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RIC 2024 Crowell Transcript
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/13/2024
From: Crowell B
Download: ML24137A231 (1)





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MARCH 13, 2024

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The Plenary Session convened at the Bethesda North Marriott

Hotel and Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, Rockville, Maryland

and via Video-Teleconference, at 8:45 a.m. EDT, The Honorable Bradley

R. Crowell, Commissioner, presiding.


BRADLEY R. CROWELL, Commissioner

ANDREA VEIL, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

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(8:45 a.m.)

MS. VEIL: Good morning, everyone. I was trying to ease

you all into it a minute ago and just say let's start to like ease those

conversations down and get that last critical statement in, but my mic

wasn't on so none of you heard that.

Good morning, and welcome to Day 2 of the RIC. I trust

that you enjoyed yesterday as I did. There were a lot of engaging


Before I start and introduce our next plenary speaker, I

really want to give a shout out to the Office of Public Affairs who has

been working tirelessly following all of the highlights of the RIC and

posting on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. So thanks to our

partners in the Office of Public Affairs. Give them a hand.


MS. VEIL: And now it's my honor to introduce the next

plenary speaker. The Honorable Bradley R. Crowell was sworn in as a

Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on August 26,

2022, and is currently serving the remainder of a five-year term ending

June 30, 2027.

Commissioner Crowell has more than 20 years of experience

in the fields of energy, environment, natural resources, climate change,

and national security, including executive leadership positions in

federal and state government.

Prior to beginning his tenure as Commissioner, he served as NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 3

Director of the Nevada -- I said it right, Nevada. Right? I practiced.

Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as an Assistant

Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy. Please welcome

Commissioner Crowell.


COMMISSIONER CROWELL: Good morning, everyone. I see it's

a full room this morning. Welcome to Day 2 of the NRC's annual

Regulatory Information Conference. Thank you, Andrea, for the very

nice introduction.

I am honored to be here today with my fellow Commissioners,

past and present, and all of our international partners, which is, I am

told, representing about 48 countries, and all of the other

distinguished guests.

I am excited to collaborate with all of you as we have been

doing this week and will continue through the end of the RIC under the

very appropriately themed, theme of this year of adapting to a changing


Much has changed and much is continuing to change. That

being said, and I am going to make an attempt at humor here early in

the morning, which Chair Hanson knows is difficult.

The change I am feeling the most since last year is the

horrible time slot I received for this keynote.


COMMISSIONER CROWELL: Because, for those of you who know

me at all, I am not a morning person. In fact, from my perspective the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 4

only thing worse than listening to a keynote before 9:00 a.m. is having

to give a keynote before 9:00 a.m., with obvious exceptions: Chair

Hanson, your keynote was invigorating.


COMMISSIONER CROWELL: But if -- So, Ray, John, Andrea,

well be talking, but now I will try for bad dad humor. If I am given

the early bird slot again next year, I'll be sending my digital twin to

represent me.

So, one more anecdote to set the stage here, some of us

were able to at lunch yesterday listen to some remarks from Mike Allen,

who is the head of Axios and Politico and he was sharing with us parts

of his new book called "Smart Brevity."

I had a copy with me but I left down at my seat. Let me

just say that this keynote will break every rule in that book. It will

be too long and not -- it will fail at brevity. I hope it has some

elements of smart. So, bear with me.

So, the RIC, this is my second time I have been at the RIC.

I am now familiar with the lexicon, but when I first heard the RIC it

occurred to me that it's about the least exotic name you could have for

an international conference. But the genericness of the name belies

how important this is, and how valuable the RIC is for all of us and

the participants both in the U.S. and around the world. So, thank you

all for being here.

The opportunities to collaborate with my colleagues and

other professionals in the field is great, but I know there is a lot of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 5

young professionals and students here and participating online and, you

know, I think they are the most important audience for us today.

They are the ones who are going to have to carry forward

whatever direction we chart collectively for civilian nuclear

technologies ahead.

