NUREG-0772, Contract: Evaluate NUREG-0772, Technical Bases for Estimating Fission Product Behavior During LWR Accidents, Awarded to Jl Kelly
ML19347F041 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 05/07/1981 |
From: | Joseph Kelly, Perlman J NRC, VIRGINIA, UNIV. OF, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19347F040 | List: |
References | |
CON-FIN-B-1314, CON-NRC-19-81-494, RTR-NUREG-0772, RTR-NUREG-772 NUDOCS 8105150129 | |
Download: ML19347F041 (5) | |
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NRC-19-81-494 Page 2 of 5 ARTICLE I - STATEMENT OF WORK A.,Backgroun'd The Three Mile Island (TMI) accident experience, when added to previous data, has raised important questions about the continued validity of accident release source. term assumptions that underlie many U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reactor regulatory policies and practices.
For example,.in order to bound the radiological consequences of Design Basis Accidents, the NRC Regulatory Guides 1.3 and 1.4 define the assumptions to be made in determining whether a plant meets the 10 CFR 100 radiological guidelines. TheseRegulatorfGuidesincluderequire-ments to ' assume a release from containment of 100 percent of the core inventory of noble gases and 25 percent of the iodine. Because of its relative abundance, its high radiotoxicity, and its assumed release and transport in vapor form, radiciodine is nearly always the most signifi-cant fission product, from a health hazard viewpoint, in Design Basis Accident evaluations.
In a letter to Chairman Ahearne dated August 14, 1980, three scientists from National Laboratories expressed their belief that, based on data that included the experience of the TMI accident, current NRC models and Regulatory Guides may not correctly describe the release of iodine during reactor accidents.
If the present state of knowledge or further research should demonstrate the validity of their assertions, it could have a major impact on present Commission policies and practices.
Fol-lowing a November 18, 1980 briefing by proponents of the idea of the need for such change, the Commission directed the staff to undertake, on an expedited basis, a thorough study of the state of technological knowledge of fission product source terms and a companion study of the implications of the source term study for regulatory policies and practices.
The Commission has requested that the NRC Office of Policy Evaluation (OPE) provide, with Contractor assistance, a short-tenn independen' evaluation of NUREG-0772 now being prepared by the NRC staff.
Objective Task A -- Provide an evaluation of the technical adequacy of NRC staff report o'n the current state of technology and knowledge concerning radioiodine and other fission product species which could be released in a reactor accident.
Work to be Performed Task A -- Evaluate NUREG-0772, " Technical Bases for Estimating Fission Product Behavior During LWR Accidents"
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NRC-19-81 -494 Page 3 of 5 The. Contractor shall:
.,,1. Review relevant Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and Commission transcripts, internal NRC memoranda, and letters to and from the NRC concerning fission product release from an accident.
Review and comment on NUREG-0772 on accident fission product release, including:
The physical chemistry models used for accident conditions, a.
including productions, releas,e and transpori. for noble gases, radiciodines, and other important fission products.
The range of accidents, their associated environments, and the containment failure modes analyzed.
The limitations of the research, analyses, models, codes, etc.
Review and comment on the need, in the light of NUREG-0772 and NUREG-0771, for experimental work beyond that currently underway or proposed by NRC or the nuclear industry to provide a firm basis for changes in source terms used in regulatory assessments.
Task B -- Deliverables 1.
The Contractor shall prepare:
Preliminary letter report of findings on Task A inclusive, no later than four (4) weeks after receipt of the report, b.
Final letter report of all findings shall be provided to the NRC by June 30, 1981.
The Contractor shall be available to b> E GC Commissioners and key staff at NRC offices.
(A maxirr*:" < #
>.? (1) briefing is required.
fp of one (1) day's This briefing will constitute as..o4
del ivery 1.
Time'of Delivery The deliverables required hereunder shall be prepared by t?,e Contractor and submitted to the Project Officer in accordance with the a.'tre-mentioned schedule.
Place of Delivery All deliverables required hereunder shall be submitted F0B Destina-tion to the Project Officer at the following address:
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NRC-19-81 -494 Page 4 of 5 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Mr. Glenn B. Kelly Office of Policy Evaluation Washington, D. C.
20555 In addition, one (1) copy of each report is to be provided to the following locations:
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Joyce Perlman, Contracting Officer Division of Contracts Washingto'n, D. C.
20$55 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Technical Information and Document Control Office of Administration Washington, D. C.
20555 ARTICLE II'- PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of this contract shall commence on May 4,1981 and all effort, including submission of the final letter report, shall be completed by June 30, 1981.
ARTICLE III - CONSIDERATION In full consideration of the Contractor's performance hereunder, the NRC shall pay the Contractor a lump sum of $5,900.00.
ARTICLE IV - OBLIGATION The amount presently obligated by the NRC with respect to this contract is
ARTICLE V - PAYMENT Payment shall be made in accordance with Clause 2 of the General Provisions entitled " Payments," as soon as practicable after completion and acceptance of the preliminary letter report and upon submission by the Contractor of a partial vouche/(s) in a form satisfactory to the Contracting Officer; provided, however, that said payment (s) shall not be deemed to prejudice any rights which the Government may have by law or under other provisions f
Partial payments are authorized under this contract.
ku".this paid after acceptance of Task A.
of total may ARTICLE VI - GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED MATERIAL The Contractor shall be provided with copies of the following material which may be disposed of at the Contractor's discretion at the conclusion of the contract period:
ACRS and Commission transcripts, internal NRC memoranda, and letters to and from the NRC concerning fission product release from an accident.
NRC-19-81-494 Page 5 of 5 2.
- 3.,NUREG-0772 ARTICLE VII - PROJECT OFFICER Glenn B. Kelly is hereby designated as the Contracting Officer's authorized representative (hereinafter referred to as Project Officer) for technical aspects of this contract. The Project Officer is not authorized to accrove or reauest any action which results in or could result in an increase in contract cost; or terminate, settle any claim or dispute arising under the contract; or issue any unilateral directive wnatsoever.
The Project Officer is responsible for:
(1) monitoring the Contractor's technical progress, including surveillance and assessment of performance, and recommending to the Contracting Officer changes in requirements; (2) uterpretin the statement of work; (3) performing technical evaluation as required; (g) performing technical inspections and acceptances required by l
4 this contract; and (5) assisting the Contractor in the resolution of tech-nical problems encountered during performance. Within the purview of this l
authority, the Project Officer is authorized to review all costs requested for reimbursement by the Contractor and submit recommendations for approval, disapproval, or suspension for supplies or services required under this centract. The Contracting Officer is responsible for directing or negotiating any changes in terms, conditions, or amounts cited in the contract.
l l
Acceptance of the services to be delivered herein will be made by the Project Officer.
ARTICLE IX - DISSEMINATION OF CONTRACT INFORMATION The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or distribute for public consumption any information, oral or written, concerning the results or conclusions made pursuant to the perfonnance of this contract without the l
prior written consent of the Contracting Officer.
(Two (2) copies of any material proposed to be published or distributed shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer.)
l l
ARTICLE X ' GENERAL PROVISIONS This contract is subject to the Fixed Price Research and Development Contracts
, Under $10,000.00, dated November 14, 1977, which incorporates the FPR Changes and Additions and NRC Additions, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Clause 14 of the General Provisions entitled " Patent Rights - Acquisition i
By the Government" is deleted in its entirety.