods. Figure 5.5 shows

several float designs and the recommended points for

reading the flow rate.

5.4 Method for Determining Air


Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that continuous air

• monitors be checked for in-leakage when they are

calibrated for volume of air sampled. In-leakage

upstream of the flow-measuring device is limited to a

maximum of 5% by ANSI N42.18 (1985). A potential

problem affecting the accuracy of volume measurements

is system leakage downstream of the sample collector

and upstream of the flow measurement instrument.

Under these conditions, the indicated flow is more than

the airflow through the sample collector and will lead to

overestimates of the air volume that is sampled. A field

test for system in-leakage can be performed simply by

blocking the sample inlet and seeing if the flow drops to

zero. If it does not, there is in-leakage to the system.

Caution is necessary for systems with components that

are either fragile or sensitive to rapid pressure changes,

such as continuous air monitors with thin-window

detectors located in the sample stream. The preferred



using rotameter intercomparisons upstream and

downstream of the sample collector, is contained in

ANSI N42.7B (1985), Section 9.2.2.

5.5 Pressure and Temperature

There are many variables that may affect the accuracy of

an air-sample measurement. Two of these are pressure

and temperature variations. Appropriate corrections,

using the ideal gas laws, when either the absolute

pressure or absolu'te temperature exceeds 5%, can

assure that the pressure and temperature variations do

not cause inaccurate measurement results. Two commonly performed tasks that may involve pressure differences are cited: calibration of an instrument at a

different altitude (and thus a different air pressure) than

that at which the instrument will be used, and measurement of flow rate on the downstream side of the

collector (resulting in measurement under a vacuum).

The difference in altitude can be evaluated by

comparing the barometric pressure readings at the

calibration location with those at the sampling location.

Measurements under a vacuum can be accounted for by

connecting a manometer to the sampling assembly

downstream of the collector and taking pressure

readings with the collector present and the collector


One method used to account for the pressure drop is to

calibrate the field instrument in place with the sample

collector, as shown in Figure 5.6. The primary or

secondary standard flow-rate measurement instrument

is connectted to the air-sampling assembly upstream of

the sample collector and one leg of the standard

instrument is open to the atmosphere. The field

instrument flow (e.g., a rotameter) can be directly

related to the flow at atmospheric pressure, as measured

. by the standard instrument.


The ideal gas laws can be used to normalize volume

(flow-rate) measurements taken in the field to those

taken under calibration conditions, using

Equation (5.4):


Measuring Air Sampled

IOI Read--1~1 I I I I I ~Here I I


I ! ! I 1 Spherical Plumb Bob

~Read l~I I I Here-.; I

I I I I I I I . . I Spool Cyhndncal


Figure 5.5. Typical Rotameter Floats and Reading Indicator Positions

where Ve= volume under calibration conditions


Vs = volume under field conditions (m3)

Pc = absolute pressure during calibration

(mm Hg)

Ps = absolute pressure during sampling

(mm Hg)

Tc = absolute temperature during calibration


Ts = absolute temperature during sampling


Conversion equations to obtain absolute temperatures

and pressures are as follows:

°K = °C + 273 (5.5)

°K = ((°F - 32)/1.8] + 273 <


mm Hg = in. of water x 1.87 (5.7)


mm Hg =, kPa x 7.5 (5.8)

Although clean dry air behaves similarly to an ideal gas,

some variation may occur. Comparing the calculations

in Equations (5.4) through (5.8) to the manufacturer's

performance curve for the flowrate measurement instrument will verify performance.

The following examples illustrate the use of the ideal gas

laws to correct the volume of air sampled to calibration


Temperature Co"ection Example - A health physicist

calculates that a sample volume of 90 m3 (VJ is

collected by a rotameter in the field, based on the

flow rate. The health physicist learns that the

rotameter was calibrated at a temperature of 72 °F

and that the temperature in the field during sampling

was 7°C (45°F). To determine if an adjustment

should be made to the volume of the sample, the

health physicist converts the temperatures to the

absolute (Kelvin) scale, using Equation (5.6). Thus,

the sampling temperature (T J is 295°K. The difference is 5.4%. Because the difference exceeds 5%, a

corrected volume should be calculated, as recommended in Regulatory Guide 8.25. The health



Measuring Air Sampled



Primary or Secondary

Flow Measurement



Collector Rota meter





Figure 5.6. In Place Calibration of Sample Collector

physicist finds that the sampling and calibration

absolute pressures are equivalent (at 760-mm Hg

[29-in. Hg]), so only the temperature differences

need to be used in changing the sampling volume.

The health physicist uses Equation (5.4) to adjust

sample volume to calibration conditions, as follows:


= 90 (760) (295) = 95 m3

760 280

If the calibration was done at normal room temperature 22 °C (72 °F), the correction would be less than

5 % if the temperature in the field was within 15 °C

(26 °F) of normal room temperature. Thus, a correction would be needed only for operating temperatures below about 46°F or above about 98°F.

Pressure Correction Example - Later, the health

physicist discovers that the absolute pressure during

sampling with the rotameter described in the previous example was 700-mm (28-in.) Hg and that the

absolute pressure during calibration was 760-mm

(29-in).) Hg. Because the difference in absolute

pressure between the sampling and the calibration is

NUREG-1400 5.10

8%, a corrected volume is calculated. Using Equation (5.4), the health physicist calculates the sample

volume corrected to calibration conditions:

v, - v, [::] (~:] (5.10)

= 90 (700) (295) = 87 m3

760 280

If the calibration was done at sea level (760-mm

[29-in.] Hg), the difference will be less than 5% if

the field pressure is within 38-mm (1.5-in.) Hg of

760-mm (29-in.) Hg.

