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July 20, 2023, Summary of Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Public Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/14/2023
From: Katie Wagner
To: Steven Lynch
Download: ML23244A234 (6)


September 14, 2023 MEMORANDUM TO: Steven T. Lynch, Chief Advanced Reactor Policy Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Katherine L. Wagner, Project Manager /RA/

Advanced Reactor Policy Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF JULY 20, 2023, PERIODIC ADVANCED REACTOR STAKEHOLDER PUBLIC MEETING On July 20, 2023, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held an information meeting with a question-and-answer session with stakeholders to discuss advanced reactor topics including:

  • Environmental Center of Expertise Licensing Review Overview and Enhancements
  • Introduction to the New Fuels Atlas
  • Update on SCALE/MELCOR Non-LWR Source Term and Fuel Cycle Demonstration Project
  • Nuclear Supplier QA Program Qualification: ISO 9001 Supplemental Requirements
  • Advanced Reactor Population-Related Siting Considerations
  • MACCS Consequence Analysis Demonstration Calculations
  • Factory-Fabricated Transportable Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations
  • Risk-Informed Approach to Package Approval for Transportable Microreactors The meeting notice is available in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML23201A038, and the presentation slides are available under Accession No. ML23200A301. The Enclosure to this summary provides the attendees for the meeting as captured by Microsoft Teams.

For each topic listed above, the NRC staff provided information and allotted time for stakeholder comments and questions. Stakeholders provided feedback on several topics and asked clarifying questions. NRC staff stated that the feedback was appreciated. No follow-up actions were identified.

CONTACT: Katherine L. Wagner, NRR/DANU 301-415-6202

S. Lynch 2 The NRC staff provided updates of the Advanced Reactor Integrated Schedule of Activities on the NRCs public website at The NRC staff noted that the schedule reflects activities that have recently been completed, updated, or added since the June 7, 2023, advanced reactor stakeholder meeting.

Kenneth Erwin delivered a presentation on the Environmental Center of Expertises (ECOE) licensing process and enhancements. This presentation was a follow on to those given on April 26, 2023, from the Nuclear Innovation Alliance (Patrick White) and the NRCs Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities (John Segala) related to NRC licensing process recommendations and enhancements (slides at ML23115A004). Mr.

Erwins presentation discussed the environmental licensing process at the NRC, how its different than the safety process, resource areas analyzed, and coordination with external entities and stakeholders. The presentation also discussed the centralization of NRCs environmental review staff, environmental review transformation efforts and outcomes, participation in and implementation of Congressional and Administration efforts (such as the recent changes to NEPA itself from the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA)), and several next steps in the ECOEs transformation effort.

NRC staff provided an introduction to the New Fuels Atlas, a tool staff is developing to help communicate NRCs readiness for the front and back ends of potential new fuel cycles and to maintain awareness of the evolving new fuels environment.

The NRC staff presentation, Update on SCALE/MELCOR Non-LWR Source Term and Fuel Cycle Demonstration Project, consisted of an overview of NRCs Non-LWR Demonstration Projects which included highlights of current and future capabilities of NRCs computer code SCALE and MELCOR. Also included, in the presentation, was a summary of upcoming deliverables.

Mark Richter of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) staff presented on nuclear supplier quality assurance program qualification, specifically regarding NEI 22-04 Nuclear Supplier Quality: ISO 9001 supplemental requirements. The working draft of NEI 22-04 will undergo broad industry review in Quarter 3 of 2023 followed by submittal to NRC for review and endorsement in Quarter 4 of 2023 (for further details on next steps please see Slide 58 of ML23200A301).

The presentation entitled Insights on Role of ACRS During Initial Licensing Reviews contained two presentations. First, NRC staff presented a summary of the interactions with the ACRS on the Kairos Hermes Construction Permit safety review. Then Dr. Joy Rempes presentation focused on providing insights on topics, such as how ACRS review differed from staff reviews, including typical review topics, types of meetings, and engagement options. In response to stakeholder questions, Dr. Rempe emphasized recent actions taken by ACRS to prepare for advanced reactor applications, such as the use of committee engagement plans, development of member best practice guidance (which will be posted on the ACRS external website), and new members (in addition to new members added within the last month, there is a posting for two additional members in the Federal Register).

Kati Austgen of the NEI staff and Paul Amico of Jensen Hughes, Inc., presented on advanced reactor population-related siting considerations. Detailed key take-aways for further discussion were listed in Slide 91 of the presentation slides (ML23200A301).