So I'll extend another special welcome to our international

partners, particularly our regulatory partners. I know many of you

traveled long distances to be here. It is a privilege to be able to

have some time to talk with all of you.

Before I dive into my remarks I will also, like my

colleagues who went before me yesterday, will shamelessly plug my

technical session, which is this afternoon, on the changing landscape

of environmental reviews, another area that has been changing and

continues to change significantly.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't planning to try to get in

a quick nap before that 3:45 p.m. session, just so you aware, because

in addition to this time slot the lost hour for us in the U.S. earlier

this week is exacerbating my grumpiness today, so thank you.

I have to give a shout out to my staff because without them

I couldn't do what I do and none of us could do what we do, so please

allow me an opportunity to do that.

Their guidance and insight is essential for me. So, while

she's not here today, first and foremost I would like to recognize Jan

Lepre, my Executive Assistant.

She has been with me since day one and she is fabulous. I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 6

could not have navigated the NRC in my early days and weeks without her

and, quite frankly, it's difficult to do it without her even today.

Two others who joined my team shortly after I became a

Commissioner, David Brown, my Technical Assistant for Materials, Maxine

Keefe, my Deputy Chief and Legal Counsel, and then earlier this year I

was fortunate to add two new members to my staff, Amy Powell as my Chief

of Staff and Boyce Travis as my Reactor Technical Assistant.

I am very proud of my team. They bring their "A" game

every day. They are committed to public service and advancing the

public good and they are true professionals, so I appreciate all of you

for what you do.

So to begin, and a little bit more substance, I wanted to

first share some of my perspective on why I am honored to serve on the

Committee, sorry, on the Commission, and my expectations that I have

for the remainder of my term.

When I was asked to serve on the Commission I immediately

viewed the NRC as offering a unique opportunity at a crucial time to

enable the safe application of civilian nuclear technology to address

some of the most challenging and pressing issues facing our country


Logically, and perhaps obviously, climate change and energy

security quickly came to mind, but there are many other important policy

objectives where the safe application of nuclear technologies has a

potential to result in significant benefits for our society and we must

not lose sight of those.

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We have talked about them this week, but there has been

very many exciting new developments in nuclear medicine and agriculture,

just to name a few. These could be game-changing applications and are

as important as anything else we do at the agency.

So as a lifelong public servant, I have always viewed my

role and responsibility to be mindful of both a specific mission of an

agency, as well as how a given agency's mission fits into the bigger

picture of government's overarching responsibility to advance the

public good.

At the federal level, in my view, every agency, no matter

how big or small, whether a cabinet department or an independent agency,

shares in the collective responsibility to the American people, for

whom we ultimately serve, and we must execute this duty with our eyes

wide open.

So what does that mean for the NRC and how do we get there?

Well, as my colleague Commissioner Caputo mentioned yesterday, time is

of the essence. I think we all know that. We are a little bit at a

now or never moment.

First, I believe, on the reactor side, we've got to ensure

that the current fleet of nuclear reactors in the U.S. can continue to

meet our public health, safety, and security standards and we must do

so in the context of an increasingly complex geopolitical environment

and while adapting to the rapidly accelerating impacts of climate


Unfortunately, the climate change is intensifying. The NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 8

impacts are becoming more frequent and unpredictable and they are

affecting our entire energy system and that is from generation to

transmission to distribution.

These are things we will have to deal with in the near and

medium term, no matter what we do on bending the curve, the carbon

curve, through 2050. So, for nuclear, that means we need to take

seriously and prepare for, you know, unexpected impacts from climate

change and perhaps other natural hazards.

So, just as we must ensure the integrity of our current

fleet, particularly in the context of nuclear safety and climate

resilience being linked, the NRC is not -- I'll acknowledge that the

NRC is not, you know, in the driver's seat on climate change and energy

security in terms of setting domestic or international goals related to

those issues. But the NRC still plays an important role in the

collective effort to enable success of those policy objectives, and at

the very, very least the NRC must not be a hindrance to that success.

