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NIST Supplemental Inspection Table (Attachment)
Person / Time
Site: National Bureau of Standards Reactor
Issue date: 08/01/2022
US Dept of Commerce, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Tate T
Download: ML22206A011 (6)


Attachment NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTIONS ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Emergency Plan / Event Response Evaluate adequacy of emergency response equipment identified in the emergency plan Yes No IP 69011 Kevin Roche 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Evaluate adequacy of emergency plan implementation procedures YesSection III 1.e.iii Section III 2.d.i IP 69011 Kevin Roche 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Observe implementation of emergency plan procedures No No IP 69011 Kevin Roche Pending NIST schedule for emergency drills/

exercises TBD Review availability of items or systems for operators to check prior to control room evacuation No No IP 69011 Kevin Roche 8/29/2022 9/24/2023 Review availability of Post-evacuation Checklist No Section III 1.e.iii IP 69011 Kevin Roche 8/29/2022 9/24/2023 Evaluate adequacy of guidance in emergency instructions for confinement re-occupation YesSection III 1.e.iii IP 69011 Kevin Roche 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Refueling / Fuel Handling Evaluate adequacy of fueling and defueling procedures YesSection III 1.e.viii Section III 2.c.i Section III 2.c.ii IP 69009 Kevin Roche 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Observe implementation of fueling procedures Yes No IP 69009 Kevin Roche Pending new core loading and refueling schedule TBD

2 ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Observe implementation of defueling procedures No No IP 69009 Kevin Roche Pending shutdown and refueling schedule TBD Evaluate adequacy of procedures used for latch checking YesSection III 1.e.vii Section III 1.e.ix Section III 1.e.xi IP 92702 Kevin Roche 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Observe implementation of procedures for latch checking Yes No IP 92702 Kevin Roche Pending new core loading and refueling schedule TBD Evaluate adequacy of loaded restart core for consistency with technical specifications and analysis Yes No IP 92702 Kevin Roche Ben Parks Pending NIST completion of analysis and schedule for core loading TBD Startup Evaluate adequacy of reactor startup procedures determined necessary for restart YesSection III 1.d.iii Section III 2.c.ii Section III 2.c.iii Section V 4.b IP 69008 Amy Beasten 9/12/2022 9/30/2022 Observe implementation of reactor startup procedures Yes No IP 69008 Amy Beasten Pending restart plan from NIST TBD Review pre-critical start-up procedures YesSection III 1.e.vii IP 69008 Amy Beasten 9/12/2022 9/30/2022 Operator Licensing Evaluate adequacy of proficiency training of reactor operations personnel identified to be completed prior to startup (including fuel handling, refueling and latch checking proficiency of operators)

YesSection III 2.b Section V 3.a IP 69008 Amy Beasten 9/12/2022 9/30/2022

3 ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Evaluate adequacy of licensed operator proficiency training No Section III 2.b Section V 3.b IP 69003 Amy Beasten 11/1/2022 12/1/2022 Observe implementation of licensed operator proficiency training No No IP 69003 Kevin Roche Amy Beasten 11/1/2022 9/24/2023 Evaluate adequacy of operator training on off-normal conditions during startup and operations conditions YesSection III 2.b Section V 3.a IP 92702 Amy Beasten 9/12/2022 9/30/2022 Management Oversight Evaluate adequacy of qualification training for supervisors overseeing refueling operations YesSection III 2.b.i IP 92702 Dan Bradley 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Evaluate adequacy of policies and procedures in place to ensure training of reactor operations and engineering personnel on procedure adherence YesSection III 1.d.i IP 92702 Dan Bradley 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Corrective Actions Evaluate program to ensure expectations, processes, and procedures are in place to identify and implement safety improvements No Section III 1.c IP 92702 Kevin Roche 5/2023 6/2023 Evaluate the adequacy of corrective actions for re-evaluated root cause analysis performed with emphasis on nuclear safety culture No Section V 2.b IP 92702 Kevin Roche Pending completion of independent third-party assessments TBD

4 ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Confirm primary system characterization/readiness following fuel debris cleanup Yes No IP 92701 Dan Bradley Patrick Boyle Pending NIST completion of evaluation TBD Confirm that the appropriate shielding is in place to ensure safe access for maintenance.

Yes No IP 92701 Dan Bradley Patrick Boyle Pending NIST completion of evaluation TBD Confirm consideration of CO2 build up potential in safety documentation and emergency plan No No IP 92701 Kevin Roche Patrick Boyle Pending NIST submittal of updated plan TBD Review root cause of #2 shutdown pump failure and corrective actions, including evaluation of the extent of condition No No IP 92701 Kevin Roche Patrick Boyle Pending NIST completion of root cause TBD Safety Committee Oversight Review disposition of Safety Advisory Committee recommendations No No IP 69007 Kevin Roche 8/29/2022 9/24/2023 Procedures Evaluate program and processes in place to ensure quality of written procedures, to ensure procedures can be effectively executed, and to ensure procedures are periodically evaluated to implement improvements No Section III 1.d.ii Section III 1.d.iv IP 69009 IP 92702 Kevin Roche 2/2025 3/2025

5 ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Evaluate startup procedures for consistency with INPO-1103, Guideline for Excellence in Procedure and Work Instruction Use and Adherence YesSection III 1.d.iii Section III 2.c.ii Section III 2.c.iii Section V 4.a Section V 4.b IP 92702 Dan Bradley 8/15/2022 8/26/2022 Evaluate reactor startup procedures to instruct operators to identify abnormal fluctuations in nuclear instrumentation Yes No IP 92702 Amy Beasten 9/12/2022 9/30/2022 Design Change Process Review refueling tool wear and replacement program No Section III 1.e.v IP 69008 Kevin Roche 8/29/2022 9/24/2023 Review change process program and procedures for compliance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.59 No Section III 1.c IP 69008 Kevin Roche 8/29/2022 9/24/2023 Evaluate effectiveness of Engineering Change Management Program for ensuring changes are made consistent with 10 CFR 50.59 No Section III 1.c.iii IP 92701 Kevin Roche 8/1/2023 9/24/2023 Safety Culture Conduct safety-conscious work environment follow-up inspection prior to startup Yes No IP 93100 Dori Willis Molly Keefe-Forsyth Pending restart plan from NIST TBD Conduct safety culture inspection following 3rd party 1st assessment No Section V 2.a.iii IP 93100 Dori Willis Molly Keefe-Forsyth 2/2024 -

tentative based on completion of 1st assessment 3/2024

6 ACTIVITY PRE-STARTUP CO ITEM PROCEDURE INSPECTOR START END Conduct safety culture inspection following 3rd party 2nd assessment No Section V 2.a.vii IP 93100 Dori Willis Molly Keefe-Forsyth 8/2025 -

tentative based on completion of 2nd assessment 9/2025 Conduct safety culture inspection following 3rd part 3rd assessment No Section V 2.a.viii IP 93100 Dori Willis Molly Keefe-Forsyth 1/2027 -

tentative based on completion of 3rd assessment 2/2027 Security Evaluate adequate implementation of nuclear material accounting for damaged fuel element No No IP 81606 IP 92701 Michael Takacs Pending completion of primary system characterization 9/24/2022