NL-15-1904, Attachment F of Enclosure 2, Calculation No. ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005, Revision 1, Head Loss Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle 1 and 2 Strainer Assembly

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Attachment F of Enclosure 2, Calculation No. ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005, Revision 1, Head Loss Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle 1 and 2 Strainer Assembly
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Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2015
ALION Science & Technology Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15293A180 List:
NL-15-1904 ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005, Rev. 1
Download: ML15293A188 (37)


(*) Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I of F-37 ATTACHMENT F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly L ON Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-2 of F-37 N ukonTM

-Material Material Narme 700 Series Board Safety Data Sheet MM)8 No,: 15-440- t7020-01.M8

""Section1 - Chemical Product and ComayIden~tioncetlon Product Mania(s): TOOSae BOaO AE 220, AF 500 Series, AT-,400 Seie Eqwpen &Aopance,, Fatr~catson Boar.

Fibergas Bas, c for Modng, Flex~kap Insiiu-.Ouick, .Jet-Cal Acoustical Muffter Pac.w*g NuKor wliao blanks Pipe &TaM kisiao Raaroao. SCR Board, Select ,Soiznd Sanded Acoustical Board. SR & H-TRange. T71W Thema Inatialon WAo*. Tranapootat0rn Type 1000 Oweni Corrni*g One Owens Corning Pa'kway Wand lteadutr A*. Prdc Stewardat*

Toledo, OH 43650. USA Emergencies OtltY (aftr 5p El erie weekends) 1-419-248-5330, CkEMTREC (24 ho,-rs evwrydeyl 1 800.424.9300 CANIIKEC (Canada .24 hoigseveryday) 1-413-99*6-06 Heathan Tecitlcatl Contacts=:

Helt Iss ntormation (Samr-Spin ET) l-600-GET-P1NK.

Techn,,ca Product mfo~niaton l8*nimSpm ET) 1408GETPlI,I

"*" ecton 2 -Corno Won I Informationl on In redlent ""

CASU Componet Percent by Copoet eated Regulatoy Itfornatlon This product may tie regulaed have eaposure lars or Other rilornabon idenif*e as Ine totlowr~g Fibe Glas wool FibrouS *m Nuiac m* c~e Comoet Ii~nneormrormanlonmt on Nonoazrdu Components No additoa aifmaio available I " " ". Section 3.- Haardjs Identification

  • Appearance and Odor. PInk. yellow or tan forous marshal with faint resai odor So~me products have a vinyl. ioi pae foI or polyproyene facing Emergency Overview Acor sm*oie may be geer*ated n a tn tempteraer appnCeavs may relas r*n r* I a'trne cocnrtons
  • theml deo sonio pr s *u ammrria Icialdehyde and *n rnono* e*
  • in edo:s~e¶ or poorly
  • rn* la~ed areas dir ig line tnrs high tenprakr ycle*

Potantal HeIt IEffct Poge l of 0 IseDate 12r22103 North Arneiica glieh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9i Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,* IOL N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-3 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Materhal Name 700 Se*e Soard MSDS No.: l5-l150- 1702041-M Skin Cotat:

utsanid fib~ers from this prodct*. may cause temporary mechncl n tatlo to the slur Eye


Dusts and fibers from uii prodcu"t may cause *emorvy mnechaia Imtaheon t the eyes Igtinof this product is iuidkely However figestro of product may produce gastroettestewi irrietaton and distracs Medical Conditions Aggravated by Eposure:

chrfc respator or stan codioo may temporaril worsen 1mmrexposure to these products Inhalation:

If Inhaled, remove the afece person to fresh air If c'itatio persists get medic~attention*

Skin Contc For skin contact wash with mild soap and rwvrling water Use a wahlt to help remove fibers To avoid further rottion. ikt not rub or sc~rat afece areas Rubbtng crthngrmay force fioers int.o he stn If aritatio persists get meia allnto Never usa compressed ai to remove fibers from the akin If fibers are seen p0enetratrrg from the skin, the fibers can be removed by aOplytng and removing adhbesive tape so that th~efibers ader to the tap and ar pie oi of tV~eakin Eye


Immedately flsh eyes with 1pienty of uruting wate for at least 15 manifee If ~r~ttaton pesist get rmedcal attention Ilegation:

Inetrio of Ifa materil* is unlikely If it does OCCur, watch th peso fo several days to mak~e sre tha partial or ccrttplae inetia obstruction does not occur Do not induce* vomiting uniless direted to do so by mnedic

  • "* ection 5 -Fire Fighting Measures °*,,,

Flash Pon None Flash Point Meo: Not appicble Upper Flanmualsily Limit Not app~ce4le Lower Flamnmability Limit: Not pcal Flar,, eblty Classitlcatlon: Non-flammbe ExttnguIshtng Media:

Dry chemia, foam, carbon dioide, water fog.

unusual Fire £ Exploson Hlmara*I:

These products mayre lease acrid smokde at a sustained fire Flrel~lghtlng Insntuctmos:

Use sell-contained breathing aCppe atus (SCBA* and ful ibunker turnout gear In a sustaied fire Pge2 of 9 Issue Date- 12/210 Node Ameria - Engllsh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A LI0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-4 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet ballName 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 1S-&ISD- 17020-01-U Hazardous C-onbustlon Products:

Pniary con'bultin products ale carbon mon*oxid, ar.bon( dioxide, rnn* and water Ote uneemned criodscould be r~el.easd in sini, jntte

[ *"~~" SectiUon 6 - Accdental Release Measures **

Conta*nen Procedues:

Thras maere w settle 0*ofute aw If cocntae on lend, i can then be scoe up for disposad as a non-.

haaros waste This m'atenal will sink and dlispre aln the botton of waterway's and pod It cannot easily be removed afer it is wulwrtiome, however th material is non-hazaros in water Clean-Up Procedures:

Scoop up mat*enie and put mbo a sttale co~yrtan for disposa as a non-ha*dous waste Response Proc~edure:

Isolate ares Keep ur~m,-ecssary persoi~ril away Special Procedures:

None B ectionl7- Handlin and Storae""*

Handling Procedures:

Keep product in its padkagirg as long as practicbl to mrant*rze potental dust genrato K~eep isor* areas leAvoid urw sr hanlin of screap materials Storg Proeue:

Malaa shul be kept dry and undercover J "" *..Section 8 - E oure Controls I Personal Protection* "

Exposure Geidelines:

A: General Product Infnao Follw all awlal exposure llnnitst B: Component F.xposure Unts ACGIH and OSH,A exposut am~ ls4lsts have been checked for ths copoets wit? CAS registry numbers FIber Glass Wool (F*ru Glass) (4899-17.3)

ACGtH I Fcc TWA for respiratle fier longer tha Surn wit a diameter less the 3 urn, (Listed under 'Synhei vitreous fbers') (relaed to Glass wool fibers) 10 mgmin3 TWA (irilat pabite)* 3 mglm3 TWA (rspral patclte) (These values ame for partculat mattr conrtaining no asbesto and <*1%c*stlne sic)

Notes: (a* voluntar PEL was esaeae by the Nodh Am nar rMaufactixs Asociaio (tIAMA) and OSHA per tie Helth end Safety Parnerti Program (HSPP) agreenlert for Synthetic \Ateous. Fibers (SVFI Pae 3 at § Issue Dat 12122103 -~Nort America- Engls Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9I Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A LI0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-5 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Mateie Nmen: 700 SerIes Board MSD8 No.; 16-MSO. 17020-01-41 VeBatftlori:

General dtution venilaio and/or local exhaust veliist should be provide.d as necssr to maintain expxsures below regolatory limit Dust colfeeovon sytm shul be used in oprto* involving cuttin or mcrigand may be required vnoperatios using pow'er toods.


F** olIf thermal decomosition prdut eae not anticipated, a propery, itted NIOSHI or MSHA approved N 95 eerie desps*,e dusi respirator such as ide 3M model 821*0 (modl 8271 in high humidit~y Orvwrru'ients) or equi.valent shoed be used when high dint levels are encountered the level of glass filbers In the air exceeds the occpational exposure imit itritton o*r or instalig cx rem'oving any of these pIxOurds in poorly venfilaled spaces As an*extra precaatin you may choose brA are not requlred to wear a disposa*ble Hot UeApleNIctIUons: VWen the teprtr of th surface being insulated exceeds 250*F (t21C.), rickiding initial system starup, te binder in these prodxucts may undlergo variu daprees of decompoito dependin on the temperature of the apliation. The need for respratory prtcto wil vary scczrdig to th airborne cocnrton of the deomoition products released edaccu ulte in the area If trweInuation is installd or, hot surfaces above 2S0*F (121"C) but beo 850'F t34r*C( a full-face resplrator isit catde approved for prteton against organic vapos (ox formaldeyde If *avaiabe) should be used In

  • are. w~th good geea and/or locat exhaut ventdation where expours are cotrocied below the form aldeye, carbon moroid and amnmonia PEL or STEL. and additve effects nave been factored In then respiratory protecton is normarl not needed Foradhd in some high temeaue aplctos these pro~ducts may initlally release concenltrain of forrrldrid equal to or greater than 01 porn, but less than 05 pp Airborne concenritmrebn shou.ld be assessed to detrmn the appropnsu type of respiratory protecttion to be used Wht'en in doubt. use sule air Amimonia. Signi*cn quanvtite of aitimonla may be released int*al i gh temeatr aplctons. Amrnoria has good warning prprte and any respirator weare expenecag irriation whl wern en ai-prfyn resiao should lea~ve the area Sirn~uitne respiratory protection agis fonrmaldhd and enrnna requires use of a s&ile air system A careful alssessment of th~eworiplece environment s~hould be made to Odetsrrne th approprite repatory prtcinrequlred. If ar.piuifyig respirtor Is used for ammon*ia protection it should be full fa*e wit cartride Carbon Monoxide. Respratory protection gen~erally reuies a supplir air system Cartonrono* xxte has poor Use respiratory protectio in accorda,,nce wth respirator manufactures instrction and in accordanc~e wit your company's respirator prtcin pra, loa reguttions and OSHA regulations under 29 CFR 1910.134 Skin Protbecton, Normal wv~rk ciitig (Icng slee shel, ion pat anmd glovesj is recommedd Slim irritation is known tO occur chiely at the pressure poin*ts suc:h as around the necli, wrists, waist arid betweemn tile fngers Eyes/F ae Protective Equlpment Wea safety glsses gogle or fac Shlli Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-6 of F-37 M~ateria N~ame. 700 Series Board Material Safety Data Sheet USDS 14 to.: l16USD- 1701-0I.

'""Sction9- PhysicalI&ChemicalPP r tie s "

Appearance: Fibrous Odor: rai Vapo*/r Pressu (mmnNg Vapor Density (Airwi): Not appcb Specific Gravity Freezing Point* Not appcat Evaporaio Rate (n-Sutyt Viacosity Notepcll Acetate-I): Not appicabl1e Physical Propete: Adiioa Infnato No additon~al tr~grrn*ion availabe I "" * ~Section 10 - Chemical Stabi V*l& Reactivt Information "

Stability; This Is a stl msterl Condlilona to Avoid:

None expecte IncompatIbl Materials:

None epce Hazardous Deopsto Producta:

compounds could be r~ete* in gns qante Hazardous Poiymerlzatio:

Vnot occur Aoute and Chronic Toxicity:

A: GeneralI Prodluct lofrao DustsS may cas machanic imtabo to eyes en skin Ingsto may cause tranient irntaton of thrat stomach an asr *teka trc Iphatn may cause Coughig, nose an*dIfroet iiaton nd sneezin ige ezpo&Ne may cause di*h-ty breatin cogto, and chest tigtness may be reeased AMwri'a gas and carbn nxide ma*y bbe relesed Fom~aidhyleF may Uiet r u cause aleg slacs with shortness of breath. ,uliezrng. cxiugwmg an chs *gtss R~epete expo~sure may respiraory tra-t en eye snator Bresthng carbon mnoxid can cause headachs nausea, dizznes and can Pag ~ of~ lsgueUate 12122103 Nori Americ .Eish Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,* IO L N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-7 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet MaeilName: 700 Se*e Soard MdSDS No. 1S-USO- 1702[0-014il B: Component Ana.lysis- BOCS0 Urea. potymaer wlit formaldehyde and phenol 12510484 Oral LDO0 Rat 7 gn~g Oral LD50 Mouse 7 grvrg C: Component Analysis.- LOSOILC5O For Cheicl Which May Se Released During Use Irnatatjono LC6O Rat 2000 ppmt4H Inhalation L1GO Mouse 4230 ppn~lH Carbon monxbd (SW-8.)

Inhl'-*,on L1S0 Rat 1807 pl~ri4H Ialtio LC5O Mouse 2444 pprr4H ormaldehyde (50.00.)

Flow-ttwugh LCSO Fathead Mn'ew 241t mg!L (96 !v)

Ftow-ttvough LC5O SIuegdl 0 10 mng'I(98 h~r1 F*Gis tI, October 2001. th Iremliona Agency for Research on Cancer (lARC) classifiedl fiber glass wooI as Gru 3. "n classfabte asto its ca~rcinotery to humans The 2001 de*io a Cased¢K on human studies amd animl research that have not sh'ownr an asctIon* bewe inaato exos to dust fo fbrglass wool and Vie developmn'-dt of reprtr desease This class=-caton relcs the IARC findin*g in 1987 of a Gru B desigation poau c=wlngersc to humans" in May 1g991the Amiencan Conference of Gov'rnenta Indstnal~ Hygiensts (ACGIH) adpe an A~3carclnogen cla*ssiato for glass wool ftbers The ACGIH A3 dassfic:atao consider glass wool to be cwoki*ogettic si expelmnenita animas at realatvey hgh doses by routes of adeinitato, at sites, or by mechnrame-4 that it does not cosie relevant to worker exposure 11also reviewedl the available epdnooia studies and conclde that the do not confrm an increasedt risK of cancer in exoe hiuians Overall the ACIHI ft* tht* the availale me~catsinii evdec~e suggests that glass wool is not leely to caise cane ii humans except iN~ier unonvton or ialkely routes or level of exposure In 199, the Nafna Tooclg Program (NTP) cmrlasfe gim *o04 (reprbe size) as "reesonabl anticipated to bea humn*' caciogn Thisces*ainwas rnaly based upon 1the 1987 IARC casfcto NIP is ourrenty onieni reaefyng Sir mater'i Cawnogenky:

A: Geea Product Iform~atton No inforato *avarlae for Vie product.