While always maintaining public health and safety first and

foremost, we must be enablers. So, as we looked ahead for the NRC in

that regard, moving past our current fleet, we must also be prepared to

efficiently review an increasing number of new license applications for

advanced reactors.

Many of these reactors will use novel fuels and designs and

incorporate advanced safety features, which is exciting, but is

different than what we have in the past that has primarily been light-

water based.

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In doing so, it's my view that the NRC must take this

responsibility on within a broader sense of purpose of where our agency

fits in. I think our purpose needs to include our specific regulatory

function but in a thoughtful context of, you know, ensuring that

facilities are safe, that they are sited in a resilient way, constructed

well, and can ensure reliable operation and we have to work with our

federal partners to ensure that that happens.

It's no small task. Inter- agency coordination is

difficult, but we need to be mindful of how we fit into the bigger

picture. These are big challenges. I welcome them as tremendous


I think the entire agency should see it that way. It's an

opportunity to embrace He didn't say it yesterday, but as my colleague

Commissioner Wright likes to say is it's time to meet the moment.

We need to be able to do that. The moment is now and so

we all got to move together collectively. But the NRC is just one

piece of a bigger puzzle that we are all here to help solve today.

We all play a different role in sharing our path to that

goal, and this includes international cooperation, not just our domestic

efforts. Cooperation among peaceful nations will benefit us all.

So one thing that the RIC really offers that I have valued

is an opportunity to talk to, for me and my colleagues as we talk to

our counterparts, with many of you, we get to better understand each

other's needs, the progress we have been making, an opportunity to

identify new opportunities for collaboration.

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I think that the coordination and collaboration of the

international community is equally important as our domestic

engagements in terms of ensuring success for nuclear in the years ahead.

You know, I think all of us from our various vantage points

know that the table today has probably never been better set for

civilian nuclear energy technologies to overcome some of the historic

challenges it has faced.

The policy and financial incentives, the political

alignment, public support, a multifaceted geopolitical context with

many imperatives therein, all are in favor of nuclear as a solution.

But that time is now and it probably is not going to come

again so I think we need to make real progress in the intervening years

through the end of this decade.

This is a confluence of policy politics and financial

support for nuclear energy that is rare in any policy area and it's an

alignment that is unlikely to ever repeat itself again.

So, as of today, I have approximately three and a half years

remaining on my current term on the Commission, or, to be exact, 1,204

days. I plan to use every one of those to make a difference.

To be fair, I would take this approach regardless of the

critical point at which nuclear is at, but in the context of my role as

an NRC Commissioner I really want to be part of the solution and I want

the agency to keep apace.

So what's happened in the 364 days since I last stood before

you on this stage: a lot, and I hope that trend continues. My colleague NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 11

have already eloquently spoken yesterday about a number of things,

recent developments, the construction permit on the Hermes non-power

test reactor, Vogtle 3 starting commercial operations, which coincided

with my birthday, thank you, Vogtle 4 hopefully by the end of this year,

sooner rather than later hopefully, a demonstration project for HALEU,

all are successes since last year's RIC.

I don't think any of my fellow Commissioners nor myself

envisioned the leaps and bounds being made in fusion energy in this

last year either. I think that probably goes for all of you in this

room, except for those maybe working on fusion.

Now there is still a long way to go on fusion both

technically and economically, but at the current pace of technological

advancement and financial investment fusion energy systems could start

giving fission reactors some healthy competition in the next decade.

We'll see if that materializes, but I really encourage that as a healthy


The NRC should be proud of the fact that it recognizes these

advancements happening in fusion and elsewhere and for fusion

specifically, you know, last spring we directed the NRC staff to create

a regulatory framework for fusion energy systems building on the

agency's existing process for licensing the use of byproduct materials.

That's going to be a new approach for technologies that

generate energy, but I think it's the right one, but it does mean there

is a lot to do between now and when that regulation, you know,

cooperative regulation would start happening, so we need to make sure NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 12

that we stay on top of it.