Pressure Drop Example - A health physicist calculates a sample volume of 100 m3 based on the flow

rate as determined by a rotameter (located downstream of the sample collector) and the same time.

A manometer placed in series after the sample

collector indicates an absolute pressure 720-mm

(28-in.) Hg. To correct the sample volume for this

pressure drop, Equation (5.4) becomes:

v, = v, [::] (5.11)

where Va = volume collected under atmospheric


V 8 = volume collected under sampling


Pa = atmospheric pressure

P 8 = pressure at which sample volume was


Using Equation (5.11), the adjusted sample volume


V = V [ps] = 100 (

720) = 95 m3 (5.12) a s p 760 a

5.6 References

American Conference of Governmental Industrial

Hygienists (ACGIH). 1989. Air-Sampling

Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric

Contaminants. 1th edition, Cincinnati, Ohio.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

·1985. Specification and Performance of On-Site

Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring

Radioactivity in Effluents. ANSI N42.18, New

York, New York.


Measuring Air Sampled

American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

1989. Performance Specifications for Health

Physics Instrumentation-Occupational Airborne

Radioactivity Monitoring Instrumentation. ANSI

N42.17B, New York, New York.

American Society for Testing and Materials

(ASTM). 1983a. Standard Methods for Volumetric

Measurement of Gaseous Fuel Samples. ASTM

01071, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

American Society for Testing and Materials

(ASTM). 1983b. Standard Practice for Rotameter

Calibration. ASTM 03195, Philadelphia,


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

1985. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air

Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume II, Ambient

Air Specific Methods. EPA-600/4-77-027a,

Washington, 0.C.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

1992. Air-Sampling in the Workplace. Regulatory

Guide 8.25, Rev. 1, Washington, 0.C.



6 Evaluation of Sampling Results

Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that several

evaluations be made on the results of an air sample.

First, if the air sample is used to determine if

confinement is being maintained, the guide recommends

that air-sampling results be evaluated for changes in

concentrations over time. Second, the guide

recommends that consideration be given to sample

adjustments for the filter efficiency. Finally, the guide

recommends that detection sensitivity of the

measurement equipment be established.

6.1 Detecting Changes in Air

Concentrations Over Time

Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that the results of

fixed-location sampling, whose purpose is to confirm

radioactive material confinement during routine or

repeated operations, be either 1) analyzed for trends or

2) compared with administrative action levels. Trend

analysis (for example, by use of control charts) can be

performed to determine whether airborne concentrations

• are within the normal range, to verify that administrative

and engineering controls are operating properly to

maintain occupational doses ALARA. Administrative

action levels can be used to serve as a basis for

determining when confinement is satisfactory.

6.2 Efficiency of Collection Media

Regulatory Guide 8.25 (NRC 1992) recommends that for

collection efficiencies of less th\m 95%, the sample result

be adjusted to account for airborne radioactive material

not collected from the sampled atmosphere. The

collection efficiency varies based on several factors,

including the sample velocity across the medium,

properties of the medium itself, and the range of particle

sizes being collected.

Manufacturers of sample collection equipment routinely

determine the efficiency for collection of the sample of

interest (respirable particles, for example). For particles

in the respirable range, manufacturer's data on collection


efficiency are generally adequate. However, if such data

are not available or are not specific to the particle sizes

of interest, determination of the efficiency by the user

may be appropriate. The collection efficiency of a

medium can be determined by evaluating losses to a

filter such as glass fiber or membrane with a known

collection efficiency near 99.9%. The filter to be

evaluated is placed, first backed up by a filter known to

be highly efficient for particles much smaller than the .

minimum particle size in the range of interest. The

filters are then subjected to an atmosphere containing

long-lived radioactive material under field conditions and

evaluated. The collection efficiency (E) may then be

calculated as given by Equation (6.1):


where A1 is the activity collected on the filter to be

evaluated and A1c1 is the activity collected on the backup

filter with known efficiency.

The potential for burial of radionuclides within the filter

medium cah also be evaluated, which can be especially

important for alpha counting. To perform the

evaluation, a second filter with a known efficiency is

placed in parallel with those described above. After

normalizing the data to account fot any differences in

airflow, the activity lost, Au to absorption in the medium

is simply the difference and can be determined as given

by Equation (6.2):


where Ak2 is the activity on the known filtyr that was used

in parallel. The activity lost is then included to adjust for

particle burial and Equation (6.1) is modified:

E (6.3)


Evaluation of Sampling Results

EXAMPLE 1. The following is an example using

Equation (6.1) when alpha counting is not a


A paper filter with an unknown efficiency is backed up by

a membrane filter with an efficiency of 99.9%. Activity

measured on the filter in question, Ah is 100 dpm and

activity on the backup (well-known) filter is 10 dpm.

E = 100 = 0.91


Because the efficiency of the filter is calculated to be


91 % and Regulatory Guide 8.25 recommends that a

correction factor be used if the efficiency of the

collection media is less than 95%, the calculated activity

on the filter should be increased by 9%.

EXAMPLE 2. Use of the above equations when burial

may be a problem.

A filter with a known high efficiency is placed in parallel

with the two filters in series as in Example 1. This time

the atmosphere contains uranium and the samples are to

be analyzed by direct alpha counting. Activity measured

on the questionable filter, Ai. is 210 dpm and activity on

the backup (well known) filter is 8 dpm. The activity on

the filter placed in parallel was 300 dpm.

First, the activity buried in filter Ah which cannot be

analyzed by direct alpha counting, is calculated.


