ML22060A272 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Hermes File:Kairos Power icon.png |
Issue date: | 03/01/2022 |
From: | Hastings P Kairos Power |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
KP-NRC-2203-001 | |
Download: ML22060A272 (7) | |
KP-NRC-2203-001 Kairos Power LLC 707 W Tower Ave, Suite A 5201 Hawking Dr SE, Unit A 2115 Rexford Rd, Suite 325 Alameda, CA 94501 Albuquerque, NM 87106 Charlotte, NC 28211 March 1, 2022 Docket No. 50-7513 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
Kairos Power LLC Transmittal of Changes to Maximum Hypothetical Accident Dose Results in Hermes Construction Permit Application
- 1. Letter, Kairos Power LLC to Document Control Desk, Submittal of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report for the Kairos Power Fluoride Salt-Cooled, High Temperature Non-Power Reactor (Hermes), September 29, 2021 (ML21272A376)
- 2. Letter, Kairos Power LLC to Document Control Desk, Submittal of the Environmental Report for the Kairos Power Fluoride Salt-Cooled, High Temperature Non-Power Reactor (Hermes), October 31, 2021 (ML21306A131)
In September and October 2021, Kairos Power submitted a Construction Permit Application (CPA) for the Hermes non-power reactor, including a Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) (Reference 1) and an Environmental Report (ER) (Reference 2). Subsequent to the initial submittal of these documents, minor errors in the Maximum Hypothetical Accident calculation were identified and corrected via the Kairos Power corrective action program. These changes have a negligible impact on the conclusions in the CPA but has a minor effect on content in Chapter 13 of the PSAR and Chapter 4 of the ER. The changes to PSAR and ER content are reflected in the enclosures to this letter. Kairos Power requests NRC review of these changes as part of continued review of the Hermes CPA.
Changes to the pages of the PSAR affected by this decision are provided in Enclosure 1. Changes to the pages of the ER affected by this decision are provided in Enclosure 2.
If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Drew Peebles at or at (704) 275-5388 or Darrell Gardner at or (704) 769-1226.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on March 1, 2022.
Peter Hastings, PE Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Quality
KP-NRC-2203-001 Page 2
- 1) Change Pages for PSAR
- 2) Change Pages for ER xc (w/enclosure):
William Kennedy, Acting Chief, NRR Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Benjamin Beasley, Project Manager, NRR Advanced Reactor and Licensing Branch Edward Helvenston, Project Manager, NRR Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Samuel de Jesus Cuadrado, Project Manager, NRR Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch Tamsen Dozier, Environmental Project Manager, NMSS, Environmental Review Branch Peyton Doub, Environmental Project Manager, NMSS, Environmental Review Branch
Change Pages for PSAR (Non-Proprietary)
KairosPowerHermesReactor 1324 Revision0 Table13.21:SiteSpecific/QValues Distance(m)
(s/m3) 02hrs 28hrs 8hrs-1day 1-4days 4-30days 250 1.51x104 N/A N/A N/A N/A 800 3.61x105 3.51x105 1.44x105 1.45x105 1.53x105 1.54x105 1.44x105 1.49x105
KairosPowerHermesReactor 1325 Revision0 Table13.22:MaximumHypotheticalAccidentDoseConsequences LocationandDuration WholeBodyDose(rem)
ThyroidDose(rem) 10CFR100 Limit MHA Result 10CFR100 Limit MHA Result ExclusionAreaBoundary (First2hrsat250m) 25 0.201 0.227 300 0.161 0.235 LowPopulationZone (30daysat800m) 25 0.056 0.059 300 0.083 0.081
Change Pages for ER (Non-Proprietary)
EnvironmentalReport Chapter4-Impacts KairosPowerHermesReactor 4111 Revision0 Table4.111:DoseConsequencefromtheMHA LocationandDuration WholeBodyDose(rem)
ThyroidDose(rem) 10CFR100Limit MHAResult 10CFR100Limit MHAResult ExclusionAreaBoundary (First2hoursat250m) 25 0.201 0.227 300 0.161 0.235 LowPopulationZone (30daysat800m) 25 0.056 0.059 300 0.083 0.081