B: Component Carclnoganclty AGGIH IARC OSH and NIP carcinogenlists have been chected for those c~ompnt wPth CAS regrsu numbers IFiber Glass Wool (FIbru Gls) P05i~7-17-,3) lAJIC Group 3 "nol class*"iale as to its carcinomgenicty to humans' (reused to Glaswo:ol)

Octobr 2001 Meetin AC(3H A3 - animal carcinogn (relted to Glass wool fier) select canonogeni)

Pae6 of ¶1 Issue Da: 121VJt03 Ncrfi Arenca

, English Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-8 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet MaterlaJ Nane: 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 1.MSO- 17020-O1-Ml I Section 12.-Ecolo

  • * *~.. I Information **]

No dat s*lable for tis produc't This maten* a not epected to cause hayn to animala plants Or fish us EPA Waste Nu*e & Descritions:

A: General Product Inf nmtn Thas pnxfticl 4 diae t not ex;:cted to be a charactesrcha ardoi waste under RCRA B: Copesn Waste Numbers No EPA W~aste Numbes are appliabe for hi prdds compon~rents Disposal Instrutions:

DIspose of wasla matera ac to Loc~al Stt rnvn Federal and Provinci* Evrromet Regmt~os I * ** ~Sectlon14 - Trnspotaton Information***

us DOT Information Shppn Name: Not regulied for tra~nsprt KadClass: None UN1NA 8: None Pak~ing Grop: None Requiredl Label(s): None TOG Information Shipping Name: Not reg;ime for trnor Hazard Class: None UNINA #. None Packing Group: None Requited Labe(ts: None Additionral lnto.: None Additional Trasprato Regulations:

No adiia miformation evslbl 1 " * *~~Section 15 - Re ator Information "*

US Federal Regultins.

A: General Produc Information No adiia informatin evmlaLe Trhs mE~al contais one or more of the fobesng chnaal requie to be idnie under SARA Sect on 302 (40 CFR 355 Apeni A). S~ARA Section 3t13140 CFR 372 65) and~or CERCLA (40 CFR 302 4)

Nose Page 7 of 9 lss* Date ¶2/22)03 North Ameuica - ~ngllsb Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-9 of F-37 Materia Natal 700 Sete Board Material Safety Data Shoot MBOS No: I5MSO- 17020401-U1 The *aorng is p'we to aide eit* prpartio ofSAA5ot.4 311 arid 312 reports SARA 3111312 Acute Health Hazard: Yes Chronic Helt H4aar: Yes Fire Hazard: No Sudden Rael.,. of Pressure Hazard: No Reactire Hazard: No C: Clean AkrAct The toon copnet apear on*ti* Ciean Ar Act- 1990 Hazadous Ai Polluant List None Stat. Regulations:

A: General Product tnoialn No sd*oa a*ormaton evatate B: Comonn Anly - Stal The fvltowrir c inponents per on on or more ot @tefotoisate itazarclous suttstces it~s V -,,opon,,nt CAS s CGA F M M J P The fc~k:waig sttrets) are providd u4,der mreCaI~forII Sate O~~lng Water end Tonic Enfo:rcement Ac of 1986 (Prpsto 85)

WARNINGI This prodoc conthsn a ciermC known to in. stale of Caiion to cars. cancer Othr Regaledon:

A: General Product Inbormatlon No addrt~cml mfmiton available 8: Co~o!Afr!!!fimCnto#


-opsit IA IDL EN FierGas oI(~rw ~as)859.- Yes..... iYes Yes*...

C: Compoen Analsis- WMIStl.

The Isom are Kint wder un th Canadain Haza~rdous Produjcts Act tngre~ent O *dsr List W SStleus: Controlled WISClasfia~ n: OZA-Crcnesct PagJ B of g .... ssue Dat 12P22r3 Nott Ajrwrc*.- gIsh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9i Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALk I ON Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I10 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Maiatlr Name: 700 Ser~es Boa~rd MS*S No.: 15-M80- 17030-0141

"** ~Section 16.Otherlnfonration "

V - ~Aciute Heatlh .. .... .. .i ...+

NFPA Unusual Haiards None MtiII Personal Protection To be supped by user depn~ng u*in s Reasonable care h.asbeen taken in the preparatio of ths inomto, bxAthe mar-,afadur ,ne no w*rany of medarit or any other warrant/ expressed or im%*edIwit respect to ths W**rrlaimf The maufci.a makes no rersnain and assunes no l*ht fo anty d*ect inlata or co eta daae reuting trora Its usa EPA

  • Enwrm entl Protection Agnc. TSCA Toxic Substance Conrol Act, ACGIH American Contferenct of Governmeta n*tt~a Hy-eis IARC n=emsiona Agency for Research on Cancer. NIOSH Naioa lnsbttita for Occpton~al Safety arid H t NIP - Natonal Txcoloy Programn OSRA - Occuptoa Safiety and Hearth Admiisration I*FPA . National Fir Protecbon Asocato HMIS
  • Hazardous Matanaf Idnitais~Sysrtem CERCLA = Comprehensive Enwormental Response Compensation and Lraltty Act; SARA = SL.eupatnd Mwnnentm s an Rea..,nzlio*t0n Act; OSI = Canadian Domestic Susac LiSt. EINECS

=European Inventory of New an Exstn Cheia Substnes. -l* Wo kptece Hazardous Mlaterials Infration System. CM Clean At Act Revision Sumnenwy:

Ths s a reie MSDS wract, replaces 15 MSt}.11020-01 L wit updx~ated prii ae Get 0OCMSOS elec~oncsty *a Intemaet htj* or by callng i-800-GET4'NK

    • eendof t5-SO 1702O-0t-M n.

Page 9 of 9 Issue Oat. 12I22J03 North Ame-ca. Eng' Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A* L I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I I of F-37


Green Silicon Carbide IMatental manufactured by UK Abrasives, incI and distiued by Industrial Supply, Inc.

UK Abrasives, Inc. MSDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS-SIC Printed 2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 SILICON CARBIDE POWDER UK\SiC Section 1. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Corporate Number UKSiC - F, P, JI S Mantufa~cturerlDistrnbutor UK Abrasives, Inc.

3045 MacArthur Blvd.

Northbrook, IL 60062 Pho*ne Numbers Product Informnation (847) 291-3566 Transport Emergency (847) 291-3566 Medical Emergency (847) 291-3566 Trade Names and Synonyms Siliconi Carbide CAS Name SILICON CARBIDE CAS Number Silicon Carbide 409-21-2 Graphite 7782-42-5 Formula SiC TSCA lnvento*y status Reported/Included Silicon 2. COMPONENTS Material CAS Number Weight OSHA PEL TWA

%mg/rn mg/rms Silicon Carbide 409-21-2 97-100 Total Oust 10 10 (e)

Respirable Fraction 5 5 Free Carbon 7782-42-5 0-3 3.5 3.5 Section 3. PHYSICAL DATA Water Solubility Insoluble Odor Odouless Form Granular material or powder Color Black/Green Specific Gravity (H-10=1) 32 Particle Size from 8to 1200 mesh Section 4. HAZARDOUS REACTIVITY lnstablhty Stable Polymeriztzon Polymerization will not occur lncompatzbNlty None (continued)

Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-12 of F-37 MSDS-SiC (Continued) Printed2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 Page 2 of 3.

Section 5. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Extinguishing Media Noncoinbustible Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding lire conditions.

Special Fire Fighting Wear self-contained breathin apparatus and protective clothing Instructions to prevent contact with skin and eyes.

Unusual Fire & Explosion Emits toxic fumes under fire Hazards conditions.

Section 6. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Contact with particles may cause mechanical irritation of the akin with itching, redness, swellng, or rash; or irritati~on of the eyes with tearing, pain, or blurring of vision.

Inhalation of dried-down material may cause irritation of th upper respiratory passages.

carcinogenicity None of the components in this material is listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, or ACGIH as a carcinogen

  1. Explosure Limits See Section 2.

Safety Precautions Avoid breathing dust.

Section 7. FIRST AID INHALATION No specific intervention is indicated as the compound is not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. However, if symptoms occur, consult a physician.

SKiN CONTACT The compound is no~t likely to be hazardous by skin contact, but cleansing the skin after use is advisable.

EYE CONTACT In case of contact, imimediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.

INGESTION No specific intervention is indicated as compound is not likely to be hazardous by ingestion.

However, if symptoms occur, contact a physician.

Section 8. PROTECTION INFORMATION Generll Applicabl0e Control Measures and Precautions Good general ve~ntlation should be provided to keep dust concentration froma dried-down material below the recommended exposure limits.

Personal Protective Equipment EYF_..FACE: Safety glasses with side shields.

RESPIRATORS: If exposure limits are exceeded, wear NIOSHIMSHA approved respiratory protection.

I IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIII I I I I Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 02 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-13 of F-37 MaDS-SiC (Continued) Printed 2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 Page 3 of 3.

Section 9. DISPOSAL INFORMATION Spill, Leak, or Release NOTE: Review FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDSad SAFETY PRECAUTIONS before proceeding with clean tp. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean up. Recover undamaged and minimally contaminated material for reuse or reclamation with industrial vacuum cleaner.

Waste Disposal Can be precipitated mechanically in sewage plants. Can be disposed of with household refuse in conformity with local regulations.

Section 10. SHIPPING INFORMATION Not regulated as a hazardous material by DOT or IMO.

Section 11. STORAGE CONDITIONS Keep container closed; protect from damage.

Section 12. TITLE III HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Acute No Chronic No Fire No Reactivity No Pressure No LISTS:

Extremely Hazardous Substance - No CERCLA Hazardous Substance - NO Toxic Chemical - NO This data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process.

Responsitirty for MSDS: Vitaly Slobodsky, Ph.D.

UK Aixasives, Inc.

3045 Mac Arthur Blvd.

Northbrool, IL 60062 End of MSDS Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F- 14 of F-37 PSD from IndustrIal Supply Inc

, cowER~

B~N Multisizer 3 3.53 File name:

Sample numbe 400 Group ID: GREEN SIC F800 Sample ID: LOT# SWG060BS.E08 Size bins: 84 from 2 pm to 80 pm Acquired: 12:39 6 Jun 2008 Differential Volume swg060b5.#08 8-6-

I 4-2-

C,-1 2 4 6l 8I 10 I Particle Diameter (pmo) 2(I E) 40 e I Volume Statistics (Artmetic) swg0O0O5 #08 Calculain from 2.000 p~m to 60.00 pm Voiume:



Mode: 101!1 pm

>3% >25% >50% >.75% >94%

15.83 pm 11.99 pm 10.25 pm 8.882 pm 8.913 pm Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-15 of F-37 Page 1/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006IE*C (REACH), 127"212008/EC (CLP), and OSItIA GHS5 Prnnting date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014

  • 1.1 Product identifier
  • Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain

- 12 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against No further relevant information

  • Appliato of the substance I the mixture Industrial uses.
  • 1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet ManufacturerlSupplier a Electro Abrasives LLC 701 Willet Road Buffalo, NY 14218 Phone: (716) 822-2500 DL 5r.
  • 1.4 Emergency telephone number:.

ChemTel Inc.

(800)255-3924, +1I(813)248-0585

  • 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
  • Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 127212008
    • health hazard Carec lA H350 May cause cancer
  • Classification according to Directive 67/648/EEC or Directive 1999t45/EC T;Toxic R49: May cause cancer by inhalaton

- Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:

The product has to be labelmed due to the calculation procedure of the TMGeneral Classificaton guideline for TM preparations of the EU in the latest valid version.

  • Classification system:

The classification is according to the latest editions of the EU-lists, and extended by company and literature data.

The classification is in accordance with the latest editions of international substances lists, and is supplemented by information from technical literature and by information provided by the company.

  • 2.2 Label elements
  • Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 127212008 The substance is classified and labelled according to the Globally Harmonized System withir the United Slates (GHS).

The product is classified and labelled according to the CIP regulation.

(ccntd on page 2)

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9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly I N Document 0,NALol,,ooO No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F- 16 of F-37 Page 2110 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 12T2/20081EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.:2014 Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. o* page I)

  • Hazard pictograms GHS08
  • Signal word Danger
  • Hazard-determining components of labelling:

Quartz (SiO2)

  • Hazard statements 11350 May cause cancer.
  • Precautonry statements P281 Use personal protective equipment as required.

P201 Obtain special instructions before use.

P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.

P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advicelattention.

P501 Dispose of contentslcontainer in accordance with tocallregional/nationalfinternational rergulations.

  • Additional information:

Restricted to professional users.

  • Hazard description:


0 D2A -. Very toxic material causing other toxic effects

  • NFPA ratings (scale 0 -4)

> Health =0 Fire - 0 Reactivty = 0 HMIS-rat~ngs (scale 0 - 4)

  • Health =
  • UFire= 0 Reactivity = 0
  • - Indicates a long term health hazard from repeated or prolonged exposures.

HMIS Long Term Health Hazard Substances 1480e-6-71 Quartz (SiO2)

-2.3 Other hazards

  • Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
  • PBT: Not applicable.
  • vPvB: Not applicable.

(Cotd. on page 3)

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9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A1L I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-17 of F-37 Page 3/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/IEC (REACH), 12T2/2008/EC (CLP), and OSIA GUS Pnnting date 15.102014 Revision: 06.10.2014 STrade nm:Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain J (Conitd. of page 2)

  • 3.2 Mixtures
  • Description: Mixture of substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.
  • Dangerous components:

CAS: 409-21-2 silicon carbide 50-100%

EINECS: 206-991-8 sLtbstance with a Community workplace exposure limit CAS: 14808-60-7 tQuartz (S1O2) < 1%

EINECS: 238-878-41 flT R49; fl Xn R48

  • >Carc. IA, H-350
  • Additional infonnatio: For the wording of the listed risk phrases refer to section 16.
  • 4,1 Deciton of first aid measures
  • General information: No special measures required.
  • After inhalation:

Supply fresh air consult doctor in case of cornplaints.

Provide oxygen treatment if affected person has difficulty br'eathing.

  • After skin contact:

Brush off loose particles from skin.

Clean with water and soap.

If skin iriain conitnues, consult a doctor.

  • After eye contact:

Immediately remove contact lenses ifpossible.

Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

  • After swallowing:

Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water.

Do not induce vomitng; call for medical help immediately.

  • 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed coughin Gastric or intestinal disorders.
  • Hazards Danger of impaired breathing.
  • 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No further relevant information available.
  • 5.1 Extinguishing media
  • Suitable extinguaishui agents: Use fire extinguishing methods suitable to surrounding conditions.
  • For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents: None.
  • 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available.
  • 5.3 Advice for firefighters
  • Protective equipment:

Wear self-contained respiratoy protective device.

(Comred on page 4)

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O Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A,..L..I 0.ooO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-18 of F-37 Page 4/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907120061EC (PEACH), 12T2/20081EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Prnnting date 15.10.20 14 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade name: Electrocarbi Green Silicon Carbide Grain Wear fully protective suwt.

-Additional information No further relevant information available.

  • 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Avoid formation of dust.

Ensure adequate ventilation For large spills, wear protective clothing.

For large spills, use respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust/aerosol.

  • 6.2 Environmental precautions: No special measures required, 6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:

Pick up mechanicall Send for recovery or disposal ini suitable receptacles.

Dispose contaminated material as waste according to item 13

  • 6.4 Reference to other sections See Section 7 for information on safe handling.

See Section 8 for infoimation, on personal protection equipment See Section 13 for disposal information.

7.1 Precautions for safe handling Prevent formation of dust.

Any unavoidable deposit of dust must be regularly removed.

Use only in well ventilated areas.

Avoid breathing dust

  • Information about fire - and explosion protection: No special measures required.
  • 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
  • Storage:
  • Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: No special requirements.
  • Information about storage in one common storage facility: Store away from oxidising agents.
  • Further information about storage conditions:

Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed receptacles_

Store receptacle in a well ventilated area.

Protect from humidt and water.

This product is hygroscopic.

  • 7.3 Specific end use~s) No further relevant information available.

Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I19 of F-37 Page 5/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/20061EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GUS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 STrade name: Electzrocaerb Green Silicon Carbide Grain (coifl. of page 4)

  • 8.1 Control parameters
  • Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:

409-21-2 silicon carbide PEL (USA) Long-term value: 15" 5' mg/rn' fibrous dust: t total dust **respirable fraction REL (USA) Long-term value: 10 5' mg/rn'

  • total dust 'respirable fraction TLV (USA) Lon'g-teen value: 10' 3"' mg/rn' tibrous dust:0, f/cc; nonflbrous:'inh,'resp.

EL (Canada) Long-tewm value: 10* 3*" mg/rn' uihalable; respirable EV (Canada) Long-term value: 10" 3' mag/rn' 0,lt/cc m ppm nonfixrous: *inh.,'*resp.; *"fibrous, resp.

14808-60-1 Quartz (Si02)

PEL (USA) see Quartz listing REL (USA) Long-teen value: 0,05* mg/rn'

  • respirable dust; See Pocket Guide App. A TLV (USA) Long-term value: 0,025" mg/rn'
  • asrespirable fraction EL (Canada) Longj-term value: 0,025 mg/rn' ACGIH A2; LARC 1 EV (Canada) Long-term value: 0,10' mg/ni'

___________respirable fraction

  • DNELs No futhr relevant information available.
  • PNEICs No further relevant information available.
  • Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis.
  • 8.2 Exposure controls
  • Personal protective equipment:
  • General protective and hygienic measures:

The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.

Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Avoid contact with the eyes.

Avoid close or long term contact wit the skin.

Do not inhale dust / smoke / mist.

  • Respiratory protection:

Suitable respiratory protective device recommended.

Use suitable respiratory protetie device imcase of insufficient ventilaton.

For spills, respiratory protection may be advisable.

  • Protection of hands:

Wear gloves for the protection against mechanical hazards according to NIOSH or EN 388.

The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the producV the substance) the preparation.

  • Material of gloves The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

(Cared on page 6)

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9D Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,01 N

,0...* Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-20 of F-37 Page 6/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Prntling date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade nam: Electbrocaib Green Silicon Carid Grain (Contid. of psge 5)

  • Eye protection:

Safety glasses

  • Body protection:

Not require-d under normal conditions of use.

Protection may be required for spills.

  • Limitation and supervision of exposure into the environment No special requirements.

Risk management measures No special requirements.

  • 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties
  • General Information Form: Granulate Colour: Green
  • Odour: Odourless Odour threshold: Not determined.

-pH-vahue: Neutral

  • Change In condition Meltig pointlMelting rang.: Not Determined.

Boilng pOinlti~oilintg range: Undetermined.

  • Flash point: Not aplicable.
  • Flammability (solid, gaseousj: Product is not flammable.
  • Auto/Selff-gnstinn temperature: Not determined.
  • Decomposition temperature: 4712 "F 12600 tC (Sublimation)
  • Self-igniting: NOt determined.
  • Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.
  • Explosion limnits:

Lower. Not determined.

Upper: Not determined.

  • Vapu pressure: NOt applicable.
  • Density at 20 "C: 3,20 gicm"
  • Relative density NOt determined.
  • Vapu density Not applicable.
  • Evaporation rate Not applicable.
  • Sokubility in I Miscibility with water: Insoluble.

(Contd onp~ag,7)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly I..c 0~o N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-21I of F-37 Page 7/10 Safety(REACH),

according to 19O7r200)6/EC Data Sheet1212r2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014

[Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbd Grain (Contld. of page 8)

  • Partition coefficient (n-octanollwater): Not determined.
  • Viscosity:

Dynamic: Not appicable.

Kinematic: Not applicable.

  • 9.2 Other information No further relevant information available.
  • Thermal domo nIcoitosto be avoided:


  • 10.3 Possibility ofhzrosreactions Reacts with strong acids.

Reacts with oxidisimg agents.

Reacts with strong alkali.

- 10.4 Conditions to avoid No further relevant information avalable.

  • 10.6 incopaible materials: No further relevant information avalale.
  • 10.6 Hazros decomposition products: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
  • 11.1 Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity:

Primary irritant effect:

  • on the skin: No infiant effect.

on the eye: No initatkg effect.

Sensitisation: No sensitising effects known.

  • Additional toxicological information:

The product shows the following dangers according to the calculation method of the General EU Classification Guidelines for Preparationts as issued in the latest version:

Carcinogenic if inhaled.

  • Repeated dose toxicity May cause damage fo organs through prlne or repeated exposure.
  • C:MR effects (carcinogenity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction):

Carc. 1A

  • 12.1 Toxicity
  • Aquatic toxicity: Generally not hazardous for water
  • 12.2 Persistence and degradability No further relevant information available.
  • 12.3 Bloaccumulitlve potential Does not accumulate in organisms.

12.4 Mobility in soil No further relevant information availale.

(Cond. on page 8)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly Ak I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-22 of F-37 Page 8/10 according Safety Data Sheet to 190712006/EC (REACH), 1272/20081EC (CLP), and OSHIA GHS Printing date 15,10.2014 Revision: 0610.2014 Trade name: Electrocarbi Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. ofpage 7)

  • Additional ecological information:
  • General notes:

Negaiv ecological effects are, according to the current state of knowledge, not expected.

  • 12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
  • PBT: Not applicable.
  • vPvB: Not applicable.
  • 12.6 Other adverse effects No further relevant information available.
  • 13.1 Waste treatment methods
  • Recommendation Smaller quantities can be disposed of with household waste_

Can be reused after reprocessing.

Contact waste processors for recycling information.

The user of this material has the responsibility to dispose of unused material, residues and containers in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding treatment, storage and disposal for hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. Residual materials should be treated as hazardous.

  • Uncleaned packaging:
  • Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.
  • 14.1 UNJNumber
  • DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.2 UN proper shipping name
  • DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.3 Transport hazard class(es)
  • Class Not Regulated
  • 14.4 Packing group
  • DOT, ADR, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.5 Environmental hazards:

Marine pollutant: No

  • 14.6 Special precautions for user Not applicable.
  • 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex IIof MARPOL73I78 and the IBC Code Not applicable.
  • UN UModel Regulation":

(Contd on page 9)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly SLI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-23 of F-37 Page 9110 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 12T2/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHIA GHS Piinling date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.1012014 STrade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain I (Conltd. of page 8) 15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/llegslation specific for the substance or mixture

  • United States (USA)
  • SARA
  • Section 355 (exteely hazardous subsanes:i None of the uirredients are listed. I
  • ection 313 (Specific toxic chemical listings):

Noeof the uigredients are listed.I

  • TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act): j Alingredients are listed.
  • heilsknown to cause cancer:

4808-60-7 Juartz (SiO2)I

  • hemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:

None of the ingredients are listed. 1

  • hemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males:I Noeof the ingredients are lhsted.I
  • Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:

Noeof the ingredients are listed.I

  • Carcinogenic Caegoie

Noeof the ingredients are listed. 1

  • NoR (nternto Agency for Research on Cancer) ~

71--9silicon dioxide, chemically prepared 14808-67 Quartz (SiO2)

  • TLV (Threshold Limit Value established by ACGIII) 409-21-2 silicon carbide 14* Quartz (SiO2) A SNIOSH-C (Ntonal Institue for Occupational Safety and Health)
  • andinLoestc:Sustnces List (DSL)
  • Canda Ingredient Disclosure 1st (limit 0.1%)

None of the ingredients are listed. I F- Canadian Ingedient Disclosure list (limit 1%)

None of the ingredients are listed. o aei Use or disdosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly k I 02 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-24 of F-37 Page 10110 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006/EC (RErACH), 12T212008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade name: Electrocrt Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. of page 9)

  • Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controled Products Regulations and the SOS contains all the information required by the Controled Products Regulations.
  • Substances of very high concern (SVHC) according to REACH, Article 57 None ofthe ingredients are listed.

15,2 Chemical safety asssment: A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carred out.

This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shag not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shal not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.

  • Relevant phrases H350 May cause cancer.

R48 Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure.

R49 May cause cancer by inhalation.

Abbrviations and acronyms:

ADR: Accord europeen sur I. transport des marchand ses dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the Intemalional Czrnage of Dangerous Goods by Road) iMDG: klemnatiorli Martime Code *rr Danlgerous Goods DOT: US Depanmer of Trasotto IATA; Ireerna*oal Air Transport Associaro GHS: Glbal Han'nonised System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals ACGIH: American Conference of Goyermen-etal Industrial Hy-inists EINECS: European Inventory of Existng Comrca Chma SuAbstanoes EUNCS. Euroean List of Noife Chemical Substances CAS: Chernc.l Abs.tracts Seamwce (d{so of I'e American Chemical Society)

NFPA National Fie Protectiom Aasocat (USA)

HMIS: Htacardous Materias Idniicto System (UISA)

WHIMIS: Workrac Hazardous Maeil Inomto System (Canada)

DNEL:. Derived No-Effect Levet (REACH)i PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Coce0rlir (REACH}~

Carc IA: Carciogeict. H~acard Category IA

  • Sources SDS Prepared by*

ChemTel Inc.

1305 North Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida USA 33602-2902 Toll Free North America 1-888-255-3924 Intl. +01 813-248-0573 Website: www chemtelinc~com Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-25 of F-37 q

SDro EVoAbr~a s IBuffalo,

,,ELEC11RO ABRAnES CORP 701 II.NiyRoad 14218 Phone: 716.622-200 Fax: 7164-22-5568 Result Analysi epr am,,'s k 3827*1 600Gw Umin.v* Ab*~ F.uwyl~

- gaikm89: 007-BS Ns~ ~r ~ A.uSjS* aauav~ F~myO~

Sp.c~fic .uif.c, ama 0486 PPe90): e.7e w OD*J4): M.32* 01o.1n7): XiS~ ju MASTERSIZER Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly S* £AOI LN f~tGN Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-26 of F-37 7 9

.L.IO.N Cont-ro, ofaterias and Chemicals Document No: ALON-SPP-LB-23S2-,12 Revision: 2 jPage C, ofCI Attachment C - Usage Control Log Sheet Material/Chemical Name:

Supplier of Material/Chemical: I*-j Ti?- AL 5iT'e*L* Alion LotlID: '3-o*-o*' 6C 5'C. -

Shelf Life: Expiration Date: A14 (N/A if not applicable)

(N/A if not applicable)

    • ~3or" Initial Quantity (units): /00 LIZ  ?' 10 Storage Location:

Testing Activity (plan #, client, etc.) Quantity Used iQuantity Left Date Initial VOG-TL?

