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the Report on the Effectiveness of Training at Operating Power Reactors for CY2023
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/30/2024
From: Bernard Litkett
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML24142A265 (4)



May 2024



This report documents a review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff of training effectiveness at operating power reactors that are subject to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.120, Training and Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel.

This report is for calendar year 2023. The NRC staff reviewed data from the NRC Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), reported events at operating power reactors, and NRC observations of training and accreditation activities conducted by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).

Based on the results of this review, the NRC staff concludes that operating power reactor operations and technical training programs continue to meet NRC requirements and therefore continue to provide adequate protection of public health and safety.


In 10 CFR 50.120, the NRC requires training programs for nine categories of plant personnel to be established, implemented, and maintained using a systems approach to training (SAT) as defined in 10 CFR 55.4. A SAT based program provides for a systematic determination of job performance and qualification requirements and for periodic retraining of personnel. The requirements in 10 CFR 50.120 complement similar requirements in 10 CFR 55 for applicants for operators licenses and for licensed operator requalification programs.

The NRC staff inspects implementation of the training and qualification requirements for nuclear power plant personnel in the ROP. The NRC staff uses Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.11, Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance, to assess licensed operator continuing (i.e., requalification) training programs. Additionally, as discussed in NRC Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0310, Aspects within the Cross-Cutting Areas (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML19011A360), NRC inspectors assign cross-cutting aspects to inspection findings in accordance with IMC 0612, Issue Screening (ADAMS Accession No. ML19214A243). The NRC reviews cross-cutting aspects for cross-cutting themes and potential cross-cutting issues in accordance with IMC 0305, Operating Reactor Assessment Program (ADAMS Accession No. ML21092A111), to provide licensees the opportunity to address performance issues before they result in more significant safety concerns. Cross-cutting aspect (CCA) H.9, Training, is assigned if the organization fails to provide training, fails to ensure knowledge transfer to maintain a knowledgeable and technically competent workforce, or fails to instill nuclear safety values.

The INPO National Academy for Nuclear Training (NANT) monitors the implementation of the SAT process at power reactor facilities through periodic training program accreditation reviews conducted by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board (NNAB). The NRC recognizes N ANT accreditation as a means of meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 50.120, 10 CFR 55.31(a)(4),

and 10 CFR 55.59(c). As of the date of this report, all operating nuclear power reactor facilities have training programs that are accredited by the NANT.

The NRC staff monitors INPO activities in training and accreditation as indicators of the overall effectiveness of the industrys use of the SAT process as discussed in the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and the U.S. NRC (MOA)

(ADAMS Accession No. ML23026A093, dated December 1, 2022 ). This includes observing select INPO performance-oriented evaluation activities and accreditation meetings of the NNAB each year.


Indications of adequately trained and qualified plant personnel and continued NNAB accreditation provide reasonable assurance that the training of nuclear power plant workers is adequate to maintain public health and safety. Accordingly, the NRC staff reviewed findings identified during implementation of the ROP, event reports prepared by industry, and NRC staff observations of INPO and NNAB activities.


Reactor Oversight Process Insights

Licensed Operator Requalification

In Calendar Year 2023, the NRC conducted over 466 inspections of the licensed operator requalification program in accordance with IP 71111.11, the baseline inspection procedure.

Overall, the results of these inspections indicate that power reactor facilities are satisfactorily maintaining their licensed operator requalification training programs. No adverse trends were identified. Licensees continue to demonstrate their ability to effectively develop and administer licensed operator requalification examinations. Licensee evaluations continue to satisfactorily identify licensed operator performance deficiencies.

Inspection Findings

The number and significance of inspection findings related to CCA.9 provide an indication of whether plant personnel are adequately trained and qualified. Table 1, Findings Related to Training and Qualification Deficiencies, shows the total number and percent of NRC inspection findings that were attributed to CCA H.9 over the last five years.

Table 1, Findings Related to Training and Qualification Deficiencies

Year Total Number of Number of Findings Percent of Findings Findings Related to H.9 Related to H.9 2023 466 6 1.2%

2022 425 6 1.4%

2021 278 7 2.5%

2020 291 4 0.7%

2019 440 9 1.9%

All the findings associated with CCA H.9 were of very low safety significance ( i.e., Green). As shown in Table 1, the number of inspection findings related to CCA H.9 was relatively small compared to the total number of inspection findings.

Based on these results, NRC staff concluded that there were no notable negative trends in the ROP inspection findings that indicated an adverse trend related to training effectiveness.

3 Industry Events

The NRC staff reviewed event reports prepared by the industry. The percentage of events that were determined to be related to issues with training and/or qualifications was relatively low compared to other causal factors reported. There were no notable trends identified.

NRC Observations of the Accreditation Process

NRC staff remotely observed the Continuum Visits - Accreditation Readiness Reviews (CV-ARR) for Columbia Operations training programs in September of 2023.

NRC staff observed 21 NNAB meetings in CY23.

NRC observers provided feedback on the NNAB meetings. In general, NRC observers noted that the NNAB was thorough in their questions and challenges. There was 1 operations licensee in person NNAB. In addition, the NRC observers noted that the NNAB had enough information to make decisions, and there was diversity of NNAB member expertise.


The NRC staff documented a relatively small number of issues related to training weaknesses at operating power reactors, which were all very low safety significance, in the implementation of the ROP. The event reports prepared by industry also showed that weaknesses in the training and qualification of plant personnel contributed to a relatively small percentage of all reported events. NRC observations of the INPO-managed accreditation process continued to provide confidence that accreditation is an acceptable means of ensuring the requirements for a SAT contained in 10 CFR 50.120 and 10 CFR P art 55 are being met. In addition, the NRCs assessment of the accreditation process indicates that renewed accreditation of facility training programs remains a reliable indicator of successful implementation of a SAT and contributes to the assurance of public health and safety by ensuring that nuclear power plant workers are being adequately trained and qualified.