Like all of you this in room, I have been a long-time energy

watcher and I have been excited to see fusion starting to progress so

quickly, but it's a hard concept to grasp sometimes because of the

tremendous potentials it provides, so I have also wanted to see it in

person for myself.

It's been a long time since my time at DOE being able to go

visit the NIF. I wasn't sure what to expect, to go see some of these

early-stage fusion startups and I got a good picture of that last


In fact, Commissioner Wright joined me and we went to visit

Helion and Zap Energy based near Seattle, Washington, and in a few weeks

Ambassador, sometimes I call him, Commissioner Wright, will join me

again to go to Massachusetts and visit Commonwealth Fusion Systems.

Coincidentally between Washington State and Massachusetts

from the Agreement State regulatory perspective, these States leading

in this area is really important.

They have strong State programs and hopefully will set the

stage for other Agreement States to set up a strong regulatory framework

for fusion that will enable success.

Turning back to fission for a quick second, the Commission

took another step within the last year in optimizing the NRC's readiness

for their new generation of reactors by approving a final rule

establishing emergency preparedness requirements for small modular

reactors and other new technologies, are, of course, public, so you may NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 13

have seen I did not agree with everything in this rule as adopted, and

that's okay.

It's healthy in my mind to explore different ideas,

experiences, opinions, and expertise when talking through issues with

my colleagues. The most important thing is that Commissioners and

their staff communicate with one another on a regular basis, including

sharing individual viewpoints, but also listening to and understanding

the different views and unique insights that we each have.

There will be disagreements, some are small, some will be

big, but ultimately I believe that better policies will result when you

have a diverse body that engages in true collaboration, so I look

forward to continuing that with all of you.

Personally, whether I agree or disagree in whole or in part

with one my Commission colleagues, I still benefit from the forthright

collegial discussions that we have been able to have.

As a result, I am able to draft more thoughtful and informed

votes and I thank you all for that. I also think that this is exactly

what Congress intended when establishing the NRC as a Commission-led

agency where it's designed to formulate policy as a collegial body

rather than establishing it with a single administrator.

Congress I think is -- I hope I won't get in too much

trouble for saying this -- they probably deserve a lot of heat for a

lot of things, but on this one I think they got it right, and I look

forward to continuing that, and at a full complement of five where at

which the Commission works best, in my opinion.

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Speaking of good examples of collaboration, and this was

touched on my colleagues as well but I can't skip over it, we marked a

significant milestone recently by completing deliberation on the

staff's draft rule for advanced reactors, affectionately called Part


Reaching this point in development of a modernized

regulatory framework for new and advanced reactors has been a long time

coming, though I might add it's still well ahead of the schedule set by

Congress and we're going to keep apace.

There were highs and lows as most of you know in this

process and many bumps in between. That being said, I am confident

that the proactive approach taken on Part 53 by NRC staff to engage the

public was the correct approach.

Moving forward be it in the context of Part 53 or other

significant rulemakings, I would encourage the NRC staff to make

targeted, smart, informed process improvements to how we do that

engagement, but while absolutely continuing to employ that

collaborative model of early and meaningful engagement with all


I think it was one part of the result when it came up to

the Commission level and we all started to collaborate and vote that it

went very well.

I mean our staff knocked out most of the issues. We engaged

as principals on a couple and that was really telling and a testament

to the ability of the Commission to do big things.

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Two other important things that the Commission is in the

process of advancing both for new and advanced reactors and the

operating fleet, last week I voted on a proposed rule to establish the

Generic Environmental Impact Statement for new reactor technologies,

which was of interest to many of you.

Again, last week, it was a busy week, it has been noted, I

voted on a final rule on a complementary Generic Environmental Impact

Statement specific to license renewal for operating reactors.

