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Enclosure 15 - Articles of Incorporation Missouri Electric Light and Power Company Dated 11/20/1922
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2022
Ameren Missouri, Union Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Shared Package
ML22349A623 List:
Download: ML22349A641 (1)


ULNRC-06788 5 Page 1 of 20 Ameren Missouri (Union Electric Company)

Callaway Plant ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION MISSOURI ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY DATED 11/20/1922 19 pages follow this cover sheet

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  • _-_ _ 'aF- tht>>.'t nmy ,{e. iesed - by* th- Ctm1any is 'l'wo hllltiiflrt: .'" j*-

. .' * . , '*i::. --- - '. ,__

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... .. UDli*lld (2ff), of t1t1f Pl: ue tit f1*0. )0; ~'

e:aeh',* *t)nfJ :\hs,, llU!f'llHl)r Q,f.&he.ros* **1*tJ'lat n.m1nal er_ ,-,!' V:£1.\jl*,

t!\i.t. may, Oi,duu' <:Y ';,0 Ce111Ur 1,\ six lll11ndred Ali!1/4 Fiti,y t.hcu s&.n4. : (fl, ooof,, ' f - olae*_ *,*_.* in._ _ ,_'*. ->_ _ j w,lii*. e u o_h- --_ ,_*11_._.:_ :!;. _-_ _.* .* - }_f1 e ,dl.y1:ted Al"9 a-a . follol'lt:J * :1d b:p l?Au.n!rd, and- _ - Eift;J * '.


thou'r,,nEi '(250,,000) Sharee, w. n1mir;.)l lll*T P'f..!' V*tslu,e-, . shll _ \*

  • pr&tei:1'1>11 tp,e:, l!Ad Ga!, .<iJ'_,; *nd;;.i,IUI (610 ,oot1_ J.a.a:resf l,* ut nm1-*a1* o pal' .t:Jl,iu,, n\T,f!jJf .<\ s' t0011.1* *

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  •, l.1y t."lard ($*t, Di.*c:) I

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. . . ():iip 11e1._il r 11 ,,; aM! :*. * *

* .* $.ball** .a-*tit.el -- J"eoe1ve cmu.l'atJ.,Jtt ab d11':-6end .
  • *,* "', ( '-
  • * , *'  ; * *  :;,'" ** ., .. _ I

. . .. ' - *. .. . *.... -_ ,*<'- . .-:-: * .. . \_ _,,. *:;..;, . - i,;. -_ . '. '*_.... _: ... . .

tih *t<<.on *:*.J11be1>t *t *_ d* b;r* .1)o4 _ t ..Dirt1Joto,- * . , - : . r:

*. - .- :-  :. . . **:/ ..,

'., .. ,,, '. *. ' . '*... *** .. *_.. 'f:r.:*,. . '\ *_._ . *.. . . . .' *. * . *. . * .: , . . . . . .

E;>ttt o.t tb.e aurplif et***'* *p:t..ti:1.* ,*t: ** ,.__,.,,.,.. ;_.

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.*,.,.bl$,:. flt&\e;r,> 'r1r *OQ *t.h* ti,*. d;ayt *et la*u*l'f, : *. \ . *,. :


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  • t * .* . *-:..

. **1r.u,* luy . and.:*: *. *. bf:r** *--**o*::it1:i/-, suohi.ttx td

  • 'rate ,o( diY14***1Jd :re*Jet t.. -*t**t1ei et *ta* .. **,. .:_ *:.
  • 1... . ..
  • *11Q*.i * ***l*a th** .
    r.:J *o*t dlJ*iden . * .
    • . pret.e-'..rr*d .':s\ee

. ***11ertt1tte<<.- b1 law .at .the* S.* *ot* tlla.e' 1&u*no.** el ,tu1d: *.

. '\ ;......... ' -

  • ' ***r1ee . ,. , -. 'y . *.i.._i:.f!e\11* . . .

-*, :-- it..--* *i*.u,-.. :.'aaa1

-cf. .,.* .

  • ot. P1reoior* ttt t)tt: .Um* ot' $1#tibt: l*a:tlon by tile ,*
  • - . ,. -:* *:. * .* s.*,:** ?*\:.'!:' . .. . *_:

. _* Bo*r*: *ot J.reoo _. *..,, *.. . \he ia',fiit.a&l};eCJ *Of aticm. *:t1$8J ..

  • r.--*

. -P*l.ded_,: hf****r,* t'll\tt.- tile ot f1Ui$li\ U.vldo*d.

' ***

  • 1 *' *


  • apptihf** \o *the .1b..1tal*.
  • i-G.eutt o:( 1:r*!*irtcl

-t..*,** ..

. * *11reaat1a, . . , .. : . . . ./.;1, .1ut-$L- . .* < lfi\lic1 -.&<Jll*


(k;.ooo,e: l: * . :

. . . . . ,. *.: .':\_ .** . . . *. . . . . . . * * . *: . :l ta tu*r*b ** t1*tl" at ****n *:*Jt;,:<'.qeDt. ez ***auai.* - sue*h * ' * . ** \

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Ja. - .*. - .-. .

--! l \le- ' * * '.

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  • from aad *.t1,l\&l". **: * ,; *:1121 (exo&l\ *\b.-t*. oft
  • p.r*fie:r,reA. * ,,:.i;f


. *, . *t.oo*-1..s ,1**<< *t:tar:,Al,ptt1mbe:t IO)*>t1t&ai'*.th dt:tU,ed*


    • 1.i1 .(f.ia..lJ"_ '  :;y :*. *tit**t 4,',:*t t*"wute:,
    • eu,i,*: <<*i:Gl,e*p_cl. . f}et1f . .: .ti -li°io,-
  • moit *-* *.-1! ******ell*,*\
  • . ;. th,i<1r.: . t,,iq-\*r * *oh}:);lJ*c(l **,*.(hJ l *:.y :,aat th-*

. '. . - . . .; -**-.:::Iii 14; ' -. * . ' ' . .  : '.

qttart.*t-1'>fJ.ll':tt.-ti<i.d Sd-_i'b'1lt1: fH>t h*-- beet.-

pld,*<1 on. _p-r.*t.'-*rd. stool,. G'Jt -:\ ;.,,ut. t.,to*r,*, .'if,, _. 1

" * * * * : * . * - * * . : . * -. * * . ::* )Ht/' :. * - . * . . * - * . *:*

  • arid: the cli!.v.J deRli at1_ stu,*ll* tu*4 .:M'\:.: or nt.**,:* tor_ ;_.-:'1: *

"8:'* ,:

  • .
  • I l_ :;.* * *

. <the tb*n o,ttrli*8Q .*qllrte.:r-1:ealy :*:i{:**tl. -P*lft-d,. * . -- .* *?i

' .- ,. * . * , * * * - .'* '.;r*.:. ** "

  • . ,.*11a1111t *11!1 . , t ***,, *tl
  • .*.:. $1lfflf1t1',,_t1t*:,ti:ll*or .*hail \1-.ti;a,. rllml.)'f,!j

. tor*, p-,ment.* _tert Jot. &Jf,tl't. 1. )Jq tot,;t,_ 1ft t>e;t-es_t;, /.*: :ij

.* . bfoc,* an:y: **t.;1,JJ.d:end*** ***t.ball. be JA,i'lll o*r t ,a.p1..-t, f:r *-tke : : ...\1;j

. ---'.**t*o.ok*>: .. 'fhll&VCO' d;videt\ds **-, l\UQft tt',;e4.. *;- :: ; ,., .

  • o * .i** -; *. ui. :,*;ti,..;. ., :stot tor 1tll : ..-itu'rti- : _: . . , .. *:

j -

i  :-

.*  :,, . *':c .-* ;- *- .

      • ** . ,, ' *** ;_-
  • __ .-,. .... ,;* *.**.,, i
  • .,earl,f. _ 4it1den4* pflir-1o4-* . *hall -hve. :h**n._*4.*f* *anii -*;*:. * ->

i * *  : ' ' ** e *

. . ptiiid o,-:* ru--,a<tot.J;;be,. p&1DJfn,t thereof*: et,t p$l'_:t,- atti.f .. * *

,' . . : ' . .. :'* *,- ' . . . . . . -* . :;,. :'-.:1':::, ..