" = ~ - 1 - A 1 = 82 dpm (6.5)

Adjusting for this loss through Equation (6.3) yields the

following efficiency: '

E A1 + " = 292 = 0.97 (6.6)

~ 300

The filter met the 95% level of efficiency, but each

analysis should now be increased' by the absorption

factor, which in this case is Ai/ A1 + AL) or about 71 %.

To illustrate the value of determining the collection

media efficiency, a short experiment was conducted at a

fuel fabrication facility. Membrane filters, which are

considered to be the closest to 100% efficient, were used

NUREG-1400 6.2

as backup filters for Whatman 41 and glass fiber filters.

Sample times were varied to see if dust loading affected

efficiency. The site of the study was originally chosen to

be the pellet area, but the airborne concentrations were

not great enough to allow collection of sufficient

radioactivity on the backup filter. Although it would

have been best to sample in a location that showed little

variation in particle size, the oxide building was chosen

next because the airborne levels proved to be consistently

greater. The instrument used to analyze the samples was

a Canberra high-throughput proportional counter.

Table 6.1 shows the results of this experiment. The level

of radioactivity was still low, but in most of the

Whatman 41 cases the instruments used could detect the

presence of radioactivity on the backup filters. The

average efficiency calculated for the glass fiber filters was

99.7%, while the average efficiency for the Whatman 41

was 89.7%. To meet the intent of Regulatory

Guide 8.25, a correction of 10.3% should be applied to

all air samples taken in this area. Because particle size

distributions may vary in different areas of a facility, the

licensee may want to test the filter efficiency in other

areas where the particle size distribution is not well

characterized. Because it may not be feasible to

determine collection efficiency for different areas of a

facility, the cellulose filters may be replaced with filters

that have a higher efficiency for the range of particle

sizes encountered.

6.3 Detection Sensitivity

There are no specific requirements in 10 CFR Part 20 for

the sensitivity of a workplace air monitoring program.

However, a licensee may want to evaluate the detection

capability of an air-sampling program to see if it will

adequately support the licensee's dose measurement and

Al.ARA goals. ·

For operational purposes, the statistical concept of

"decision level" is useful for deciding if a sample contains

radioactivity. Results of individual or pooled

measurements are compared with the decision level.

The decision level is a value chosen so that results above

it are unlikely to be false alarms. Thus, the operational

health physicist chooses the decision level to be far

enough above zero so that there is an acceptably low rate

of false alarms due to random statistical fluctuations in

the counting process (known to statisticians as "false

positives"). ,

Evaluation of Sampling Results

Table 6.1. Filter Efficiencies for the Oxide Conversion Building

Filter Sample Face Velocity

Tested Duration (h) cm/s

W41 8 37

W41 14 37

W41 16 37

Another concept a licensee may want to use is that of

"minimum detectable activity" or "minimum detectable

concentration." Unlike the decision level, the minimum

detectable quantities are performance gauges of a

program that can be compared with a performance goal.

For example, suppose a licensee wanted to ensure

detection of airborne conditions that would lead to

intakes resulting in more than a 10-mrem committed

effective dose equivalent. Because 2000 DAC-h result in

5000 mrem, 4 DAC-h result in 10 mrem. Thus, the

licensee may decide to implement an air monitoring

program capable of detecting 4 DAC-h in, say, any 40-

hour work period. To do this, the licensee would require

a program with a minimum detectable concentration of

• 0.1 DAC when operated for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />.

Many air-sampling systems use a pump to draw air

through a filter that is later removed and counted.

Measurements derived from counting the filter can be

used to deduce an average air concentration during the

sampling time. The various hardware and procedural

~nd statistical factors that determine the detection

sensitivity of a measurement system are discussed in this

section. This section also gives formulas and examples

(including solutions) for calculating the activity

concentration (µCi/cm3

), decision level, minimum

detectable activity, minimum detectable concentration,

and, when results of many measurements are pooled, the

minimum detectable average concentration. A summary

of the symbols, quantities, and units used is presented in

Table 6.2.

6.3.1 Determining the Activity Concentration

An integral part of an air-sampling program is the

measurement of radioactivity and the subsequent

interpretation of the data. Counts in a radioactivity

Activity on Activity on Filter

Filter (cpm) Back-up (cpm) Efficiency


5.3 0.5 0.91

4.7 1.4 0.77

30.8 3.6 0.90

measurement system come from both the background

and samples. The result of a measurement of radioactive

materials in or on an air-sampling medium is the number

of gross counts, N,, during the gross counting time, T,;

the result of a measurement of an appropriate blank is

the number of background (or blank) counts Nb during

the background (or blank) counting time, Tb. Background may be counted once per shift for a period of

time equal to or longer than the time the samples are

counted. If background can be counted longer than

samples, the licensee may choose to make one long

background count or several replicate counts each for the

same length of time as for the samples. The latter

alternative affords the opportunity to test for nonrandom changes in background count rate, thereby

building confidence in a program. For example, if

samples are counted for 1 minute and background for

ten minutes, the background could be coupled for 10

one-minute intervals and the data analyzed for stability.

Little statistical precision is gained by counting

background more than 10 times as long as the sample.

Because there are purely statistical fluctuations in

background count rates, and because background

contributes both to the blank and the sample counts, a

statistical test may be applied to the net count rate to

decide if activity is present. For counting times

expressed in minutes (or seconds), the net count rate R,.

in counts per.minute (cpm) (or counts per second [cps])



where R, and Rb are the gross and background count

rates, respectively.