5T~-713 oo ~ /nPage' of a iU 1r sey dsclsur of-hi doue'i sbe** hersiro onfh/Cve She

~~~~Use or disclosure ofthhs datocumind eein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Saeo hiseepr t

9D Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly SL IO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-27 of F-37 K IOControl of Materials and Chemicals

........... tDocument No: ALJON-SPP-LAB-2352- 12 Revision: 2 Page CI of Cl Attachment C - Usage Control Log Sheet Material/Chemical Name: &R.T'

  • AJ l L. O ) C
  • l o cD Supplier of Material/Chemical: _~ *'~ - ._-o A1EI*AhLU *' Alion Lot ID: 5-27-o0 .' G-S/c Shelf Life: NJ/A Expiration Date: ILl/A (N/A if not applicable)

(N/A if not applicable)

Initial Quantity (units): 250 *- X Storage Location: $oZ, $oS" t..,0o00t8 r,,4,(

Testing Activity (plan #, client, etc..) Quantity Used iQuantity Left Date Initial VJo&P-r* T rST/- 2. - 7L 725o7 I1/,T'ZCo.&//l 14-7-'? Ar..*

  • £* "7"3 -~s+*12**3* ,*V*.zz* '/*!// /iZ

}Vij Sk* - 't - F=,_ 3B 5.~ ~~"1,I 3 5 ,. 1-, >* J"K

.,-so ,i ___

....................... .... 3-14 Page j of J Use or disclosureof this document is subject to rhe restrfiction on the Cover Sheet uJse or ugou~urtUluj*ui utu c.uownu*ea euu~e. suvjec* to ue re~uILOufl on we LOuvC ruge o Uli u I*-3ofL

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-28 of F-37 Interam I3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET lnteran(Tl) Emdotkermini Mat E-EA-3. E-SA-4,r E-ShA SL'7t0S4 Material Safety Data Sheet

.opigbt200,1, 3M Com~ . All rightsreseived Copyng and o dwnodig fthis ifnrton orthe jxpse of properly utlzn Mproducts is allowed provided that: (1) the informatin is copied in full with tno changes unless puor written agreement is obtaied fro 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the orginal is resold or oterwise dismuiited with di rthen of earning a prfi This materia safety data sheet (MSS)is provided as a corts mn rspone to a caston* request Thbijaduct is not regulated tindero and a MSDS is nor require for this product by the OSHA Hazard Conniiait Stdr (29 CFR 1910.12-00) because.

wsdm used as r.conanended orsn cr(dinai- conditos, it should nor preset a health an saeyhzr. Howve, use or processing of thle prdutx , inom accordesee with the pr-oduct's zeconnnaons ori uz tade ordiaury coniin may a*rthe peformace of th product anod tmay presn potena eat an safty*hmazad

[SECTION 1: PRODUCTr AND COMPANY iDENTIFWICATION PRODUWIr NA  : Intexur(TM) Encldiernn Mat E-SA-3, E-SA-4. E-54A kNLTANUAFIRR 3M DIVISION: Consumer Safetyand Light Manageeem ADDRESS: 3M Cente Sti Pauli, MN 55144-1000 EMERENC PHON: 1-800-364357 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)

Issu Date: 0F07/2004 Superredes Date: 12,8 2003 Document Group: 18-4287-1



3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEVW Specifi Phsia Fore.: Roll of material Odor, Color, Grade: Vliite mat with tin odor Geea Pfryuci Fous. Solid Imunedate health, p cl , asid euvroot eal hazards: The enicm iemmml prpeties of tlns prdc presetm a low exmardcinetal hazart Thus product, when ued widerreasonable conditions uidinaccordace with the 3M diectionsfo ue should no presen a health hazad. However, use or processn of the produc in a nnmre not in accordance with th prduts dietin fo use may affect the performance of the product and nmy present potental healt and sa"t haad.

Page I of 7/

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/A L I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-29 of F-37 I 3M MLATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Imtern(Ml) Eudotikruik Mat E-6A-3, E-6A--. E-M.At *L't210J 3.Z POTE*NTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eye te Mehnia eye imaiio Sgns/symptoms may tehiepin redness, tern an cona afraso.



DIxing -u~*

Mecanca 5md

  • imtatw Signsssm1t~os may inchlue abrain, redness, pam and itchig.


Upper Respiratory Tract lImtanon: Sissyptm may include cosigh, mezg nasal discarg~e. headache hoarsaess.

and nose and throat pmre No healh effects ate exece SSECTIoN 4: FIRST AID MEA*SURESI 4.1 FIR.ST AID PROCEDURES E.e Cotac. Fluh eyswith larg un~ts of wter. Ifsignsosy persipt get medical atent Skin


Washaffected arawith soap uxwatr. If srgn*s/synptoius dveop, get medical attention.

Inaato: Removepersc on fresh air. If igns.sinosdvlop, get mediclatenn If Sal _e: Do notmiduce vomiting. (ivevictim twoglassesof wate. Never give anythig wmouthto anulniconaorrsperson Get medical attenion.

sECTINo 5:fR IHIGMAUE 5.1 FLA.MMABLE PROPERTIES Anto~ignton tenyerature ,'* Data Avail o*

Flash Poit Not Appi kohL Fluma~e Limies- LEL Not Apkal FlnzbeLimits - LTEL Not Apc A osHA F==lainbitv Clsifcton: Not Appicbe 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Non-coxbwtslIbe. Choose reea suiable for suir-miding fire.

Page 2 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A L I0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-30 of F-37 S3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET intaraza Eadt*m Mat E-6A-3* E-IA-4r E-SAA *iA'7lgI 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Special Fire F'lhtiug Procedure: Wear full prtctv eqwjasnm (Bunker Gear) and a self-conained breathing apparatu (SCBA)

Uuuam l Fireand Explosion Hazards: No unsual fire orexplosin haards reanicipate& Not aplicable Note: See STABRIIT AND REACIThITY (SECT'ION 10) for hazarous coanhutio and thennal dec~ dompoito infornatiolL Accidenta Release Measures: Evacuat unprtecte and un dprne fr'om hazar careThe sil should be cleane up by qualifiedpersonnel Collect asmuch of thesiledmateral a psi1f Place ma closed continra ppr*0ovedfotrnmsportationby

]SECTION 7: HANDLING ANI) STORAGE 7.1 HANDLING Keep out of the reach of children For itxhsiral or profesioal use only Use general diluton ventilatio ando local exhaust vetlton to contoltairbxrne exposures to below Occupational Exosr Limits. f vetlto is n*ot adeulate. use resprato'y 7.2 STORAGE Store under noonal warehouse conditions SSECTIlON 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLSPESNAL PROTECTION 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use with approprite local exhaust ventilatio. Use in a well-veitlae are. If exhaust ventilation is not avial, use appropate respuatory protection 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTiVE EQUIPME.NT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Fae Protection Avoid eye contact The followin eye prtcins) ar recmmedeii Safety Gla*sses with side shields.

8.2.2 Skin P-rotection Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avod skin contac-t Select and use gloves aror rt'aective clothin to prevenlt skin contact based on th reit of an exosr ases Consuk with your glove aror protctiv clthn n iacue for slection of apopit conatble mae~rials.

Glove made froam the followin nutril(s) we reoneie Butl Rubbe. The following prtetmive clothin mateils) are reconine Coveralls - Dipoale, Tyv.nk.

8.2.3 Respiratoy Pr'otectio Select one of te IOSH approved reprtr basedl on airone ox~emr u of contamiansan d in acoda with OSHA regultioru: Half faeplee or ilf~ace ai-pixifyng respiratorwith N95pariulae iles. Consult the crnit 3M Respiraory Selection Gud for adtoa inomtion or call 1-100-243-4634) for 3M tehia asstistance.

8.2.4 Pr*evetion of Swaflowing Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-31I of F-37 3M*MATERIAL SAIETY DATA SHEET lateraO Eadethemic Mat EEA-3* E-*A-4 E-SSA *1W7i2W4 Do ' nges 8.3 EXPOSUR GUIDELINES hlredient Additional Information TWAe ACGIH 10 ragsu3 TWA-CELLULOSE OSH-A 5 m*'m3 Table Z-l zepuble CELLULOSE OSHA TWA - as tetal 15 mgm3 Table Z-1 dust c-ERMC FIBERS (ARBORNE ACOGIH TWA - 0.2 fibericc as fibers :>= 5 urn: Table A2 PARTICLES OF: RESPIRABLE SIZE)


ACXGIH: .Anica Cofernuce of Gavenm~mal Inutil

  • it ClMRG: Chmcal Maufrue Reom t Guideline OSHAk Occupationl Safrt and Health Adiitauca AJIHA. Auerican Inclustril Hyiene Association Workplace Emir~onnentl Exosr Leve*l (WEEL)



Roll ofmmateia White 'nu xvdi nso odor General Phscld Form: Solid Atzmintemperature No DoamAvaiable Flash Point N*ortplcable Flammable Limits - LU.

Flammable Limits - UE.L Balmg point Nor Applcable Vapor Pressure specifi Grvie 0.86 No DataAvailable No Data Avial Solhlt in Water LSEariity 10 SABLIYAN RACiVT Stability: Stable.

Matesials and Conditions to Avaidz None known Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polvmenzatson will not occur.

Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Condition caro msonoxide Not Specified Carma dioxide Nor Specified Page 4 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/sLION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-32 of F-37



[SECTION 13: DISPOS.AL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Dipoa Melhod: eclama if feasille. If jrodct cant be relamed, dispose of wase prduct in a sanitary lanflf.

Alteratvely, miate th~e w'aste produc ma inusmil comnmffcia or nm*cipal inucinerator.

EPA Hazardos 'Waste Number (RCRA): Not regulate sInc tio-,msao vs.-, cosu hie~b atio or athoriie befre, dJ .


98o-0400-5464-9. 9g.0400-5465-6, 98-0400-5469-8, 98-0400-5475-5 Please contact the emegnc numnbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Trasorain Inrato material fo this ISECTION 15: REGLATORY INFORMATION -A I !

US FEDERAL REGULATIONS 311/312 Hazard Categories:

Fure Hazard - No PressureHazard -No R~eactivity-Hazard -No Imeite Hazard-Yes Delaed Hazard - No STATE REGUIATIONS Coac't 3M fx more mfiniorm.

CHEMICAL INVENTORIES Pag s oft7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

O Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL O N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-33 of F-37 n3M MAERA SAI DATA SHEET Iateram(TM) Eadetheut Mat ELI-SA-3, E-SA-4, E-s.A *I*7*04 Contct 3M for- mae inomain INTERNATIONAL REG~l.ATONS Contact 3M for mte inomation.

SThis MSDShas beenpr tore meet Ike US. OSHA Hazard Communicaton Standard 29 -TR 19I0.1200.

ISECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONI NFPA Hazard Classifieation Healtt: 0 Fhaimatallts- I Reacinity: 0 Special Hazard: None National Fire Protection Asocaion (NFPA) aar unttngs are designed far use by emergency repos pesne u addes th haad tha ar p~resented by*than-resnacm* exposse s a matesial undr conditions of fire, spill. as similar emergences. H-azard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical tand toxic properties of sh~emateria bust also include the toxic properdie of comuto or deompsin prout tht ar knw to be genratd in signifcat qiuntiie.

HMIfS Hazard Clsliain Health: 0 Flaaaaabdiiiy: 1 Reactisit: 0 ?hroteclio: X - See PPE section Harirdous Material Idaniaso Syste (HI~lS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of cemnical hazards in the workplace. These raig are based on the inern proers of the material tider expected conditions of notmal use and are no nene fo us in emergn situatons. H-MIS(r) rating are to be used with a fully implemented 1-I11S(r) proglain I-IMIS(r) is a registered mark of the Naioa Paint and Coatns Associatio (N'PcA).

Revxsaan Ohanges:

Coyiig was modifed.

Section 3: Poeta efet from sin cnac nfratimon was modified.

Section 3: Potential effects from ingeststm information wats modified.

Section 3: Immediate other hazam~s) was moiid Secton 15: 311/312 De~layed Hazard score wasmdie.

.Amce dislaimer text (follow-ng the copynght) wa added.

Section 3: C *rmgnct hedn was deleted.

Sectio 3: Carcinoganit phnrae was deleted Sectio 6: Release measuies note - repozabilit, - was deleted.

Section 15: Caioi lpropsiti 65 nrdin informaton was deleted.

Section 3: Cardnogencity table was deleted Section 15*Califonia proposition 65 headig was deleted.

Section 15 Califoria proposition 65 cancer warning wa deleted.

DISCLALIME The information mnthis Materia Safety Data Sheet (MD) is believed!to be corc as of th dat isud 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR EIMPLIED. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIIE TO. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE_ User is responsble far detmnimg* whether the 3M pxcxhit is fit far a particular *a~s mid suitabl for uss meo of use or aplctin Given the vaiety of factors that canaffect the use ad applicationof a3M prduct~ sone of which are iiue*ly within the usa's knowledge and conitrol, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M prod t deem ine whehe i is fi fa a paricl~ar purpose and suitable for user's meho of use or application.

3M provides information m elecronic form as a sersuce to its customers. Due to the rnuiote possibily that electronic transfer may ha-e resulted in enors. omissions or alertinsi m this inomain 3M makes no representaions as to it cosopetenmess or acciracy.

In addition, inforantion obtained from a database may not be as curr ent as the nfo mainn th MsS avial diety fro 31v Page 6 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LI O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-34 of F-37 13M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET/later, TMEudoteruniMat E-BA-3 E-6AE-S*E*A *1*7f0d 3M MSDSs are availe at ww.3M.eoui Page 7 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALk I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-35 of F-37 Dird/Dust Mix 1MATERIA SAFETY DATA SHEET SecxbnI. Mao Cewemy Nmm ACSCO Coepseadarn Rmumcy w 847-520-4435 Addrson 160W. Hhma Rad Idetunfen uub S7-S20.4413 Wheellag lio 60090-7575 Date prqandh it14 Produict Namet Sic., Sand, Pica Flew, Quwu inwoiee, Ceyteaeu SIca Silkcn lddex c~~mmmt *

  • 2 y
  • NIOSHt has *hcmmnd a PaJ of005 mtr~l~Zehma*, fl c ample lioupa 0 day. 40 bow per wc.

TWA I $ kw TI WU'V Aw~rat 5.~d.. 3. Pb~tkci md ci Dat Melhdii le 71*C Va~por9euaIw- N/A EwaportlU fIt eNJA SeleIky II Wamerkilb AupnaIna d odor: l*b ota r~rto pode; .se Section 4. FIre ad EIdo Dat FaPan: Nm Aaognd T mAroi:

to No bne I****l*Mt::WUm burn Man dbe tue t .nhguri*ot rdu*acmr UmtalFe mmd caimle Raaari None Secto 5. ion Dat leacruee Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction an the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A L I (2 Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-36 of F-37 3r~a~U~e ~ my tam Wvkatiin slam, hem. *

  • Prdu~i b ~ Sr nqkmhle .uy~n~e sce 4 mya~ c muSIcwabk 7 if

~m.e e~em be.& pininS my ka .ew~ hhehebm si ruqksbl. a7

~ka ~ my tha feRow~ ~ cbr~ hmahk tffeeu~

5Ua~ Eaceodw. ~5abu .1 rw.~abI. eryuaI~e ~a A may Lam a pnp*~su~.

dts~hu mi .meheee4aial bug aem cabd *ceeb. 8y~m Am~ ce~. uiain .1 hmaih. whee~ag. mmapd& mi iebi p~y fmgin. Thb d1 lo emam,~med by m~. Iaite4~b w31h m~ - ~ ~ 4mIapiubu~de~.

Cw~ lbs ~w~im~ Apoq for Rmemek m Cr (IARQ bu ~u4 that a~i:~em ~d lo ~ feeu .lqmuiv or a~ebebe burn urn b Creay 3. w~~e b ~. Refer ReIARC Maaspe~ w~e es (I~7), ~ Sm. in~u ml ~ Thea". The t*degd T.efcoloU Fvwsrm (4FF) da~ wwb~*k a ~ce m ka.~ Rehe a mr.Reepo~. lb. Amvk C.Srumte of Geeestsrn~al biutal hI7~~ $CGERI d~1m crywdbu aca - a

- ~m careReogie ~Z),

&I~adr*um mid Kidasy Dbsmz There b inm ndm shut beub~ umpkabh eryaia~Ie dice or the dhum *rn~ b ~ with ~aind ~ddmee Sr admwhema (a. ~ uWein ~4W mfl~sd by Uin~a u1 ~, w~, mid other Reeruid a~

- - d~.

hi t~u¶bet ud~xmaswi c~muk ~Ad~uae Effect. ot Ctytaflm idaca Ex~w URe4 b, the Aaerr~ Th~racac 5.acwt~ hRe~~aI Sectwo of the Aaotnc~ Lasog Auinochekuz. Aavraca kwual oE Rapvastw~ u~I Cruacal Cit. Modac. .o4m 155, ~i 7OI~7.3. 1997 Soalas 7. Fbi: Aid 4us

~~dw If them b hhalaeloo of a~z~a dice dimS ta eow~ mid abuts- at breath, remove vIc~ Rebush ow. It brinhbtg ham ~opps4, purbem mEieId rU*admi. Seek m~d

~m : If hrge ino are eusbawed. p1 inae*M ~1rn.

f.ZLCMY V~ aye wish bile at wuter. Whw~m po~ ~ mdkd am~.

~ Ne flaw aM ahesid be model ~*

  • dma - ~d the ablo. Wink apomed id. uth myand w - seeded.

S.cdm 6. hinge. Kassq~ mid Use Fv..ocwbu Wrnwatlee

-. - D se be~bo dimS. Use a&qinIe vem~io. mmd deal coUmal...

Acold breakage of begged in.S.Id and ,pi of b~ material. U. gitod homekeeplagts we~a~

wwmtdagRe. of Rewb ormi. AiiM treats. eq ru ~. Mmor reephaish cr~a~

iBm Rethe wwhm a r ~.


paceOSSIA Haiar~1 C~aum~wa Sejalard N CI~U 3910.13W. I~I~$.W. I~I 7 25.1915 W). 192g. ~9. ~5M1 3928 21 - wet g 0 j ~j ~ *f~Uj~~) ~ ~ b.n~ 1aw~ mud rep.Iatwe YI~ Lisa mdUd hcal .mecbadcal e~haat - requd so miotal. level of reeplvabi. atm~e ace dag below the ftfimlulbk - LWt.

See ACOW indwtrIaJ Vallabxa. A Mamual lot Rccwtwndsd Prac*IcC (Lateif edbloc)

Ihe apIW.puidin rooms appeal reqfruwy paseelim for raplreble Soc OSIIA (ZRCFR 1930 I34~. MHA (30 CF3~ Pa~b 56 azud 57,, A~%S1 (115 2,. and KIOSK ~Eipj~~

~oo h~

IR~ Safety - sUb ~de elude e~endud.

  • -. Not nocmlly ~

Pae 2 of 3 Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2' Strainer Assembly L I* Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-37 of F-37 S f0sc


" d -. Wi-a dele

  • e QI vna~mmdmhr* i ,wla hIedmal, aan4 hIl aph ow if the - gen**

1).S. DeawmsmMdmlTz*~ Cry*am *:w

  • NOT . hazardou mwou'd hr pms at Wge.,me Cmr*h mdt Rm*w Ad: Casw l sh NT d a heard maevW tmdmr RCRA'o ha es/gqdsma 40 CFR 2S1.

Teanwaacw Cawed Acd: Cryga~h -w h ON he Z.PA TSCA bwa*w wae VAt II4SU4S-.7.

(2mebal E *unmidlpem Vma immd UlifeyAct: UrygahedU h NQ

e. Kwm Ad: C.,tuie *a kNO -J~ eamel* hssaerdWmss me Seclr. 3U mmd Food imd Drug  : Nla, bediu kth IFDA Ikd e ma~m* g my* he

/bedied htS ht .udksibhe inslfae 21 CMn175 3Ib3xuMvm).

dmr Treic 3b ep tam.Ukrde. S~e bm ra~ml lbitecnunu Amedm4hgk mud. *1A HIzard RMib egb1*.,mt ,&,***m H***l l~l i N tnl4l Sl Rwdhdt r~eS y wdwNm*

Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

(*) Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I of F-37 ATTACHMENT F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly L ON Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-2 of F-37 N ukonTM

-Material Material Narme 700 Series Board Safety Data Sheet MM)8 No,: 15-440- t7020-01.M8

""Section1 - Chemical Product and ComayIden~tioncetlon Product Mania(s): TOOSae BOaO AE 220, AF 500 Series, AT-,400 Seie Eqwpen &Aopance,, Fatr~catson Boar.

Fibergas Bas, c for Modng, Flex~kap Insiiu-.Ouick, .Jet-Cal Acoustical Muffter Pac.w*g NuKor wliao blanks Pipe &TaM kisiao Raaroao. SCR Board, Select ,Soiznd Sanded Acoustical Board. SR & H-TRange. T71W Thema Inatialon WAo*. Tranapootat0rn Type 1000 Oweni Corrni*g One Owens Corning Pa'kway Wand lteadutr A*. Prdc Stewardat*

Toledo, OH 43650. USA Emergencies OtltY (aftr 5p El erie weekends) 1-419-248-5330, CkEMTREC (24 ho,-rs evwrydeyl 1 800.424.9300 CANIIKEC (Canada .24 hoigseveryday) 1-413-99*6-06 Heathan Tecitlcatl Contacts=:

Helt Iss ntormation (Samr-Spin ET) l-600-GET-P1NK.

Techn,,ca Product mfo~niaton l8*nimSpm ET) 1408GETPlI,I

"*" ecton 2 -Corno Won I Informationl on In redlent ""

CASU Componet Percent by Copoet eated Regulatoy Itfornatlon This product may tie regulaed have eaposure lars or Other rilornabon idenif*e as Ine totlowr~g Fibe Glas wool FibrouS *m Nuiac m* c~e Comoet Ii~nneormrormanlonmt on Nonoazrdu Components No additoa aifmaio available I " " ". Section 3.- Haardjs Identification

  • Appearance and Odor. PInk. yellow or tan forous marshal with faint resai odor So~me products have a vinyl. ioi pae foI or polyproyene facing Emergency Overview Acor sm*oie may be geer*ated n a tn tempteraer appnCeavs may relas r*n r* I a'trne cocnrtons
  • theml deo sonio pr s *u ammrria Icialdehyde and *n rnono* e*
  • in edo:s~e¶ or poorly
  • rn* la~ed areas dir ig line tnrs high tenprakr ycle*

Potantal HeIt IEffct Poge l of 0 IseDate 12r22103 North Arneiica glieh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9i Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,* IOL N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-3 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Materhal Name 700 Se*e Soard MSDS No.: l5-l150- 1702041-M Skin Cotat:

utsanid fib~ers from this prodct*. may cause temporary mechncl n tatlo to the slur Eye


Dusts and fibers from uii prodcu"t may cause *emorvy mnechaia Imtaheon t the eyes Igtinof this product is iuidkely However figestro of product may produce gastroettestewi irrietaton and distracs Medical Conditions Aggravated by Eposure:

chrfc respator or stan codioo may temporaril worsen 1mmrexposure to these products Inhalation:

If Inhaled, remove the afece person to fresh air If c'itatio persists get medic~attention*

