ML24184B863 | |
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Issue date: | 07/02/2024 |
From: | Jeffrey Mitchell Acquisition Management Division |
To: | Information Systems Labs |
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31310020D0004 | |
Download: ML24184B863 (1) | |
ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SER VICES P AGE OF PAGES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 1 43
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Acceptance of Task Order No: 31310024F0040 should be made by having an official, authorized to bind your organization.
_______________________ Name
_______________________ Title
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Period of Performance: 08/01/2024 to 07/31/2026
PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) 31310020D0004/31310024F0040
B - Supplies or Services/Prices.....................................................................................................5 B.1 BRIEF PROJECT TITLE AND WORK DESCRIPTION (AUG 2023)..................................5 B.2 TYPE OF CONTRACT (AUG 2023)....................................................................................5 B.3 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATIONCOST-PLUS-FIXED-FEE ALTERNATE I (AUG 2023).........................................................................................................................................5 B.4 SCHEDULES......................................................................................................................5 B.5 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE..................................................................................................6 B.6.1 LINE ITEM LIST...........................................................................................................6 C - Description/Specifications.......................................................................................................7 C.1 STATEMENT OF WORK....................................................................................................7 D - Packaging and Marking.........................................................................................................29 D.1 PACKAGING AND MARKING (AUG 2023)......................................................................29 D.2 BRANDING (AUG 2023)...................................................................................................29 E - Inspection and Acceptance....................................................................................................30 E.1 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY THE NRC (AUG 2023).......................................30 F - Deliveries or Performance.....................................................................................................31 F.1 PLACE OF DELIVERY (AUG 2023)..................................................................................31 F.2 TASK/DELIVERY ORDER PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (AUG 2023)..........................31 G - Contract Administration Data................................................................................................32 G.1 2052.215-71 CONTRACTING OFFICER REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITY. (OCT 1999)
.................................................................................................................................................32 H - Special Contract Requirements.............................................................................................35 H.1 NRC SPECIFIC INFORMATION (AUG 2023)..................................................................35 H.2 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT/PROPERTY (AUG 2023)...........................36 H.3 USE OF PERMANENT AND LOANER DEVICE SOLUTIONS DURING INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL (AUG 2023)..............................................................................................................37 H.4 CONTRACTOR CONDUCT (AUG 2023).........................................................................37 H.5 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE PRODUCTION OF REPORTS OR THE PUBLICATION OF RESULTS UNDER CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS, AND GRANTS (AUG 2023).............................................................................................................................38 H.6 WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION FOR NRC CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES (AUG 2023)......................................................................................................39 H.7 GREEN PURCHASING (AUG 2023)................................................................................39 H.8 2052.215-70 KEY PERSONNEL. (JAN 1993)..................................................................40 I - Contract Clauses.....................................................................................................................41 I.1 52.227-17 RIGHTS IN DATA--SPECIAL WORKS. (DEC 2007)........................................41 J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments..............................................................43
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B - Supplies or Services/Prices
(a) The title of this project is: Maintenance of NRC Codes Contract IV
(b) Summary work description: The objective of this contract/order is to support the Agencys safety mission by providing high-quality and timely regulatory thermal-hydraulic research, code development expertise, code maintenance support, and other technical products that facilitate regulatory safety analysis.
The contract type for this award is Cost Plus Fixed Fee.
This requirement is being procured in accordance with FAR Part 15 and Part 16
(a) The base and all option(s) value (total contract value) is: [ ], of which the sum of [ ] represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and of which ]
represents the fixed-fee.
(b) There shall be no adjustment in the amount of the Contractor's fixed-fee.
(c) The amount obligated by the Government with respect to this contract is [ ] of which the sum of [ ] represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and of which
[ ] represents the fixed-fee.
(d) This is an incrementally-funded contract and FAR 52.232 Limitation of Funds applies.
(e) In accordance with FAR 52.216 Fixed Fee, it is the policy of the NRC to withhold payment of fee after payment of 85 percent of the fee has been paid in order to protect the Governments interest. The amount of fixed-fee withheld from the contractor will not exceed 15 percent of the total fee or $100,000, whichever is less. Accordingly, the maximum amount of fixed-fee that may be held in reserve is [ ].
(f) There shall be no adjustment in the amount of the Contractor's fixed-fee.
The vendor is authorized to collect dues/fees from the NRC codes domestic user groups and CAMP member organizations on behalf of the NRC. The monies collected is treated as NRC obligations and therefore shall be tracked accordingly.
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C - Description/Specifications
1 Background
The Division of Safety Analysis (DSA), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) has responsibility for the development, testing, assessment, maintenance, and user support of the NRC's thermal-hydraulic (T/H) computer codes. These codes include
- TRACE (TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine) is NRC's flagship thermal-hydraulics analysis tool. It is a modernized thermal-hydraulics code designed to consolidate the capabilities of NRC's 4 legacy safety codes - TRAC-P, TRAC-B, RELAP, and RAMONA. It is able to analyze large/small break LOCAs and system transients in PWRs, BWRs, SMRs, and non-LWR advanced reactor designs. The capability also exists to model thermal hydraulic phenomena in both 1-D and 3-D space. It also includes the ability to model 3-D kinetics through integration with the Purdue Advanced Reactor Core Simulator (PARCS) code. The combined integrated product of these two tools is called TRACE/PARCS throughout the remained of this contract.
- PARCS (Purdue Advanced Reactor Core Simulator) is a computer code that solves the time-dependent two-group neutron diffusion equation in three-dimensional Cartesian geometry using nodal methods to obtain the steady-state and transient neutron flux distribution. The code may be used in the analysis of reactivity-initiated accidents in light-water reactors where spatial effects may be important. It exists both as a stand-alone program and as a separate computational module coupled to other thermal-hydraulic codes. In this latter context, the source code for PARCS is tightly integrated with TRACE. PARCS may also be run in a coupled mode with RELAP5 using a looser coupling technology called the Generic Interface (GI).
Associated with PARCS is the GENPMAXS tool which is used for converting macroscopic cross-sections generated by lattice physics codes like SCALE/TRITON/POLARIS, CASMO, or HELIOS into a form readable by PARCS.
- RELAP5 (Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program) is a one dimensional (1-D) best-estimate T/H code that is primarily used for small-break loss of coolant accidents (SBLOCAs) and other transients.
- SNAP (Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package) is a graphical user interface with pre-processor and post-processor capabilities which assists users in developing TRACE and RELAP5 input decks and running the codes.
- AVScript (Automated Validation Script) is a script written in the PERL language designed to allow code users to automate the process of running T/H codes and generating figures that are used to analyze the simulation of interest. The current TRACE assessment framework (over 500 separate and integral effects tests) makes extensive use of this tool. The functionality provided by this tool has been captured in an SNAP plugin called AVF. It is expected that over time, the entire TRACE assessment framework will be migrated to this new plugin.
- ACAP (Automated Code Assessment Program) is a graphical program designed to allow code users to easily generate quantitative figures of merit regarding the goodness of fit between code predictions and experimental data or other code predictions. This tool is written in C/C++
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and runs as a GUI on Windows or in batch mode on Windows or Linux. The batch functionality of this tool has been captured in a SNAP plugin written in Java.
These codes are used to support independent regulatory decision-making in support of design reviews, power uprates, license extensions, generic safety issues, and the review of vendor evaluation models.
Additional responsibility of the Division includes maintenance of a thermal-hydraulic databank which contains the results of T/H experiments, tests, and assessments used to demonstrate applicability of T/H codes for their intended uses.
When requested by the NRC, the contractor makes the codes available to NRC-approved domestic users via a User Support Group, and foreign users participating in the international Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP). The use of the codes by these organizations provides calculations and assessments needed to validate and improve the codes. Semi-annual international workshops are conducted by the NRC to discuss code results and related issues.
Codes are currently provided to approved users for a nominal fee that covers shipping, handling, and assistance in installation of the codes. Some users opt to join the User Support Group and pay an annual membership fee. For the additional fee, members receive consultation over email or the telephone on possible problems encountered in use of the codes, including new versions of the codes, and may send a representative to annual code training conducted by the NRC. Both domestic users and CAMP members continue to assess the codes against reactor operational and/or experimental data. As a result of these comparisons and through use of the codes for plant safety assessment, many changes to the codes are suggested each year.
When sufficient changes have been made to the codes, assessments are made by the contractor and new versions of the codes are released to the users. The contractor may, at the request of NRC, assert copyright to these codes, subject to a special nuclear purpose license that gives NRC the right to distribute the code in the nuclear arena and transfer the copyright to new contractors as new contract vehicles are awarded.
