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Enclosure 7 - Agency Privacy Program - Uniform Resource Locator - Sept 2022
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Issue date: 11/17/2022
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-at Nav igation Privacy Prog ram Senior Agency Official for Privacy ( SAOP)

The Commission The U.S. Nuclear Regubtory Commission (NRC) Privacy program is based on th: PrNacy Scott C. Fbnders Act of 1974, as implememed by Offi0: of Manageme,ni and Budget Circtd3r A-130, the E*

Organiz.a1ioo & Functions GovemmentACJi. of 2002, 3nd NRC po5cies. T!te objective of the Program is to ba._tane: the Mail:

information requjrem-:nts and op:ration31 needs of the NRC against ::he privacy interests of U.S. Nud:ar Regul3tory Commissioo Governing l egi>1ation tl.e individual. M3ilstop: 5 - E07A Washir,gton, DC 20555-0001 The NRC is oommr.ted to pro:ecting individual privacy and securing tl.e personal information made availabtie to us when you visit NRC.9ov or visit NRC web pagi:s hosto:d by Phone: 30i:-415-6717 locations o:her si!es (sucll as our official profiles 0 11 soci31r,etwor.king sites).


History Below you will find add.itional information about our Privacy program: Privacy Program Plan I!:

Privacy Ac! Request Guide - v,hal to includ-: in a Privacy Aoi. request, hov, to submit Commiss.ion Oireci:ion-Ser:ing a,,d the request. 3nd hov, th~ NRC will process the r: quest Policymaking Activities To Submit a Privacy Act the N.RC's Privacy ACli. Re~ulations - 10 CFR Part 9, Subp3rt S of T~ 10 of the Cod~ of Fe~ral Regulations.

Request Ra1i3tion Pro:ection tl.e N.RC's Privacy ACli. Sy-n em of Re-c.ords Mail:

FU'e ?tot-:<<ion Exemptions :o th Privacy Act U.S. Ntrd:ar Regulatory Commission

  • 70 FR 34309, June 14 , 2005 I! FOlA!'Privacy Offie:r S3fety Culture
  • 80 FR 53900, Dec. 13, 1995 E M3ilstop: T-5 F09 Privacy lmpaCl Assessment - for asSnsments made by the NRC before developing Washir,gton, DC 20555-0001 or procuring i:n.formatioo technology that collects, maintains. or disseminates personal inform a1ion in identiiiabt: form abou1m embers of the public. Fax: 301*415-5130 PII S reao,'I Poicy a MO 3.2 Priv3cy I! - policy of the NRC to e.nsure tha1 sys1ems of reoords ate Email:

Coont-:rfeit Fraudulen:. and Suspeo; establis!ied and m ain:3ined to proteC'! the rights of individu3ls in acoordance with the l:ems FederaJPrfYacy Act of 1974.

tt.e NRC F l3n to Elimina.1e the Unr,eoessa.ry Col!ee1ion and U se of Socia) Security Pubic Affajrs Numbers !!! Questions: 301-415-7159 Privacy Policy 3nd Security Noti0:

Congressional Affairs ln:ema.tional Programs L.asf Reviewe-d!Updafed Tue~day, J anuary 11, 2022 State & Tm>>l ?rograms Alt: rn3cive Oispute ResoMion Programs Pnvacy Prog1am CAii Rights Program Abou1 the NRC & Your Community Coot.a<< Us Career OpportUnities