For each rulemaking, I applaud the staff's efforts in taking

the approach of generically addressing certain issues and focusing

environmental review efforts on site-specific issues without

shortchanging environmental reviews or undermining our NEPA


We will need this kind of novel yet conscientious thinking

in our approach to the many critically important reviews that the NRC

does and it's I think a role we could not have necessarily, which is an

area not necessarily imagined years ago.

I want to express my appreciation to Chair Hanson for his

leadership, which comes in many forms, but one area where I am very

appreciative of his proactive efforts is his tasking of the NRC's

General Counsel to take a fresh look at the Commission's mandatory

hearing process and find ways to identify efficiencies for carrying out

a requirement that is a statutory obligation for us.

I think Chair Hanson and I and our colleagues believe there

are many efficiencies that we can find internally to help smooth the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 16

process and have it be more appropriate for our modern day context and

in recognition of the experience gained over the years.

You will hear about more encouraging developments from the

NRC staff this week. You probably already have as part of remarks and

technical sessions. I hope you are sharing in kind the things that you

are doing from your respective roles. There is a tremendous amount of

work to be done and we must continue to make timely progress.

I will now turn to other parts of the fuel cycle for just

a few minutes. If any of you have chatted with me before or heard me

speak in public you'll know that I'll never miss an opportunity to

discuss both the front and the back end of the fuel cycle.

I'm a glutton for punishment, but I firmly believe that the

NRC's regulatory decisions will have broader and more durable acceptance

if we demonstrate to the public that we are mindful in considering the

entire fuel cycle and options and challenges therein.

You know, particularly the front-end fuel cycle challenges

are being exacerbated by geopolitics, and so Russia's invasion of

Ukraine has dramatically changed that landscape and has forced a

recognition that we probably should have addressed many years ago, but

we can do it.

To achieve true energy security the U.S. must make progress

to both our domestic uranium milling conversion and enrichment

capabilities and we must continue to do so on a timeline commensurate

with the progress of new and advanced reactors in this country.

This is our chicken and egg dilemma, but we need to pursue NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 17

both in earnest, and do what we can to make sure that the timing aligns.

That being said, it's also my firm belief that we must keep an eye on

the back end of the fuel cycle.

In fact, on the front and the back end of the cycle, I view

it as irresponsible to utilize nuclear energy to lower emissions and

help address climate change if in doing so we knowingly allow nuclear

energy to become the harbinger of new multi-generational threats to our

public health, safety, and economy, namely in the form of un-managed

spent fuel and nuclear waste or exacerbating the challenges of nuclear


As my colleague Dr. Katy Huff put it during congressional

testimony earlier this year, the promise of new and advanced reactors

can most responsibly be realized in conjunction with progress on the

management of their spent nuclear fuel. Personally, I could not agree


As the NRC moves forward with research, rulemaking, and

licensing of new nuclear technologies, energy generation technologies,

we must not lose focus on the responsible management or re-use of spent

fuel inventories coupled with the timely advances in nuclear waste

storage and disposal tragedies. The NRC, again, must keep apace.

We must also be thoughtful about how we successfully manage

the decommissioning of all types of facilities. The NRC staff recently

delivered the draft final rule for decommissioning reactors to the

Commission for our consideration.

This is an important rule to many of the stakeholders in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 18

the room and notably to the communities that have hosted or will host

operating nuclear power plants or have questions about issues such as

site restoration and how spent fuel will be addressed.

With this rule the NRC will establish rules of the road for

these sites where it could decades to complete decommissioning. I am

coming into this important rulemaking near the final step, but it has

my full attention given its long-term impact.

So whether we are talking about abandoned uranium mines,

uranium milling, mill tailings, disposal sites, low-level waste

disposal facilities, the NRC has a shared responsibility to bolster the

government's social license with respect to responsibly and proactively

managing the back end of the fuel cycle and in doing so we need to be

conscious and mindful of the missteps of the past and not to repeat

those mistakes. That is a basic and obvious obligation as public

servants, in my opinion.