Evaluation of Sampling R1.:sults

Table 6.2. Summary of Symbols, Quantities, and Units













background counting time

gross counting time

duration of sample collection

decay time between sampling and counting

number of background counts observed

number of gross counts observed

number of net counts observed

number of counts in the ith observation

background count rate

gross count rate

net count rate

air flow rate through the air sampler

fractional filter efficiency = (%eft)/100

counting efficiency

radioactive half-life

decay constant = 0.693/T112

activity concentration

standard deviation of activity concentration

decision level for net count rate

minimum detectable concentration

number of air samples

a bar over a symbol denotes "average," e.g., R,.,


chi-squared statistic

Traditional Unit SI Unit

mm. s

min. s

mm. s

mm. s

counts min·1 s-1

counts min-1 s-1

counts min·1 s-1

cm3 min·1 m3 s·l

counts min·1 µCi-1 s-1 Bq-1

mm s

min·1 s-1

µCi/cm3 Bqm·3

µCi/cm3 Bqm·3

counts min·1 s-1

µCi/cm3 Bqm·3

If several background measurements are made during a

24-hour period to check for consistency, the counts and

the times may be combined to improve the precision of

the measurement as follows:

Under the assumption of constant concentration of

radioactivity in the air during the time the sample is

collected, and if sampling, decay, and counting times are

short with respect to the half-life, the activity

concentration is given by


Nb = L Nb,i and Tb = L Tb,i i • l i •I



R D (6.9)

NUREG-1400 6.4







concentration of radioactive material in

the air in µCi/cm3 (or Bq m-3


net count rate in cpm (or cps)

fractional filter efficiency ( %

efficiency /100)

airflow rate through the sampler in

cm3 /min (or m3 s-1


counting efficiency in cpm/ µCi (or cps


duration of sample collection in min (ors).

EXAMPLE. An air sampler operating at 10 L/min is

run for 10 minutes to sample for gross beta-emitting

particulates. The filter efficiency is 90%. The filter is

promptly counted for 1 minute, giving 60 counts. The

background is counted for 10 minutes, giving 110 counts.

The counter efficiency is 33%. What is the activity


SOLUTION. First make sure all quantities are in the

units appropriate for the equations:



60 counts/1 min = 60 cpm

110 counts/10 min = 11 cpm

60 - 11 = 49 cpm

90% /100% = 0.90

10 L/min x 1E3 cm3 /L = 1E4 cm3 /min

0.33 count/disintegration x 2.22E6

dis/ µCi = 732,600 cpm/ µCi)


Then calculate the concentration as follows:

c 49cpm

(.9) (104 cm 3 /min)(732,000 cpm/ µCi) {10 min)

= 7.4E-10 µCi/ cm 3 (6.10)

6.3.2 Deciding Whether an Air Sample Is

Above Background: The Decision Level

Any net count rate greater than the decision level '

represents the presence of activity in the sample. The

decision level for the net count rate is as follows (Strom

and Stansbury 1992; Lochamy 1976):


Evaluation of Sampling Results


where the 1.645 value corresponds to a 5% false alarm

rate (i.e., 1 sample in 20 that has no activity present will

exceed this count rate simply due to random statistical

fluctuations). Licensees may assume that no activity is

present in air if the net count rate is less than the

decision level; however, it is a good practice to record all

air-sampling results, whether above the decision level or


EXAMPLE. Using the data from the previous example,

calculate the decision level.

SOLUTION. For Rb= 11 cpm, Tb= 10 min., and T, =

1 min., the decision level is

DL{Rn) = 1.645 11 cpm ( l . +-1

-. ] (6.12) 10 mm 1 mm

= 1.645 Ju x 1.1 = 5.7 cpm

Using this counting scenario, any net count rate above

5.7 cpm would be judged to be significant, with only a 5%

chance of being a false alarm.

Equations are given in Appendix A for cases where

radioactive decay during sampling and counting may

affect results. Equations are also provided in the

appendix that may improve precision and detection


6.3.3 Measuring Detection Capability for a

Counting System: Minimum Detectable


A counting system may be characterized by a minimum

detectable activity for a specified choice of parameters

such as counting times. Once a decision level has been

specified by the choice of count times and the false alarm

rate (this document uses a 5% false alarm rate), it is

possible to determine a value of activity that would yield

a count rate less than the decision level a certain fraction

of the time. This value of activity is called the minimum

detectable activity. The fraction of the time that an

activity equal to the minimum detectable activity would

actually result in a count rate less than the decision level



Evaluation of Sampling Results

is called the false negative rate. This document uses a 5%

false negative rate, i.e., 1 time in 20 a sample with an

activity equal to the minimum detectable activity would

actually result in a count rate less than the decision level.

Under these assumptions, the iµinimum detectable

activity for the activity on the filter becomes

MDA 2.71 + 3.29 V~T,(1 + T/TJ



where the terms are defined above (Currie 1968, 1984;

Brodsky 1984; NCRP 1985). Note that the filter

efficiency does not appear in Equation (6.10).

The filter efficiency, E, appears in the equation on page 8

of Regulatory Guide 8.25 because that equation

describes the minimum amount of activity in the air that

was sampled (some of which passed through the filter),

while Equation (6.13) refers to the activity actually

trapped by the filter.

The minimum detectable activity is a performance

indicator for a counting system. Normally the minimum

detectable activity is compared with a performance goal

rather than with the result of a measurement. The

minimum detectable activity is an amount of activity that

yields a result above the decision level most of the time

(95% of the time for this document). To contrast the

• decision level and the minimum detectable activity,

consider the following: the decision level represents a

count rate large enough that it is unlikely to be a "false

alarm," but the minimum detectable activity represents

an activity large enough that it is unlikely .nQ1 to "set off

the alarm," that is, an activity at or above the minimum

detectable activity~ likely to result in a count above the

decision level (likely to "set off the alarm"). Note that it

is quite possible that an activity less than the minimum

detectable activity will "set off the alarm" or result in a

count rate above the decision level.

