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Cumulative Effects of Regulation Public Meeting (11/08/2023): Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses Environmental Review (Rin 3150-AK32; NRC-2018-0296)
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/08/2023
From: Yanely Malave-Velez
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Yanely Malave-Velez
RIN 3150-AK32, NRC-2018-0296
Download: ML23296A199 (14)


Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Cumulative Effects of Regulation Public Meeting November 8, 2023


  • Purpose of Meeting
  • Cumulative Effects of Regulation
  • Summary of Proposed Rule Amendment
  • Changes to the Draft Final Rule
  • Effective and Compliance Date of Final Rule
  • Public Feedback and Questions
  • Closing NRC Remarks and Adjourn 2 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Meeting Purpose

  • Discuss proposed effective and compliance date of final rule
  • Obtain public feedback on the effective date as it pertains to cumulative effects of regulation (CER)
  • Discuss changes to draft final rule
  • NRC will not provide written responses to any comments made at this meeting 3 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Schedule March 3, 2023 Proposed rule published (88 FR 13329) for 60-day public comment period May 2, 2023 Public comment period closed (1,885 comment submissions)

March 2024 Submit draft final rule package to the Commission 4 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Cumulative Effects of Regulation

  • CER is a term used by the NRC to refer to the challenges that licensees and other entities face while implementing multiple regulatory actions within a limited implementation period and with limited available resources
  • This CER public meeting is intended to obtain feedback during the draft final rule development to inform the implementation schedule 5 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

CER Considerations

  • Changes to the draft final rule
  • NRC staffs expectations for final rule effective and compliance date
  • Public feedback 6 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Summary of Amendments

  • Codifies the revised Category 1 (generic) conclusions of the draft revised LR GEIS in Table B-1 in Appendix B to Subpart A of 10 CFR 51

- Conclusions have been expanded to specifically account for SLR (one term), initial LR and other new information since the 2013 LR GEIS

  • Revises Table B-1 to account for lessons learned, knowledge gained, and experience from environmental reviews performed since development of the LR GEIS, Revision 1 (2013)
  • Updates 10 CFR 51.53 and Table B-1 to reflect new scientific data, and changes in environmental regulations and impact methodology regarding the assessment of potential environmental impacts of nuclear power plants
  • Makes conforming changes to 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3) and 51.95(c) 7 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Changes to Draft Final Rule Revise 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(G), Table B-1, and LR GEIS to clarify water sources

  • Revise wording to reflect that members of the public could be exposed to microbiological organisms in thermal effluents at nuclear plants that use cooling ponds, lakes, canals, or that discharge to publicly accessible surface waters.

Revise 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(Q) to eliminate duplicative requirement.

  • Revise draft final rule to eliminate this duplicative requirement specific to mitigation measures for climate change impacts.

8 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Question in Proposed Rule Whether to extend the applicability of the LR GEIS beyond two license renewal terms.

  • Staff found no reason to deviate from the Commissions direction, due in part to the lack of public support, no immediate industry need, and scheduling impacts.

9 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Effective and Compliance Date

  • Effective Date: 30 days after publication
  • Compliance Date: Up to one year after publication 10 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Feedback and Questions 11 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Where to Find Information

/licensing/renewal/sled.html QR code 12 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

How did we do?

Use this QR code OR Use Meeting Feedback Form link available in the NRC meeting notice OR 13 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting

Points of Contact

  • Jennifer Davis, Technical PM Phone: (800) 368-5642, ext. 3835 Email:
  • Kevin Folk, Technical PM Phone: (800) 368-5642, ext. 6944 Email: 14 Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review Final RuleCER Public Meeting