Skin Contc For skin contact wash with mild soap and rwvrling water Use a wahlt to help remove fibers To avoid further rottion. ikt not rub or sc~rat afece areas Rubbtng crthngrmay force fioers int.o he stn If aritatio persists get meia allnto Never usa compressed ai to remove fibers from the akin If fibers are seen p0enetratrrg from the skin, the fibers can be removed by aOplytng and removing adhbesive tape so that th~efibers ader to the tap and ar pie oi of tV~eakin Eye


Immedately flsh eyes with 1pienty of uruting wate for at least 15 manifee If ~r~ttaton pesist get rmedcal attention Ilegation:

Inetrio of Ifa materil* is unlikely If it does OCCur, watch th peso fo several days to mak~e sre tha partial or ccrttplae inetia obstruction does not occur Do not induce* vomiting uniless direted to do so by mnedic

  • "* ection 5 -Fire Fighting Measures °*,,,

Flash Pon None Flash Point Meo: Not appicble Upper Flanmualsily Limit Not app~ce4le Lower Flamnmability Limit: Not pcal Flar,, eblty Classitlcatlon: Non-flammbe ExttnguIshtng Media:

Dry chemia, foam, carbon dioide, water fog.

unusual Fire £ Exploson Hlmara*I:

These products mayre lease acrid smokde at a sustained fire Flrel~lghtlng Insntuctmos:

Use sell-contained breathing aCppe atus (SCBA* and ful ibunker turnout gear In a sustaied fire Pge2 of 9 Issue Date- 12/210 Node Ameria - Engllsh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A LI0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-4 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet ballName 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 1S-&ISD- 17020-01-U Hazardous C-onbustlon Products:

Pniary con'bultin products ale carbon mon*oxid, ar.bon( dioxide, rnn* and water Ote uneemned criodscould be r~el.easd in sini, jntte

[ *"~~" SectiUon 6 - Accdental Release Measures **

Conta*nen Procedues:

Thras maere w settle 0*ofute aw If cocntae on lend, i can then be scoe up for disposad as a non-.

haaros waste This m'atenal will sink and dlispre aln the botton of waterway's and pod It cannot easily be removed afer it is wulwrtiome, however th material is non-hazaros in water Clean-Up Procedures:

Scoop up mat*enie and put mbo a sttale co~yrtan for disposa as a non-ha*dous waste Response Proc~edure:

Isolate ares Keep ur~m,-ecssary persoi~ril away Special Procedures:

None B ectionl7- Handlin and Storae""*

Handling Procedures:

Keep product in its padkagirg as long as practicbl to mrant*rze potental dust genrato K~eep isor* areas leAvoid urw sr hanlin of screap materials Storg Proeue:

Malaa shul be kept dry and undercover J "" *..Section 8 - E oure Controls I Personal Protection* "

Exposure Geidelines:

A: General Product Infnao Follw all awlal exposure llnnitst B: Component F.xposure Unts ACGIH and OSH,A exposut am~ ls4lsts have been checked for ths copoets wit? CAS registry numbers FIber Glass Wool (F*ru Glass) (4899-17.3)

ACGtH I Fcc TWA for respiratle fier longer tha Surn wit a diameter less the 3 urn, (Listed under 'Synhei vitreous fbers') (relaed to Glass wool fibers) 10 mgmin3 TWA (irilat pabite)* 3 mglm3 TWA (rspral patclte) (These values ame for partculat mattr conrtaining no asbesto and <*1%c*stlne sic)

Notes: (a* voluntar PEL was esaeae by the Nodh Am nar rMaufactixs Asociaio (tIAMA) and OSHA per tie Helth end Safety Parnerti Program (HSPP) agreenlert for Synthetic \Ateous. Fibers (SVFI Pae 3 at § Issue Dat 12122103 -~Nort America- Engls Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9I Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A LI0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-5 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Mateie Nmen: 700 SerIes Board MSD8 No.; 16-MSO. 17020-01-41 VeBatftlori:

General dtution venilaio and/or local exhaust veliist should be provide.d as necssr to maintain expxsures below regolatory limit Dust colfeeovon sytm shul be used in oprto* involving cuttin or mcrigand may be required vnoperatios using pow'er toods.


F** olIf thermal decomosition prdut eae not anticipated, a propery, itted NIOSHI or MSHA approved N 95 eerie desps*,e dusi respirator such as ide 3M model 821*0 (modl 8271 in high humidit~y Orvwrru'ients) or equi.valent shoed be used when high dint levels are encountered the level of glass filbers In the air exceeds the occpational exposure imit itritton o*r or instalig cx rem'oving any of these pIxOurds in poorly venfilaled spaces As an*extra precaatin you may choose brA are not requlred to wear a disposa*ble Hot UeApleNIctIUons: VWen the teprtr of th surface being insulated exceeds 250*F (t21C.), rickiding initial system starup, te binder in these prodxucts may undlergo variu daprees of decompoito dependin on the temperature of the apliation. The need for respratory prtcto wil vary scczrdig to th airborne cocnrton of the deomoition products released edaccu ulte in the area If trweInuation is installd or, hot surfaces above 2S0*F (121"C) but beo 850'F t34r*C( a full-face resplrator isit catde approved for prteton against organic vapos (ox formaldeyde If *avaiabe) should be used In

  • are. w~th good geea and/or locat exhaut ventdation where expours are cotrocied below the form aldeye, carbon moroid and amnmonia PEL or STEL. and additve effects nave been factored In then respiratory protecton is normarl not needed Foradhd in some high temeaue aplctos these pro~ducts may initlally release concenltrain of forrrldrid equal to or greater than 01 porn, but less than 05 pp Airborne concenritmrebn shou.ld be assessed to detrmn the appropnsu type of respiratory protecttion to be used Wht'en in doubt. use sule air Amimonia. Signi*cn quanvtite of aitimonla may be released int*al i gh temeatr aplctons. Amrnoria has good warning prprte and any respirator weare expenecag irriation whl wern en ai-prfyn resiao should lea~ve the area Sirn~uitne respiratory protection agis fonrmaldhd and enrnna requires use of a s&ile air system A careful alssessment of th~eworiplece environment s~hould be made to Odetsrrne th approprite repatory prtcinrequlred. If ar.piuifyig respirtor Is used for ammon*ia protection it should be full fa*e wit cartride Carbon Monoxide. Respratory protection gen~erally reuies a supplir air system Cartonrono* xxte has poor Use respiratory protectio in accorda,,nce wth respirator manufactures instrction and in accordanc~e wit your company's respirator prtcin pra, loa reguttions and OSHA regulations under 29 CFR 1910.134 Skin Protbecton, Normal wv~rk ciitig (Icng slee shel, ion pat anmd glovesj is recommedd Slim irritation is known tO occur chiely at the pressure poin*ts suc:h as around the necli, wrists, waist arid betweemn tile fngers Eyes/F ae Protective Equlpment Wea safety glsses gogle or fac Shlli Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-6 of F-37 M~ateria N~ame. 700 Series Board Material Safety Data Sheet USDS 14 to.: l16USD- 1701-0I.

'""Sction9- PhysicalI&ChemicalPP r tie s "

Appearance: Fibrous Odor: rai Vapo*/r Pressu (mmnNg Vapor Density (Airwi): Not appcb Specific Gravity Freezing Point* Not appcat Evaporaio Rate (n-Sutyt Viacosity Notepcll Acetate-I): Not appicabl1e Physical Propete: Adiioa Infnato No additon~al tr~grrn*ion availabe I "" * ~Section 10 - Chemical Stabi V*l& Reactivt Information "

Stability; This Is a stl msterl Condlilona to Avoid:

None expecte IncompatIbl Materials:

None epce Hazardous Deopsto Producta:

compounds could be r~ete* in gns qante Hazardous Poiymerlzatio:

Vnot occur Aoute and Chronic Toxicity:

A: GeneralI Prodluct lofrao DustsS may cas machanic imtabo to eyes en skin Ingsto may cause tranient irntaton of thrat stomach an asr *teka trc Iphatn may cause Coughig, nose an*dIfroet iiaton nd sneezin ige ezpo&Ne may cause di*h-ty breatin cogto, and chest tigtness may be reeased AMwri'a gas and carbn nxide ma*y bbe relesed Fom~aidhyleF may Uiet r u cause aleg slacs with shortness of breath. ,uliezrng. cxiugwmg an chs *gtss R~epete expo~sure may respiraory tra-t en eye snator Bresthng carbon mnoxid can cause headachs nausea, dizznes and can Pag ~ of~ lsgueUate 12122103 Nori Americ .Eish Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,* IO L N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-7 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet MaeilName: 700 Se*e Soard MdSDS No. 1S-USO- 1702[0-014il B: Component Ana.lysis- BOCS0 Urea. potymaer wlit formaldehyde and phenol 12510484 Oral LDO0 Rat 7 gn~g Oral LD50 Mouse 7 grvrg C: Component Analysis.- LOSOILC5O For Cheicl Which May Se Released During Use Irnatatjono LC6O Rat 2000 ppmt4H Inhalation L1GO Mouse 4230 ppn~lH Carbon monxbd (SW-8.)

Inhl'-*,on L1S0 Rat 1807 pl~ri4H Ialtio LC5O Mouse 2444 pprr4H ormaldehyde (50.00.)

Flow-ttwugh LCSO Fathead Mn'ew 241t mg!L (96 !v)

Ftow-ttvough LC5O SIuegdl 0 10 mng'I(98 h~r1 F*Gis tI, October 2001. th Iremliona Agency for Research on Cancer (lARC) classifiedl fiber glass wooI as Gru 3. "n classfabte asto its ca~rcinotery to humans The 2001 de*io a Cased¢K on human studies amd animl research that have not sh'ownr an asctIon* bewe inaato exos to dust fo fbrglass wool and Vie developmn'-dt of reprtr desease This class=-caton relcs the IARC findin*g in 1987 of a Gru B desigation poau c=wlngersc to humans" in May 1g991the Amiencan Conference of Gov'rnenta Indstnal~ Hygiensts (ACGIH) adpe an A~3carclnogen cla*ssiato for glass wool ftbers The ACGIH A3 dassfic:atao consider glass wool to be cwoki*ogettic si expelmnenita animas at realatvey hgh doses by routes of adeinitato, at sites, or by mechnrame-4 that it does not cosie relevant to worker exposure 11also reviewedl the available epdnooia studies and conclde that the do not confrm an increasedt risK of cancer in exoe hiuians Overall the ACIHI ft* tht* the availale me~catsinii evdec~e suggests that glass wool is not leely to caise cane ii humans except iN~ier unonvton or ialkely routes or level of exposure In 199, the Nafna Tooclg Program (NTP) cmrlasfe gim *o04 (reprbe size) as "reesonabl anticipated to bea humn*' caciogn Thisces*ainwas rnaly based upon 1the 1987 IARC casfcto NIP is ourrenty onieni reaefyng Sir mater'i Cawnogenky:

A: Geea Product Iform~atton No inforato *avarlae for Vie product.

B: Component Carclnoganclty AGGIH IARC OSH and NIP carcinogenlists have been chected for those c~ompnt wPth CAS regrsu numbers IFiber Glass Wool (FIbru Gls) P05i~7-17-,3) lAJIC Group 3 "nol class*"iale as to its carcinomgenicty to humans' (reused to Glaswo:ol)

Octobr 2001 Meetin AC(3H A3 - animal carcinogn (relted to Glass wool fier) select canonogeni)

Pae6 of ¶1 Issue Da: 121VJt03 Ncrfi Arenca

, English Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-8 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet MaterlaJ Nane: 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 1.MSO- 17020-O1-Ml I Section 12.-Ecolo

  • * *~.. I Information **]

No dat s*lable for tis produc't This maten* a not epected to cause hayn to animala plants Or fish us EPA Waste Nu*e & Descritions:

A: General Product Inf nmtn Thas pnxfticl 4 diae t not ex;:cted to be a charactesrcha ardoi waste under RCRA B: Copesn Waste Numbers No EPA W~aste Numbes are appliabe for hi prdds compon~rents Disposal Instrutions:

DIspose of wasla matera ac to Loc~al Stt rnvn Federal and Provinci* Evrromet Regmt~os I * ** ~Sectlon14 - Trnspotaton Information***

us DOT Information Shppn Name: Not regulied for tra~nsprt KadClass: None UN1NA 8: None Pak~ing Grop: None Requiredl Label(s): None TOG Information Shipping Name: Not reg;ime for trnor Hazard Class: None UNINA #. None Packing Group: None Requited Labe(ts: None Additionral lnto.: None Additional Trasprato Regulations:

No adiia miformation evslbl 1 " * *~~Section 15 - Re ator Information "*

US Federal Regultins.

A: General Produc Information No adiia informatin evmlaLe Trhs mE~al contais one or more of the fobesng chnaal requie to be idnie under SARA Sect on 302 (40 CFR 355 Apeni A). S~ARA Section 3t13140 CFR 372 65) and~or CERCLA (40 CFR 302 4)

Nose Page 7 of 9 lss* Date ¶2/22)03 North Ameuica - ~ngllsb Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-9 of F-37 Materia Natal 700 Sete Board Material Safety Data Shoot MBOS No: I5MSO- 17020401-U1 The *aorng is p'we to aide eit* prpartio ofSAA5ot.4 311 arid 312 reports SARA 3111312 Acute Health Hazard: Yes Chronic Helt H4aar: Yes Fire Hazard: No Sudden Rael.,. of Pressure Hazard: No Reactire Hazard: No C: Clean AkrAct The toon copnet apear on*ti* Ciean Ar Act- 1990 Hazadous Ai Polluant List None Stat. Regulations:

A: General Product tnoialn No sd*oa a*ormaton evatate B: Comonn Anly - Stal The fvltowrir c inponents per on on or more ot @tefotoisate itazarclous suttstces it~s V -,,opon,,nt CAS s CGA F M M J P The fc~k:waig sttrets) are providd u4,der mreCaI~forII Sate O~~lng Water end Tonic Enfo:rcement Ac of 1986 (Prpsto 85)

WARNINGI This prodoc conthsn a ciermC known to in. stale of Caiion to cars. cancer Othr Regaledon:

A: General Product Inbormatlon No addrt~cml mfmiton available 8: Co~o!Afr!!!fimCnto#


-opsit IA IDL EN FierGas oI(~rw ~as)859.- Yes..... iYes Yes*...

C: Compoen Analsis- WMIStl.

The Isom are Kint wder un th Canadain Haza~rdous Produjcts Act tngre~ent O *dsr List W SStleus: Controlled WISClasfia~ n: OZA-Crcnesct PagJ B of g .... ssue Dat 12P22r3 Nott Ajrwrc*.- gIsh Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9i Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALk I ON Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I10 of F-37 Material Safety Data Sheet Maiatlr Name: 700 Ser~es Boa~rd MS*S No.: 15-M80- 17030-0141

"** ~Section 16.Otherlnfonration "

V - ~Aciute Heatlh .. .... .. .i ...+

NFPA Unusual Haiards None MtiII Personal Protection To be supped by user depn~ng u*in s Reasonable care h.asbeen taken in the preparatio of ths inomto, bxAthe mar-,afadur ,ne no w*rany of medarit or any other warrant/ expressed or im%*edIwit respect to ths W**rrlaimf The maufci.a makes no rersnain and assunes no l*ht fo anty d*ect inlata or co eta daae reuting trora Its usa EPA

  • Enwrm entl Protection Agnc. TSCA Toxic Substance Conrol Act, ACGIH American Contferenct of Governmeta n*tt~a Hy-eis IARC n=emsiona Agency for Research on Cancer. NIOSH Naioa lnsbttita for Occpton~al Safety arid H t NIP - Natonal Txcoloy Programn OSRA - Occuptoa Safiety and Hearth Admiisration I*FPA . National Fir Protecbon Asocato HMIS
  • Hazardous Matanaf Idnitais~Sysrtem CERCLA = Comprehensive Enwormental Response Compensation and Lraltty Act; SARA = SL.eupatnd Mwnnentm s an Rea..,nzlio*t0n Act; OSI = Canadian Domestic Susac LiSt. EINECS

=European Inventory of New an Exstn Cheia Substnes. -l* Wo kptece Hazardous Mlaterials Infration System. CM Clean At Act Revision Sumnenwy:

Ths s a reie MSDS wract, replaces 15 MSt}.11020-01 L wit updx~ated prii ae Get 0OCMSOS elec~oncsty *a Intemaet htj* or by callng i-800-GET4'NK

    • eendof t5-SO 1702O-0t-M n.

Page 9 of 9 Issue Oat. 12I22J03 North Ame-ca. Eng' Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A* L I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I I of F-37


Green Silicon Carbide IMatental manufactured by UK Abrasives, incI and distiued by Industrial Supply, Inc.

UK Abrasives, Inc. MSDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS-SIC Printed 2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 SILICON CARBIDE POWDER UK\SiC Section 1. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Corporate Number UKSiC - F, P, JI S Mantufa~cturerlDistrnbutor UK Abrasives, Inc.

3045 MacArthur Blvd.

Northbrook, IL 60062 Pho*ne Numbers Product Informnation (847) 291-3566 Transport Emergency (847) 291-3566 Medical Emergency (847) 291-3566 Trade Names and Synonyms Siliconi Carbide CAS Name SILICON CARBIDE CAS Number Silicon Carbide 409-21-2 Graphite 7782-42-5 Formula SiC TSCA lnvento*y status Reported/Included Silicon 2. COMPONENTS Material CAS Number Weight OSHA PEL TWA

%mg/rn mg/rms Silicon Carbide 409-21-2 97-100 Total Oust 10 10 (e)

Respirable Fraction 5 5 Free Carbon 7782-42-5 0-3 3.5 3.5 Section 3. PHYSICAL DATA Water Solubility Insoluble Odor Odouless Form Granular material or powder Color Black/Green Specific Gravity (H-10=1) 32 Particle Size from 8to 1200 mesh Section 4. HAZARDOUS REACTIVITY lnstablhty Stable Polymeriztzon Polymerization will not occur lncompatzbNlty None (continued)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-12 of F-37 MSDS-SiC (Continued) Printed2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 Page 2 of 3.

Section 5. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Extinguishing Media Noncoinbustible Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding lire conditions.

Special Fire Fighting Wear self-contained breathin apparatus and protective clothing Instructions to prevent contact with skin and eyes.

Unusual Fire & Explosion Emits toxic fumes under fire Hazards conditions.

Section 6. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Contact with particles may cause mechanical irritation of the akin with itching, redness, swellng, or rash; or irritati~on of the eyes with tearing, pain, or blurring of vision.

Inhalation of dried-down material may cause irritation of th upper respiratory passages.

carcinogenicity None of the components in this material is listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA, or ACGIH as a carcinogen

  1. Explosure Limits See Section 2.

Safety Precautions Avoid breathing dust.

Section 7. FIRST AID INHALATION No specific intervention is indicated as the compound is not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. However, if symptoms occur, consult a physician.

SKiN CONTACT The compound is no~t likely to be hazardous by skin contact, but cleansing the skin after use is advisable.

EYE CONTACT In case of contact, imimediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.

INGESTION No specific intervention is indicated as compound is not likely to be hazardous by ingestion.

However, if symptoms occur, contact a physician.

Section 8. PROTECTION INFORMATION Generll Applicabl0e Control Measures and Precautions Good general ve~ntlation should be provided to keep dust concentration froma dried-down material below the recommended exposure limits.

Personal Protective Equipment EYF_..FACE: Safety glasses with side shields.

RESPIRATORS: If exposure limits are exceeded, wear NIOSHIMSHA approved respiratory protection.

I IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIII I I I I Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 02 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-13 of F-37 MaDS-SiC (Continued) Printed 2.2.97 Updated 1.5.14 Page 3 of 3.

Section 9. DISPOSAL INFORMATION Spill, Leak, or Release NOTE: Review FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDSad SAFETY PRECAUTIONS before proceeding with clean tp. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean up. Recover undamaged and minimally contaminated material for reuse or reclamation with industrial vacuum cleaner.

Waste Disposal Can be precipitated mechanically in sewage plants. Can be disposed of with household refuse in conformity with local regulations.

Section 10. SHIPPING INFORMATION Not regulated as a hazardous material by DOT or IMO.

Section 11. STORAGE CONDITIONS Keep container closed; protect from damage.

Section 12. TITLE III HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Acute No Chronic No Fire No Reactivity No Pressure No LISTS:

Extremely Hazardous Substance - No CERCLA Hazardous Substance - NO Toxic Chemical - NO This data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process.

Responsitirty for MSDS: Vitaly Slobodsky, Ph.D.

UK Aixasives, Inc.

3045 Mac Arthur Blvd.

Northbrool, IL 60062 End of MSDS Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LIO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F- 14 of F-37 PSD from IndustrIal Supply Inc

, cowER~

B~N Multisizer 3 3.53 File name:

Sample numbe 400 Group ID: GREEN SIC F800 Sample ID: LOT# SWG060BS.E08 Size bins: 84 from 2 pm to 80 pm Acquired: 12:39 6 Jun 2008 Differential Volume swg060b5.#08 8-6-

I 4-2-

C,-1 2 4 6l 8I 10 I Particle Diameter (pmo) 2(I E) 40 e I Volume Statistics (Artmetic) swg0O0O5 #08 Calculain from 2.000 p~m to 60.00 pm Voiume:



Mode: 101!1 pm

>3% >25% >50% >.75% >94%