The contractor provides a single point of contact to assist code users, performs code and model development for the TRACE code, provides maintenance in the form of version control, error corrections and code debugging, and provides support for CAMP activities for the TRACE and RELAP5 codes. As noted above, it is expected that code modifications will be required as a result of code usage/assessment. The contractor is also expected to develop and conduct training courses and develop web-based training materials at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for NRC staff as well as domestic and international code users.
The NRC has transitioned from RELAP5 to TRACE as its primary thermal-hydraulic analysis tool. As such, RELAP5 code development activities are expected to be at a very low level, limited to bug fixes and porting features from RELAP5 into TRACE, as needed. Support for RELAP5 code maintenance will continue to address CAMP member needs as required by active international agreements.
2 Objective
The objective of this order is to support the Agencys safety mission by providing high-quality and timely regulatory thermal-hydraulic research, code development expertise, code maintenance support, and other technical products that facilitate regulatory safety analysis. The
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contractor shall provide the necessary personnel, management, materials, equipment, administrative and technical services as outlined in this Statement of Work.
3 Scope of Work
The contractor shall provide thermal-hydraulic (T/H) code and model development and improvements, as well as configuration control, correction of code errors, documentation updates, and user support to the NRC, its contractors, and members of CAMP and the domestic user community. The NRC will provide the contractor with the required codes.
Task 1 - TRACE/PARCS Code Development and Maintenance The contractor shall:
- 1. Maintain and develop TRACE/PARCS as directed by the NRC and provide a single point of contact for satisfying code users' requests for documentation, code versions or updates, modeling changes, improved user convenience, assistance and diagnosis of user problems, correction of code bugs, code changes, and updating of code documentation. Unless authorized by NRC, modifications shall be backwardly compatible with plant input models that were developed for older versions of the code.
Code manuals are presently maintained in Framemaker format, but consideration may be given by NRC in the future to convert them to LaTex.
- 2. Perform code and/or model development to add new modeling capabilities or features to TRACE/PARCS. This may include the integration of changes developed by others into official code update submittals (including all necessary software quality assurance (SQA)). All development shall be performed according to accepted SQA practices.
- 3. Perform code and/or model development to change existing modeling capabilities or features in TRACE/PARCS. This may include the integration of changes developed by others into official code update submittals (including all necessary SQA). All development shall be performed according to accepted SQA practices.
- 4. Coordinate all code changes that impact TRACE input with the SNAP code development team to ensure the TRACE SNAP plugin can be similarly modified within an appropriate amount of time to accommodate these changes.
- 5. Support TRACE/PARCS on the following platforms: Windows PC - 64 bit, Linux PC - 32 bit, Linux PC - 64 bit, and Mac/OSX (or later) running the following Fortran compilers and tools: Intel Fortran (for Linux and Windows) and Microsoft Visual Studio, NAG Fortran compiler for Windows, Linux, and Mac/OSX, and the GFortran compiler. These tools and platforms shall be maintained in coordination with NRC at their most current release levels. Future consideration may also be given to extending support to other platforms and tools not listed to reflect changing user needs. The contractor shall be prepared to acquire and use such tools with NRC direction and approval.
- 6. Develop and maintain user-friendly installation packages that are to be used when distributing TRACE/PARCS - one variant with source code, and one variant without source code (executable only). If an installation package does not exist, the contractor shall create one. Installation packages should include, at a minimum, a README file
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explaining how to install and run the code, sample inputs and outputs, all relevant code documentation, optimized and debug 32 and 64-bit executables for Linux and Windows.
Unless otherwise directed, installation packages shall be checked to ensure they do not contain proprietary information. Sample distribution CDs shall be provided to the NRC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) before their first release.
- 7. Perform verification and validation (V&V) of new models and TRACE/PARCS code versions, as directed by NRC. This includes the preparation of existing assessment cases into an automated execution framework (i.e. AVScript or AVF plugin) and the preparation of assessment reports in a format specified by NRC (may be Word, Framemaker, or Latex, using templates provided by the NRC). When a new version of a code is created or new experimental data becomes available, and when requested, the contractor shall provide the NRC COR with a plan for developmentally assessing the code and an assessment matrix based on a review of the relevant models and correlations in the code and ranges of conditions over which they apply.
- 8. Maintain cognizance of national and international developments in the area of thermal-hydraulic codes/experiments. Based on this knowledge, as appropriate, propose modeling improvements to TRACE/PARCS and additions to the developmental assessment matrix to ensure that TRACE/PARCS retains a state-of-the-art thermal-hydraulic analysis capability.
- 9. Maintain a CD/DVD library (using archival quality media) of TRACE/PARCS code versions developed by the contractor. Include all files necessary to understand, reproduce, document, and test these code versions, including ancillary data files and plotting routines. Restrict READ/WRITE access to supervised employees. While the NRC currently maintains configuration control of TRACE/PARCS using a version control system called Subversion, the NRC may, at its discretion, ask the contractor to assume this responsibility.
- 10. Prepare code update and code assessment transmittal packages (in.tgz format),
to be uploaded to the TRACE development website, as requested by the NRC COR.
These packages shall include one or more of the following items updated source code, patch files, version control databases, associated scripts, README files, Summary.html files, input, restart and output files, plot files, AVScript files, documentation (in Framemaker and pdf formats), SQA reports, experimental data, analysis reports, reference material, calculation notebooks, and any other files necessary for NRC to reproduce the work and reach the same (or similar) conclusions as the contractor.
- 11. Maintain a Bugzilla-based (or similar) tool for user trouble reports and user change requests. The NRC COR shall be notified immediately if changes that need to be addressed urgently are identified.
- 12. Prior to the release of any revised versions of TRACE/PARCS, submit to the NRC COR, for review and approval, all documentation that reflects the changes made to the code(s), including assessment and user guidance. All NRC-approved released versions of TRACE/PARCS shall be provided to the NRC COR.
Task 2 - RELAP5 Code Maintenance The contractor shall:
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- 1. Maintain and develop RELAP5, as directed by the NRC, and provide a single point of contact for satisfying code users' requests for documentation, code versions or updates, modeling changes, improved user convenience, assistance and diagnosis of user problems, correction of code bugs, code changes, and updating of code documentation.
Unless authorized by NRC, modifications shall be backwardly compatible with plant input models that were developed for older versions of the code.
- 2. Support RELAP on the following platforms: Windows PC - 64 bit, Linux PC - 32 bit, Linux PC - 64 bit, and Mac/OSX (or later) running the following Fortran compilers and tools:
Intel Fortran (for Linux and Windows) and Microsoft Visual Studio, NAG Fortran compiler for Windows, Linux, and Mac/OSX, and the GFortran compiler. These tools and platforms shall be maintained in coordination with NRC at their most current release levels. Future consideration may also be given to extending support to other platforms and tools not listed to reflect changing user needs. The contractor shall be prepared to acquire and use such tools with NRC direction and approval.
- 3. Develop and maintain user-friendly installation packages that are to be used when distributing RELAP - one variant with source code, and one variant without source code (executable only). If an installation package does not exist, the contractor shall create one.
- 4. Perform V&V of new models and RELAP5 code versions, as directed by NRC. When a new version of a code is created or new experimental data becomes available, and when requested, the contractor shall provide the NRC COR with a plan for developmentally assessing the code and an assessment matrix based on a review of the relevant models and correlations in the code and ranges of conditions over which they apply.
- 5. Maintain configuration control, and a CD/DVD library (using archival quality media) of RELAP5 code versions. Include all files necessary to understand, reproduce, document and test these code versions, including ancillary data files and plotting routines. Restrict READ/WRITE access to supervised employees.
- 6. Prepare code update and code assessment transmittal packages (in.tgz format),
to be uploaded to the NRC, as requested by the NRC COR. These packages shall include one or more of the following items updated source code, patch files, version control databases, associated scripts, README files, Summary.html files, input, restart and output files, plot files, AVScript files, documentation (in Framemaker and pdf formats), SQA reports, experimental data, analysis reports, reference material, calculation notebooks, and any other files necessary for NRC to reproduce the work and reach the same (or similar) conclusions as the contractor.
- 7. Maintain a file of user trouble reports and user change requests. On a semi-annual basis, provide to the NRC COR a report that lists outstanding errors or modeling deficiencies in RELAP, describes how error corrections were/will be made with a proposed prioritization schedule, and estimated staff effort to meet these requests. The NRC COR shall be notified immediately if changes that need to be addressed urgently are identified. The report shall include a description of the procedures used for quality assurance for error corrections and code revisions.
