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NRC Presentation Regarding the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Cases RG 1.84 Rev 40, RG 1.147 Rev 21, RG 1.192 Rev 5, and Revision of Inservice Inspection and Inservice Testing Code of Record Frequency Update
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/20/2023
From: Dennis Andrukat
NRC-2018-0291, RIN 3150-AK23, 88FR13717
Download: ML23068A026 (1)


Proposed Rule:

ASME Code Case and ISI/IST Update Frequency MARCH 20, 2023 88 FR 13717

Dennis Andrukat Rulemaking Project Manager 2


David Rudland: Inservice inspection and inservice examination and testing update intervals Chakrapani Pani Basavaraju: Code Cases

- ASME BPV Code,Section III Mike Benson: Code Cases - ASME BPV Code,Section XI Thomas Scarbrough: Code Cases - ASME OM Code NRC Speakers 3

4 Code of Record and ISI/IST interval updates Proposed Rule - Elements ASME Code Cases endorsed by NRC for use

David Rudland Senior Technical Advisor for Materials, Division of New and Renewed Licenses, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) 5 PROPOSED RULE:

Code of Record and ISI/IST interval updates



EMBARK Venture Studio - Recommended efforts to streamline 10 CFR 50.55a - ML20153A752 SRM-SECY-21-0029 (ML21312A490), Commission approved staff request to Initiate a rulemaking to extend the current 10-year Code of record (COR) update interval to 20-years, after updating to the most recent Codes and addenda incorporated by reference in § 50.55a Initiate a potential subsequent rulemaking to extend COR update interval from 20-years to 24-years Delegate signature authority to the Executive Director of Operations 6



In early 2022, ASME published BPV Code Case N-921 and OM Code Case OMN-31, which provide for 12-year ISI and IST intervals, respectively, as an alternative to the 10-year intervals currently in the ASME codes. ASME requested Code Case N-921 be included in the Rev 40 rulemaking (ML22046A112)

SECY-22-0075 (ML22124A178) - Informational SECY - Staffs plan to address new information and changed circumstances that affect the implementation of SRM-SECY-21-0029 Combine the two proposed rulemaking into one Make conforming changes to 10 CFR 50 Appendix J Add conforming and clarifying changes to address issues encountered during the development of the proposed rule 7



SECY-21-0029 (ML20273A286)

SRM-SECY-21-0029 (ML21312A490)

Informational SECY SECY-22-0075 (ML22124A178) 8

Combine the Two Proposed Rulemakings Proposed to condition both code cases to allow their use only by licensees that have updated to the ASME BPV Code and ASME OM Code, 2019-2020 editions (latest editions incorporated into § 50.55a) or later.

Consistent with Commission direction in SRM-SECY-21-0029 Needed to avoid a misalignment, e.g.,

20-year COR interval with a 12-year ISI/IST Interval Linking the COR update to the ASME ISI/IST program interval to ensure alignment, e.g., COR interval is equal to two consecutive ISI or IST program intervals once licensee has updated to the most recent edition of the code incorporated by reference in § 50.55a 9

Changes to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J Appendix J contains requirements for containment leak testing (including containment isolation valves)

Type A tests for Option A requires three leak tests, the third must be performed when the plant is shutdown for the 10-year plant inservice inspection. References § 50.55a for these tests Staff proposes a revision to Appendix J to conform with the proposed changes to § 50.55a consistent with the alternative 12-year ISI/IST program interval 10

Proposed Definitions 11 Code of record Code of record interval Inservice examination and test (IST) interval Inservice inspection (ISI) program Inservice examination and testing program Inspection interval Currently, 10 CFR 50.55a refers to the 120-month interval in a variety of ways leading to confusion when differentiating between the ISI/IST interval and the COR interval

Proposed Rule Details 10 CFR 50.55a(y)

CODE OF RECORD For the ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Section III or OM Code, the edition (and addenda) implemented by a licensee in accordance with the requirements of § 50.55a CODE OF RECORD INTERVAL The period of time between the code of record updates required by 10 CFR 50.55a (f)(4) and (g)(4)

For licensees with codes of record prior to ASME BPV Code,Section XI, 2019 Edition, and OM Code, 2020 Edition, the code of record interval is the same as the inspection interval or inservice examination and test interval.

For licensees with codes of record of ASME BPV Code,Section XI, 2019 Edition and OM Code, 2020 Edition, or later, the code of record interval is two consecutive inservice inspection or inservice examination and test intervals.


