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Fact Sheet: the Student Corner Fun and Games - Word Scramble (Standard)
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/11/2024
Office of Public Affairs
Download: ML24011A045 (1)


Word Scramble (Standard)

Read the definition of the scrambled word. Then descramble on the blank lines.

1. RCN 5. NOSIFSI 10. IAONRTDAI The acronym for the agency in charge When an atom splits and energ y is Energ y given off by matter. This of regulating the commercial nuclear released. The energ y is usually in the energ y is in the for m of particles or industr y. for m of heat. This process can produce electromagnetic rays or waves.


2. MOAT 6. LDSNIRTIUA 11. OCARETR The smallest component of an element. The heart of a nuclear power plant, It contains neutrons, protons and Radioactive materials are used for where nuclear fission is started and electrons. purposes, such as in gauges, well log ging controlled.

and manufacturing.

3. YENGER 7. RSPCOIETN 12. YCURSEIT Power that is produced from physical or Measures taken to protect nuclear chemical resources. It can provide heat A person who assesses the nuclear power plants. It includes ar med guards and light. reactors and makes sure ever ything is and sur veillance equipment.

working properly.

4. CYTCLEITERI 8. RCUNALE 13. TNSPE LFEU A for m of energ y made by charged Nuclear reactor fuel that has been particles. It is available in homes through energ y generates electricity depleted from use.

wall outlets. through fission.

9. LADCIEM Radioactive materials are used for purposes, such as in hospitals for treatment and testing.