  • _.:'::- **,,_ , .)_-:::,,,;


'* ... .. * . .**,. , _ . . .";'"':}:_.. . .. ***:

. .*the _'d.11(.!.f#_.d.,, :at,; ,eu,o,b *-,ttx*e.4--i;)t*,t

  • O"t.- -l'*\e:,, -:r,- -t.hfi- * *::* <:\.

hea * :c\1rrent -. q.,,,*r-yea_l;j _-airintbnci: j-O'l*od al1, '

_been !i,eel&red: fund. 'tot-. t.he* _pa,-.eni the.reot set; /* .. ':

I . ,* .

'.P*-ft1*. tibe -,*ot *fir*to*,ra:: **. 4,iare. <11v.i<<**?d:,:,:t:,i; /. **.* *_:

he ."o ;!,cCt .(pal.'able 111 caah/ 01< or otJll,nist). * .. *.** *.

0U:t **_( :an.f ra.-1*,: sur,twe or'* #.&t :J)'rt.:;t.t..$, *. , fhe * - ** i: * :***

ht>ld*-::*:o:r. \b*-;:;tir,-..,.-, :,-ii n.ot be ei1l-: ,*

  • oih-el tJu1t1 t,,be div1;. . * . *

.* to r*c*1ve. n1.* -d:1Vi4tnds * 't h ,"011

'. 1 -.

  • -," .*_ *\*: ...*:.**,,' *

, ' *-,' /': * ** -.:

den-=- *trd:,-t<? , tri \hi.- ubdiv:1,i (b)... 1:th.._ res.pee**

  • t,t?
  • di,v1Bert4.s aii * ..aer...1'* &f tdu.1* p,t,ete:re:d e.tQoJ¢ ehall.._. . .
* ', * * ...*
-- I *, ..:* 1 ** *. ,*;,.:, * * * "" :1,.:. * ' * * *. * . **.1. ,
  • .:rank atbly-* ttbelr respeot1t* diriiiend .

. .rtgh).,*. $J: :fl** 1n * .ordaioe*. with *t,)t" _,:$ *,ro,11ona -r.

,* ' (' * ,,'

. . this* *bt11v1,,t0;a {b). t1l'\ho1t: pr*et*,,...1.toe *f iuty** .s.,t,s

' _.:: ,* _.: *I* -  :": *:' ',* . *, *.* *, .* *.* ** * * ** '

r .. . .

. o! .tti**-petor*-

  • stioek ev. any .Qtrh&;. te})'1$&-: "1e:reof'.

,, * - . _. * ' * ** * * -; ' 1'. . . '  :,

,,,"/. :' Cot _* te-:C*t*nt .. ma; ,::rede*t i *ole tr a,ay.. *.

  • * ,*  : _* . . a * ,* * *.* * '. * * '** -.* _l I', , * * ** * : I * ..: * * , ' * *** *** * < *** **.

or the_ whole_. *o:t: any ,p:t* *of any: s*eries or pa.rtloular*.' issue

,* pa :r\ ** et. tb.t ..P*t*ie*,, S\tek*; ,... ,' --T dlfl*i.d j;a.t,e; .. I * . .

at. the!" op;tt0rr of the Si:,a of Direefa,,...;,, upom thirty

{$0)" da1s* provioua notice bY: mail or J>Ublioetion' to tu<<i *bol.dfllS :ot reord. et atHJh. steok gitet1 1n aucb manner ae\lllY be *p:"es*oi-ibed bf resolution* of* suall

  • SQ1lrd, by peying suob rdempt1on priee wi\h* ;respect,*


  • the shars of ally° 11e:ries of aueh stock $& strnil
  • e

.determined tmd . fixed by the* Soe.n*d e.f Direoto;rs of.' the

  • -, * * -, l

<?em1)any at. the time <>f au.thol"-1,Q.tion , by th- -Soard or *.*

.* n1x*t,,tora ;r. 't.ha 1S$U&?H)i-ot*sQeb. _seriea,. ;.._ auch

  • redmptiorl price to be .not* 1esa than One Hundrd ,l)q,l-.
  • 1;r.s. ( $100.) nor mre tan One*_ ffndr,d e.nd Ten Dollar_e.

,. . -_ . '"-;,* 1 ..

(110.) pet . share, .1n *eash, together wltb, ,_all unpaid.* *.**.

  • I

, . ' i ., , *,

eueh redamption, en the- stook so to be .t"edeeQ;

. _.,. :1*-:.t:f-. *.

.. .  :.* . :"*:.:*i;,(::;i:iij:;*!

. . *: ..: (l\t* *. i .

. *.. . . >-;"* .. i . .. . . . ..

_Vid_id ) . no*rrever 1 triat tt1i1:1,

  • eimw, prlQ¢+ ppli1Jabt()

. tG :. t!le;'.'l:1 tli!il muei- 6£. JJ:Gt.r,t.*4: t1/4Qt). -t;,reg:1.*;*:.::.***

1ni- 1l't:1}>> *l'tie- S.1.i; JU,.lliot tQlllllrS ($6,0a'ti,.l!;@c} * .':

. * . _ * -_*_ , . * - ---. . * *-. * * - --_* . -W_;it;<

  • ia hereby' t"ited**i ttB l:h.H'ld:r:et1 .iatrct: Flve *'** . *
  • *'*.($105':!J pr ',_re:*..: ttU1.t'1ex* ":1th.. all: inpaid

'  :*;i_ *: '., *,' . . . . ' ' *,. , .

f'.1i!?1d !or .rc:h:1t!;:;1ti0tl. ,. Any h I't)dom,tto,n ('if lest * ' . ' ., .

. ' . : b*i the rthl:e i:nrtt,)f;AtLtng_ ti:'f-' red.',\. -.tee: , '. k .**ah"l ' l . b'*'*./.; ;."*

  • ; ,_'*: *
  • ___: ' . * .. _t, ':.'., ', __ *_ **

'  :*j .* .. ; . . , ' '.


./j<.*:---,,* ' ,'

.. :*, .lnt\d.e* .ha $Jh, fflflrHfe:,'.$ may. b*e Pl$,\:J,U}* ht ;reeol1l.l,., >.

    • 1..  :. *- *  :* 1- . , ***

. . _'.,;1(tn *of: th l1Nt1rd ot O;'tori ** .-. *. "'-.

  • Euoh npt,iof1 o,; ;re*
  • . : dptin n, f.lltt1r,*dul **1,::lt .on e;r. fore th$.


  • li'\Jdt1mJ?tri. -:* .' .

on** der1' ,nm&d 1n. uq:!l Jletice .tt\*et t'tt1td$. nee-> .-

.  : . '*, .. ' ,t . ' - . * '

- etftr;' for au()h r*t&tUJ}tion sball h.avc b(l}en aet

  • . I . . *
  • an shall. ' . .
  • _nd cio'n*. t!,: nu ,,i)'\fai.lble- the;t"ef:o. . . . . r, tbrt,*
  • *. n:<t;twitl\$\ndig tbt* $llf ott.t.1£1:i., fo.l! pr:tf>r...
.red 6tok,
  • ao. et11lou !or redeWiJ>.t"ton, $h6.ll ti1ot hav* *
  • be&fi BUJ?>l"$l)d&r@d fei.r,t\noella.t.,ion, -* ell1*t!eds. *thereA; . _ *

. '**:::ii","" .. . * ' .' . . . . .

. :sna,il oeat. to t},(?:?'U* 'tbo Hi --u..rter. -:l1u,.date. ot *,

  • . ,;GHi<nm;; tifm * ) i1aai.gnat;od $r:vJ,- rill ..r1.gilt.s 1th reape*ot.
't..o .t)l* .J:l"f)ff?ta J,t. Hlk::'s9 ;ll*4 .tt*--t$;p\1$1l :/*
  • .*---t)-)."..:-.,-. ..... . . * ', '*-.>:* **.::,, ; -.... , . . * ... *.

,i.a11, t, tt rtht1tft:**atit\il".'. t

  • .-. /**.;*,* ;**.

t1. o h:-rtd*it4*-,*te * ****e :aa.d.*.