15.83 pm 11.99 pm 10.25 pm 8.882 pm 8.913 pm Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-15 of F-37 Page 1/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006IE*C (REACH), 127"212008/EC (CLP), and OSItIA GHS5 Prnnting date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014

  • 1.1 Product identifier
  • Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain

- 12 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against No further relevant information

  • Appliato of the substance I the mixture Industrial uses.
  • 1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet ManufacturerlSupplier a Electro Abrasives LLC 701 Willet Road Buffalo, NY 14218 Phone: (716) 822-2500 DL 5r.
  • 1.4 Emergency telephone number:.

ChemTel Inc.

(800)255-3924, +1I(813)248-0585

  • 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
  • Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 127212008
    • health hazard Carec lA H350 May cause cancer
  • Classification according to Directive 67/648/EEC or Directive 1999t45/EC T;Toxic R49: May cause cancer by inhalaton

- Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:

The product has to be labelmed due to the calculation procedure of the TMGeneral Classificaton guideline for TM preparations of the EU in the latest valid version.

  • Classification system:

The classification is according to the latest editions of the EU-lists, and extended by company and literature data.

The classification is in accordance with the latest editions of international substances lists, and is supplemented by information from technical literature and by information provided by the company.

  • 2.2 Label elements
  • Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 127212008 The substance is classified and labelled according to the Globally Harmonized System withir the United Slates (GHS).

The product is classified and labelled according to the CIP regulation.

(ccntd on page 2)

Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly I N Document 0,NALol,,ooO No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F- 16 of F-37 Page 2110 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 12T2/20081EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.:2014 Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. o* page I)

  • Hazard pictograms GHS08
  • Signal word Danger
  • Hazard-determining components of labelling:

Quartz (SiO2)

  • Hazard statements 11350 May cause cancer.
  • Precautonry statements P281 Use personal protective equipment as required.

P201 Obtain special instructions before use.

P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.

P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advicelattention.

P501 Dispose of contentslcontainer in accordance with tocallregional/nationalfinternational rergulations.

  • Additional information:

Restricted to professional users.

  • Hazard description:


0 D2A -. Very toxic material causing other toxic effects

  • NFPA ratings (scale 0 -4)

> Health =0 Fire - 0 Reactivty = 0 HMIS-rat~ngs (scale 0 - 4)

  • Health =
  • UFire= 0 Reactivity = 0
  • - Indicates a long term health hazard from repeated or prolonged exposures.

HMIS Long Term Health Hazard Substances 1480e-6-71 Quartz (SiO2)

-2.3 Other hazards

  • Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
  • PBT: Not applicable.
  • vPvB: Not applicable.

(Cotd. on page 3)

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9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A1L I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-17 of F-37 Page 3/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/IEC (REACH), 12T2/2008/EC (CLP), and OSIA GUS Pnnting date 15.102014 Revision: 06.10.2014 STrade nm:Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain J (Conitd. of page 2)

  • 3.2 Mixtures
  • Description: Mixture of substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.
  • Dangerous components:

CAS: 409-21-2 silicon carbide 50-100%

EINECS: 206-991-8 sLtbstance with a Community workplace exposure limit CAS: 14808-60-7 tQuartz (S1O2) < 1%

EINECS: 238-878-41 flT R49; fl Xn R48

  • >Carc. IA, H-350
  • Additional infonnatio: For the wording of the listed risk phrases refer to section 16.
  • 4,1 Deciton of first aid measures
  • General information: No special measures required.
  • After inhalation:

Supply fresh air consult doctor in case of cornplaints.

Provide oxygen treatment if affected person has difficulty br'eathing.

  • After skin contact:

Brush off loose particles from skin.

Clean with water and soap.

If skin iriain conitnues, consult a doctor.

  • After eye contact:

Immediately remove contact lenses ifpossible.

Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

  • After swallowing:

Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water.

Do not induce vomitng; call for medical help immediately.

  • 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed coughin Gastric or intestinal disorders.
  • Hazards Danger of impaired breathing.
  • 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No further relevant information available.
  • 5.1 Extinguishing media
  • Suitable extinguaishui agents: Use fire extinguishing methods suitable to surrounding conditions.
  • For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents: None.
  • 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available.
  • 5.3 Advice for firefighters
  • Protective equipment:

Wear self-contained respiratoy protective device.

(Comred on page 4)

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O Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A,..L..I 0.ooO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-18 of F-37 Page 4/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907120061EC (PEACH), 12T2/20081EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Prnnting date 15.10.20 14 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade name: Electrocarbi Green Silicon Carbide Grain Wear fully protective suwt.

-Additional information No further relevant information available.

  • 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Avoid formation of dust.

Ensure adequate ventilation For large spills, wear protective clothing.

For large spills, use respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust/aerosol.

  • 6.2 Environmental precautions: No special measures required, 6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:

Pick up mechanicall Send for recovery or disposal ini suitable receptacles.

Dispose contaminated material as waste according to item 13

  • 6.4 Reference to other sections See Section 7 for information on safe handling.

See Section 8 for infoimation, on personal protection equipment See Section 13 for disposal information.

7.1 Precautions for safe handling Prevent formation of dust.

Any unavoidable deposit of dust must be regularly removed.

Use only in well ventilated areas.

Avoid breathing dust

  • Information about fire - and explosion protection: No special measures required.
  • 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
  • Storage:
  • Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: No special requirements.
  • Information about storage in one common storage facility: Store away from oxidising agents.
  • Further information about storage conditions:

Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed receptacles_

Store receptacle in a well ventilated area.

Protect from humidt and water.

This product is hygroscopic.

  • 7.3 Specific end use~s) No further relevant information available.

Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly LION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-I19 of F-37 Page 5/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/20061EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GUS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 STrade name: Electzrocaerb Green Silicon Carbide Grain (coifl. of page 4)

  • 8.1 Control parameters
  • Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:

409-21-2 silicon carbide PEL (USA) Long-term value: 15" 5' mg/rn' fibrous dust: t total dust **respirable fraction REL (USA) Long-term value: 10 5' mg/rn'

  • total dust 'respirable fraction TLV (USA) Lon'g-teen value: 10' 3"' mg/rn' tibrous dust:0, f/cc; nonflbrous:'inh,'resp.

EL (Canada) Long-tewm value: 10* 3*" mg/rn' uihalable; respirable EV (Canada) Long-term value: 10" 3' mag/rn' 0,lt/cc m ppm nonfixrous: *inh.,'*resp.; *"fibrous, resp.

14808-60-1 Quartz (Si02)

PEL (USA) see Quartz listing REL (USA) Long-teen value: 0,05* mg/rn'

  • respirable dust; See Pocket Guide App. A TLV (USA) Long-term value: 0,025" mg/rn'
  • asrespirable fraction EL (Canada) Longj-term value: 0,025 mg/rn' ACGIH A2; LARC 1 EV (Canada) Long-term value: 0,10' mg/ni'

___________respirable fraction

  • DNELs No futhr relevant information available.
  • PNEICs No further relevant information available.
  • Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis.
  • 8.2 Exposure controls
  • Personal protective equipment:
  • General protective and hygienic measures:

The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.

Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Avoid contact with the eyes.

Avoid close or long term contact wit the skin.

Do not inhale dust / smoke / mist.

  • Respiratory protection:

Suitable respiratory protective device recommended.

Use suitable respiratory protetie device imcase of insufficient ventilaton.

For spills, respiratory protection may be advisable.

  • Protection of hands:

Wear gloves for the protection against mechanical hazards according to NIOSH or EN 388.

The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the producV the substance) the preparation.

  • Material of gloves The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

(Cared on page 6)

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9D Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

,01 N

,0...* Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-20 of F-37 Page 6/10 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Prntling date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade nam: Electbrocaib Green Silicon Carid Grain (Contid. of psge 5)

  • Eye protection:

Safety glasses

  • Body protection:

Not require-d under normal conditions of use.

Protection may be required for spills.

  • Limitation and supervision of exposure into the environment No special requirements.

Risk management measures No special requirements.

  • 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties
  • General Information Form: Granulate Colour: Green
  • Odour: Odourless Odour threshold: Not determined.

-pH-vahue: Neutral

  • Change In condition Meltig pointlMelting rang.: Not Determined.

Boilng pOinlti~oilintg range: Undetermined.

  • Flash point: Not aplicable.
  • Flammability (solid, gaseousj: Product is not flammable.
  • Auto/Selff-gnstinn temperature: Not determined.
  • Decomposition temperature: 4712 "F 12600 tC (Sublimation)
  • Self-igniting: NOt determined.
  • Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.
  • Explosion limnits:

Lower. Not determined.

Upper: Not determined.

  • Vapu pressure: NOt applicable.
  • Density at 20 "C: 3,20 gicm"
  • Relative density NOt determined.
  • Vapu density Not applicable.
  • Evaporation rate Not applicable.
  • Sokubility in I Miscibility with water: Insoluble.

(Contd onp~ag,7)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly I..c 0~o N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-21I of F-37 Page 7/10 Safety(REACH),

according to 19O7r200)6/EC Data Sheet1212r2008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014

[Trade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbd Grain (Contld. of page 8)

  • Partition coefficient (n-octanollwater): Not determined.
  • Viscosity:

Dynamic: Not appicable.

Kinematic: Not applicable.

  • 9.2 Other information No further relevant information available.
  • Thermal domo nIcoitosto be avoided:


  • 10.3 Possibility ofhzrosreactions Reacts with strong acids.

Reacts with oxidisimg agents.

Reacts with strong alkali.

- 10.4 Conditions to avoid No further relevant information avalable.

  • 10.6 incopaible materials: No further relevant information avalale.
  • 10.6 Hazros decomposition products: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
  • 11.1 Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity:

Primary irritant effect:

  • on the skin: No infiant effect.

on the eye: No initatkg effect.

Sensitisation: No sensitising effects known.

  • Additional toxicological information:

The product shows the following dangers according to the calculation method of the General EU Classification Guidelines for Preparationts as issued in the latest version:

Carcinogenic if inhaled.

  • Repeated dose toxicity May cause damage fo organs through prlne or repeated exposure.
  • C:MR effects (carcinogenity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction):

Carc. 1A

  • 12.1 Toxicity
  • Aquatic toxicity: Generally not hazardous for water
  • 12.2 Persistence and degradability No further relevant information available.
  • 12.3 Bloaccumulitlve potential Does not accumulate in organisms.

12.4 Mobility in soil No further relevant information availale.

(Cond. on page 8)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly Ak I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-22 of F-37 Page 8/10 according Safety Data Sheet to 190712006/EC (REACH), 1272/20081EC (CLP), and OSHIA GHS Printing date 15,10.2014 Revision: 0610.2014 Trade name: Electrocarbi Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. ofpage 7)

  • Additional ecological information:
  • General notes:

Negaiv ecological effects are, according to the current state of knowledge, not expected.

  • 12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
  • PBT: Not applicable.
  • vPvB: Not applicable.
  • 12.6 Other adverse effects No further relevant information available.
  • 13.1 Waste treatment methods
  • Recommendation Smaller quantities can be disposed of with household waste_

Can be reused after reprocessing.

Contact waste processors for recycling information.

The user of this material has the responsibility to dispose of unused material, residues and containers in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding treatment, storage and disposal for hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. Residual materials should be treated as hazardous.

  • Uncleaned packaging:
  • Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.
  • 14.1 UNJNumber
  • DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.2 UN proper shipping name
  • DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.3 Transport hazard class(es)
  • Class Not Regulated
  • 14.4 Packing group
  • DOT, ADR, IMDG, IATA Not Regulated
  • 14.5 Environmental hazards:

Marine pollutant: No

  • 14.6 Special precautions for user Not applicable.
  • 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex IIof MARPOL73I78 and the IBC Code Not applicable.
  • UN UModel Regulation":

(Contd on page 9)

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly SLI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-23 of F-37 Page 9110 Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 12T2/2008/EC (CLP), and OSHIA GHS Piinling date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.1012014 STrade name: Electrocarb Green Silicon Carbide Grain I (Conltd. of page 8) 15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/llegslation specific for the substance or mixture

  • United States (USA)
  • SARA
  • Section 355 (exteely hazardous subsanes:i None of the uirredients are listed. I
  • ection 313 (Specific toxic chemical listings):

Noeof the uigredients are listed.I

  • TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act): j Alingredients are listed.
  • heilsknown to cause cancer:

4808-60-7 Juartz (SiO2)I

  • hemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:

None of the ingredients are listed. 1

  • hemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males:I Noeof the ingredients are lhsted.I
  • Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:

Noeof the ingredients are listed.I

  • Carcinogenic Caegoie

Noeof the ingredients are listed. 1

  • NoR (nternto Agency for Research on Cancer) ~

71--9silicon dioxide, chemically prepared 14808-67 Quartz (SiO2)

  • TLV (Threshold Limit Value established by ACGIII) 409-21-2 silicon carbide 14* Quartz (SiO2) A SNIOSH-C (Ntonal Institue for Occupational Safety and Health)
  • andinLoestc:Sustnces List (DSL)
  • Canda Ingredient Disclosure 1st (limit 0.1%)

None of the ingredients are listed. I F- Canadian Ingedient Disclosure list (limit 1%)

None of the ingredients are listed. o aei Use or disdosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly k I 02 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-24 of F-37 Page 10110 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006/EC (RErACH), 12T212008/EC (CLP), and OSHA GHS Printing date 15.10.2014 Revision: 06.10.2014 Trade name: Electrocrt Green Silicon Carbide Grain (Contd. of page 9)

  • Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controled Products Regulations and the SOS contains all the information required by the Controled Products Regulations.
  • Substances of very high concern (SVHC) according to REACH, Article 57 None ofthe ingredients are listed.

15,2 Chemical safety asssment: A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carred out.

This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shag not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shal not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.

  • Relevant phrases H350 May cause cancer.

R48 Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure.

R49 May cause cancer by inhalation.

Abbrviations and acronyms:

ADR: Accord europeen sur I. transport des marchand ses dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the Intemalional Czrnage of Dangerous Goods by Road) iMDG: klemnatiorli Martime Code *rr Danlgerous Goods DOT: US Depanmer of Trasotto IATA; Ireerna*oal Air Transport Associaro GHS: Glbal Han'nonised System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals ACGIH: American Conference of Goyermen-etal Industrial Hy-inists EINECS: European Inventory of Existng Comrca Chma SuAbstanoes EUNCS. Euroean List of Noife Chemical Substances CAS: Chernc.l Abs.tracts Seamwce (d{so of I'e American Chemical Society)

NFPA National Fie Protectiom Aasocat (USA)

HMIS: Htacardous Materias Idniicto System (UISA)

WHIMIS: Workrac Hazardous Maeil Inomto System (Canada)

DNEL:. Derived No-Effect Levet (REACH)i PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Coce0rlir (REACH}~

Carc IA: Carciogeict. H~acard Category IA

  • Sources SDS Prepared by*

ChemTel Inc.

1305 North Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida USA 33602-2902 Toll Free North America 1-888-255-3924 Intl. +01 813-248-0573 Website: www chemtelinc~com Use or disclosure of the data containedherein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-25 of F-37 q

SDro EVoAbr~a s IBuffalo,

,,ELEC11RO ABRAnES CORP 701 II.NiyRoad 14218 Phone: 716.622-200 Fax: 7164-22-5568 Result Analysi epr am,,'s k 3827*1 600Gw Umin.v* Ab*~ F.uwyl~

- gaikm89: 007-BS Ns~ ~r ~ A.uSjS* aauav~ F~myO~

Sp.c~fic .uif.c, ama 0486 PPe90): e.7e w OD*J4): M.32* 01o.1n7): XiS~ ju MASTERSIZER Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restricton on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly S* £AOI LN f~tGN Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-26 of F-37 7 9

.L.IO.N Cont-ro, ofaterias and Chemicals Document No: ALON-SPP-LB-23S2-,12 Revision: 2 jPage C, ofCI Attachment C - Usage Control Log Sheet Material/Chemical Name:

Supplier of Material/Chemical: I*-j Ti?- AL 5iT'e*L* Alion LotlID: '3-o*-o*' 6C 5'C. -

Shelf Life: Expiration Date: A14 (N/A if not applicable)

(N/A if not applicable)

    • ~3or" Initial Quantity (units): /00 LIZ  ?' 10 Storage Location:

Testing Activity (plan #, client, etc.) Quantity Used iQuantity Left Date Initial VOG-TL?

5T~-713 oo ~ /nPage' of a iU 1r sey dsclsur of-hi doue'i sbe** hersiro onfh/Cve She