- 8. Prior to the release of any revised versions of RELAP5, submit to the NRC COR, for review and approval, all documentation that reflects the changes made to the code(s),
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including assessment and user guidance. All NRC-approved released versions of RELAP5 shall be provided to the NRC COR.
Task 3 - Maintain the NRC Reactor Safety Data Bank The contractor shall maintain the NRC Reactor Safety Data Bank. This may include the following:
- 1. Convert new (or other unconverted) experimental data to the platform independent binary (PIB) format as.bin files. All converted data shall be verified for completeness and correctness. Also, converted files, as well as any associated documentation, technical reports, and/or supporting materials, shall be delivered to NRC in transmittal packages in formats appropriate for both inclusion in the standard Data Bank hierarchy and archival into the NRC ADAMS, Sharepoint, or Nuclepedia systems.
- 2. Update existing Data Bank files, as necessary, to ensure data accuracy and completeness.
- 3. Locate references and documents associated with existing or pertinent experiments for inclusion in the Data Bank.
Task 4 - CAMP Program Management The contractor shall:
- 1. Provide user support to CAMP members as required by the CAMP agreements. This includes providing a single point of contact for answering general code related questions and satisfying requests for documentation, code versions or updates (with NRC approval), installation support, modeling changes, improved user convenience, assistance and diagnosis of user problems, correction of code bugs, code changes, and updating of code documentation.
- 2. Coordinate, participate in, and make presentations at CAMP semi-annual meetings.
This includes such details as 1) acquiring and reserving an appropriate meeting location,
- 2) arranging for appropriate audio-visual support, 3) preparing meeting announcements, registration materials, a meeting agenda, and assisting foreign non-NRC participants with identifying possible travel & meal options, 4) handling participant registrations, and
- 5) taking and preparing CAMP and Technical Program Committee (TPC) meeting minutes. These minutes shall be shared with NRC for review and made available to all CAMP representatives no less than 2 months in advance of the next CAMP meeting.
- 3. If requested by the NRC, prepare annual summary reports (commencing one year from the effective date of the contract) of independent assessments performed by CAMP participants (i.e. in-kind contributions).
- 4. Maintain an up-to-date list of official CAMP representatives, code users and code versions that have been distributed and licensed to each user. This list shall be shared with NRC at the end of each calendar year, and as requested by the COR.
- 5. Provide email and telephone assistance to NRC staff and domestic code users during regular business hours, i.e., 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday, to diagnose their difficulties with the code and offer solutions to code problems. Code problems that are discovered shall be tracked using the tracking tools discussed in Tasks 1 & 2.
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- 6. Distribute code versions to approved foreign code users in a form compatible with the user's computer system (workstation). The NRC may, at its discretion, direct the contractor, on behalf of NRC, to enter into formal CAMP cooperative agreements and licensing arrangements with foreign commercial organizations to exchange NRC codes in exchange for in-kind contributions and a monetary fee, as well as exchange of reactor safety information. This shall include handling all invoicing and fee collection responsibilities. The appropriate CAMP-specific templates will be provided by NRC.
The NRC may also, at its discretion, direct the contractor to manage the disbursement and collection of signed non-disclosure agreements with potential code users (the NRC currently handles this function itself). When all supporting documentation has been filed and fees have been paid, the NRC will provide authorization to the contractor to distribute the code, including relevant information on the approved users.
- 7. Maintain and develop a T/H User Support website. The website is intended to be used by the NRC staff as well as approved CAMP and domestic code users. This website will host a Bugzilla bug tracking system, as well as host a license key tracking system and prototype for a code request and distribution tracking system. Prepare periodic short status updates, as requested by NRC COR, posted to this website with regard to availability of new TRACE/RELAP5 releases, upcoming CAMP meetings, upcoming training opportunities, newly published NUREG/IAs, and/or other items of interest to code users.
Any monies received by the contractor from CAMP members or other authorized code users for services required under this contract, which the contractor has billed the NRC for re-imbursement, shall be credited to this contract and such credit deducted from the next invoice submitted to the NRC for payment. Invoices shall clearly track these credits as a separate item, including current and cumulative totals.
Task 5 - Domestic User Support The contractor shall:
- 1. Provide user support to NRC staff and authorized domestic code users. This includes providing a single point of contact for answering general code-related questions and satisfying requests for documentation, code versions or updates (with NRC approval),
installation support, modeling changes, improved user convenience, assistance and diagnosis of user problems, correction of code bugs, code changes, and updating of code documentation.
- 2. Maintain an up-to-date list of authorized domestic code users and code versions that have been distributed and licensed to each user. This list shall be shared with NRC at the end of each calendar year, and as requested by the COR.
- 3. Provide email and telephone assistance to NRC staff and domestic code users during regular business hours, i.e., 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time, Monday through Friday, to diagnose their difficulties with the code and offer solutions to code problems. Code problems that are discovered shall be tracked using the tracking tools discussed in Tasks 1 & 2.
- 4. Distribute code versions to approved users in a form compatible with the user's computer system (workstation). This shall include handling all invoicing and fee collection according the standard fee structure used by NRC (see for obtaining
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access to its codes. The NRC may, at its discretion, also direct the contractor to manage the disbursement and collection of signed non-disclosure agreements with potential code users (the NRC currently handles this function itself). When all supporting documentation has been filed and fees have been paid, the NRC will provide authorization to the contractor to distribute the code, including relevant information on the approved users.
- 5. Maintain and develop a T/H User Support website. The website is intended to be used by the NRC staff as well as approved CAMP and domestic code users. This website will host a Bugzilla bug tracking system, as well as host a license key tracking system and prototype for a code request and distribution tracking system.
Any monies received by the contractor from domestic code users for services required under this contract, which the contractor has billed the NRC for re-imbursement shall be credited to this contract and such credit deducted from the next invoice submitted to the NRC for payment.
Invoices shall clearly track these credits as a separate item, including current and cumulative totals.
Task 6 - Training The contractor shall:
- 1. Conduct in-person classroom-based TRACE training workshops for up to 5 days on a yearly basis unless otherwise instructed by the NRC COR. The workshops shall be for 20-40 users of the code (from beginners to advanced). The location of the workshop shall, in general, be in the Washington, DC area.
- 2. In coordination with the NRC, develop a curriculum of 1/2 day or 1-day on-line webinar training topics for TRACE. As directed by the NRC COR, conduct these training webinars over Microsoft Teams no more frequently than on a bi-monthly basis. Training webinars shall be open to NRC staff, as well as approved CAMP and domestic code users. Webinars shall be recorded and stored on the Moodle training platform for future users to leverage.
- 3. Revise current and develop new training manuals and materials for the TRACE and RELAP5 training workshop, as directed by the NRC COR. All training manuals and materials shall be property of the NRC.
- 4. Develop and/or conduct web-based (Moodle) training courses for NRC T/H codes as well as general thermal-hydraulics and reactor safety topics (i.e. LBLOCA, SBLOCA, transients, stability analysis, two-phase flow fundamentals, etc). On a yearly basis following the start of the contract, deliver to the NRC a backup copy of the TRACE Moodle training course content on DVD or as an electronic archive, transferred via BOX. The archive filename shall reflect the version of Moodle used to host the content.
Task 7 - General The contractor shall:
- 1. Confer regularly with the NRC COR to discuss the progress of the contract and any other technical details.
- 2. Prepare a software requirements document for a code request and distribution tracking system. Such a system should ideally allow the NRC to efficiently manage the code
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distribution process from cradle-to-grave (i.e. initial request, NDA submittal and approval, code download, and management of license keys).
- 3. Provide technical assistance to NRC. Examples include technical presentations and tutorial sessions, conference calls, meetings, and written correspondence to help the NRC staff gain adequate expertise to perform code development and maintenance functions.
TECHNICAL AND OTHER SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED The proposed team of personnel collectively must possess the minimum requirements below.
The offeror may propose a single individual or multiple individuals to meet the minimum requirements for these labor categories. Each proposed personnel shall meet one or more of the experiences and education requirement stated below.
Labor Minimum Position Requirements Key Category Personnel Ten (10) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with specific experience in project management, software development principles, software quality assurance activities, including verification and validation, software distribution and license management, thermal-hydraulics and neutronics principles, and reactor safety analysis; AND Managed the completion and delivery of at least three projects involving software development, input model development, or code assessment; AND Project Experience with oral presentations at public meetings, Manager professional conferences, management briefings; Yes AND Demonstrated ability to 1) explain complex engineering topics or problems in a cogent and concise manner, and 2) prioritize and manage numerous competing technical requirements to achieve cost-efficient and successful Agency outcomes.