't *::* ** '.***. ** ,.*\.: . *,  : ,**

¢tit*** th*

  • red*pt1 . p;rlft *th*r.t>l.Oil'; ) it n


  • ltt*
  • ';.t-:-<* .*.,. *: .. *, ...: .*. * . ', *.. -: *:c<_:* : . *. ' .. ' ....** ' . :* . .. _.*_*

ta"*<<-Jt-* *111 ,,_: ...., * \$lh\l'** o.r. ,-:1*:i-r*fl **tiOk -,, ......* :

  • .. :ect* : at ;**1
  • i1t1to mar_., in \lie* ita.c,r.*U" - ot-: t_n.. -'ha.:rtf ct-:,.


  • D1'rotJt$ 1 b* -y9..,$ited $_\ a11* t.,J-..o,. ,a,nd. /l:'01\\ tis to;
. tim,,* .. :n &it *;*-: .\evaie* *t -d1V1d&ttji'.°::rt.;.. *_ *.*.--
  • i
  • :- 1.tem.\011 >r"*. ,fid':*Q.ihUJ.t"e, -_.:_. ; utrt;':*,1.n
  • . - *.: .** thE:ft,** tit1cltu* .oi-- 1.t.:tl ,-,l!HtQ,- ti . ft.t,f
  • . */: * .. - t> x*t&bll :). *Jl'th, . Ol': _pr$f:rt.... 8 toal( of 'tli*t Cdmptmf .. *

/.. . ...

.. *. . *.* . * \ *.. : *

  • . * -_,.(;):.:
  • I:- th. -;- :{- $.ny "J,.ut4t1 o:n:, 1-*+-* '

. $olut1n e*r - w1a4.tng '-; . Q*t \he.*. ai'fira _ Q.r tn*: . ;-*. -*, *. . . ")..,__ . ' .. -_ , ,* ' . . * -omp;ru,:f ':' .

  • ':f: *. . .
  • ( ' .

..* * - .:whetlier . _Y&l\1nttrt' 6:r. i!lV,Gittnti:l.r]f, t;llft b<>lder,.:' of--

. ' . .) . . . ,"

, :,the 'pietered 1,tetk* :sh::;11 tii* entitl.od t*o be ....paid


' .. the ru1i *par v1111i tb¥.a*eot'. an,h ell unpaid d1V1dends 6.0- .

. . . -\\'.

. *', *:. * .*  ;:{*- ,- ' , . .

  • . ,_; 0Uffltll$'8d o:r. ttCoittt&i ' .

. ' ther*otr*to. tftte, :dti:ie fii*1: tor the< ;:".< - ..

pafm$:Q,* l much -pr vll t,ror._, 4iY :4i*t:ribut1er., . .'shall;i *,: *:

be . m& de to the hold.era of *the oommon ato.ek, and &ift1-7

'.: :'. sueh .payment. t .tb,. holders t;?t th:* pJ-et*red *iok *\.' '. ,;,.

. . * * . tho ;eating aseetwi- and t.\4** et *-- 6to: Shall : . . . - :/ , : , .

be divided &nd td .. the ..holdrs OJ' ,th'e o *$tOck*." ,** ;b 0

  • e.9oordin.g to their *reepeoti.v sb,a:r6l:' *. A.ll _ sµ.h- ,ptf'- .-.*


ments* tve *tne hold:e;.s of th pr(?te:rrea stock ts_hai1*_ be

.. made: :rmt.ably *t, (,-u:en* h.c. ld<t*r- in acoordtHtce 1th their 1

  • . _ rf!srot1fe* 1nt9re1.1t..a;; wit.bout;'_ ?i'e!erno** or any: se.ries.

. qf the . . 'p_ . r. eterT e4_ :tiit.o; r any ot;h,.,:t :st-r1,es. 'the'l'eot.

. ' , ' ,_: *:<l*,"' . . . * . . ,

. *: l i:*t.,tv*:.. . . .. * . . . . ..

  • . and ill voting

. H*l-' *_**. All :rigl;fts *'to .


' ', ,J' '. '

power*;. eie.Pt. -s ;tle'rwise berein provided or. exeept ea. oth*n1 01.?1'iat.ute &peeiiioally prvid, ***all

  • ,be so1e"iy .vested, lrt ¢11'JJ$nOR stook, each' share of

. w;l,ioll *hll *b **n:t-1ie4 to o.e vo\eJprov1tie4 1 lt&W:- *


. .Ver,:  ;., .. *., , "'. Qlat*:*11:* $Jd rthetil.a:v,r *fl*c0


quar1,&t<!W>fN:i1.:y .*d..tvl*

  • .4tHUbf paya'ble.: on. tlly aer:1es .* o-.t- :Ut* pt-e!e't*reci:' eto

' ',? '.

b:., i,, .:d'9tul,,, '"'°h**n'1<1*t ,1 th* ,,,.,,erred .... :,

,, , . . . .- I-,

  • ah*lJ.,

. * :*oek.. *h:11£.<:avi th :'.,. .*

, * ,:.. ,,.. the:i-*,i,*. w1ftb --

  • held.- ,by -him .

. Ott, i())t:, eaoh** t*r-*-.t. .,,tt aieek:

tn' 1.1.lU> 'm$nfiiei- as the holder t>t-' *bt1:te& or ***e.n l i

.* : ,:_ *e(* .u * -- * ,ot$1ll,-l\lll* irt,4* * *ilil:hah ll.ffll**

-;,:. _im ;r.ii/,vb:ft -t**\; -t- *o,i-: u.::1.feltr** -

) . \ .

... :'. *ow*. \lllttll_ tvert *t i.e etit:,:,.*:;t,f1,4!1,i. ).*tote ttt.*. . *.

. . . oe.ei'*** * :o(:,:eucm:de;*ul\ J . 1,,. - .-1,-:-j- e

.',i *.* *:. ' '" o\ t.o * * . -

... ", .:* * :**/ :-- *': .*_, *. , :*: '-

  • tbe :*- .Jro,:,tjfo-,f:,t:o)- ':_th, -*\tog ot:'*ch t *


  • I

_ ,otint , .*..

  • .* * * * **.  :* ;' *. , *.** *. * *.  ;;, ,,' ._.::.", --.. *.. **.*., I' *.* .*.* * /, I , I
  • - :J;1/4t#m*;ef
  • * * * * **,,<:*fotu'l'e. d*t?\ll t* 1, *the P*Y-*n:b-: ti' two_ qua.rter-1ar;t
  • : , . .d1vida .. i8. *on eny. .'ser:1-e'... of. preferred is tock'. .,.,: *....*.

t,tt* . *. ' . .

>: i .

  • shall b* 0n,t.:11d ':Ji* :.aeh t - . met't:tG ot . riga,, *. ;to.*

. -sllbscr1b& tQr or **,rhaa*\r* rtoeiv -.n, 1,art'

i ny '

. new' or' additional ieaue or* .etQok, or S$OUr1 ties,* on-

. ,_ . '?/; *, *.

\'$rt1bl& into -:-,_.qk, :Qf *tin)' ela&8 whaiever ,. wheth*i* .-

+ * * * * *** '. ' * .  ;


"',.;/1*;,::,*"*t*':'-: '. - ***-/ *. *

  • .now h$r6ftelt{'*uiflo:rir.ed:j:: e,d*.-. whetbei tor .
  • . -...,****** -,,.,*.* . . ;*\::_*-* .


    • .\i:.:;r-_ __., .*: . . .,* , ... '  : t * .. _ _ *,* :.-- *. . _r.-

' cash or jireperty dj by wm.y,'

  • 6.t div ide11d * * * *

**:**/ * ** *** * * .- c_

' * . (2) ... fbat .* *t,--. '.noltt.e.1

  • Q: p valu. o.t ea_o ot*

.*.. -if:<;two . iui.!f. di-en .\itid C {;; tho\l8(1,,ft- . (250,GOO)--.-hl'.e&.

it ....

. p;r,$.tei*re{i 1ateok :ah*11: b One Hundred Dollars ',($100.). *

, (:$) . f_ha.t t.e- amount ..

oi :o:r. 1p"1.tal .1th bioh. :tne

($1t1,Chio ,ooo) ..:

,'.';:,*:: .,/'


(A)_. -Tb$l Sixty tb:e*.san (eo,ooo) ."'res ot aG\td

  • prtfEll"l"&d
  • itoo*k, . ot *:p$r. vaiu. oi One l*ned Dollais

.*. (tioo fJe; Gb&r, rid*. aatd' ix hundred. and itty th.QU$and

.,. C'? (&f.(o,ooo) ebtta o(.otnwon iet,ock: wttiboµ.t.: t.Qft11.ruu .or patr

  • . :* * . : * *41.*t.l* :tta,:t --. ** 1_ it* afof: .taiSi .1:0.*01* .,.. 4: ****.i,1,-* pa14 ,

. . . - . *. -p n. la *ru:,. mn*:..* 't,be:j,;,'4 -s,... l i

  • Ql" :1a .-tj,: . ,J** *. *
  • * * .* th_e tu;tl *,al:u* tn*reoi, -.die.rei.t'lattie ,i\s,.tet *-1,a ; t\11&. . . . .