In his remarks yesterday, Chair Hanson also talked about

trust being a key component to the NRC's success moving forward. I

agree wholeheartedly. He and I have had many conversations on this


But as he knows and I know, trust must first be earned and

then carefully maintained. Although the table right now broadly

appears to be set for success from a policy and political perspective

for nuclear, I don't see a nuclear renaissance in the United States

taking hold without commensurate trust from the public that the NRC,

and truly all of us, not just the NRC, is doing what's in the people's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 19

best interest.

Public trust and engagement are precursors to everything we

hope to achieve as an agency. During my career in public service at

both the state and the federal level, I have been reminded time and

time again that nuclear issues always garner significant public


As such, the proactive community engagement must always be

an early priority. I have engaged in many conversations and heard from

numerous stakeholders over the last year and a half about licensing and

regulatory efficiency, and rightfully so. These are important things.

But in my mind in addition to the standard definition of

what we think about efficiency from a public agency perspective

efficiency also means that everyone, public citizens, state

governments, tribal governments, industry and beyond are entitled to a

fully transparent and accessible nuclear regulatory framework and

associated licensing and oversight.

Procedural justice for everyone is essential. And taking

time on the front end to educate and build relationships with local

stakeholders will ultimately result in more efficiency than attempting

to skip that vital step.

As I read recently in the press, former NRC Chair Dale Klein

recently said, well, trust is hard to gain but easy to lose and, again,

I could not agree more with that sentiment.

We must put in the work with the public. Doing so will form

the foundation for the public to have confidence in the regulatory NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 20


Unfortunately, this challenge also comes at a difficult

time for the NRC and all federal and other government agencies. Whether

fair or not, Americans are increasingly losing faith in their


There are polls from late last year that found 44 percent

of Americans have a great deal to a fair amount of trust in the federal

government to handle international problems.

Even fewer, 37 percent, have a great deal to a fair amount

of trust in the federal government to handle domestic issues. That's

what we would say in political terms is being under water. We need to

improve upon that.

Since the NRC works on issues in both arenas, we've got

some serious work to do, but we're not alone. In my view it's incumbent

upon all of us, all public officials, to work to reverse this trend

through our daily actions by maintaining the highest standards of

accountability and active engagement with the public who we ultimately


As Commissioner Wright suggested in his speech yesterday,

every NRC employee is an ambassador representing our mission, our

service, and what we value. He's right.

And I also believe that every NRC employee should help

communicate what it is that we do and why it's important. And for our

recruiting and hiring managers I actually think that they should use

Commissioner Wright's video as a recruiting tool. It would be the envy NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 21

of the CIA, if you have seen those commercials.

In all seriousness, while Commissioner Wright's video may

have been entertaining, it was also effective because it told a part of

the NRC experience in terms anyone could understand and appreciate.

That is exactly how the NRC needs to introduce, or re-introduce, itself

with the public, by engaging stakeholders at their level, using plain

language and real-world context.

Explaining nuclear power and other nuclear applications,

not to mention the regulatory role of the NRC, to average folks is

challenging. Personally I will seek out opportunities to explain

exactly what I do as an NRC Commissioner to my family, friends, and

neighbors, occasionally to an Uber driver.

It's not always easy, but usually if I take a moment to

assess my audience I can find a way to connect. I believe we all have

the responsibility to do this in our respective roles and our daily

lives, but particularly those of us in public service.

I don't believe it's the public's responsibility to

understand nuclear physics. I view it as the NRC's responsibility to

explain our job in ensuring the peaceful application of nuclear

technologies to the public in a manner that they can understand.

I know there are lots of smart people in this room and the

NRC has some of the smartest people I have met in my career. But as

Albert Einstein said, and I think his birthday is tomorrow, which is

always convenient for the RIC, if you quote "If you can't explain it to

a 6-year-old then you don't understand it yourself." I think that's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 22

true as well.

We've got to be able to reach a broad audience by explaining

things in everyday terms. So I issue that challenge to all of you,

especially if you are an NRC employee, engage with your friends and

neighbors, especially the younger generation, and tell them what you do

and why it's important.