Skillsets that are not required, but desired for this Task Order requirement:
Managed the completion and delivery of at least three projects involving TRACE, RELAP, or PARCS
Ten (10) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a bachelors degree in an engineering discipline; AND Senior Code Eight (8) instances of demonstrated knowledge in one or more of Development the following areas: 1) thermal-hydraulic principles, 2) reactor Yes Expert physics principles, 3) two-phase flow and heat transfer, 4) numerical methods (as applied to two-phase flow and heat conduction), 5) reactor safety analysis; AND
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Eight (8) instances of demonstrated knowledge of programming in Fortran 90 (or later), C/C++, Lua, and Python in a large engineering code.
AND Working knowledge of one or more of the following analysis support tools: Framemaker, Latex, MSWord, Microsoft Visual Studio, SCons, GENPMAXS, AptPlot, AVScript, and ACAP; AND Experience in performing software quality assurance activities, including verification and validation.
Skillsets that are not required, but desired for this Task Order requirement:
Instances of demonstrated knowledge of programming with specific application to the source code of one or more of the following codes: TRACE, RELAP5, PARCS.
Three (3) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a bachelors degree in an engineering discipline; OR One (1) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a masters degree in an engineering discipline; AND:
Two (2) or more instances of demonstrated knowledge in one or more of the following areas: 1) thermal-hydraulic principles, 2) reactor physics principles, 3) two-phase flow and heat transfer, 4) numerical methods (as applied to two-phase flow and heat conduction), 5) reactor safety analysis; AND Two (2) or more instances of demonstrated knowledge of programming in Fortran 90 (or later), C/C++, Lua, and Python in a large engineering code; Junior Code AND Development Working knowledge of one or more of the following support tools: No Expert Framemaker, Latex, Microsoft Visual Studio, SCons, GENPMAXS, AptPlot, AVScript, and ACAP; AND Experience in performing software quality assurance activities, including verification and validation; AND One (1) demonstrated instance using scripting tools like Python, Perl, shell, etc. to convert a large data store (like experimental data) from one format to another (e.g. ascii to binary)
Skillsets that are not required, but desired for this Task Order requirement:
Instances of demonstrated knowledge of programming with specific application to the source code of one or more of the following codes: TRACE, RELAP5, PARCS.
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Ten (10) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a bachelors degree in an engineering discipline; AND Five (5) instances of demonstrated knowledge in one or more of the following areas: 1) thermal-hydraulic principles, 2) reactor physics principles, 3) two-phase flow, 4) code uncertainty analysis, and 5) modeling for transient and accident analyses of both operating and advanced nuclear reactors using a systems code; AND Working knowledge of one or more of the following support tools:
Framemaker, Latex, MSWord, GENPMAXS, AptPlot, AVScript, Senior Code and ACAP, SCALE, CASMO, HELIOS; Yes Analyst Expert AND Two (2) or more instances of demonstrated ability teaching other code users or junior analysts on how to use and apply different systems codes together to perform complex input model development and reactor safety analysis.
Skillsets that are not Required, but Desired for this Task Order Requirement:
Instances of demonstrated knowledge of reactor safety analysis using, and teaching others about one or more of the following codes: SNAP, TRACE, RELAP5, PARCS.
Three (3) years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a bachelors degree in an engineering discipline, OR One (1) or more years working in the nuclear field/industry with at least a masters degree in an engineering discipline; AND Two (2) instances of demonstrated knowledge in one or more of the following areas: 1) thermal-hydraulic principles, 2) reactor physics principles, 3) two-phase flow, 4) code uncertainty analysis, and 5) modeling for transient and accident analyses of both operating and advanced nuclear reactors; AND Junior Code Working knowledge of one or more of the following support tools: No Analyst Expert Framemaker, Latex, MSWord, GENPMAXS, AptPlot, AVScript, and ACAP, SCALE, CASMO, HELIOS; AND One (1) or more instances of demonstrated ability interacting with other code users or analysts to help solve a complex input model or reactor analysis problem.
Skillsets that are not Required, but Desired for this Task Order Requirement:
Instances of demonstrated knowledge of reactor safety analysis using one or more of the following codes: SNAP, TRACE,
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The contractor must provide a diverse computer software & hardware environment to support the code development process Specific tools and environments required include Intel (32 & 64 bit), AMD (32 & 64 bit), Linux, Windows, Apple Mac/OSX) and compiler technologies (Intel Visual Fortran, NAG, gfortran, IBM, NVIDIA, PathScale, & Absoft) used for compiling and running TRACE and RELAP by most of the users. Code documentation is generally maintained in variety of formats, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Framemaker, and Latex.
The contractor is responsible for assigning technical staff, employees, subcontractors, or specialists who have the required educational background, experience, or combination thereof to meet the technical objectives of the work specified in this statement of work. The NRC will rely on representations made by the contractor concerning the qualifications of the personnel assigned to this contract including assurance that all information contained in the technical and cost proposal, including resumes, is accurate and truthful. In addition, the contractor and personnel assigned to this work must be approved for handling and working with proprietary information. One or more of the key personnel should have acquired in the past, or be capable of acquiring in the future, an NRC IT level 2 security clearance. Unescorted access to NRC Headquarters is not required.
For any work to be subcontracted or performed by consultants the contractor shall obtain the NRC Contracting Officer's written approval of the subcontractor or consultant prior to initiation of the subcontract effort. Conflict of interest considerations shall apply to any subcontracted effort.
CONTRACTOR ACQUIRED EQUIPMENT/PROPERTY The contractor may purchase, upon the NRC Contracting Officer's approval, high performance workstations, and/or upgrade or replace existing computer hardware and software as needed during the period of the contract to assure that the codes properly utilize state-of-the-art workstation capabilities and to maintain compatibility with the workstations used by NRC, its contractors and CAMP members. Identification of upgrade and/or replacement hardware shall be presented to the NRC Contracting Officer and COR and purchases made only after prior written approval of the NRC Contracting Officer. The contractor shall provide a written request each year to the NRC Contracting Officer and COR as to the equipment and/or any upgrades required for the performance of this contract. The contractor shall maintain a list of all equipment acquired under this contract.
- 1. Current versions of the TRACE, RELAP5, PARCS, and other related codes, PIRTs, code documentation, and relevant code assessment matrices within two weeks of contract startup.
- 2. A list of approved users for TRACE and related codes to whom the contractor shall supply services described above. As needed, the NRC will provide revised lists.
- 3. Current TRACE and RELAP5 training manuals and materials
- 4. Current source code for TRACE and RELAP5. Historical source versions of these codes as needed.
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- 5. Experimental data in raw electronic format as well as any supporting documentation, as needed.
QUALITY ASSURANCE Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) directs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to issue government-wide guidelines (FR Vol. 67, No. 36, pp. 8452-8460) that provide policy and procedural guidance to federal agencies for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information (including statistical information) disseminated by federal agencies. NRC Information Quality Guidelines are provided in FR Vol. 67, No. 190, pp.61695-61699.
The Contractor shall cite contractor quality assurance procedures to be used in the conduct of this work that provide for compliance with OMB and NRC guidelines in the proposal. With regard to the code development and maintenance activities outlined above, this should, at a minimum, include accepted software quality assurance (QA) procedures, as set forth in NUREG/BR-0167 Software Quality Assurance Program and Guidelines, and NUREG-1737, "Software Quality Assurance Procedures for NRC Thermal Hydraulic Codes." Note that these documents do not address quality assurance of code input models.
Reporting Requirements
Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR)
The contractor shall provide a Monthly Letter Status Report which consists of a technical progress report and financial status report. This report will be used by the Government to assess the adequacy of the resources proposed by the contractor to accomplish the work contained in this SOW and provide status of contractor progress in achieving activities and producing deliverables. The report shall include order summary information, work completed during the specified period, milestone schedule information, problem resolution, travel plans, and staff hour summary. The MLSR shall also identify the title of the project, the job code, the Principal Investigator, the period of performance, the reporting period, list monthly spending, total spending to date, and the remaining funds and will contain information as directed in NRC Management Directive 11.1. Any administrative or technical difficulties which may affect the schedule or costs of the project shall be immediately brought to the attention of the NRC COR.