Tllir4, **4 "*'Ji,;_, 4',$Pt, - ia

  • Atw.* \Ila
  • Oueily ff, t.he -i *aia*. f-- µ;ti lo *t fir **, ** .*

wr* . - -. '.*:* * * ...** --i , * .. :,, * * .

  • * * '..:_ :_ .. t) tilat_.s* -ity *,J,u!,_.***c.,o,eoo)< 11.:r** ** . * * .*

.. *ot p:r0t,*. *.

ic* . ok*:,ur :th--,d . .. *. ..

  • i:t--*und1.,::,1xt,t1;* . *., . .-/ *. ..
  • **. (4 1 $:5) _ -ltare., thereof .. nae_. ,,eeri .oi-.e,µ_-1 ;s.14*\*t>:* 1n* lawr.1.-

. ll{OJU;y

  • ot . *. uni*d. .:'lt1t.t.ti : 1 fJl-*- \U\: .Of.* "*. ---dr.ed, -.Dot
  • * ,.
  • I * * * * : i** * (t1,ae'..) .-i**.*:ilit,,t4i11*a*tng*:. ru; suctrd . .tiriy:*t-
  • th:u. orui  :.ttv& :_-hu*n.dre4 Poll*all :}.,,*,soo):_, ead. -* ot **ati.-, ..
  • $1.x\ \UJ:l,t :(tG*,ooQ,) .: sh*t*! t pir,tei'ed- $.\eek *..tlft.f:tillf ***

.._/,_}'** .**..*.* .:;."*.7. '.\<. r-'.:,.:;;::-3',;.!-. -.:;;J... i,*.*.

  • ,*.:_1.-.*..*.*.>
      • "'. ,', --.
        .r--,,.**-* **>*:::, ;*.JiJi._j_;*:.-:*' *<:

' . *- l

  • ' *,. : .-:*.: '. -. :*. t*

tbotHi$,nd u1x buo,d:red tJ'ii:ttf*:f . .

1 V\\l.l **(56. 635) *e-bal'eS tiheh:,ot,

.' . . . 1 .

. b?f> b,:en ae1\.1.l!J,llY pald: ,,

  • o t One Nndred
  • 0011;*. ($it.) *
  • < ,.. * * ' * ' t pel" ,httt.e, in 1>rOt)£rrt1, '1,n ..1 temi.*d desor.ipt1on *c r whlob, with Urn eaah vt11.l.t1e .or et.Cl tmc, t.h$r0of', 1lf @

rllowll!;.* *"'

r1ttyMt4,v$ six'*ounefJred t.hirty.;..r1v (56;*81).,. *.*

she:res or Seven pe:r. tnt. .. non-1J\ititulat1,e* erefer:r84 _3toelf . *.

t>t' tJ'lG pl' *vlue of:- Qnf$ Huodred* 0ollat* (f100.) per

  • eb.l!'.!.re, of t1u1on Electric Light ead Powt':r. Comp,r:.ny, a

.. <.,orpo_ration of Ui St,.te of lisourt/. ,v1cumoed *'by

.. ()e:rtifi-"* .f()r $in1d.. stt.rEs$ no* in :t,.\\ '4ivu1tod.y. of* tb.e


  • JtJ,:-aons tuiu es tbt 'f:1rt. ard *or a1wtotor1. Ta*< .*

. *. :otoal cnsh. V$lue 1!;,1-f: * *&t.1h ot .f$e,id. sll11.r** $! stoo- :ot.; *.


  • ileeti-tc
  • Lit,htvOettd. Pt.rife hnr;t?;l'.iJtla One. Hundr

,I:, '

  • * ; U.Pbl.lare

($100.), £-gg:r&?J,.tint i'(.'H" .trid :fitty ... flve thou... *

  • S!lne i1x h'l.lnd'rad th:irty-fi.v (tl,1355} shres of stook *
  • * *.:we eul\'1- 0t Fl:v.e 1nillicn. flv.@ b,i'iti::tv'red $1iJ.,.y,,.t$nree thcu *

. $lianf five btmarfJd tt>&ra ($6jiGl,500) ,. . ,. * .. * *..

. (8) ..,hat.' or -id &lx

  • h,undrtd and flft,y thou*ani .

(650)000) ISbiiit'.ll'es of" eoon llltqcit r/itbou t noca1n.ttl. o:r f


  • .* Yalu.ti nint,nin" thouaJ tv;ci. bugjd;d *. nt .fd:t.ty .* (Ot,R4Q .) . *r<

I ' * * * , * * * , '

,urr*.* thereof' h*v bton et.u111

  • p.1d up *:t::ra le.wt ful. MGl.'.1$f of' the, United. Btl}ltes in tb'e amount of Twenty Dollar& .
  • {$SQ ..) pl' $}U:r-., *. e.ggreg\1sa;. fo'I! * :*i,l intt.;,.nine thc\laimd t'IJ.o:*hl'ldred *aad .. tort.y. (QP:,*240) adu-
  • th tu :,of on Mil-l10tl :Wine}dred' .Eighty-tour ThOUIHHH'J fand 'E;lgbt Hundred,

,:-oc hll..t-1 (fi,,,.,eoo)i* -d.:>il,lt* .or*.-1,i tx *;h.*, .*,ui :_' . , ..

. ttti': \houefAri** (ei,ooo) *eb*- *or . eo.,;lt ' fi\oek :,* th*oUt ' ..' *..

. ncm!n:l **ct pa:r . t!tlll**:**tiie hun4:rd *. t1.tti1.:. t:sagd: ven .. :_ .

  • ,und;r.d* --- --1(t.)':* (o, TtQ)

. * * * *_*r .*. _., ...

  • 1i**


.a.,. t)e.en ,*,: pa.1.d:

\-.*. * , * ..* ---- _ .

of tw*ent.,


  • . llp;".-ti*'*. tie';*t*:*

. , *: ** .* * .r. *** , * *,*

ll$:rt.* (ttt'.) per- ........,... 1.: ..

  • Pl"Qt,;rt.y, .rt 'itEmt1ie d&a41:°r.1pt1on::of -iob, lllith,.\, eaeh vl.* ot eaoh. it . luJ;reot, **** to;p.owet . .. '

. .. :_:*._, ."'>*,. * . : **.**.r:; ', . . *: . . -**. '  :.- . * . .

. .* * *

  • On* liunc:tred ten tffU*t!tMd '.ao b.und:red: *tui
  • 1"11.ty.;.t,iwo .* (1.1(), 152) Sll$t) 0.f e,ij$mO'tl 9\QOk I ot" .
  • the -r vltifl r,f On* iu.1ldl!d re * ($100.) . - * . _,

., . Jei' **hC!l:re,. rr,,t *iiti .Qa.10 .. >>i- Light and . ,

. ' . .- ** . : ,o,:t Qllf41)', ff\t!4ece<I" by . . ,;'a. ;,,t** ;* tot .*

  • :',.,,,1,-;** . .;,.\J,7/*.d e.h.eiu,. "Q.w ..i *tke *Of.l:-:,. o.f. t.h.*. ,_,e:reo*.

,* I:.... ,_,* :. * * . .. , .**.**,*.:.*a.**$,;**-*,-  :*/**td

  • c- *u;.l:otiore*, *, t('**

.. ,* . '.f'.f;,, ; .. * ..

.  ; -* *. . * ' . .. . .t

_ , .

  • t\ial f.l#h_ vi:ueof':a -f: :5$14 .,$hre&.*' ot .
  • _: qomu1on' $t-o-<Jl 1., enei bundted dll.$r&- (¢too.)
  • _ . ,
  • . ** i41JX'$g$;t.1bg tl' .B3l1d. ol'le: I\Ufl;(t;rd . 'trt:Q. tllo.u&a."ld ,_:, : *,

ne hundred .t,,¢1 titty-two :(l:l.O, 1.52) eba.res th : * * - ,_.