If they understand then you have succeeded in that instance,

but if not keep trying. I have failed many times and have refined how

I discuss these things and it's important to be able to do that. By

having those small conversations, the seeds you sow with them will

sprout tomorrow and there will be a benefit to all of us.

But all of the successes that we have had at the NRC and

hope to continue to have and our preparations for a bright future for

the safe application of nuclear technologies won't be possible without

the NRC staff, the people power that we use to do these things.

We have talked about this numerous times already this week,

but, you know, the NRC particularly needs to retain the amazing experts

that we have had at the agency for so long but do so while preparing

and recruiting a new generation to work with us, and transferring that

knowledge to have continuity.

Engineers, scientists, operators, security specialists,

trades and crafts, attorneys, administrative support, and everything in

between, we need it all, and I am concerned with that hill that we have

to climb. Our experts in all things nuclear-related are also

increasingly retirement-eligible.

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And on the other end of the career spectrum, for young

professionals, there is reason to be concerned about how we will re-

fill the very limited talent pool. Earlier this year, a survey of 34

universities with nuclear engineering programs found that the overall

number of nuclear engineering degrees awarded in 2021 and 2022 were at

their lowest levels in more than a decade.

And data on crafts and trades is not encouraging, either,

with less than nine percent of workers age 19 to 24 entering the trades.

Trends like this fuel my continued concern. But from a

microperspective, and somewhat anecdotally, I will say that I am

encouraged, at the same time, when I talk to students and to visit

universities, and I think many of my colleagues have had the same


Last year I was able to spend time with students at the ANS

Chapter at the University of Nevada-Reno and with their faculty

advisors, and the amount of talent and smarts and enthusiasm in that

room were overwhelming and it made me feel insufficient in terms of

like how do I bottle that up and direct you towards the NRC? Or, if

not the NRC, in this space that will help address all of our issues and

the big issues that we need to do today.

At some point, Ray, you and your leadership will have to

give all of the Commissioners an easy like here's your route from school

to working for the NRC, and not just for the lawyers, but for the

technical folks, so we can be good ambassadors when we are out on the


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So let's all do our part to keep, you know, making that

pool of the workforce that we need so desperately continue to grow.

In this context the NRC has got some high bar hiring goals.

We've got some real challenges, but we're pushing hard to do it. Our

hiring targets account for attrition as we, too, have had a workforce

that is increasing retirement eligible and our talent is being heavily

recruited by others who need the skills and expertise and, let's be

honest, others who can often compensate better than the federal

government can.

I don't begrudge any of you for going out and getting the

best talent you can, but the NRC needs to do the same and we can offer

something intangible that a salary cannot, which is the opportunity to

see a part of the process and be part of advancing the public good in

a way that you can look back and say you were part of doing big things.

We really need to sell the value of public service and the

unique opportunities at the NRC. It is a special place to work and we

should recognize that by using it as a recruiting tool.

So, you know, to all of our current NRC staff, thank you

for who you are and everything that you do. Change is always

challenging, but it's always good as well, and we've had a lot of it

and we will continue to have a lot of it.

I implore you not to be discouraged but to look at this as

an opportunity to build your own career and make the agency a better

place. I want all of NRC's employees to continue to find new strategies

for engaging and communicating with all of our stakeholders. We need NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 25

you, your expertise, and your mentoring of the next generation of NRC


Every day I come into the office, I am humbled to work with

you and I am awed by the accomplishments you have made in the very

difficult areas. I want everyone in the NRC workforce to feel like you

are part of a generational opportunity to make lasting change. We are

all in this together.

I also want to acknowledge the incredibly important work

and the role of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, or ACRS,

which, put simply, and I think everyone in this room probably knows

this, is the NRC's technical conscious and plays a vital independent,

indispensable oversight role in this social license framework. Any

time that I am preparing a vote on a matter that ACRS has reviewed in

full or in part, I want to know what they have said. I value their

expertise, their outside-of-the-building look at safety-related issues,

and the informed opinions about the staff's work.