For example, suppose that a licensee has determined that

4 DAC-h are expected to result in an activity of 4 x 10-s

µCi (1.5 Bq) on the filter of an air sampler run for

8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. Would the counting system described in the

example above have adequate detection capability to

detect a 4 DAC-h exposure? The minimum detectable

activity becomes

NUREG-1400 6.6

2.71 + 3.29 Jll x 1 (1 + 1/10) = l.9E-5 µd6.14)

732,600 x 1

This is below the desired performance of 4E-5 µCi (1.5

Bq), so the licensee can conclude that the counting

system is adequate. If the minimum detectable activity

had been greater than 4E-5 µCi (LS Bq), then the

licensee could have .chosen to count the sample longer,

used a more efficient counter, or chosen a counter with a

lower background to reduce the minimum detectable

activity until it was less than the desired goal. For other

options when the minimum detectable activity is too

high, refer to the section on "minimum average


Normally, measurement results (in terms of count rates)

are compared with the decision level or other action

levels. The minimum detectable activity, on the other

hand, is normally compared with performance goals.

Because it is convenient to think of air-sampling

programs in terms of concentrations, not activities, and

because there are several other variables to be

considered in determining concentrations, a more useful

performance indicator for an air-sampling program (as

contrasted with a counting system that is only a part of

the program) is the minimum detectable concentration,

described below. '

6.3.4 Measuring Detection Capability for an

Air-Sampling Program: Minimum

Detectable Concentration

Suppose a licensee wants to set a performance goal for

an air-sampling program of being able to detect 0.1 x

DAC. Such a choice would ensure that, for workers

continuously present in the area, no intakes would occur

that would result in a committed effective dose

equivalent in excess of 500 mrem/y.

To determine if a program would meet this goal, the

licensee may calculate the minimum detectable

concentration (MDC) of the equipment and procedures

in the program. The MDC for any single measurement


MDC 2.71 + 3.29 JRb T,(1 + T,/Tb) (6JS)


where the symbols are as defined above.

To have an air-sampling program that meets this

detection capability goal, the licensee may select

procedures and equipment with values of flow rate,

duration of sample collection, filter efficiency, counting

efficiency, and gross and background counting times so

that the MDC in Equation ( 6.15) is less than or equal to

0.1 x DAC (unless a weighted average of sample results

for intervals less than 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> is used; see below).


EXAMPLE. Using the data given above, calculate the

MDC for this scenario.



Evaluation of Sampling Results

where AJA is the proportion of the total sample activity

from radionuclide i.

6.3.6 Checking Counter Background for

Non-Random Fluctuations

A license.e may want to use a statistical test called a "chisquared" (x2) test to determine whether the fluctuations

in a series of background measurements are consistent

with purely statistical fluctuations, or whether the

variability in the measurements is greater or less than

would be expected due to random fluctuations. For a

Poisson process such as background measurements, the

'I statistic is '

(6J.8) = 2.71 + 3.29 _...:...._~ Jucpm _____ x lmin x {1 .;.._ + _________ lmin/lOmin) '.'""""'."'"

.9 {let cm 3 /min) (732,600cpm/ µCi) {lOmin)

E (N; -N)2

1°1 N

= 2.lE-10 µCi/ cm 3 (6J.6)

This choice of count times, flow rate, filter efficiency,

duration of sample collection, counting efficiency, and

counting equipment results in an MDC of 2.2 E-10


• This means that a true concentration of 2.2 E10 µCi/cm.3 would result in a count rate less than 5.7 cpm

only 5% of the time.

If the licensee wanted to be able to detect (that is, only

miss 5% of the time) 1 E-10 µCi/cm3 (3.7 Bq/mL), then

he/she would have to use some combination of longer

sample collection time, higher filter efficiency, higher

flow rate, longer count time, lower background counting

equipment to achieve a lower MDC. In this case, little

improvement in filter efficiency can be obtained; liquid

scintillation counting might give a higher counting yield,

but it might be prohibitively costly; so modifying other

parameters is sensible.

6.3.5 l\IDC for a Mixture of Radionuclides

If the proportion of the total activity of a sample that is

due to a specific radionuclide in a mixture is known, the

MDC for that radionuclide may be reduced


A1 MDC = - x MDC

I A (6J.7)


where each of the n background counting results, N;,

came from counting a blank for the same time interval

and N is the average of N1 (Bevington 1969, Beyer 1984).

The result is compared with tabulated values of ilie 'I

statistic (or (n - 1) degrees of freedom at a specified

significance level Za for a two-tailed test (that is, either

too much or too little variability).

If 'I is greater than the upper tabulated value, there is

more variation in the N1 than would be expected from

random statistical fluctuations alone; if 'I is less than the

lower tabulated value, then there is less variation in the

N1 than would be expected from random statistical

fluctuations alone.

If 'I is too large, there are several possible causes:

1. This was the one time in 1/2a (e.g., 1in20 for 2a =

0.05) that random fluctuations were larger than

expected. The licensee may want to repeat the 'I test

for new measurements.

2. The equipment or the power supply is unstable or

unreliable. The licensee may need to repair or

replace the equipment.

3. Background changed during or between the

measurements due to cosmic radiation, radioactive

sources being moved in the area, use of radiationproducing machines, changes in radon and radon

progeny levels, contamination of the detector, etc.