  • _:auak tt! $11,0'll,tOO .. *. . .

. _-_* . Th t tlu _._11camtis -and. :llUJGS: s! l."6Sl4t*noe t,f tbt . /. : .

. . . ,I',',

'****rl .s-har*holdlei-11, &ild .t.n*

  • nur1ibt1r ,of ..iShares nihso.ribed,-

by .eob *_ *t*t* .. _-. -* . . . .


  • oir

, ,_* .SHA¥fES

?r-eterred -

  • C11l11n*
  • ;"' L.


1. - _:Egan .:' . *, s,*. *-tu1s tc1ts-ui'1 ..
r *. /I.*. sshm *. -<** "st.. Leu*i$-/'M1aso u.l'i. .

. . . .* .... \ '


  • E. I<,uag * . St .. Lo,uis/ li1asou.ri
.' H . _ lpoeb*-- -. *-*

.. _

  • st . LG>ttis .

. . ,* *}JQ.asour-i

_ *_*._-si. - ti/it11ior1.

Wm.** Avtr, *. : .

C * ! ;; 14:1 <l>Jtl < , *'St;._: Louis,: M1aeour1

  • 'M. 'I' *. Jal.&

G .* K*.. :' 111jieabe.rg$ St: L0ltia,, . ' . . . -


ri . '

R. sc.* Kfaa* st. Lut*, ru..saouri

  • * * '<<-'" . .* .* .. * . * . : ; *:JG,.000. _ - .

J,,. *,

. :;?? ', : " . t,rni . /:.-'.' ,::*f::/:t< *,


)ii ** ** .

  • \ ,.

',- 1 ** -

      • , I *.'/,:,

That. t.he '!Ul.i*;r\if . the l!Qlll'f f:rifl°$Jlt.or$ . ahG!,._"

  • '/./',:\*'.::(!-**!*:'.::\*.* ,*:* * *' * ' * * **,';;/*'.**.'.,
  • , be-  ::?r:en llnd tha't. * -B.*1,tttoa cf tnos.e ag,red. u:on for th,e :'"')._,

--_* t1_ti yet\:t,. ' _* *lhom e.r_* c1 tiient*--*lllid. -@ttts: of

{ ,-;s, ... : . : . , \

,**,.:1,._ .* * .

Ml.i:Hso\trifi'.,rel . , U, *. FJg&n, f.: ff,. Boehm L:.; ll_., ?0t.tng,

  • . a" e.. <!t* .- Mio)lel; ;a.tad Ii\ w

,:* * .'.(:\..:,:,;*--*** '. - - ' * '-< .- ' * -- *

Spo . J MJ;- 'l:VtitXY.; . EtilE'Hl *.

!(.'** _ *

  • I'
  • -:-:;*;'.;;:,:,:;;7;"'"1 ..! ,.,,,......

'  : \'.


  • ,*: * * , .. *- I

. . *: \* >: ceigoll'ti.on :$hal.1. (1orH,1u;$ *ier

  • "\:the n term* ot tltty (50) .i'e.rll *.

, l ,


  • tlte f:H1pcu1es for* vd-1.iedt. UHl *ocrp()ieti<>a*
  • ial,
  • To . aooulta tJ'l" Pro1le*l"ttes, right,,., .ftaf)-l"**:

e'i. {* 1!,<,** ; ' .**, * 1i. 'utittea: .*** ' ' , -- iid *,

  • eth

', ;

  • set.$ cr:,t. Union. :iaQ't,tio,Light

. * *  :.\

.. riii ;ower t .', _.  ; * '. . ' -.. , * ' .'_.  ;* * .I

  • eompaiflY,*

a eoirrporet.1on Uie s1;.t(il o.f Mia&irJir1;


T ma?U.f.fiore, . pr<tte,* *devlp,

  • g*enQT4':_te, atort, ' '

... a*e q.. u't;re,. le&$e 1: Ur<:b/£\Je.* , *Sll,,"*uae;*:

.* ., .. . . . . *,\. . . .- .-* ,' /' . --' . *. ' *-* . . .

d.iopoati of; . .

dJ.'t:r!but *a;d, ,spfJ.y --r

  • *. truti*wit/ tberw.i lil e. 'utilize .

. *le<lft:roity: :n*d,. ,;,.ebt,J;19.f4***ener)'\pr: ny,*,, ;oer:_r :. ,


  • .in 1 .*f:tni t\n{t :tfo;:**ny µJtS;v_er; * . ' *.. *
  • 0

'. ,* *, *:* <. *-* }-,**:. ,**. i' **  ::, I.,_ ... *.*T, 0

.* Tb puroh:u)e er' otherw.,1se liM;){qU1:re, *hold, Ute, - op$rU;te,*

. sell,  :  ;, *

.Jlle_d&,e, * *ortgei');,,:,.ie,i$e or o;trierw1ae dispo*e of' n,a""

abine.r-1, gene:it&ltora, $:Oi/iQ_:rs 1e1* .plants, ajparatuJip. 4e- :1 vlQ3; auppltoa *n,t art11 t f'*vy kind '. petiinilig to f

'  : ' c, . ' - ' . .

  • ... ,' 01*: J.n ..,* QOnnot-ed 1_. tne*.,,rodJe,ii,n,. ttae,. distrJitn-

. 01 ' "** .r eaiil.#, .;-li:trtt1\G ,-.,,1\i.,:a ,t *t**ia.iit11 , .<. i*,'- * ..

, ;.;11

. **:ieotre.--n $;,

  • .};:* ,tty. -l:*:aii pf:i.,* . *_ . *:*\* *

.. . , . T-6 rut-, kh:e,*o* -;:tnei*--,0<1ai;* *.

  • -i 4 , :.i<;
  • :* _ - .,,.,,*-i;*.,:. i.-,*
  • 0pora,,; :*.11, *i**** '!tii.ts*s* *rr *o\hei4'e* -

. '. . . .. ',[ *,.* >:,.-_. ..,.. *.;._*. . ,*. .,', ., . .  : ' . *. .

'1/* -.

  • , tt!;eGE> :Ot
  • hjdr&ultci, elot,r1e. -dd
  • otl,*.1io.rt\, * *aer* * . "',
  • jweira *Eld tbe ,eita ,.tli.?tlO!; pl!int8, pqwi.l' hotuies.'j b.ilild.;..
'.,' .\* **, '-\.... '
      • ... *-'. * . ,-.:_*__ *; *.
  • ings1. *1111elt1*ruuit, .-
  • t;; ,:'a.ppu*,.t,**, :d*tlq,e,$-, :Pl'OQ&_***;:
*.* f - ' - ' * ' , **  :  :
  • '  : ' ,-. . * \*_ * ' '*. *' * . ' * * . .
  • - . . . ...  : '-,,an,1.${G*: . : <r: to .ii.,:::* t..r.. s* f9. ;in* S :ha '*a1. *: :.

flt\f :arult al.l

  • rtg,\$ .et **1
  • and.* l&ttd.e* *
  • tr1 bu tins. a * .. -

OOnDete4t th*r. -!l' 11**fill. ;&11-d: f-ir* an, .* ,


  • ttll. 1..i11ta*/ Ol:':*'Qt)itt'.r. ,J)eit'y . tlffJOii:..rtf : ;i,,. :s,tal *. t*.

, .. j -- ...

_**1.. * *.::*----*,:*, ... -. ---*.:*:_ .: .

  • .oonneot_to:n- wi_t,h.-J:;oqts1:r1n.J,tt;rwn;ns &fi1d o;.e:rting' *RT ..or l!'.tf'.l
,,.,L,1c, ;;:;""';'l:+L:,1l:::,;ll. *. . . *
; , *
_:  ; _;*: L *** . . . ** .  ; : '. :- : &f ::i,J;<* ; .

.,I 'J.. ,...*. Ji * *., *.

II. ..

  • - *r
  • 1 l ,

a-: * ;._*

/ _.-*, *

  • . t -\\91$ t.*tet >> ()tn,111;,jo -l:l"$, 1\Qll.,

_ 1. ;tt, t:fftl., i lj lt**(i curt., f>r tltl'Ai:e Alv*s* of*

'trJi'i!Y 1:tu It titi!111ij 6J.Vtll'tl'i:n *1t11ts:titu.ia f'. ol- tU,'?OD.GI.