As the Commission formulates policy in areas never before

considered in many cases, I want to know our Advisory Committee's views

on these new technologies and how the NRC is setting expectations and

frameworks for their safe use.

In recent years, the utility of the Advisory Commission has

been called into question. Everyone under the NRC umbrella, including

the ACRS, is seeking to keep a pace and prepare for the myriad of

workload scenarios that we face.

The Advisory Committee is also adapting to its role and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 26

their doing so is critical to our success. Ive talked to the current

chair of the ACRS and they understand that they need to refine and

improve their process as well, so there is strong recognition of what

is before all of us and now we need to put those things in motion.

So thank you all for the role you play in making and turning

opportunities into reality. Thank you for indulging me for this long

to share my perspectives. I will wrap it up so I can move on to my

favorite part of these engagements, which is Q&A, so thank you all.

Andrea, I am ready for the hot seat.


MS. VEIL: All right. We've got about four minutes.

COMMISSIONER CROWELL: I went on for that long?

MS. VEIL: Yes. So, I'm going to start right in.


MS. VEIL: So in your speech, you talked about building

public confidence and maintaining that confidence and that is critical

for nuclear to become a viable source of energy.

What would you say if it applies or how it applies to

nuclear waste and also the back end of the fuel cycle?

COMMISSIONER CROWELL: It's as, if not more, important on

the front and the back end of the fuel cycle. I mean we have a pretty

clear stark example on the back end where failure to do proactive

engagement resulted in a serious impediment to making progress on

storage of spent fuel.

So, you know, we've got to recognize that, not repeat it, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1716 14th STRE ET, N.W., SU ITE 200 (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009-4309 www.nealrgr 27

you know. The NRC's role is obviously on the lighter end of that topic,

but we still have a role to play there and, you know, what the NRC is

doing now in regards to some of the interim storage projects, the same

theories apply there, and what we are doing in looking at front end

milling and mining and things like that are also very real and call for

that kind of engagement in a way that perhaps wasn't done well in the


MS. VEIL: Okay. Next question. If risk insights and

risk-related information are to be integral to the future of expediting

various licensing processes, how do you ensure that NRC management and

staff as well as the industry have an aligned understanding of these

processes so that implementation is consistently gaining efficiencies

while maintaining a balanced focus on public health and safety?

COMMISSIONER CROWELL: That is an SAT-style question.

MS. VEIL: Yes, well --

COMMISSIONER CROWELL: Well, I mean I'll try to answer

briefly since we are short on time, but there needs to be consistency

throughout the agency in how we engage, there needs to be management

accountability for engaging in ways that are going to be more efficient

while upholding our safety case.

This is why we are, you know, we're an organization with

various levels of leadership and they all need to play their role, but

I would say, you know, our mid- level employees and interim-level

employees need to give feedback up, too, if they are hearing contrary

or contradictory direction.

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So I think consistency and accountability, while it may

sound boring, are essential for an agency as large and as complex as

the NRC is.

MS. VEIL: And you must be clairvoyant because you covered

the next question in your answer so I am going to skip to the last

question, which is how can the NRC recruit and retain more young people?

COMMISSIONER CROWELL: Two ways, in the 30 seconds we have

here, do our part in fielding the talent pool from our university grant

programs and things like that, be innovative and modernizing the way we

recruit and hire and joining with partners domestically and

internationally that are doing workforce efforts.

I know our friend DG Magwood is here and he is doing a lot

of good things in that regard at NEA, and we can learn from it, as well

as some of our partner countries are doing a great job building their

talent pool and recruiting them. So we could stand to learn and benefit

from those efforts.

MS. VEIL: Thank you.


MS. VEIL: I think we have a couple seconds, but not enough

for another question, so --




(Whereupon, the above-entitled ma tter went off the record

at 9:30 a.m.)

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