Deliverables and Delivery Schedule
ID Section Deliverable Due Date Format Submit to 20th of the CO/COR 1MLSR Monthly Report following Word month 2 General 508 General When Word or Adobe CO/COR
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Exceptions needed, as PDF Document Documentation applicable When new or updated ICT Accessibility products, Word or Adobe 3 GeneralConformance systems or PDF Document CO/COR Report (ACR) applications are delivered, as applicable.
When new or updated ICT Supplemental products, 4 GeneralAccessibility systems or Word Document CO/COR Report (SAR) applications are delivered, as applicable.
When new or updated ICT ICT support products, Word or Adobe 5 Generaldocumentation systems or PDF Document CO/COR applications are delivered, as applicable.
ICT support Upon Various, as 6 Generaldocumentation request, as specified in CO/COR (alternate applicable. section 602.4 of formats) 36 CFR § 1194.
When tested Document documents Word or Adobe 7 GeneralAccessibility are PDF Document CO/COR Checklist delivered, as applicable.
In accommodation Communication When with the 8 Generalto ICT users needed, as communication ICT users applicable needs of individuals with disabilities Code & As 9 Tasks 1 Assessment requested or.tgz COR via upload to BOX or TRACE
& 2 Transmittal the COR archives Development website Packages
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Semi-annual RELAP5 Error (within one 10 Task 2 and Deficiencies month pdf CO/COR Report following June and December)
Tasks 1 Code As.tgz COR via upload to BOX or TRACE 11& 2 distribution requested by format Development website packages the COR Databank As.tgz, COR via upload to BOX or TRACE 12 Task 3 transmittals requested by individual files in Development website the COR.bin (PIB) format 2 months 13 Task 4 CAMP and TPC prior to each pdf or Word COR meeting minutes CAMP format meeting T/H User As HTML (or other 14 Task 4 support website requested by applicable web-CO/COR data files COR based database formats)
Annually, 15 Task 4 NUREG-IA when Word or pdf CO/COR summary reports requested by COR Training As 16 Task 6 workshop requested by Word or pdf CO/COR materials COR Web-based Annually Various web-17 Task 6 training data and following the based and COR via upload to BOX or the supporting start of the media formats TRACE Development website materials/media contract Semi-Presentations to annual, 1 18 Task 4 be made at week before Powerpoint or COR ACRS or CAMP each CAMP similar meetings or ACRS meeting Annually at the end of 19 Tasks 4 Code the calendar Excel CO/COR
& 5 distribution listsyear, and as requested by COR Code Request 6 months Word and pdf 20 Task 7 System after start of formats CO/COR contract
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Items 9-17 are to be considered special works content and are subject to FAR 52.227-17 Rights in Data - Special Works (DEC 2007). FAR 52.227-14 applies to data other than special works data generated under this contract.
6 Applicable Documents and Standards
The following documents and standards are applicable to work performed under this Task Order:
- 1. NUREG/BR-0167 Software Quality Assurance Program and Guidelines, available at
- 2. NUREG-0650, Rev 2 Preparing NUREG-Series Publications, available at
- 3. NUREG-1737, "Software Quality Assurance Procedures for NRC Thermal Hydraulic Codes", available at
- 4. Data Bank File on PIB Format - PIB File Specification, ML071370150 (not publicly available but available on request)
Section 508 - Information and Communication Technology Accessibility
Introduction In December 2000, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) pursuant to Section 508(2)(A) of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998, established electronic and information technology (EIT) accessibility standards for the federal government.
The Standards for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (codified at 36 CFR § 1194) were revised by the Access Board, published on January 18, 2017 and minor corrections were made on January 22, 2018, effective March 23, 2018.
The Revised 508 Standards have replaced the term EIT with information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is information technology (as defined in 40 U.S.C. 11101(6)) and other equipment, systems, technologies, or processes, for which the principal function is the creation, manipulation, storage, display, receipt, or transmission of electronic data and information, as well as any associated content. Examples of ICT include, but are not limited to: Computers and peripheral equipment; information kiosks and transaction machines; telecommunications equipment; customer premises equipment; multifunction office machines; software; applications; Web sites; videos; and, electronic documents.
The text of the Revised 508 Standards can be found in 36 CFR § 1194.1 and in Appendices A, C and D of 36 CFR § 1194 (at main 02.tpl).
General Requirements In order to help the NRC comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794d)(Section 508), the Contractor shall ensure that its deliverables (both products and services) within the scope of this contract/order are
- 1. in conformance with, and
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- 2. support the requirements of the Standards for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as set forth in Appendices A, C and D of 36 CFR § 1194.
Applicable Provisions of the Revised 508 Standards The following is an outline of the Revised 508 Standards that identifies what provisions are always applicable and which ones may be applicable. If Maybe is stated in the table below, then those provisions are applicable only if they are within the scope of this acquisition.
Applicable to the Provision of 36 CFR Part 1194 Contract/Order?
Yes 1. Appendix A to Part 1194 - Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act:
Application and Scoping Requirements Yes o Section 508 Chapter 1: Application and Administration - sets forth general application and administration provisions o Section 508 Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements - containing scoping Yes requirements (which, in turn, prescribe which ICT - and, in some cases, how many - must comply with the technical specifications)
Maybe 2. Appendix C to Part 1194 - Functional Performance Criteria and Technical Requirements o Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria - applies to ICT where Maybe required by 508 Chapter 2 (Scoping Requirements) and where otherwise referenced in any other chapter of the Revised 508 Standards Maybe o Chapter 4: Hardware Maybe o Chapter 5: Software o Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services (applicable to, but Maybe not limited to, help desks, call centers, training services, and automated self-service technical support) (Always applies if Chapters 4 or 5 apply)
Yes o Chapter 7: Referenced Standards Maybe 3. Appendix D to Part 1194 - Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards as Originally Published on December 21, 2000
Refer to Chapter 2 (Scoping Requirements) first to confirm what provisions in Appendix C apply in a particular case.
Section E203.2 applies only to the NRC, except as specified below.
Legacy ICT Unless a deliverable of this contract/order is identified in this contract/order as Legacy ICT, use by the Contractor of the Legacy ICT general exception (section E202.2 of 36 CFR § 1194) shall only be permitted on a case-by-case basis for applicable legacy ICT and with advance written approval from the COR.
Undue Burden
The Undue Burden general exception (section E202.6 of 36 CFR § 1194) is not expected to be applicable to work performed by the Contractor. If there are questions about potential application of this exception please discuss with the CO.
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Fundamental Alteration or Best Meets If the Contractor wishes to use the Fundamental Alteration (section E202.6 of 36 CFR § 1194) or Best Meets (section E202.7 of 36 CFR § 1194) general exceptions the Contractor shall do the following:
- 1. provide the COR with information necessary to support the agencys documentation requirements, as identified in sections E202.6.2 and E202.7.1 of 36 CFR § 1194, respectively
- 2. request and obtain written approval from the COR for development and/or use, as applicable to the scope of the contract/order, of an alternative means for providing individuals with disabilities access to and use of the information and data, as specified in sections E202.6.3 and E202.7.2 of 36 CFR § 1194, respectively.
National Security Systems Based on the definition at 40 U.S.C. 11103(a), the National Security Systems general exception (section E202.3 of 36 CFR § 1194) is not applicable to this contract/order.
ICT Functions Located in Maintenance or Monitoring Spaces The Contractor shall confirm with the COR that an ICT deliverable of this contract/order will be located in maintenance or monitoring spaces before assuming that the ICT Functions Located in Maintenance or Monitoring Spaces general exception (section E202.5 of 36 CFR § 1194) applies.
Note that this exception does not apply to features of the ICT (such as Web interfaces) that can be accessed remotely, outside the maintenance or monitoring space where the ICT is located.
Additional Requirements
Notification Due to Impact from NRC Policies, Procedures, Tools and/or ICT Infrastructure
If and when 1) the Contractor is dependent upon NRC policies, procedures, tools and/or ICT infrastructure for Revised-508-Standards-conformant delivery of any of the products or services under this acquisition, and 2) the Contractor is aware that conformance of products or services will be negatively impacted by capability gaps in NRC policies, procedures, tools and/or ICT infrastructure, the Contractor shall inform the COR so that the NRC can both be aware and take corrective action.