. *1-. - ,-.n ..

  • uai ,,... JpJH,1ptt't; fot:. lIGJlJ.'ttU.ns,: *'U'oJti.ui*. fllYf,'V

!nth *,q* <<* ,tllt:tftg 1a'ttl' .f<,t. Jte;r, 1:rtp.\lfn,

flit*** *attr. (l.Qfflef'*tt>** i:lfnoit:ttng nti *otb,¢:lr . *,

U.tlld, Nl.4

.-* of i#.. it:r - *oll 1ui*l..

  • t - 11vlt*a<Ul@iie. lit>OtAtto *
  • e:ttti*ttc i,- af,lt,.tQVnti! . oi:* 1:'lltiae
  • in eo1U1tr.:ttt.n th-al.'witb.;

f<t 'Ptitl.f -,,,,. r*tJ e, *Jf;J.iie e.Df,U.l:t.,. P.l.6.,:at.

  • 13&11:, mtgsgo./ ;Qi otn*t*t 1e1,ei . ot D@ii* qr j*

U11.nii1'1111 i1111aeii *W lill:tn:s1,1.s$.lfm-

  • tr r,ttBitl>t'b.t;it>t1 1t'1e$, O'.t o'th,
  • Qi i:1 ?tQJk$, t.i ..r::,1,1, 'tQG*u 91 ().9l\Vt"nt f.! nfll. il e,110:p I ii:1.,vla,,* . .,._. the* l**ff1t .

. -_ 11*$ ill'I*. -llJJi:tlt'tt

. I *' ...\ ,-Ito _, *111*,.,1t) * . If ttJon_rt, al,OUSt . __

j _ _ ,,. t;>,t -_, *1* ,.:

  • twa.vta*'bl**-**iH1J ot th*-* 'IJl-4 ,,fj.t**

l * :i** "JIU . *. 'Jl\lt. ,, -* ** Plt:*.. '4 .., ,ft.11!"-*tl*** d 11':, *...

I . . *_ ** * . - _ -_ .... . -

  • _- . . . -. . . . ,;:(- att£hir. . - ... - . 11M*. -111U1)1lll$

lJ I -11, liht.a.* _tr. ,.,  :.i.e j?"811 --_* _ *_ .. -_ , .

I *: ,fft* * **** Jti 4t ... - ot t* U1111:d: l_t'b*a. 011

  • I.. :.-., * *tt*, * **i"!'iJoq-':.o-.. *t*s.*o.*:; ***** * . * * .* * .*

J: . -*, po,.. bl,. o .

1-iie. :t --:* * .:P;:.:if, .t: .* *'-1' or: * * *

' I.. . .. . ' . . . .  : ', /  :* *.* . . . Ii,._ :. . . .

/ .*. * *.1 ...* *!r-- .. ;¢1111 *..t* jW\ .1 * ...* , ... '

1 n

. _ _ .... j-_


. !It-* o flll,l!Wll'I* IW;!llliln.,, fflJet J j

. *\?\*1@*

i,::: ,. .;::* :
  • I _.,,, ___-.; .,,..,.. .....L,_:_*-::*


'1lt11 *. tlfil4.St l! **"**t *ltu. o*i * *oiil* llt:troi@_ o,;* .ii

\,11 :i.*ter*tti* r,,;.1t:t,*r 1i)oiti*f:111 !!nil wti:r. ;'f2:l'1vllti i!ia; ueii. . tliJi;J>lhll *:-:

o -..d*e.*:&,, MWl-J'** tutchtt*-**


tiiil:t $11 rrii,t;J .** ,:t n:a atttttot.t. . rini * *it. _,,
, 0 L Ii ttn.tlte
* i;{11l{-
a-ilt, xn;,::i:.:,8!ijJ$,t 01?tn, Jihrtt,Jn 9 je5te,. t)el1

\j Pl *e. l:1: :.*"a. .

t!fJ* ttti& r§.vaf,i.tlnt .

  • -ftltikf$. .*. trma.ltlt*,*. .

I'I,.fi . *. d,t*. nd GtlWt**ttvil$: . t11 h@l{it,.. . *t*.. .


!1 J1witJtl,ife, i11in...1Ji... flili*'ht. ..* 0fl.l b1.t;, **ta,ii11 iid.:tig. ,it a*tetJ.*>ttt- .


,,, . .nt:,,

o*a: .

-.tft.ftll l{I.&; ' *. '

,, tl.U#fif.lltu* M.d **U, :r ttb.tJWttiu 4:ttif+ of ju.trilliG 01< oillt p:106;11 t*711Ml whll:1 Ott hi pa.rt f.t ¢Ml!$ CJ or . $EA Vii;¢ai; to* 1*&1.a,it;lltl, 1->tcu,. e,11*1. . **1*1t*

.rtll\ii-ts11 lt¢nm

.t:,, Ji).wpoe*, . f1/4;nd: 10 . d!;lU.1 re l "ht i wra,141' ;i?'&J; -hatlal.¢_ $.,A om,tot: ., lil'ttlrit*:t:,. ;i, atititttti opelit*

  • all
  • irl;i(l. 1
  • all: . .f1/4t't(lf¥-,, - (>.n*,:;1,t wo':?1$,

JJ.iti. tlJJ:>>lf'ittt r).d i,J' OtmiiiJtl l (Ji\ * ,:Jl i'il.'>>fa;ttJt1il$., ee1llni tmA 4 ttrtt ,\bu.ti.. .* .nit ht:>'t *-e,.;

o *e.ttie't);t.*.., .. _pti'tl$1'l'l ,. . *i**,'* itll , . .1.<t . ittrt\t,il, . io.e (Ji 4

. Ii, ' . . \ .

i .t:le-rntiffll; .*. . eM to tt>ut :ru"t,. fJhui,.

  • o Qtlli!Jlte S4*.

I . . . .* .

,I gl#e* hol\\ 11 *tt, ll.t 1ttJJ. .

c,:tpme or the...

.' j:. :,- u.{)e' tf i_M $.rtJLiltll\(l P.l .

ii . *. . . . . .

II * .. . ' ' ', "9*

t .

h---. o-.,.. - .u. ...f ......

  • 1 ,..... - *i!ilo.!J -l)QII* NI 11

-'t'tfk ,.i 4 ,&>>.eealff ,.,.,** pi#f"' ii*-** tlslltl .o,. * - * . *'

\... -- - --- ..

'.- **r w ,***,.,,.-a,tt>pt*w a-*: bl, 1**""'** .1*

  • t 1-t .o *, t;; ,._I ..
  • ,o .. ;-'i

,: ; I .. - ... ** to;.....).ft**ili-*fd . *. *

    • t *
  • ll ,_:. t* ff,tto'lI_ 1*pg*** 1-tM*:. -
  • ci, _ i ; _

f:$-6,l't.ff 't,,o-- --#ftiiit;lf_}iibo

  • . . . . * .('., ..!, '*,,,

1'** ....,mJ:q O't JrOg\tlt\t:

  • WUG\);-*

. . . ',, . .* '"7 . . ' . . '.. '

. I . . -.,,,,-:t.**.- ***:*! *"-,-*.** 'M:*-.1**1****'*:


,.,A . - . . . *;y_ . . .. (, . . .-,-.. . . . .


  • .J. . ' .;.*.

l.l *

.. **,* . . . )\ .*-

' . , .. :- .. , . . *. ' .. '. \ .... * .

. .. . ** '* .' ' ,/, '. *. *, .

. ttd,ti, oonduoi or dist1bute, _for pu*:),* lio. :or . p:ri"vate \1se

  • l*:ot.ioiii * **c:r, wei*t* gas,
  • si_enr nd/o:r. *:retr1s.*ration

. tlftd.*r .()';t 'ove,t. *.fllong or &orots b.1ghwaye, 8t%'0te, l\llffys,.

. brifses e.nd _ o*ttwr pttbl1c_ pl5;.ces; ...

