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Lwrs Newsletter Sept. 2023
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/12/2023
From: Gascot-Lozada R
Download: ML23346A006 (1)


September 2023 LWRS Status Highlights Program Mission Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) is a Department of Energy (DOE) program conducting research to develop technologies and other solutions to improve the economics and reliability, sustain the safety, and extend the operation of our nation's fleet of nuclear power plants (NPP). The NRC and the DOE has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Nuclear Innovation that allow the entities to share expertise and knowledge on advanced nuclear reactor technologies and nuclear energy innovation which extend to the area of light water reactor long-term operation and proposed modification for light water reactor sustainability.

Rules of Interaction with External LWRS Working Groups This document aims to provide clarification to the NRC staff on guidelines for technical and knowledge exchanges with DOE staff, as described in the MOU. The rules of interaction also make clear for staff when public meetings should be considered. The document can also be found on the LWRS webpage. (ML23135A227)

Plant Modernization Pathway Main Goal: enable plant efficiency improvements through a strategy for long-term modernization Latest Report :

Complete Evaluation of Integrated Operations for Nuclear (ION) Cost Reduction Opportunities for LWRS Program Pathways - This report presents an assessment of each pathway in the LWRS Program regarding the incorporation of new work reduction opportunities as components to the existing work reduction opportunities suite from ongoing research within the LWRS.

Pilot Business Case Analysis for Digital Infrastructure - This report addresses concerns with the implementation cost of a digital instrumentation and control (I&C). This is addressed through demonstrating the long-term net economic value of digital upgrades with an in-depth exposition of the business case for, and de-tailed process associated with digital I&C modernizations.

Page 2 Materials Research Pathway Main Goal: understand and predict long-term behavior of materials in nuclear power plants Latest Report:

Radiation Accident Dose and Simulated Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Test of Low Voltage Cables (NUREG/CR-7300)- This report presents the results of a test program that subjected cables which had previously undergone accelerated aging equivalent to 50, 60, and 80 years of normal operating life, under five different sets of environmental conditions, to accident irradiation and a LOCA test with the goal of characterizing the remaining life of the cables; as such, this test program was not a formal qualification of the cables.

Progress on Stress corrosion Crack Testing of Ni-Base Alloys in PWR Primary Water- This report documents the final year progress of a three-year research effort evaluating the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) initiation and growth behavior of Ni-base alloys in lithium hydroxide (LiOH) vs. potassium hydroxide (KOH)-containing PWR primary water. The report also provides a status update of the ongoing Phase V long-term SCC initiation testing on cold-worked Alloy 690 materials.

Risk Informed System Analysis (RISA) Pathway Main Goal: develop safety analysis methods and tools to optimize the safety, reliability, and economics of nuclear power plants Latest Report:

Tools and Methods for Optimization of Nuclear Plant Outages - This report describes the initial development of tools to support outage management that leverage computational and machine learning methods developed within other RISA and LWRS projects Safety Analysis of FeCrAl Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup for PWR -This report documents research and development conducted to support deployment of accident-tolerant fuels.

This project performed safety analyses for the steady-state normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences, and design-basis accidents of a representative four-loop pressurized water reactor model with Zr and FeCrAl accident-tolerant fuel cladding with higher enrichment and burnup SCALE lattice model of quarter of supporting plant refueling cycles of 18 and 24 months. a 17 x 17 fuel assembly

Page 3 Physical Security Pathway Main Goal: develop technologies and technical bases to optimize physical security Latest Report:

Plant-Specific Model and Data Analysis using Dynamic Security Modeling and Simulation- This document provides an update on the progress in applying a dynamic computational framework that links results from a commercially available force-on-force simulation tool, a commercially available thermal-hydraulic tool, and Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagrams (EMRALD) to an operating commercial nuclear power plant.

Flexible Plant Operation & Generation (FPOG) Pathway Main Goal: enable diversification and increase revenue of light water reactors to produce non-electrical products Latest Report:

Expansion of Hazards and Probabilistic Risk Assessments of Light-Water Reactor Coupled with Electrolysis Hydrogen Production Plants-This report builds upon the body of work sponsored by the DOE LWRS FPOG program that presented generic probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) for the addition of a heat extraction system (HES) to light-water reactors to support the co-location of a high temperature hydrogen electrolysis facility (HTEF). Probabilistic and deterministic hazards assessments and risk analyses are leveraged throughout this report.

LWRS October Calendar

  • RISA Monthly CallAdvanced modeling and simulation in MOOSE to support aging management, October 10, 2023
  • Hydrogen Generation Unit at Nine Mile Past Issues Point Brief- October 25, 2023 (during the Alignment Meeting)

Prepared by: Ramón L. Gascot (RES/DE/RGPMB)