Evaluation of Sampling Results

If x2 is too small, there are several possible causes:

1. This was the one time in 1/2a (e.g., 1 in 20 for 2a =

0.05) that random fluctuations were smaller than

expected. The licensee may want to acquire more

data and repeat the x2 test.

2. There is a nonrandom component of the counts, such

as periodic electrical noise in the circuitry or double

pulses from single events.

3. Background counts were not random, e.g., the

detector is seeing a parent with short-lived progeny so

that events come in pairs. (This may only be a

problem with high-efficiency detectors.)

The licensee may want to plot the background count rate

for a given counter as a function of time to observe

whether there are short- or long-term changes. Single

points that are several standard deviations above or

below the line may be a sign of short-term instability. A

non-zero slope over time (e.g., background rate is

increasing or decreasing) may indicate gradual increase

or decrease in gain, high voltage, etc. An abrupt rise in

background may indicate that the counter has become


EXAMPLE. During 10 repeated 20-minute counts of

background, a licensee observes 48, 29, 40, 44, 35, 39, 46,

45, 43, and 30 counts. Is the variability in the background

.more or less than expected due to random statistical

fluctuations alone?

SOLUTION. Compute a x2 statistic and compare It with

values tabulated in Table 6.3 for a two-tailed test at 2a =

0.05. (The data in Table 6.3 have been sorted in

ascending order.)

Because the observed x2 is between 2.7 and 19, the data

have neither too little nor too much variability to be

consistent with random fluctuations. The licensee may

conclude with confidence that the system is functioning

as expected insofar as background is concerned.

6.4 References

Bevington, P.R. 1969. Data Reduction and E"or

Analysis for the Physical Sciences. McGraw-Hill, New

York, New York.

NUREG-1400 6.8

Beyer, W. H. 1984. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables.

27th ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Brodsky, A. 1986. Accuracy and Detection Limits for

Bioassay Measurements in Radiation Protection:

Statistical Considerations. NUREG-1156, U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

Currie, L. A. 1968. "Limits for Qualitative Detection

and Quantitative Determination." Analytical Chemistry


Currie, L. A. 1984. Lower Limit of Detection: Definition

and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological

Effluent and Environmental Measurements.

NUREG/CR-4007, National Technical Information

Service, National Technical Information Service,

Springfield, Virginia.

Lochamy, J. 1976 .. "The Minimum Detectable Activity

Concept." In: National Bureau of Standards Report,

NBS-SP456, pp. 169-172, Washington, D.C.

National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements. 1985. A Handbook of Radioactivity

Measurements Procedures. NCRP Report No. 58, 2nd.

ed, Bethesda, Maryland.

Strom, D. J., and P. S. Stansbury. 1992. "Minimum

Detectable Activity when Background Is Counted Longer

than the Sample." Health Phys. 63(3):360-361.

Table 6.3. Chi2 Calculation for the Example'•>

Observation i N,

1 29

2 30

3 35

4 39

5 40

6 43

7 44

8 45

9 46

10 48

mean (N) 39.9

standard deviation ( s) 6.64

n 10

degrees of freedom 9

x.2 statistic

2a = 0.05, lower limit

2a = 0.05, upper limit











(N,. N)2











Evaluation of Sampling Results

(N1 -N}2















(a) The N; (column 2) are the observed numbers of counts for observation~ N is the mean

of the data, ands is the sample standard deviation. The differences between the mean

and each observation (N; - N) are given in column 3, the squared differences in column

4, and the individual contribution to the X:- statistic in column 5. Because the X:- value of

9.95 falls between the lower limit (looked up in a X:- table) of2.7 and the upper limit of

19, the data have "passed" the test, that is, they have neither more nor less variation

than would be expected from random fluctuations in the counting process.

6.9 NUREG-1400



Appendix A

Additional Decision Level Equations


A.1 General Form of Equations to Account for Radioactive Decay During

Sampling and Counting, or Between Sampling and Counting

The equations in Section 6.3 are valid for the usual case in which the halflife of the radionuclide is much longer than the

sample collection time and the counting time. If the halflife is not much longer, then the equations in Section 6.3 must

be modified to account for radioactive decay during sample collection and counting.

If T, = T.,, the number of net counts to be used in the formulas below is simply the difference between N, and Nb:

N = N - N (if T = T ) D ' b & b


However, ifT, '¢Tb, then the number of net counts should be computed using the background count rate:

N =N -»T D ' ' ~"b &


Under the assumption of constant concentration during sample collection, the concentration of radioactive material in

air is given for any combination of times by a general equation of the form

A.2N 1

C in µ.Ci/cm 3 (or Bq/m-3

) = __ 0

EFK (1 - e -).T,) e -).T•(l - e -).T,) (A.3)

where>.. denotes the radioactive decay constant in inverse minutes (or s'1

) (>.. = 0.693/T112), and T0 denotes the decay

time between sampling and counting in min (ors), and the other symbols are as previously defined. All time units must

be the same in the decay constant, flow rate, and various time quantities (that is, use minutes and per minute

throughout, or use seconds and.per second throughout).


The formula for the decision level (Equation 6.11) does not change when radioactive decay is taken into account. The

formula for the MDC (Equation 6.15) becomes

MDC (µ.Ci/ cm 3


where the symbols are as defined in Table 6.2.


(2.71 + 3.29J~T,(1 + T,/TJ)

EFK~-e~~eStriderTol (talk)-e~~


EXAMPLE. A grab sampler is run for 20 minutes in a low radon area to collect a sample of particulate 88Rb (T112 =

17.7 min). It takes 15 minutes to get the sample to the lab, where it is counted for 10 minutes. The gross counts are 300,

while a 60-minute background measurement results in 600 counts. The flow rate was 2 cfm and the filter is taken to be

90% efficient. A simulated 88Rb standard showed a counting efficiency of 5E5 cpm/µ.Ci. What was the concentration of

A.1 NUREG-1400

Appendix A

88Rb? What is the decision level for such a counting scenario? What concentration would result in a count rate above

the decision level 9S% of the time (i.e., the MDC)?