.*:.::,o i4-,:1;-t¢r,*pU:x/onse:o:ot,htrw1ae f.Gf\l.1ra, ud*_to.;

dispose of; and to.g:rn.ntor re;ee1ve licenses in repeot of o:r' :otih&rwls. to. turn te ac{,'Ol.ln'tt sn1 snd a-11* 1avent1ons_, 1m,.;.

pf()Vet1t1nts,'. pn.tnt, :'pa.tent righ:\$,. proeessee, . t.rad:r,ka,

' ' 1' . . .

an(!. tr1qa-nJxmEu.:i.; 1 isecud by or* isued

  • unde th(i) lawe of 'the *

.* Statta Qf .. America, or. ' ' ,* . .

of. *ny: . othol' i'OV&rnnient cu**

, T-0 tba oxtent prin.itted 'bi _l*t1t a_nd by ine Public Ser .

. *v;1oe ,f;Otmrde*i;-r_i* {)f th Jtllte ot_ll1ti;SOU'l'1,

  • l' othel' * ,..u,ito

.. :;f'O$.l--ory**Wd.. i hs.ving ***tbor11;;7, ln th *,temiee, t- ,et quire by pu;ohae, sub,icriptior:i :or othoniae, &nd to hold, sell,

  • t.seign,. i!ort.gge, *plecg,. .or . . tJ1epQ1iH) er.* the_

.* .... * :"' -.

  • shares *or tho eal)itn.f a_tai1t*_ Q,f; 1;-'$lty*be1tdt,/.seouritiei,

. \

  • *,c" or _evidenoe_s* <>,f indebtednesa c:r&ted by $1\Y ether o<>rpor-V

.,/'*,:, __V_ - * . .

. ....

  • tl;n, * \0 ***:-U.:** :-, &R.,t;i* *ail ttgt.i1,,,* pert(aJt_4 *,!'1,i* * .< *.
_ *:* : *> < ,.-: >.:- lesea ot . owno-1--'tn ::,\ ..f a,--.. .


. *-_: bond, . eeo1u:1*t1e's:_*1' :*evl.ent;S --or 'indelrt.*d--, i;aol:tuU,Qg_ ... :*

. _. :in* r11* ' .. 11,, . ." - . . voi- . , .*ii **ny:--atm. :r- *;:::.

ot '",ft* ' .. . _ *t er oth-*,.:**oul'i**

  • .-** * .. --t*-* ..,l?t *.l.tJ.J;:-.:*. - .ct* ::ii.,,-- .' *: .\ .. < . . *.,

i1. iaot..a **;* '**-***_-;*- :,,., :

. *._-. ,; *,' . . . ..... t: . *.',,11,t: *.** ,'*et,' ., .,: >':- -- '; ','.. ';* \: , ._* .. -: "'. '* ... ,> :
  • * * .. >'.' _c. : * < . . * .-prea$rvatif't 14,, 1:rov:*Etnt ::,- .,,.***at. "in: ' .' _ ' < * .
  • value ()f :.-1 and .'\.i su,b. $ctClt,: *bO.ada, li*e_Q'1Jri\l or.*: - *. -*

_*: I

- * . '.,* **.

  • I
  • * .** '. * .evu;ft/-11da...,f**** i .,, --*- -,--

. -O.JNll,tio --. ,. ,ir, :i,i'tls** or :otk&:r o)11$at1onij_-Art $)'.Wl!Utl_*

' . . .. tieco.ot*$1'.t;1Q:ll.--*-:d t.o ,gjfit* tsuob etooks, ..*.*o)t: o\tt,z: ohlto.aia cft **1 *oh* eo*rpor,*-*:

  • . *.** _; . . ' / ,,.** . .  :* ... ,' * .. *.* .

1 rtto *-

. ::_,J::* .. - *;.-.;-;-1:'>_...

t* _*oaiy :. to . '"A'. .

    • \en\
  • 1 . _.:.

, J

. s

  • : \l** **: >*-*- . *... . . .

'h, e ** 11 perat1*11 , mar .

ttt fa: .-.-. - .

. . . . ;'

  • _ ; _.*. ' . '* . :t..  : ;-": ,: . . . .\: ,:*: '; .. . _. . . , .

1.,wf'Ull.J\.J*. --, . -_,-_-_*, .. ,_'


., 'o/;i:,:,.:, ..:' . . fj/\}:i'l(::*.*:**:-.:,)' .

'; Y,i:fs:;\t'.:

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  • f1:. , ..:* :.,- .*: ." .

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. ,,r{\_i\. it)


  • E . -.*__ *. **.

4 *.*,.

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.* */ *' -;.:

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'..;*:/. *.

,* **,,_:,,_:: .. *:.,  ; .. * -'\, ...-'> .*.. ..  ::-*; ,:*.:

  • *.. * . _ . -:'-*_to. horcnt*:**i/ 'tf *:te*u*.,e._. nc,i,a,- _-<te.bentia:r** * -

... , * . j . ,_ .. ,: . . . * .. ':-. *- ', '. - * ' * ',

  • . . , ' *., .,'.* .. \. .:.::.:{.. .. * , , *: ', ...  :*. *. ,:: ... , ':*:.

.- *ot.o\her*c_bla1,on.,:- eou:recl *ol'**'11Defoed, *@t. t.***r,cna-*

._ - *,,_*,** *. -:*  :.  :. *.  :,_': *** : .... .*\ *:, ,*** - *:,:: ** *: * *** C *, *,*:* *, \,* *  : ,, ** *: * * * '* * * *U *.*

.. ;t1.e.n,(f(t.ittte tG time,'. fer: riony*s borrowef\or* *fn* lJt.lymsnt* ,: ..

.1. *-.: ,1_*_*: ..1:<.:

:',,_,_-._ *' -:* . . J -*** J .* ... . * *:_*. ....  :._ * *;-.-.* :,_: * - -_**_\*:: **;

- * * \ /.:_.:> *. p,e.: :::,h:.:'*ocirp*:tio*;

tor pr,,;;;;**,.cquir (\; .-fr -:i{i *et >he o.t;*_ .j;eqts o*r. '. ::

  • _. *.
  • * . *. 11 ;_r't.g,.'..;, 11, or !,y' lie : ; '-II ,et tn11i Or\ oi bi *. * *

'*. sio,;e \.ii**** i:Y *rtgflg*: **.: *.. *... :

  • *-- *.jledge :o,f, _
  • or thi/ J: -,o,n_ ::$af J a1:1* G)i -\b: J:tperti . . *

. :_\**/ , r.ei*',ot .,...:**.t,:* isht*s;:*, :,.ibi, \.n(;i 'r:rir.-Ja etf t' the*:.: '.Y, *-

, ,<,*.:*.*. _:; * *** * . :*,.r:)\ ' .*.*,_..:-,:,,'.:>* ... *.*.. *. *,rk .*

oo:r_pt1te:tto_:,,.,b_e1esoevei * :*1t_u_at0d t&.011n1ired etX:* t.o ..b*- acqa1 r j: *.: '

1 1 *-

n. to .ti<dl\:@f* *othrwiie- :dt'epe1 or_* ,my pr 1$1,l. .-oh bonds, _,. *>

. . * ,, :;** -- -:*,_:;* ... * ' *,. ,:* -. .. ' * .*.,  ;, J: **

..* ,. . noi:te/ ,4;.>>tur:;(Q.Jt*,-l)Ug14ti.ns tn.'-ueh '. * *nl"* *:-.* .* '. : .

. * .* 0:: . : \1- *. t'.er.:ji:a ll.,-: bi'. C d }jUd!,o.11j

  • ut: oly : fiG *. i*--: * :; . *. .

.* ...... ,.,d :: _;,:,::.. * **. - .  :-.-,** --.:**_ .

tteat, t,h**.J"1J:!it'1tte* - 'thti Q&._l"por_ation ,de.r: th_e laws of ..

. ** ... : ._:,_' * ,**.. -.-.: .. ,. . . _:i .

'*3/4**:* .- , ;:


-*:-:--::.,*. s*

.t. ,StA.t,t'.**:* m4utJ;*-. : . * ._;:.,*::_:_* -.*.::*.* _*.. **.:. .