S. Lynch 3 NRC staff from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research presented a research project to assess the capabilities of the MACCS code to analyze a selected conceptual advanced reactor design. The results of the evaluation confirmed that, despite some limitations, analysts can use the flexibility of the MACCS code to analyze the offsite consequences of an advanced reactor postulated accident scenario.

The NRC staff provided an update on its work to develop a Commission paper on licensing and deployment considerations for factory-fabricated transportable micro-reactors, including regulatory approaches for loading fuel and operational testing at the factory. The NRC staff presentation also provided information on other related topics and the NRC staffs near-term strategies to address them. The NRC staff additionally discussed its plan to publish a draft white paper to further stakeholder engagement in August 2023. The NRC staff published the draft white paper on August 29, 2023, and it is available in ADAMS at Draft White Paper on Factory-Fabricated Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations (ML23236A598) and Enclosure to the Draft White Paper on Factory-Fabricated Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations (ML23236A597).

The presentation provided a high-level overview of the risk-informed methodology that NRC is reviewing for the U.S. Department of Defenses Strategic Capabilities Office for Project Pele, how it could be applied to package approval, the proposed Commission paper on it, and who NRC staff know that may use the risk-informed methodology. The NRC staffs due date to complete the Commission paper is mid-January 2024. The NRC staff are still looking for engagement on transportation package approval for transportable microreactor vendors.

To see information regarding previously held periodic advanced reactor stakeholder public meetings, please visit the NRCs public website at

Please direct any inquires to Katherine Wagner at 301-415-6202 or via email at


Attendance List

S. Lynch 4




PUBLIC RidsNrrDanu Resource RidsNrrDanuUarp Resource SLynch, NRR JSegala, NRR ACubbage, NRR KWagner, NRR LBurkhart, ACRS KErwin, NMSS ADAMS Accession Number: ML23244A234 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UARP/PM NRR/DANU/UARP/BC NRR/DANU/UARP/PM NAME KWagner SLynch KWagner DATE 9/05/2023 9/13/2023 9/14/2023 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Public Meeting Attendance List*

July 20, 2023 Name Organization Eric Bowman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Roel Brusselmans NRC Larry Burkhart NRC Scott Bussey NRC Shawn Campbell NRC Amy Cubbage NRC Candace de Messieres NRC Kenneth Erwin NRC Ossy Font NRC Greg Galletti NRC Anders Gilbertson NRC Matthew Gordon NRC Michelle Hart NRC Shana Helton NRC Jorge Hernandez Munoz NRC Matthew Hiser NRC Jordan Hoellman NRC Olivia Hunsberger NRC Christian Jacobs NRC Steve Jones NRC William Kennedy NRC Lucas Kyriazidis NRC Steven Lynch NRC Chris Markley NRC Don Marksberry NRC Scott Moore NRC Adrian Munoz NRC Tony Nakanishi NRC AJ Nosek NRC Stephen Philpott NRC Jason Piotter NRC Andrew Proffitt NRC William Reckley NRC John Segala NRC Belkys Sosa NRC Michael Spencer NRC Marty Stutzke NRC Scott Tonsfeldt NRC Katherine Wagner NRC Robert Weisman NRC Bernard White NRC Enclosure

Joy Rempe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Frank Akstulewicz Public Paul Amico Public Kati Austgen Public Brett Banks Public Jana Bergman Public Stephen Burdick Public Rob Burg Public Raymond Burski Public Blaise Collin Public Arlon Costa Public Cyril Draffin Public Michael Ellett Public Madeline Feltus Public Charlotte Geiger Public Kurt Harris Public Brandon Hartle Public Alex Hashemian Public Lane Howard Public Nicolas Jenner Public James Kinsey Jr Public Bobby Kunkle Public Leigh Lloveras Public Deb Luchsinger Public Edwin Lyman Public Ian Lynch Public Eric Oesterle Public Martin O'Neill Public Trace Orf Public Steven Pope Public Narasimha Prasad Kadambi Public Mark Richter Public RJ Roux Public Robert Schaaf Public Farshid Shahrokhi Public Melanie Snyder Public Rick Stadtlander Public Adam Stein Public Grant Teagarden Public Cher Truett Public Stew Yuen Public

  • Attendance list based on Microsoft Teams Participant list. This list does not include individuals that connected via phone.