~~~~Use or disclosure ofthhs datocumind eein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Saeo hiseepr t

9D Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly SL IO N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-27 of F-37 K IOControl of Materials and Chemicals

........... tDocument No: ALJON-SPP-LAB-2352- 12 Revision: 2 Page CI of Cl Attachment C - Usage Control Log Sheet Material/Chemical Name: &R.T'

  • AJ l L. O ) C
  • l o cD Supplier of Material/Chemical: _~ *'~ - ._-o A1EI*AhLU *' Alion Lot ID: 5-27-o0 .' G-S/c Shelf Life: NJ/A Expiration Date: ILl/A (N/A if not applicable)

(N/A if not applicable)

Initial Quantity (units): 250 *- X Storage Location: $oZ, $oS" t..,0o00t8 r,,4,(

Testing Activity (plan #, client, etc..) Quantity Used iQuantity Left Date Initial VJo&P-r* T rST/- 2. - 7L 725o7 I1/,T'ZCo.&//l 14-7-'? Ar..*

  • £* "7"3 -~s+*12**3* ,*V*.zz* '/*!// /iZ

}Vij Sk* - 't - F=,_ 3B 5.~ ~~"1,I 3 5 ,. 1-, >* J"K

.,-so ,i ___

....................... .... 3-14 Page j of J Use or disclosureof this document is subject to rhe restrfiction on the Cover Sheet uJse or ugou~urtUluj*ui utu c.uownu*ea euu~e. suvjec* to ue re~uILOufl on we LOuvC ruge o Uli u I*-3ofL

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly kI 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-7410-005 Revision: I Page: F-28 of F-37 Interam I3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET lnteran(Tl) Emdotkermini Mat E-EA-3. E-SA-4,r E-ShA SL'7t0S4 Material Safety Data Sheet

.opigbt200,1, 3M Com~ . All rightsreseived Copyng and o dwnodig fthis ifnrton orthe jxpse of properly utlzn Mproducts is allowed provided that: (1) the informatin is copied in full with tno changes unless puor written agreement is obtaied fro 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the orginal is resold or oterwise dismuiited with di rthen of earning a prfi This materia safety data sheet (MSS)is provided as a corts mn rspone to a caston* request Thbijaduct is not regulated tindero and a MSDS is nor require for this product by the OSHA Hazard Conniiait Stdr (29 CFR 1910.12-00) because.

wsdm used as r.conanended orsn cr(dinai- conditos, it should nor preset a health an saeyhzr. Howve, use or processing of thle prdutx , inom accordesee with the pr-oduct's zeconnnaons ori uz tade ordiaury coniin may a*rthe peformace of th product anod tmay presn potena eat an safty*hmazad

[SECTION 1: PRODUCTr AND COMPANY iDENTIFWICATION PRODUWIr NA  : Intexur(TM) Encldiernn Mat E-SA-3, E-SA-4. E-54A kNLTANUAFIRR 3M DIVISION: Consumer Safetyand Light Manageeem ADDRESS: 3M Cente Sti Pauli, MN 55144-1000 EMERENC PHON: 1-800-364357 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)

Issu Date: 0F07/2004 Superredes Date: 12,8 2003 Document Group: 18-4287-1



3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEVW Specifi Phsia Fore.: Roll of material Odor, Color, Grade: Vliite mat with tin odor Geea Pfryuci Fous. Solid Imunedate health, p cl , asid euvroot eal hazards: The enicm iemmml prpeties of tlns prdc presetm a low exmardcinetal hazart Thus product, when ued widerreasonable conditions uidinaccordace with the 3M diectionsfo ue should no presen a health hazad. However, use or processn of the produc in a nnmre not in accordance with th prduts dietin fo use may affect the performance of the product and nmy present potental healt and sa"t haad.

Page I of 7/

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/A L I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-29 of F-37 I 3M MLATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Imtern(Ml) Eudotikruik Mat E-6A-3, E-6A--. E-M.At *L't210J 3.Z POTE*NTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eye te Mehnia eye imaiio Sgns/symptoms may tehiepin redness, tern an cona afraso.



DIxing -u~*

Mecanca 5md

  • imtatw Signsssm1t~os may inchlue abrain, redness, pam and itchig.