.* * . .-. . ** .* t,ice;l '" Q*\1: :i.>tt *;11. et>te *tt.,J.ags* h*Ct1nl)-

' * *' I , * ' ¥ * " **

  • . : ',, :fQ-- .$et,' ,.;t,hf*.11nd *.:ica,*_G\,b"ti:r fih1 *.**. *:at:l>*:1rac1dl\ t&1 *,r.: .*
, C9ntt,1v,j'. ,:t¢ :tb(i,ttiilllip.!t ct. tt;e '.Q-,**ota \ind* *pu:rpeee..- oi
  • * .. ' *. '* o,! *'. _. * ' * *.:* : . * . . - -. . * ' . *

.: ; .Mi:::1:poatiea;**,*;d::: -1{*oa1illa\:\ ;.:is *bueliea an to,:: * * *

/ .* ;; ..*. te pua**fat1in r*11Cr1ag R; O(t;_oqJeota,

-lf..!JJ, .._,_. _._tQ ..*n!r- 1n,to, llll!,:.::,*to aa_.*.CaJtr1 _,*t .ooat.i*s.ot.** ef

.- .< ;very *lt.$:nd with. .ay. *;reen_, pert,;ersh1J, asc0l.tieQ, r- .

  • , *.: .. * .-.:. - :- pra(ien:,** .Jt***t:._goven\al \;_d!.leion *.en: -other ' *,
  • * *,_ *' * * * **1ia .


  • do
  • sut,h. *_a*c\a. *d :)hinga, aa'd...\o, : *.,_ *

' , , ,l l body \th1 t****ve;I *

,v; ,.. , ,*., * : '. :/ . . * ' * *'*

I * ;t


, :POrirs

... ?** * * ,, *: ,,, *

  • xtnt'*.* C' .. *.*

Jlt;t'.l _p$l"Gn *, .- t-*ox.. ci:,id l't;ll7-*iecn 00 .fur* as t,he *

. ':** * .. ,am *re*autoa6i by tl\e l!iWS .Cf tlte.ata.ttO'f_*.1$$0Ul't,**'


,I J '  : ** , * ' _* *

  • :: . * . *. -. ,, .. now o.'r reaW ._aJ.patle G _ t..h.orpQat1on1
  • *., ** * : * . -: i....To conduct:* i ,*a bu*tn*:fi ,in: al,J 113!. any' or 1 u bt*n.olett *
    • .. . . '. * * * ! *. i. ' *,. ' *- ... - . . . . ' . ' . . . . . .
w: **in*. the. t:e ,Qt ---u
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,1 \h B bu-**,*,

  • / .-.- .*. : '* - to
  • aoqu1re 1 . ol, Jti'>SSite-e*., ,,,..e}.lae,;* l..uisi* i,:ldorffie 11nd

. * . *. . ' ' . '  : .. , '::t',: ,- :... ' . .i-1 . . '

.,*c*,._,1  : .-_*" * ..... ,: ,*,*,, -, , * .. , . .'

  • .*J . '. 1,i* . i. \ .

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  • ibe t..i ..-r1111,,e.a

. '. \

c.>aV&}; . x

,: .! :; f. ,:,..

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_1>1:*.J.**** *;*:\* -'\/,': .*: *' ,',*:*'*.>:.

. *i;.*:*;*::* - ., ;. ,,* **.

....... : **....* . ... .,**. : '>.--..-:: *:*.:.. .:_'.*:**,i*:,:--.:  : .

/ ; '1',b &11_ lllll!)flt. oi :t*ruied 11\0olt Of."- .* *
  • c*1r*t1*n '1:, a- *h,*::i,* An,d -'!l ti.*- Uijttlj! b$;**: * ),*

-.*. : r'. : :._,*f***d *,h,,** "tioii.\-b,,:'e- attlt*t*:.*\i*-*4):i'*.,h;: ..;. d ::: . :,,"

  • ett* .. .. _:i1iJJt.*:.* t,c-* ti::.t::.All ***t * \h*O ,,1ta1*' $ Ok Of'* .. : .
  • .. the *.oor,,**:i1oi,::t;b' ,x,ttJ.J"l"1£1<f*.4 ---fli. 11** :olat,ad

. '.,.:' *, ., *,.,.,: ,**i:***f!a.* _t*.*h(: ti :\+t:.:,,r - j,:t* e,: .**

r dt .,.-

.  : . . . . . 1: .**' .

. * ...: .. . hol4.eri  !,,., tot,*"* tb*'._ \* et en7: s\lch tnt*a.a& i

  • tqu1red

-:.& :141,- -.***i_bf:*J,---l'1Ata .*; be. SW. . .o:t .&11asoll. '

. *** * .*. * >> ** . .a, .Ui

  • ot th ,i,uoa "* ql!iall4j 111 *l


  • bt bld, .t,,***:i.,,: UbJ **:* tci : th$. tti-1,ttg . P%'0.Vl$lOt *.t : . ;
        • . tb1Ul'ci; +.;, : , *.* . *. * ..** . . ..

,_,. _.* ... * * .-* ,JN-*11*nto1t**ior,* *** hi\* .heru **.9et .*:_/:*

  • JJ:.* *_.*_::*ifi'A .... *<.**_ .

rr::=-y'111:rY, .: . .

... 1

    • ' f
_*I. I'.
  • . ' *z- lff_ttb

' . ' ',. ', ' itlOi,

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}J-- . **-, ...  :

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  • i I

_- * --*-.,-.' ', * :

  • l . :. * '.:*1 ," ,"
{::}:'>(-',:: *.

. S!AT,E OF MlSlU-, iI

  • . *
  • L
  • C 6t1- this. 20tb--¢ay ot Nov*ber., +022, bef,.-e *e peeonally*. *PJ*ar$d * -* ::if.** WAI,.*,. J. ooSiUi,* i.. * .{  ::,1otfRG, *
  • s.
a. SPOEHRgBf ** AVln.RY,' e. E *. MlCBJL, I _,,. IALE!S,


K. .

1Illl'.ENB.8RGF.l. and R. S. lIG, to me known t{ be the *,ersona

. d*aertbtJd,'ij. <<Aid.

  • .* * *' ,, :;, -* <t
  • wh .fltlted t: . toteg_o1ng)itetat, *_and
  • V *. ', * '* * . ** ' , ', * *, * '*

. ,: N. r<- s, -


.. .. i

  • 'h,,:.,_._

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  • .- 1 . **,J-./' .*
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f}t-'*.. ,'*: _.:, - *- .
  • ,, l_ ", ;; a._*
  • tITY; PF ST *. LOUIS !f:l" ..

The undersign'd, L. H'. EGAN ,.

,YotJlla , H.; ; Ett!IER ; \Vil, . AV)!lRY. . g. ll!ICl!'.EL *H

  • w* EAi.ES'

. sibscribs,rs/ includn parties* St3leotied as *01:r1oto;-a* fer the first ;yar, to' tne*;;v:e. a* r.oregoing ,/lr\ :or ..

. . . . >ti *. . .  :*\:t,: . .

  • Agreemen1;,
  • r:tfr \h
  • inc<Ypotation Qf Missour,1 .Electric Light

. ..*: * .. *. . ' c:,*f:>-' ,:,/,;* *.

and.Fewer Company, belng dt,ily sworn, upon tllei;r oaths each did say. that the *state.ttlerrts. and, matters set f<J>+*tli therein

- _* )*;,, r. ,,

are* tru*ef t*hat!i,.(they kn'6vi:);he . pr(i)perty described in* Artiele

.i III of said' Aru\lea of* Agreement* and taken in payment Qf

.I . . . . . * . . . .

cap StO'Qlc', and tha ti the value placed on same is the * **

cash> value of

'aet1.1al B$:;ld *'property *..

\,. '*_,,__:.*;:.*. )'*,,J_.,_ _:::;;-,;-

  • - , ;::*.::_ : ** *.*'*t'..: .

r* -- 1,. * .t: '..,,* . !'jj *. * (* ..-


, '*/r ....\,: . . -

.:'!lf.h ..,:. .'o'.

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Capital $,!z; _ ** :a Z,d,, ...

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For a term oj. .................. V.. .. ...... yars.


"" .IJ c!:


. '.,Ii ['(:c,:I I . :!;,



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Certifkate of JnaUon : : *. :*.Y,.:*,;,.;**.. *':' ;.* . .:.-1:, . .,'. ** * *

<:*r **

. .* *.( .,-::

bu filed in C office or the Secretary or State Articles or Association or A&reemer,t 1 in f .

. ri::t:'./..-1:t.., ...

writm&, u provided (1by law, and has in all respects


.* romplied . with . the requiret,t{

  • J*'.>'i law eovemin& the formation or Private Corporations for  : 't i


f" t* .

'i*t- r1*!-