SOLUTION. Clearly, this is a case for the exact formula, because sample collection occurs over more than one half-life,

decay between sampling and counting is nearly one half-life, and the count itself lasts for a significant fraction of a halflife. Here,

X 0.693/17.1 min= 0.039 min·1

N0 N, - RbT, = 300 - (10 cpm x 10 min) = 200 counts

E 90%/100% = 0.90

F = 2 cfm x (30.48 cm/foot)3 = S.7E4 cm3 /min

K 5E5 cpm/µCi

Ts = 20 min

T0 15 min

T, 10 min

From Equation (A.3) the concentration of 88Rb was

c (0.039min-1)

2 200counts

(0.90) (S.7E4cm 3 /min) (SEScpm/ µCi)

x 1

(l _ e-<>.039mm·•x20min) e-<>.oo9mm·•xumin (l -e-<>.oo9mm·1 x1omm)

0.0392 X200

0.9 x S.7E4 x SES x 0.54 x O.S6 x 0.32

!. 1.2E-10 µCi/ cm 3


Note that the long half-life Equation (6.9) gives an answer of 3.9E-ll µCi/cm3

, less than one third of the correct answer.

The decision level from Equation (6.11) for this example is

DL(RJ = 1.64S J10cpm x lOmin(l + 10min/60min) (A.6)

= 1.8cpm

NUREG-1400 A.2

Appendix A

Thus, for observed count rates above 1.8 cpm, the licensee decides that there is airborne activity above background. The

MDC for this counting situation (Equation A.4) is

MDC = (0.039min-1 ) 2 (2.71 + 3.29J10cpm x lOmin (1+10min/60min)

(0.90) (5.7E4cm 3 /min) (5E5cpm/ µCi)

x 1

( 1 - e -0.039min"' X20min) e -0.?39min"1 x Umin ( 1 - e -0.039min"1 x IOmin)

0.0392 x 38.2

0.9 x 5.7E4 x 5E5 x 0.54 x 0.56 x 0.32

2.4E-llµCi/cm 3


This means that the licensee can legitimately claim to be able to detect an activity concentration of 2.4.E-11 µCi/cm3

This activity concentration would fail to produce a count rate above the decision level only 5% of the time (i.e., a 5%

false negative rate).

A.2 Averaging Multiple Concentration Measurements to Improve Precision and

Detection Capability

A licensee can achieve better precision and detection capability by performing appropriate time-weighted averaging of

air-sampling results. The better precision and detection capability only apply to an average over many samples, but this

may be quite helpful.

• If a 40-hour week is divided into n egual sampling intervals (e.g., five 8-hour air samples are collected to measure the

activity in air for a 40-hour week), the MDC for each air sample would have to be 0.1 x DAC unless concentrations

were averaged. If results are not· averaged, the 0.1 x DAC requirement means that the sampling/ counting system as a

whole would have to be n times more sensitive than it would have to be for a single 40-hour air sample.

The concentration during an air-sampling interval (if there is no decay during sampling and counting or between

sampling and counting) is given by Equation (6.9). Ignoring systematic errors, its standard deviation is

s in µCi/cm3 (or Bqm-3

) = H c EFK~


A.3 NUREG-1400

Appendix A

For n (not necessarily equal) sampling intervals during a week, the time-weighted average concentration is


- LTs,;C.

c l•l (A.9) n


i• 1

and its standard deviation is

Ri..1 R.

n +~

Tb.1 Ts.I :E

i• l E2F.2K2 (A.10)

s- 1 1 1

c [tT,.]' 1• l

where the subscripts i denote the i

111 time, concentration, filter efficiency, count rate, flow rate, or counting efficiency.

If all counting times, background count rates, air-sampling times, filter efficiencies, counting efficiencies, and flow rates

are the same, then Equations (A.9) and (A.10) simplify to

- 1 n (A.11) c -LC1

n ;.1


sSc (A.ll) c rn

The time-weighted average count rate is


NUREG-1400 A.4

and the decision level for a time-weighted average count rate is



+ __.!:.:



Appendix A


If all counting times, background count rates, air sample collection times, filter efficiencies, counting efficiencies, and

flow rates are the same, then Equation (A.14) simplifies to



where DL(R,,) for a single air sample is given by Equation (6.11).

The MDC for a time-weighted average of air samples is



·~ . ] + 3.29

E , .. i• 1


E (E;F;Ki Ti,J


1 1 Rb,. - +_ D l Tb. T . ~ ,1 S.,l


i • 1 E.2p,2v 2 l l ~"I



If all counting times, background count rates, air sample collection times, filter efficiencies, counting efficiencies, and

flow rates are the same, then Equation (A.16) simplifies to

- MDC 2.71



A.5 NUREG-1400

Appendix A

For numbers of counts large with respect to 2.71, Equation (A.17) can be approximated by Equation (A.18), as follows:


MDC • (A.18)

where MDC1 is the MDC for a single air sample given by Equation (6.15).

EXAMPLE. In a fuel fabrication facility, breathing zone air-sampling for class Y uranium is performed for workers ..

