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Enclosure - Charter for Improving the Division of Fuel Management Qualification Program
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/07/2022
Division of Fuel Management
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML22258A286 List:
Download: ML22258A288 (4)



In October 2019, the Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation and the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards and Environmental Review merged to form the Division of Fuel Management (DFM). In October 2021, the staff reported on the results of a self-assessment of the merger (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System {ADAMS} Accession Number ML21279A297) which identified, in part, areas in need of additional attention to implement the merger successfully. One area identified for further attention was staff qualification programs and specifically the need to standardize the qualification programs across business lines. It was recognized that those participating in a qualification program at the time of the merger were using a variety of sources, including draft qualification journals and qualification journals containing outdated information or references. Furthermore, staff in the process of being qualified experienced variations in qualification board composition, expectations for proficiency, and the process (e.g., some more experienced staff were given exemptions from a qualification board while others were not).

Recently, DFM has increased hiring of entry level staff across both business lines who will need to be qualified in order to complete safety reviews related to radioactive material and spent fuel storage and transportation as well as fuel cycle facilities.

The staff proposed an initiative to DFM management to address the challenges related to qualification using a working group (WG) within DFM to address both the near and far term qualification needs of staff.


To improve the administration and overall experience of the division qualification program, while informing and supporting qualification of staff at the office level.

III. SCOPE Generic training and qualification for project managers, technical reviewers, and inspectors for fuel cycle, spent fuel, and radioactive material (RAM) storage and transportation across the office (NMSS).


The working group (WG) would generally be expected to accomplish the following tasks:

Task 1: Define the scope of challenges in the qualification process by considering the following:

What specific staff positions need qualifications and for what reason(s)?

What is the scope and level of knowledge necessary for qualification of staff in these positions (or set of positions)?

How are staff to achieve the level of knowledge necessary for qualification in each position/set of positions?


What resources (e.g., training material) currently exist that can be used in the DFM/NMSS qualification programs?

Task 2: Review the existing qualification program processes, practices, and materials to determine the following:

The areas of knowledge that are common to all qual positions in DFM/NMSS (generic requirements)

How to organize the specialized topical areas (e.g., by technical discipline, by BL, or some combination of the two)

Appropriate means to gain knowledge in each topical area (e.g., formal training classes, self-study, shadowing senior staff)

If current training modules, both for generic training applicable to all disciplines and training for more specific disciplines, need updating or revision and develop a plan for that process.

If best practices from external qualification processes may be incorporated into the division qual process.

The most efficient overall process to achieve qualification (e.g., process provided in ADM-FM-5)

Task 3: Recommend specific actions to achieve the goals identified in Task 1:

Develop a process document describing enhancements/improvements to the program Develop a project plan to implement updates to IMC 1246 and certain material (study guides, coursework, other material)

Identify a durable location for the training materials that will be used in the qual program (likely Nuclepedia)

Develop a communication plan to inform staff of revamped qual program Note that Tasks 2 and 3 have aspects that can be done in parallel; as certain elements are defined and reviewed, revision can begin before review of all elements are done.


Linda Howell, DFM (Champion)

Francis (Paul) Peduzzi DFM/IOB/Branch Chief (Inspection Liaison)

Damaris Marcano, DFM/CTCFB/Branch Chief (Chair)

Christopher Bajwa, DFM/CTCFB (WG Lead, Knowledge Management Liaison)

Timothy McCartin, DFM (Knowledge Management Liaison)

Haile Lindsay, DFM (Process Developer)

Patrick Koch, DFM/MSB (Content Provider)

Jeremy Smith, DFM/NARAB (Content Provider)

Additional Subject Matter Experts (as needed)

Additional staff may be included on a temporary basis to support specific tasks.


Roles and Responsibilities Sponsor - reviews and approves documentation the working group develops or revises.

Documentation includes, but may not be limited to, inspection manual chapters (IMCs) and division instructions (DIs). Is the decisionmaker involving the scope and vision of the overall program.

Champion - Consults on working group tasks and provides guidance and support for the overall direction of the effort.

Inspection Liaison - provides insight to the working group on qualification efforts/needs for inspectors.

Chair - oversees the working group and its completion of the charter tasks.

Knowledge Management Liaison - gathers knowledge and qualification requirements from the other branches and the agency and ensures that information is appropriately reflected in the qualification process and associated documentation.

Process Developer(s) - based on information from the knowledge management liaisons, develops the entire qualification process from entry to exit, including the use of technology and specifying board activities.

Content Provider(s) - draft or revise IMCs and DIs based on information from the knowledge management liaisons and process developer.

VI. DURATION The charter will remain in effect until formal codification of the long-term activities as described in Section III.2.b.

VII. LEVEL OF EFFORT After the project and communication plans are developed, the working group will estimate and report a level of effort to the sponsor who will determine budget implications.

VIII.CHARTER MODIFICATIONS The chair of the WG will obtain approval from the WG Sponsor prior to making substantive changes to the charter tasking or desired outcome.

VIII. Proposed Project Plan Target Activity Date Task 1 11/22 Task 2 12/22 Task 3 6/23 3

ML22258A286; ML22258A288 OFFICE NMSS/DFM/CTCFB NMSS/DFM/CTCFB R-IV/DNMS NMSS/DFM SHelton NAME CBajwa CB DMarcano DM LHowell LH LHowell for LH DATE Sep 16, 2022 Sep 28, 2022 Oct 7, 2022 Oct 7, 2022