NUREG-0580, Summary of CRGR 820512 Meeting 13 in Bethesda,Md Re Final Rule on Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment.List of Attendees Encl

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Summary of CRGR 820512 Meeting 13 in Bethesda,Md Re Final Rule on Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment.List of Attendees Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/19/1982
From: Stello V
To: Dircks W
RTR-NUREG-0580, RTR-NUREG-580 CLI-80-21, NUDOCS 8206010488
Download: ML20053C101 (3)


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4 MAY I 91982 MEMORANDUM FOR: William J. din ks Executive Director for Operations FROM:

Victor Stello, Jr., Chairman Committee to Review Generic Requirements


MINUTES OF CRGR MEETING NO.13 The Committee to Review Generic Requirements met on Wednesday, May 12, 1932, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

A list of attendees is enclosed.

fir. Aggarwal (RES) presented the proposed final rule on the environmental qualification of electrical equipment. The Committee recommended that the rule be modified to address the following comments:


The rule should state in clear language that if a licensee has qualified or begun to qualify his equipment in accordance with the 00R Guidelines or NUREG-0580, he will not have to requalify equipment under the rule.


NRR should ensure that the language describing the scope of equipment to be qualified is not inconsistent with current staff policies and definitions for safety related equipment as outlined in the November 1981 memorandum from Harold Denton to NRR Staff, Standard Definitions for comonly-Used Safety Classification Terms.

3 The rule should not be silent on replacement parts in light of CLI 80-21 (pg. 7). The rule should include clear language stating that replacement parts that are the same model as the part already qualified to the DOR Guidelines, or NUREG-0580, or the rule need not be requalified. All other replacement parts must be qualified in accordance with the rule unless there are sound arguments to the contrary as to why lesser qualification standards should be applied.


The Committee noted that the proposed final rule includes qualiff-cation for both harsh and mild environments. The language concerning qualification of equipment subject to mild environments should be i

revised to indicate that technical requirements for this equipment are already covered by other existing requirements in NRC's regulations that call for quality operating, administrative, and engineering practices. OELD should be consulted as to the rule language to assure that this is properly accomplished considering the outstanding technical specifications resulting from CLI 80-21 oen 76K 52 05 0 loMYB lb /

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William J. Dircks I'MV 191992 The Committee noted that there was insufficient information presented to assess the costs and benefits of the rule. Nevertheless, it was the Committee's judgment that the rule addressed a significiant safety issue and that the rule should be sent to the Comission after CRGR comments have been addressed to the Comittee's satisfaction.

In view of the need for expeditious CRGR review, the Comittee has designated the CRGR Chairman to assure that the Committee's aforementioned comments have been adequately addressed.

Original signed by 11 %01ShM0J S

Victor Stello, Jr., Chairman Committee to Review Generic Requirements


List of Attendees cc: Commission (5)

Office Directors Regional Administrators CRGR Members G. Cunningham, ELD Distribution:

VStello TEMurley WSchwink DEDR0GR cf Central File PDR(NRG/CRGR) i l

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1 List of Attendees CRGR Meeting No. 13 (May12,1982)

CRGR Members Victor Stello, Jr.

Jack Heltemes Ed Jordan Joe Scinto Darrell Eisenhut 4

l Bob Bernero j

Others Walt Schwink, DEDR0GR Mat Taylor, DEDROGR Tom Murley, DEDROGR i

Bob Erickson, NMSS Dick Vollmer, NRR Satish Aggarwal, RES Jose Calvo, NRR Donald Sullivan, RES Harold Gregg, RES 1

Al Hintze, P.ES John Phillips Steve Stern, NRR Zoltan Rosztoczy, NRR Bill Johnston, NRR Mark Williams, NRR B. D. Liaw, OCM 4

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