Each sampler is worn for 6 h/ day, 5 days/week. The samplers operate at 1.8 L/min. After waiting for the decay of ·

radon progeny, the filters are counted for 5 minutes each, and a 20-minute background measurement is made once

pershift. The background count rate is stable at 2.0 cpm. The counter efficiency is 40%. The filters have been shown to

be 95% efficient for the particle sizes encountered. What is the MDC? What is the minimum detectable average

concentration for a week, for a year (50 weeks)?

SOLUTION. The MDC for one sample is

2.71 +3.29 J2cpm X 5min(l +5min/20min) MDC = 15:15, 23 September 2020 (EDT)-,-15:15, 23 September 2020 (EDT)15:15, 23 September 2020 (EDT)15:15, 23 September 2020 (EDT)

(0.95) (1800cm 3 /min) (890,000cpm/ µCi) (360min) (5min) (A.19)

= 5.2E-12µCi/cm 3

This value is below the DAC of 2E-11 µCi/cm3

. For a 6-hour sample, the minimum detectable exposure is

Exposure in DAC-h = 5.2E-12µCi/cm3 X6h

2E-11µCi/cm 3 • DAC (A.20)

= 1.6 DAC-h

For 5 days, the sum of the minimum detectable exposures would be 8 DAC-h, above the performance goal of 4 DAC-h

in a 40-hour period. The licensee can meet the performance goal by averaging concentrations as described below.

In five 5-minute counts at 2 cpm, 50 counts are expected due to background. Because 50 is large with respect to 3, the

simple formula Equation (A.18) will be adequate for the week-long average. The MDC for 1 week is


MDC • --

1 = 2.3E-12µCi/cm 3



NUREG-1400 A.6

Appendix A

and the exposure is 5 days x 6 h/day X 2.3E-12/2E-11 = 3.5 DAC-h, within the desired performance goal. The MDC

for 50 5-day weeks (250 days) is


MDC "" --

1 = 3.3 E-13µCi/cm 3



corresponding to an exposure of 250 days x 6 h/day x 3.3E-13/2E-11 = 24.8 DAC-h over a year. An average of

25 DAC-h in a 50-week calendar year is only 0.5 DAC-h/week, well within the licensee's performance goal of 4 DAC-h

in a week.

The results of this example are shown in Table A.1. Treating each sample individually does not permit the licensee to

optimize use of the available information. Averages of 5 or 250 samples provide lower minimum detectable exposures

(in DAC-h) and lower minimum detectable dose equivalent values (in mrem) over a year. This improved precision is

obtained because the random statistical fluctuations tend to cancel out over a year.

Table A.1. Comparison of MDC, Exposure, and Minimum Detectable Dose for One-, Five-, and 250-Sample



Detectable Average Minimum Minimum Minimum

Average Over Concentration (MDC) Detectable Exposure Detectable Dose Detectable Dose

Group of (10·12 µCi/cm3

) (DAC-h) per group (mrem) per year (mrem)

1 sample 5.2 1.6 3.9 984

5 samples 2.3 3.5 8.8 440

250 samples 0.33 25 62 62

A.7 NUREG-1400

NRC FORM 335 IHl91

NRCM 1102.

3201, 3202




CAcclgned by NRC. Add Vol., S..pp., R~ .•

end Addendum fllumbert, If •nv.1

(See instrvcrions on rhe reverse/



Air Sampling in the Workplace

Final Report






G.A. Stoetzel*,

C.M. Wiblin**,

D.J. Strom*,

S.A. McGuire




4. FIN 0 R G R-A-,-Nc-::T:-,Nc:-U-M:-:-::-B::-E R------1



7. PERIOD COVEREO//nctu1i..,.D•res/

8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME ANO ADDRESS /If NRC. provi<k Divilion, Off ff:< or Region. U.S. Nucte.r R•gul•rory Commiuion. and ~ihng address; if conrractor, provide

--mailing Midreu.I

Division of Regulatory Applications

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, D.C. 20555

  • Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Richland, WA 99352

    • Advanced Systems Technology, Inc.

3490 Piedmont Road,NE, Atlanta, GA30305

9. Sl'ONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME ANO ADDRESS (If NRC. 'YM ', abow"; if contncror. provide NRC Division. Office or Regk>n. U.S. N~~., Regul•IOIY Commiaion.

- malling addrnr..J

Division of Regulatory Applications

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Applications

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commission

Washington, D.C. 20555,


11. ABSTRACT (200 word• or ~ul

This report provides technical information on air sampling that will be useful

for facilities following the recommendations in the NRC's Regulatory Guide 8.25,

Revision 1, "Air Sampling in the Workplace." That guide addresses air sampling to

meet the requirements in NRC's regulations on radiation protection, 10 CFR Part 20.

This report describes how to determine the need for air sampling based on the amount

of material in process modified by the type of material, release potential, and

confinement of the material. The purposes of air sampling and how the purposes

affect the types of air sampling provided are discussed. The report discusses how

to locate air samplers to accurately determine the concentrations of airborne'

radioactive materials that workers will be exposed to. The need for and the methods

of performing airflow pattern studies to improve the accuracy of air sampling

results are included. The report presents and gives examples of several techniques

that can be used to evaluate whether the airborne concentrations of material are

representative of the air inhaled by workers. Methods to adjust derived air

concentrations for particle size are described. Methods to calibrate for volume of

air sampled and estimate the uncertainty in the volume of air sampled are described.

Statistical tests for determining minimum detectable concentrations are presented.

How to perform an annual evaluation of the adequacy of the air sampling is also


12. KEY WORDS/OESCR\PTORS (List words or phnue• mat wilt ,.,.ist trsearchen in locating rh<I report.I

Air Sampling

Regulatory Guide 8.25

Airborne Radioactive Materials

NRC FORM 335 12-1!91





(Thn Report/