Accessibility of Electronic Content
For electronic content (as defined in section E103 of 36 CFR § 1194) deliverables of this contract/order:
- 1. If a deliverable is in the form of an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file and is either Public Facing or Agency Official Communication (as defined in sections E103 and E205.3 of 36 CFR § 1194, respectively) the Contractor shall ensure that it conforms to both section E205.4 of 36 CFR § 1194 and ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1)
- 2. Unless the Contractor requests and obtains advance written approval from the COR for a specific deliverable or class of deliverables, the contractor shall ensure that
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- 1. deliverables that are not Public Facing and not Agency Official Communication (as defined in sections E103 and E205.3 of 36 CFR § 1194, respectively) shall conform to section E205.4 of 36 CFR § 1194
- 2. deliverables that are in the form of PDF files, are not Public Facing and are not Agency Official Communication (as defined in sections E103 and E205.3 of 36 CFR § 1194, respectively) shall conform to section E205.4 of 36 CFR § 1194 and ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1).
It is desirable that the Contractor address the applicable provisions of the Revised 508 Standards throughout product and service lifecycles rather than only performing a conformance check toward the end of a process.
If and when the Contractor provides custom ICT development services pursuant to this acquisition, the Contractor shall ensure the ICT products and services fully support the applicable provisions of the Revised 508 Standards prior to delivery and before final acceptance.
If and when the Contractor provides installation, configuration or integration services for ICT products (equipment and/or software) pursuant to this acquisition, the Contractor shall not install, configure or integrate the ICT equipment and software in a way that reduces the level of conformance with the applicable provisions of the Revised 508 Standards.
If and when the scope of this contract/order includes work by the Contractor to collect, directly from NRC employees or the Public, requirements for the procurement, development, maintenance or use of ICT the Contractor shall identify the needs of users with disabilities in conformance to section E203.2.
ICT Accessibility Deliverables
The Contractor shall provide the following ICT accessibility deliverables, when within the scope of this contract/order.
Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)
This report shall be submitted for ICT products, systems or application deliverables. A written ACR shall be based on the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), as specified at or provide equivalent information. This report has the purpose to document the state of conformance to the Revised 508 Standards for the subject product, system or application.
Supplemental Accessibility Report (SAR)
This report shall be submitted for ICT products, systems or application deliverables that have been custom developed or integrated by the Contractor to meet contract/order requirements. A written SAR shall contain:
a) Description of evaluation methods used to produce the ACR, to demonstrate due diligence in supporting conformance claims; b) Information on core functions that cant be used by persons with disabilities; and, c) Information on how to configure and install the ICT item to support accessibility
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ICT Support Documentation
This documentation shall be submitted for ICT products, systems or application deliverables.
The support documentation shall include:
a) Documentation of features that help achieve accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology for persons with disabilities (as required by section 602 of 36 CFR § 1194);
b) For authoring tools that generate content (documents, reports, videos, multimedia, web content, etc.): Information on how the tool enables the creation of accessible electronic content that conforms to the Revised 508 Standards (see section 504 of 36 CFR § 1194), including the range of accessible user interface elements the tool can create;
c) For platform software (as defined in section E103.4 of 36 CFR § 1194) and software tools that are provided by a platform developer: Documentation on the set of accessibility services that support applications running on the platform to interoperate with assistive technology, as required by section 502.3 of 36 CFR § 1194.
ICT Support Documentation (Alternate Formats)
Upon request, alternate formats for non-electronic support documentation shall be provided (as required by section 602.4 of 36 CFR § 1194).
Document Accessibility Checklist
This checklist shall be submitted for ICT electronic content deliverables that are documents (as defined in section E103 of 36 CFR § 1194), if the requirement is specified elsewhere in this acquisition that testing be performed. A completed checklist summarising the subject documents state of conformance to the applicable WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA Success Criteria (as referenced in section E205.4 and 702.10 of 36 CFR § 1194) and, for PDF files, ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1).
Communication to ICT Users
When the Contractor is providing ICT support services (including, but not limited to help desks, call centers, training services, and automated self-service technical support), any communication to ICT users shall accommodate the communication needs of individuals with disabilities (see section 603.3 of 36 CFR § 1194) and include information on accessibility and compatibility features (see 603.2 of 36 CFR § 1194).
Incremental Development for Software
The Contractor shall use an incremental build model for software development. The Agency defines an incremental build model as a method of software development where the product is designed, implemented, and tested incrementally, with increasing functionality and/or capability added in each increment until the product is finished.
Place of Performance
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Work shall be performed at the contractors site
Contractor Travel
One trip per year to Rockville MD for two staff for 2 days for program review (dates to be determined).
One trip per year within the U.S. for two staff to attend the CAMP meeting for 5 days (dates to be determined).
One trip per year to the CAMP conference in a foreign country for one person for 5 days (dates and location to be determined).
One trip per year to the Rockville MD area or to a foreign country for three staff to provide TRACE training workshops for up to 5 days (dates and location to be determined).
Applicable Publications (Current Editions)
The contractor shall comply with the following applicable regulations, publications, manuals, and local policies and procedures:
- 1. Preparing NUREG-Series Publications, Revision 2 (NUREG-0650)
- 2. NRC Management Directive 3.7, NUREG Series Publications,
- 3. NRC Management Directive 3.9, NRC Staff and Contractor Speeches, Papers, and Journal Articles on Regulatory and Technical Subjects.
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D - Packaging and Marking
(a) The Contractor shall package material for shipment to the NRC in such a manner that will ensure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination. Containers and closures shall comply with the Surface Transportation Board, Uniform Freight Classification Rules, or regulations of other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation.
(b) On the front of the package, the Contractor shall clearly identify the contract number under which the product is being provided.
(c) Additional packaging and/or marking requirements are as follows: none.
As directed by the COR, the Contractor shall use the statement below in any publications, presentations, articles, products, or materials provided under this contract/order if the work performed is funded entirely with NRC contract funds.
Work procured by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, under Contract/order number 31310020D0004 _ 31310024F0040.
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E - Inspection and Acceptance
Unless otherwise specified, inspection and acceptance of the deliverable items to be furnished hereunder shall be made by the NRC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) at the destination, accordance with FAR 52.247 F.o.b. Destination.
Contract Deliverables:
Refer to the Statement of Work.
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F - Deliveries or Performance
Unless otherwise specified, deliverables to be provided under this contract, with all charges paid by the Contractor, shall be delivered to:
Electronic copies to:
This order shall commence on [August 1, 2024] and will expire on [July 31, 2026].
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G - Contract Administration Data
(a) The contracting officer's authorized representative (hereinafter referred to as the COR) for this contract is:
(b) Performance of the work under this contract is subject to the technical direction of the NRC COR. The term "technical direction" is defined to include the following:
(1) Technical direction to the contractor which shifts work emphasis between areas of work or tasks, authorizes travel which was unanticipated in the Schedule (i.e., travel not contemplated in the Statement of Work (SOW) or changes to specific travel identified in the SOW), fills in details, or otherwise serves to accomplish the contractual SOW.
(2) Provide advice and guidance to the contractor in the preparation of drawings, specifications, or technical portions of the work description.
(3) Review and, where required by the contract, approval of technical reports, drawings, specifications, and technical information to be delivered by the contractor to the Government under the contract.
(c) Technical direction must be within the general statement of work stated in the contract. The COR does not have the authority to and may not issue any technical direction which:
(1) Constitutes an assignment of work outside the general scope of the contract.
(2) Constitutes a change as defined in the "Changes" clause of this contract.
(3) In any way causes an increase or decrease in the total estimated contract cost, the fixed fee, if any, or the time required for contract performance.
(4) Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions, or specifications of the contract.
(5) Terminates the contract, settles any claim or dispute arising under the contract, or issues any unilateral directive whatever.
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(d) All technical directions must be issued in writing by the COR or must be confirmed by the COR in writing within ten (10) working days after verbal issuance. A copy of the written direction must be furnished to the contracting officer. A copy of NRC Form 445, Request for Approval of Official Foreign Travel, which has received final approval from the NRC must be furnished to the contracting officer.
(e) The contractor shall proceed promptly with the performance of technical directions duly issued by the COR in the manner prescribed by this clause and within the COR's authority under the provisions of this clause.
(f) If, in the opinion of the contractor, any instruction or direction issued by the COR is within one of the categories as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, the contractor may not proceed but shall notify the contracting officer in writing within five (5) working days after the receipt of any instruction or direction and shall request the contracting officer to modify the contract accordingly. Upon receiving the notification from the contractor, the contracting officer shall issue an appropriate contract modification or advise the contractor in writing that, in the contracting officer's opinion, the technical direction is within the scope of this article and does not constitute a change under the "Changes" clause.