Proposed Rule Details 10 CFR 50.55a(y)

INSERVICE EXAMINATION AND TESTING (IST) PROGRAM The requirements for preservice and inservice examination and testing of pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints to assess their operational readiness in nuclear power plants INSERVICE EXAMINATION AND TEST (IST) INTERVAL The inservice examination and test interval described by the licensees code of record 13

Proposed Rule Details 10 CFR 50.55a(y)


PROGRAM The set of all administrative and technical requirements pertaining to periodic examination of nuclear components, as specified in ASME BPV Code,Section XI INSPECTION INTERVAL The inservice inspection interval described by the licensees code of record 14

Proposed Rule Details 10 CFR 50.55a and Appendix J

Most changes to these sections to reflect new definitions and provide consistent wording

We will discuss the proposed changes using a red-line strike-out the staff developed 15

ASME ISI / IST Interval 16 CURRENT PROPOSED ISI and/or IST interval 12 10 or years years ISI = IST (same as current code of record) years Must update to ASME 2019/2020 editions or later

ISI and/or IST interval ISI and/or IST interval Code of Record Interval 17 CURRENT PROPOSED ISI = IST = Code of Record years Must update to ASME 2019/2020 editions or later


ASME Code Cases endorsed for use 18

NRC-endorsed ASME Code Cases 19 DG-1405: RG 1.84, Revision 40 DG-1407: RG 1.192, Revision 5 DG-1408: RG 1.193, Revision 8 DG-1406: RG 1.147, Revision 21 BPV Code Section III BPV Code Section XI OM Code

  • ASME BPV Code, 2019 Edition, Supplements 2 through 7
  • ASME BPV Code, 2021 Edition, Supplements 0 through 2 (with an additional four code cases from Supplement 3)
  • ASME OM Code Cases, up to OMN-31 13 approved for use, 2 with conditions; 4 disapproved for use; 20 32 approved for use, 9 with conditions; 6 disapproved for use; 4 approved for use, 1 with conditions; BPV Section XI:


BPV Section III:

49 12 total number of code cases approved for use total number of approved code cases with conditions Code Cases -


Chakrapani Basavaraju Mechanical Engineer, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR Code Cases - ASME BPV Code,Section III 21

ASME BPV Section III Code Cases NRC staff reviewed 10 new and 3 revised code cases for draft RG1.84, Revision 40 10 New Code Cases without conditions (N-893, N-900, N-901. N-902, N-904, N-905, N-908, N-910, N-919, and N-920) 1 Revised Code case without condition: N-351-1 2 Revised Code Cases with conditions; N-71-21, and N-570-3 N-71-21 Additional Materials for Subsection NF, Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Supports Fabricated by Welding,Section III, Division 1; NRC placed 6 conditions N-570-3 Alternative Rules for Linear Piping and Linear Standard Supports for Classes 1, 2, 3, and MC,Section III, Division 1 Condition: Design for strength using the LRFD method of AISC N690-18 shall not be used 22

Mike Benson Materials Engineer, Division of New and Renewed Licenses, NRR Code Cases - ASME BPV Code,Section XI 23

ASME BPV Section XI Code Cases NRC staff reviewed 38 new and revised code cases for draft RG1.147, Revision 21 Selected code cases N-716-3 on alternative classification and examination requirements: proposed condition prohibiting its use for plants licensed after January 1, 2012 N-880-1 on alternative procurement requirements for nonstandard welded fittings: proposed condition to limit use of the case to NPS 2 or smaller fittings N-906 on flaw evaluation procedure for cast austenitic stainless steel piping: proposed condition that ensures a bounding toughness value is assumed in the evaluation N-921 on alternative 12-year inspection interval: proposed condition to require licensee update to the 2019 edition or later before applying the code case 24

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA 25 25 Thomas Scarbrough Senior Mechanical Engineer, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR Code Cases - ASME OM Code

ASME OM Code Cases NRC staff reviewed 4 new code cases for draft RG 1.192, Revision 5 Draft includes the following new acceptable OM Code Cases:

OMN-28, Alternative Valve Position Verification Approach to Satisfy ISTC-3700 for Valves Not Susceptible to Stem-Disk Separation OMN-29, Pump Condition Monitoring Program OMN-30, Alternative Valve Position Verification Approach to Satisfy ISTC-3700 OMN-31, Alternative to Allow Extension of ISTA-3120 Inservice Examination and Test Intervals from 10 Years to 12 Years [proposed condition requires use of 2020 Edition or more recent editions of ASME OM Code]



Questions & Answers OPEN TO ALL 28

Closing Remarks Dennis Andrukat Rulemaking Project Manager Proposed Rule published March 6, 2023 (88 FR 13717)

Public Comment Period ends May 5, 2023 Docket ID: NRC-2018-0291 ( 29