NRC Generic Letter 1979-06
ML031320251 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/14/1979 |
From: | Parr O Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | Proffitt W Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO) |
References | |
NUDOCS 7903080031, GL-79-006 | |
Download: ML031320251 (9) | |
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FtB 1 4 1979 Docket Ho. 50-339 W. W. L. Proffitt Senior Vice President - Power Operations Virginia Electric A Power Company P. 0. Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261 Dear Mr. Proffitt:
(North Anna Power Station, Unit 2)
The Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PMR and Bl.R
facilities issued in November 1978, require you to provide an Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) with your proposed Technical Specifi- cations implementing 10 CFR 50.36a and other Federal Regulations.
The enclosure to this letter describes the staff's recommendations for the general contents of the ODCM. The format for the ODCM is left to your discretion.
Sincerely, mga Stgned by
0..Parr Olan D. Parr, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3 Division of Project Management Enclosure:
General Contents of the ODCM
cc w/enclosure:
See next page A-p NRC FORK 318 (9-76) NCM 0240
U 1§7*-A64
Mr. W. L. Proffitt - 2 - FEB 1 4 1979 cc: Mrs. James C. Arnold John J. Runzer, Esq.
P. 0. Box 3951 Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 123 South Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19109 Mr. Anthony Gambaradella Office of the Attorney General Clarence T. Kipps, Jr., Esq.
11 South 12th Street - Room 308 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue,. N.W.
Richmond, Virginia 23219 Washington, D. C. 20006 Carroll J. Savage, Esq.
Richard M. Foster, Esq. 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
211 Stribling Avenue Washington, D. C. 20006 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Mr. James C. Dunstan Michael W. Maupin, Esq. State Corporation Comrmission Hunton, Williams, Gay & Gibson Coc;monwealth of Virginia P. 0. Box 1535 Blandon Building Richmond, Virginia 23212 Richmond, Virginia 23209 Mrs. June Allen
412 Owens Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35801 Mr. James Torson Alan S. Rosenthal, Esq.
501 Leroy Atomic Safety and Licensing Socorro, New Mexico 87801 Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mrs. Margaret Dietrich Washington, D. C. 20555 Route 2, Box 568 Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 Michael C. Farrar, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing William H. Rodgers, Jr., Esq. Appeal Board Georgetown University Law Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20001 Dr. John H. Buck Mr. Peter S. Hepp Atomic Safety and Licensing Executive Vice President Appeal Board Sun Shipping & Dry Dock Company U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. 0. Box 540 Washington, D. C. 20555 Chester, Pennsylvania 19013 Mr. R. B. Briggs Atomic Safety and Licensing Associate Director - Board Panel
110 Evans Lane U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Washington, D. C. 20555
Mr. W. L. Proffitt 3
-3- FEB 14 1979 cc: Mr. Michael S. Kidd U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. 0. Box 128 Spotslvania, Virginia 22553 Dr. Paul W. Purdom Department of Civil Engineering Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Dr. Lawrence R. Quarles Apartment No. 51 Kendal -at-Longwood Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348
Sectiop 1 - Set Points Provide the equations and methoddlocy to be used at the station or unit for each alarm and trip set point on each effluvqt release point according to'the Specifications and Provide the alarm and control location, the monitor description, location, power source, scale, range and identification number, and the effluent isolation control device, its location, power source and identification number. If the set point value is variable, provide the equation to be used to predetermine the set point value that will assure that the Specification is met at each release point, and the value to be used when releases are not in progress. If dilution or 'dispersion is used, describe the on-site equipment and measurement method used during release, the site related parameters and the set Points used tp assure that the Specification is met at each release point, in- cluding any administrative controls applicable at the station or unit.
The fixed and predetermined set points should consider the radioactive effluent to have a radionuclide distribution represented by normal and anticipated operational occurrences. Other features, such as surveillance requirements and the calibration method, should be addressed.
Section 2 - Liquid Effluent Concentration Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for each liqio release point according to the Specification For
- The format for the ODCM is left up to the licensee and may be simplified by tables and grid printout. Each page should be numbered and indicate the facility approval and effective date.
-2- continuous and/or batch releases, the assumptions used for manual and auto- matic termination of releases should be provided. For batch releases, the calculational methods, equations dnd assumptions used, together with the pre-release and post-release analyses should be provided. Other features, such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection limitations and representative sampling should be addressed.
Section 3 - Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for each gaseous release point according to Specification Consider the various pathways, release point elevations, site related parameters and radionuclide contribution to the dose impact limitation. Provide the equa- tions and assumptions used, stipilating the pathway, receptor location and receptor age. Provide the dose factors to be used for the identified radio- nuclides released. Provide the annual average dispersion values (X/Q and D/Q), the site specific parameters and release point elevations. Other features, such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection limitations and representative sampling should be addressed.
Section 4 - Liquid Effluent Dose Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for each liquid release point according to the dose objectives given in Speci- fiFations 3.11.14. The section should describe how the dose contributions are to be calculated for the various pathways and release points, the equations and assumptions to be used, the site specific parameters to he
-3- measured and used, the receptor location by direction and distance, and the method of estir.ating and updating cumulative doses due to liquid releases.
The dose factors, pathway transfer factors, Dathway usace factors, and dilution factors for the points of pathway oripin, etc., should be given, as well as receptor age group, water and food consumption rate and other factors assumed or measured. Provide the method of determining the dilu- tion factor at the discharge during any liquid effluent release and any site specific parameters used in these determinations. Other features such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection limitations and representative sampling should be addressed.
Section 5 - Gaseous Effluent Dose Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for each gaseous release point according to the dose objectives given in Speci- fications and The section should describe how the dose contributions are to be calculated for the various pathways and release points, the equations and assumptions to be used, the site specific para- meters to be measured and used, the receptor location by direction and dis- tance, and the method estimating and updating cumulative doses due to gaseous releases. the location direction and distance to the nearest residence, cow, goat, meat animal, garden, etc., should be given, as well as receptor age group, crop yield, grazing time and other factors assumed or measured. Provide the method of determining dispersion values (X/Q and D/Q) for short-term and long-term releases and any site specific parameters
-4- and release paint elevations used in these determinations. Also, provide the criterij for determining short and lona term releases. Other features such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection limitations and representative sampling should be addressed.
Section 6 - Projected Doses For liquid and gaseous radwaste treatment systems, provide the method of projecting doses due to effluent releases for the normal and alternate path- ways of treatment according to the specifications, describing the components and subsystems to be used.
Section 7 - Operability of Equipment Provide a flow diacram(s) defining the treatment paths and the components of the radioactive liquid, gaseous and solid waste management systems that are to be maintained and used, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a, to meet Technical Specifications, and Suibcomponents of packaged equipment can be identified by a list. For operating reactors whose con- struction permit applications were filed prior to January 2, 1971, the flow diagram(s) shall be consistent with the information provided in conformance with Section V.B.1 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. For 01. applications whose construction permits were filed after January 2, 1971, the flow diaqram(s) shall be consistent with the information provided in Chapter 11 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) or amendments tler-eto.
-5- Section P.- Sar le Locations Frovide a rap of the Radiolooical Envirore.Iental flonitoring 5arple Locations indicating the numbered sarpling locations given in Table 3.12-1. Further clarification on these numbered sampling locations can be provided by a list, indicating the direction and distance from the center of the building complex of the unit or station, and may include a discriptive name for identification purposes.