(g) Any unauthorized commitment or direction issued by the COR may result in an unnecessary delay in the contractor's performance and may even result in the contractor expending funds for unallowable costs under the contract.
(h) A failure of the parties to agree upon the nature of the instruction or direction or upon the contract action to be taken with respect thereto is subject to 52.233 Disputes.
(i) In addition to providing technical direction as defined in paragraph (b) of the section, the COR shall:
(1) Monitor the contractor's technical progress, including surveillance and assessment of performance, and recommend to the contracting officer changes in requirements.
(2) Assist the contractor in the resolution of technical problems encountered during performance.
(3) Review all costs requested for reimbursement by the contractor and submit to the contracting officer recommendations for approval, disapproval, or suspension of payment for supplies and services required under this contract.
(4) Assist the contractor in obtaining the badges for the contractor personnel.
(5) Immediately notify the Security Branch, Division of Facilities and Security (SB/DFS) (via e-mail) when a contractor employee no longer requires access authorization and return of any NRC issued badge to SB/DFS within three days after their termination.
(6) Ensure that all contractor employees that require access to classified Restricted Data or National Security Information or matter, access to sensitive unclassified information (Safeguards, Official Use Only, and Proprietary
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information) access to sensitive IT systems or data, unescorted access to NRC controlled buildings/space, or unescorted access to protected and vital areas of nuclear power plants receive approval of SB/DFS prior to access in accordance with Management Directive and Handbook 12.3.
(7) For contracts for the design, development, maintenance or operation of Privacy Act Systems of Records, obtain from the contractor as part of closeout procedures, written certification that the contractor has returned to NRC, transferred to the successor contractor, or destroyed at the end of the contract in accordance with instructions provided by the NRC Systems Manager for Privacy Act Systems of Records, all records (electronic or paper) which were created, compiled, obtained or maintained under the contract.
(End of Clause)
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H - Special Contract Requirements
(A) The NRC may, pursuant to Section (c) of FAR Clause 52-227-14 permit and may pursuant to paragraph (c) of FAR 52.227-17, direct the contractor to claim a copyright in computer software and associated data first produced in the performance of this contract. In addition to the general government license rights identified in Section (c) of FAR Clause 52.227-14, and paragraph (c) of FAR 52.227-17, such copyright shall be subject to the following Special Nuclear Purpose License rights:
In addition to the license rights granted the government under paragraph (c) of the clause at 52.227-14, RIGHTS IN DATA-GENERAL (DEC 2007) and paragraph (c) of FAR 52.227-17, RIGHTS IN DATA-Special Works, whenever copyright to software is asserted by the Contractor, the contractor grants the NRC and others acting on its behalf an exclusive, paid up, worldwide, irrevocable license to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works and distribute any code developed in the performance of the award for nuclear health and safety purposes, which may include analyses of operational, decommissioned, or designs of nuclear reactor systems and other such facilities involving nuclear technology performed by parties which may include but are not limited to licensees, vendors, contractors, educational institutions, public interest groups, participants in NRC international agreement programs and other government agencies. Further, consistent with NRCAR 2052.209-72, CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, the contractor agrees that it will not sell or distribute the code to or for the use of such parties or participants identified in NRCAR 2052.209-72(c)(1) and (c)(2) and that it will not provide technical services relating to the code to such parties or participants, unless authorized by NRC.
In addition, the contractor grants NRC the right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works and distribute any future improvements or derivative works made to the code in the field of nuclear health and safety. Per 41 USC § 2302(b)(2), NRC retains the right to improvements made to the code resulting from the contractor's commercial activity that the NRC contracting officer determines are necessary to operate and maintain software developed under this contract. Further, the contractor agrees to include in any licensing agreement that it may enter into with a third party such limitations as are necessary to preserve the rights of the government, and limit the sale and distribution of the software as described above and as limited by the U.S.
Departments of Commerce and State concerning foreign sales.
(B) The NRC reserves the right to direct the contractor to transfer the copyright in codes and associated data developed under this contract to successor contractors subject to the above general government and special license rights. Should NRC determine that it is in the government's interest to have NRC staff perform the software development and maintenance work required under this contract, the contractor agrees to maintain the copyright subject to the above general government and special license rights.
For the electronic manuscript, prepare the text in MS Word, and use any of the following file types for charts, spreadsheets, and the like.
File Types to be used for NUREG-Series Publications:
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File Type (File Extension) Word (.doc) Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) Microsoft Excel (.xls)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
This list is subject to change if new software packages come into common use at NRC or by our licensees or other stakeholders that participate in the electronic submission process. If a portion of your manuscript is from another source and you cannot obtain an acceptable electronic file type for this portion (e.g., an appendix from an old publication), the NRC can, if necessary, create a tagged image file format (file extension.tif) for that portion of your report.
Note that you should continue to submit original photographs, which will be scanned, since digitized photographs do not print well.
If you chose to publish a compact disk (CD) of your publication, place on the CD copies of the manuscript in both (1) a portable document format (PDF); and (2) a Word file format.
(a) The NRC will provide the contractor with the following items for use under this contract:
GFP Item Quantity Date Method of provided to Shipment contractor Current versions of the TRACE, RELAP5, PARCS, and other Start of Download related codes, PIRTs, code 1 contract via BOX documentation, and relevant code assessment matrices A list of approved users for TRACE and related codes to Start of Download whom the contractor shall supply 1 contract via BOX services described above.
Current TRACE and RELAP5 Start of Download training manuals and materials 1 contract via BOX
Current source code for TRACE and RELAP5. Historical source Start of Download versions of these codes as 1 contract via BOX needed.
Experimental data in raw electronic format as well as any 1 As needed Download supporting documentation, as via BOX needed.
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(b) The equipment/property listed below is hereby transferred from the following contracts/agreement to this contract/agreement: [ N/A].
(c) Only the equipment/property listed above or in [N/A] in the quantities shown will be provided by the Government. The contractor shall be responsible and accountable for all Government property provided under this contract and shall comply with the provisions of the FAR Government Property Clause under this contract and FAR Subpart 45.5, as in effect on the date of this contract. The contractor shall investigate and provide written notification to the NRC Contracting Officer (CO) and the NRC Division of Facilities and Security, Physical Security Branch (PSB) of all cases of loss, damage, or destruction of Government property in its possession or control not later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after discovery. The contractor must report stolen Government property to the local police and a copy of the police report must be provided to the CO and to the Division of Facilities and Security, Office of Administration.
(d) All other equipment/property required in performance of the contract shall be furnished by the Contractor.
In order to ensure the secure use of mobile devices by contractors while on official international travel, the NRC has implemented the following requirements. These policies establish best practices in accordance with Management Directive 12.5, "NRC Cybersecurity Program.
NRC-assigned Permanent Laptops
Due to security risks, NRC-assigned permanent laptops shall not be used for international travel by contractors for any reason.
NRC-assigned Loaner Laptops
NRC loaner laptops specifically configured for international travel, if provided, are the only NRC-provided mobile equipment that may be used by contractors while on official agency international travel. Under the NRC's Agency-Wide Mobility Policy, loaner tablets and mobile phones are not provided to contractors. All NRC loaner devices will be wiped of all data upon returning from each international trip.
Personal Devices
The use of personal laptops, tablets, and mobile phones while on official international travel is not prohibited. However, contractors must leverage an NRC authorized solution (i.e. Microsoft Office 365 (M365)) to access NRC information per Management Directive 12.5, "NRC Cybersecurity Program," and the Agency-Wide Rules of Behavior for Authorized Computer Use.
Personal International Travel
The NRC does not support requests for loaner laptops, tablets, or mobile phones while contractor employees are on personal international travel.
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The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Contractor staff receive anti-harassment training before being granted facility access. The Government reserves the right to deny or restrict facility access for any Contractor employee who engages in any conduct that the agency believes adversely affects the work place. The imposition of a restriction or prohibition shall not excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under the contract.
Review and Approval of Reports
(a) Reporting Requirements. The contractor/grantee shall comply with the terms and conditions of the contract/grant regarding the contents of the draft and final report, summaries, data, and related documents, to include correcting, deleting, editing, revising, modifying, formatting, and supplementing any of the information contained therein, at no additional cost to the NRC.
Performance under the contract/grant will not be deemed accepted or completed until it complies with the NRCs directions, as applicable. The reports, summaries, data, and related documents will be considered draft until approved by the NRC. The contractor/grantee agrees that the direction, determinations, and decisions on approval or disapproval of reports, summaries, data, and related documents created under this contract/grant remain solely within the discretion of the NRC.