Upper Respiratory Tract lImtanon: Sissyptm may include cosigh, mezg nasal discarg~e. headache hoarsaess.

and nose and throat pmre No healh effects ate exece SSECTIoN 4: FIRST AID MEA*SURESI 4.1 FIR.ST AID PROCEDURES E.e Cotac. Fluh eyswith larg un~ts of wter. Ifsignsosy persipt get medical atent Skin


Washaffected arawith soap uxwatr. If srgn*s/synptoius dveop, get medical attention.

Inaato: Removepersc on fresh air. If igns.sinosdvlop, get mediclatenn If Sal _e: Do notmiduce vomiting. (ivevictim twoglassesof wate. Never give anythig wmouthto anulniconaorrsperson Get medical attenion.

sECTINo 5:fR IHIGMAUE 5.1 FLA.MMABLE PROPERTIES Anto~ignton tenyerature ,'* Data Avail o*

Flash Poit Not Appi kohL Fluma~e Limies- LEL Not Apkal FlnzbeLimits - LTEL Not Apc A osHA F==lainbitv Clsifcton: Not Appicbe 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Non-coxbwtslIbe. Choose reea suiable for suir-miding fire.

Page 2 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A L I0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-30 of F-37 S3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET intaraza Eadt*m Mat E-6A-3* E-IA-4r E-SAA *iA'7lgI 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Special Fire F'lhtiug Procedure: Wear full prtctv eqwjasnm (Bunker Gear) and a self-conained breathing apparatu (SCBA)

Uuuam l Fireand Explosion Hazards: No unsual fire orexplosin haards reanicipate& Not aplicable Note: See STABRIIT AND REACIThITY (SECT'ION 10) for hazarous coanhutio and thennal dec~ dompoito infornatiolL Accidenta Release Measures: Evacuat unprtecte and un dprne fr'om hazar careThe sil should be cleane up by qualifiedpersonnel Collect asmuch of thesiledmateral a psi1f Place ma closed continra ppr*0ovedfotrnmsportationby

]SECTION 7: HANDLING ANI) STORAGE 7.1 HANDLING Keep out of the reach of children For itxhsiral or profesioal use only Use general diluton ventilatio ando local exhaust vetlton to contoltairbxrne exposures to below Occupational Exosr Limits. f vetlto is n*ot adeulate. use resprato'y 7.2 STORAGE Store under noonal warehouse conditions SSECTIlON 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLSPESNAL PROTECTION 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use with approprite local exhaust ventilatio. Use in a well-veitlae are. If exhaust ventilation is not avial, use appropate respuatory protection 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTiVE EQUIPME.NT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Fae Protection Avoid eye contact The followin eye prtcins) ar recmmedeii Safety Gla*sses with side shields.

8.2.2 Skin P-rotection Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avod skin contac-t Select and use gloves aror rt'aective clothin to prevenlt skin contact based on th reit of an exosr ases Consuk with your glove aror protctiv clthn n iacue for slection of apopit conatble mae~rials.

Glove made froam the followin nutril(s) we reoneie Butl Rubbe. The following prtetmive clothin mateils) are reconine Coveralls - Dipoale, Tyv.nk.

8.2.3 Respiratoy Pr'otectio Select one of te IOSH approved reprtr basedl on airone ox~emr u of contamiansan d in acoda with OSHA regultioru: Half faeplee or ilf~ace ai-pixifyng respiratorwith N95pariulae iles. Consult the crnit 3M Respiraory Selection Gud for adtoa inomtion or call 1-100-243-4634) for 3M tehia asstistance.

8.2.4 Pr*evetion of Swaflowing Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL I O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-31I of F-37 3M*MATERIAL SAIETY DATA SHEET lateraO Eadethemic Mat EEA-3* E-*A-4 E-SSA *1W7i2W4 Do ' nges 8.3 EXPOSUR GUIDELINES hlredient Additional Information TWAe ACGIH 10 ragsu3 TWA-CELLULOSE OSH-A 5 m*'m3 Table Z-l zepuble CELLULOSE OSHA TWA - as tetal 15 mgm3 Table Z-1 dust c-ERMC FIBERS (ARBORNE ACOGIH TWA - 0.2 fibericc as fibers :>= 5 urn: Table A2 PARTICLES OF: RESPIRABLE SIZE)


ACXGIH: .Anica Cofernuce of Gavenm~mal Inutil

  • it ClMRG: Chmcal Maufrue Reom t Guideline OSHAk Occupationl Safrt and Health Adiitauca AJIHA. Auerican Inclustril Hyiene Association Workplace Emir~onnentl Exosr Leve*l (WEEL)



Roll ofmmateia White 'nu xvdi nso odor General Phscld Form: Solid Atzmintemperature No DoamAvaiable Flash Point N*ortplcable Flammable Limits - LU.

Flammable Limits - UE.L Balmg point Nor Applcable Vapor Pressure specifi Grvie 0.86 No DataAvailable No Data Avial Solhlt in Water LSEariity 10 SABLIYAN RACiVT Stability: Stable.

Matesials and Conditions to Avaidz None known Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polvmenzatson will not occur.

Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Condition caro msonoxide Not Specified Carma dioxide Nor Specified Page 4 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/sLION Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-32 of F-37



[SECTION 13: DISPOS.AL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Dipoa Melhod: eclama if feasille. If jrodct cant be relamed, dispose of wase prduct in a sanitary lanflf.

Alteratvely, miate th~e w'aste produc ma inusmil comnmffcia or nm*cipal inucinerator.

EPA Hazardos 'Waste Number (RCRA): Not regulate sInc tio-,msao vs.-, cosu hie~b atio or athoriie befre, dJ .


98o-0400-5464-9. 9g.0400-5465-6, 98-0400-5469-8, 98-0400-5475-5 Please contact the emegnc numnbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Trasorain Inrato material fo this ISECTION 15: REGLATORY INFORMATION -A I !

US FEDERAL REGULATIONS 311/312 Hazard Categories:

Fure Hazard - No PressureHazard -No R~eactivity-Hazard -No Imeite Hazard-Yes Delaed Hazard - No STATE REGUIATIONS Coac't 3M fx more mfiniorm.

CHEMICAL INVENTORIES Pag s oft7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report

O Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly AL O N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-33 of F-37 n3M MAERA SAI DATA SHEET Iateram(TM) Eadetheut Mat ELI-SA-3, E-SA-4, E-s.A *I*7*04 Contct 3M for- mae inomain INTERNATIONAL REG~l.ATONS Contact 3M for mte inomation.

SThis MSDShas beenpr tore meet Ike US. OSHA Hazard Communicaton Standard 29 -TR 19I0.1200.

ISECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONI NFPA Hazard Classifieation Healtt: 0 Fhaimatallts- I Reacinity: 0 Special Hazard: None National Fire Protection Asocaion (NFPA) aar unttngs are designed far use by emergency repos pesne u addes th haad tha ar p~resented by*than-resnacm* exposse s a matesial undr conditions of fire, spill. as similar emergences. H-azard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical tand toxic properties of sh~emateria bust also include the toxic properdie of comuto or deompsin prout tht ar knw to be genratd in signifcat qiuntiie.

HMIfS Hazard Clsliain Health: 0 Flaaaaabdiiiy: 1 Reactisit: 0 ?hroteclio: X - See PPE section Harirdous Material Idaniaso Syste (HI~lS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of cemnical hazards in the workplace. These raig are based on the inern proers of the material tider expected conditions of notmal use and are no nene fo us in emergn situatons. H-MIS(r) rating are to be used with a fully implemented 1-I11S(r) proglain I-IMIS(r) is a registered mark of the Naioa Paint and Coatns Associatio (N'PcA).

Revxsaan Ohanges:

Coyiig was modifed.

Section 3: Poeta efet from sin cnac nfratimon was modified.

Section 3: Potential effects from ingeststm information wats modified.

Section 3: Immediate other hazam~s) was moiid Secton 15: 311/312 De~layed Hazard score wasmdie.

.Amce dislaimer text (follow-ng the copynght) wa added.

Section 3: C *rmgnct hedn was deleted.

Sectio 3: Carcinoganit phnrae was deleted Sectio 6: Release measuies note - repozabilit, - was deleted.

Section 15: Caioi lpropsiti 65 nrdin informaton was deleted.

Section 3: Cardnogencity table was deleted Section 15*Califonia proposition 65 headig was deleted.

Section 15 Califoria proposition 65 cancer warning wa deleted.

DISCLALIME The information mnthis Materia Safety Data Sheet (MD) is believed!to be corc as of th dat isud 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR EIMPLIED. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIIE TO. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE_ User is responsble far detmnimg* whether the 3M pxcxhit is fit far a particular *a~s mid suitabl for uss meo of use or aplctin Given the vaiety of factors that canaffect the use ad applicationof a3M prduct~ sone of which are iiue*ly within the usa's knowledge and conitrol, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M prod t deem ine whehe i is fi fa a paricl~ar purpose and suitable for user's meho of use or application.

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9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly

/*LI O Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-34 of F-37 13M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET/later, TMEudoteruniMat E-BA-3 E-6AE-S*E*A *1*7f0d 3M MSDSs are availe at ww.3M.eoui Page 7 of 7 Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.

9J Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly ALk I 0 N Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-35 of F-37 Dird/Dust Mix 1MATERIA SAFETY DATA SHEET SecxbnI. Mao Cewemy Nmm ACSCO Coepseadarn Rmumcy w 847-520-4435 Addrson 160W. Hhma Rad Idetunfen uub S7-S20.4413 Wheellag lio 60090-7575 Date prqandh it14 Produict Namet Sic., Sand, Pica Flew, Quwu inwoiee, Ceyteaeu SIca Silkcn lddex c~~mmmt *

  • 2 y
  • NIOSHt has *hcmmnd a PaJ of005 mtr~l~Zehma*, fl c ample lioupa 0 day. 40 bow per wc.

TWA I $ kw TI WU'V Aw~rat 5.~d.. 3. Pb~tkci md ci Dat Melhdii le 71*C Va~por9euaIw- N/A EwaportlU fIt eNJA SeleIky II Wamerkilb AupnaIna d odor: l*b ota r~rto pode; .se Section 4. FIre ad EIdo Dat FaPan: Nm Aaognd T mAroi:

to No bne I****l*Mt::WUm burn Man dbe tue t .nhguri*ot rdu*acmr UmtalFe mmd caimle Raaari None Secto 5. ion Dat leacruee Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction an the Cover Page of this report.

9 Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2 Strainer Assembly A L I (2 Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-36 of F-37 3r~a~U~e ~ my tam Wvkatiin slam, hem. *

  • Prdu~i b ~ Sr nqkmhle .uy~n~e sce 4 mya~ c muSIcwabk 7 if

~m.e e~em be.& pininS my ka .ew~ hhehebm si ruqksbl. a7

~ka ~ my tha feRow~ ~ cbr~ hmahk tffeeu~

5Ua~ Eaceodw. ~5abu .1 rw.~abI. eryuaI~e ~a A may Lam a pnp*~su~.

dts~hu mi .meheee4aial bug aem cabd *ceeb. 8y~m Am~ ce~. uiain .1 hmaih. whee~ag. mmapd& mi iebi p~y fmgin. Thb d1 lo emam,~med by m~. Iaite4~b w31h m~ - ~ ~ 4mIapiubu~de~.

Cw~ lbs ~w~im~ Apoq for Rmemek m Cr (IARQ bu ~u4 that a~i:~em ~d lo ~ feeu .lqmuiv or a~ebebe burn urn b Creay 3. w~~e b ~. Refer ReIARC Maaspe~ w~e es (I~7), ~ Sm. in~u ml ~ Thea". The t*degd T.efcoloU Fvwsrm (4FF) da~ wwb~*k a ~ce m ka.~ Rehe a mr.Reepo~. lb. Amvk C.Srumte of Geeestsrn~al biutal hI7~~ $CGERI d~1m crywdbu aca - a

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&I~adr*um mid Kidasy Dbsmz There b inm ndm shut beub~ umpkabh eryaia~Ie dice or the dhum *rn~ b ~ with ~aind ~ddmee Sr admwhema (a. ~ uWein ~4W mfl~sd by Uin~a u1 ~, w~, mid other Reeruid a~

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~~dw If them b hhalaeloo of a~z~a dice dimS ta eow~ mid abuts- at breath, remove vIc~ Rebush ow. It brinhbtg ham ~opps4, purbem mEieId rU*admi. Seek m~d

~m : If hrge ino are eusbawed. p1 inae*M ~1rn.

f.ZLCMY V~ aye wish bile at wuter. Whw~m po~ ~ mdkd am~.

~ Ne flaw aM ahesid be model ~*

  • dma - ~d the ablo. Wink apomed id. uth myand w - seeded.

S.cdm 6. hinge. Kassq~ mid Use Fv..ocwbu Wrnwatlee

-. - D se be~bo dimS. Use a&qinIe vem~io. mmd deal coUmal...

Acold breakage of begged in.S.Id and ,pi of b~ material. U. gitod homekeeplagts we~a~

wwmtdagRe. of Rewb ormi. AiiM treats. eq ru ~. Mmor reephaish cr~a~

iBm Rethe wwhm a r ~.


paceOSSIA Haiar~1 C~aum~wa Sejalard N CI~U 3910.13W. I~I~$.W. I~I 7 25.1915 W). 192g. ~9. ~5M1 3928 21 - wet g 0 j ~j ~ *f~Uj~~) ~ ~ b.n~ 1aw~ mud rep.Iatwe YI~ Lisa mdUd hcal .mecbadcal e~haat - requd so miotal. level of reeplvabi. atm~e ace dag below the ftfimlulbk - LWt.

See ACOW indwtrIaJ Vallabxa. A Mamual lot Rccwtwndsd Prac*IcC (Lateif edbloc)

Ihe apIW.puidin rooms appeal reqfruwy paseelim for raplreble Soc OSIIA (ZRCFR 1930 I34~. MHA (30 CF3~ Pa~b 56 azud 57,, A~%S1 (115 2,. and KIOSK ~Eipj~~

~oo h~

IR~ Safety - sUb ~de elude e~endud.

  • -. Not nocmlly ~

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9* Test for Success Testing of a Prototypical Vogtle I and 2' Strainer Assembly L I* Document No: ALION-CAL-SNC-74 10-005 Revision: I Page: F-37 of F-37 S f0sc


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1).S. DeawmsmMdmlTz*~ Cry*am *:w

  • NOT . hazardou mwou'd hr pms at Wge.,me Cmr*h mdt Rm*w Ad: Casw l sh NT d a heard maevW tmdmr RCRA'o ha es/gqdsma 40 CFR 2S1.

Teanwaacw Cawed Acd: Cryga~h -w h ON he Z.PA TSCA bwa*w wae VAt II4SU4S-.7.

(2mebal E *unmidlpem Vma immd UlifeyAct: UrygahedU h NQ

e. Kwm Ad: C.,tuie *a kNO -J~ eamel* hssaerdWmss me Seclr. 3U mmd Food imd Drug  : Nla, bediu kth IFDA Ikd e ma~m* g my* he

/bedied htS ht .udksibhe inslfae 21 CMn175 3Ib3xuMvm).

dmr Treic 3b ep tam.Ukrde. S~e bm ra~ml lbitecnunu Amedm4hgk mud. *1A HIzard RMib egb1*.,mt ,&,***m H***l l~l i N tnl4l Sl Rwdhdt r~eS y wdwNm*

Use or disclosure of the data contained herein is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this report.