(b) Publication of Results. Prior to any dissemination, display, publication, or release of articles, reports, summaries, data, or related documents developed under the contract/grant, the contractor/grantee shall submit them to the NRC for review and approval. The contractor/
grantee shall not release, disseminate, display, or publish articles, reports, summaries, data, and related documents, or the contents therein, that have not been reviewed and approved by the NRC for release, display, dissemination, or publication. The contractor/grantee agrees to conspicuously place any disclaimers, markings, or notices, directed by the NRC, on any articles, reports, summaries, data, and related documents that the contractor/grantee intends to release, display, disseminate or publish to other persons, the public, or any other entities. The contractor/grantee agrees, and grants, a royalty-free, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to the government, to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, prepare derivative works, release, display or disclose the articles, reports, summaries, data, and related documents developed under the contract/grant, for any governmental purpose and to have or authorize others to do so.
(c) Identification/Marking of Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) and Safeguards Information (SGI). The decision, determination, or direction by the NRC that information possessed, formulated, or produced by the contractor/grantee constitutes SUNSI or SGI is solely within the authority and discretion of the NRC. In performing the contract/grant, the contractor/grantee shall clearly mark SUNSI and SGI, to include for example, OUO-Allegation Information or OUO-Security Related Information on any reports, documents, designs, data, materials, and written information, as directed by the NRC. In addition to marking the information as directed by the NRC, the contractor shall use the applicable NRC cover sheet (e.g., NRC Form 461 Safeguards Information) in maintaining these records and documents. The contractor/grantee shall ensure that SUNSI and SGI is handled, maintained, and protected from unauthorized disclosure, consistent with NRC policies and directions. The contractor/grantee shall comply with the requirements to mark, maintain, and protect all information, including
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documents, summaries, reports, data, designs, and materials in accordance with the provisions of Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, its implementing regulations (10 CFR 73.21), Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards and Safeguards Information policies, and NRC Management Directives and Handbooks 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7.
(d) Remedies. In addition to any civil, criminal, and contractual remedies available under the applicable laws and regulations, failure to comply with the above provisions, and/or NRC directions, may result in suspension, withholding, or offsetting of any payments invoiced or claimed by the contractor/grantee.
(e) Flowdown. If the contractor/grantee intends to enter into any subcontracts or other agreements to perform this contract/grant, the contractor/grantee shall include all of the above provisions in any subcontracts or agreements.
(a) The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) contractor and its subcontractor are subject to the Whistleblower Employee Protection public law provisions as codified at 42 U.S.C.
5851. NRC contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) shall comply with the requirements of this Whistleblower Employee Protection law, and the implementing regulations of the NRC and the Department of Labor (DOL). See, for example, DOL Procedures on Handling Complaints at 29 C.F.R. Part 24 concerning the employer obligations, prohibited acts, DOL procedures and the requirement for prominent posting of notice of Employee Rights at Appendix A to Part 24 entitled: Your Rights Under the Energy Reorganization Act.
(b) Under this Whistleblower Employee Protection law, as implemented by regulations, NRC contractor and subcontractor employees are protected from discharge, reprisal, threats, intimidation, coercion, blacklisting or other employment discrimination practices with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of their employment because the contractor or subcontractor employee(s) has provided notice to the employer, refused to engage in unlawful practices, assisted in proceedings or testified on activities concerning alleged violations of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as amended) and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (as amended).
(c) The contractor shall insert this or the substance of this clause in any subcontracts involving work performed under this contract.
(a) In furtherance of the sustainable acquisition goals of Executive Order (EO) 14057:
Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability " products and services provided under this contract/order shall be energy efficient (EnergyStar or Federal Energy Management Program - FEMP-designated products), water efficient, biobased, environmentally preferable (excluding EPEAT-registered products), non-ozone depleting, contain recycled content, or are non-or low toxic alternatives or hazardous constituents (e.g.,
non-VOC paint), where such products and services meet agency performance requirements.
More information on the Federal Sustainability Plan including related information is located at:
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(b) The NRC and contractor may negotiate during the contract term to permit the substitution or addition of designated recycled content products (i.e., Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
- CPG), EPEAT-registered products, EnergyStar-and FEMP designated energy efficient products and appliances, USDA designated biobased products (Biopreferred program),
environmentally preferable products, WaterSense and other water efficient products, products containing non-or lower-ozone depleting substances (i.e., SNAP), and products containing non-or low-toxic or hazardous constituents (e.g., non-VOC paint), when such products and services are readily available at a competitive cost and satisfy the NRCs performance needs.
(c) The contractor shall flow down this clause into all subcontracts and other agreements that relate to performance of this contract/order.
H.8 2052.215-70 KEY PERSONNEL. (JAN 1993)
(a) The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:
- The contractor agrees that personnel may not be removed from the contract work or replaced without compliance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
(b) If one or more of the key personnel, for whatever reason, becomes, or is expected to become, unavailable for work under this contract for a continuous period exceeding 30 work days, or is expected to devote substantially less effort to the work than indicated in the proposal or initially anticipated, the contractor shall immediately notify the contracting officer and shall, subject to the concurrence of the contracting officer, promptly replace the personnel with personnel of at least substantially equal ability and qualifications.
(c) Each request for approval of substitutions must be in writing and contain a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitutions. The request must also contain a complete resume for the proposed substitute and other information requested or needed by the contracting officer to evaluate the proposed substitution.
The contracting officer and the project officer shall evaluate the contractor's request and the contracting officer shall promptly notify the contractor of his or her decision in writing.
(d) If the contracting officer determines that suitable and timely replacement of key personnel who have been reassigned, terminated, or have otherwise become unavailable for the contract work is not reasonably forthcoming, or that the resultant reduction of productive effort would be so substantial as to impair the successful completion of the contract or the service order, the contract may be terminated by the contracting officer for default or for the convenience of the Government, as appropriate.
If the contracting officer finds the contractor at fault for the condition, the contract price or fixed fee may be equitably adjusted downward to compensate the Government for any resultant delay, loss, or damage.
(End of Clause)
- To be incorporated into any resultant contract
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I - Contract Clauses
NRC Local Clauses Incorporated by Full Text
NRCAR Clauses Incorporated By Reference
NRCAR Clauses Incorporated By Full Text
FAR Clauses Incorporated By Reference
FAR Clauses Incorporated By Full Text
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
Data means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded.
The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to contract administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.
Unlimited rights means the rights of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so.
(b) Allocation of Rights. (1) The Government shall have--
(i) Unlimited rights in all data delivered under this contract, and in all data first produced in the performance of this contract, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause.
(ii) The right to limit assertion of copyright in data first produced in the performance of this contract, and to obtain assignment of copyright in that data, in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this clause.
(iii) The right to limit the release and use of certain data in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.
(2) The Contractor shall have, to the extent permission is granted in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, the right to assert claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this contract.
(c) Copyright--(1) Data first produced in the performance of this contract. (i) The Contractor shall not assert or authorize others to assert any claim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this contract without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer. When copyright is asserted, the Contractor shall affix the appropriate copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number) to the data when delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. The Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license
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for all delivered data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.
(ii) If the Government desires to obtain copyright in data first produced in the performance of this contract and permission has not been granted as set forth in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall direct the Contractor to assign (with or without registration), or obtain the assignment of, the copyright to the Government or its designated assignee.
(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this contract any data not first produced in the performance of this contract and that contain the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C.
401 or 402, unless the Contractor identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause.
(d) Release and use restrictions. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this contract, the Contractor shall not use, release, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced in the performance of this contract, nor authorize others to do so, without written permission of the Contracting Officer.
(e) Indemnity. The Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees acting for the Government against any liability, including costs and expenses, incurred as the result of the violation of trade secrets, copyrights, or right of privacy or publicity, arising out of the creation, delivery, publication, or use of any data furnished under this contract; or any libelous or other unlawful matter contained in such data. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply unless the Government provides notice to the Contractor as soon as practicable of any claim or suit, affords the Contractor an opportunity under applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in the defense of the claim or suit, and obtains the Contractor's consent to the settlement of any claim or suit other than as required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction; and these provisions do not apply to material furnished to the Contractor by the Government and incorporated in data to which this clause applies.
(End of clause)
Other Clauses Incorporated by Reference
Other Clauses Incorporated By Full Text
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J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments Attachment Document Number Number Title Version Date of Pages 1 31310024F0040 Attachment No. 1 _NRC 187 _ BASE 05/16/2024 4 Final
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