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Request to CA Staff for Copy of 2018 DFP for GE Vnc
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/25/2022
From: Osiris Siurano-Perez
To: Kenneth Kline, Kohli V, Moore T, Sakata K
Shared Package
ML22039A240 List:
Download: ML22039A241 (3)


From: Siurano-Perez, Osiris To: Sakata, Kim@CDPH Cc: Kline, Kenneth; Moore, Thomas@CDPH; Kohli, Vandana@CDPH


RE: RE: Updated DFP(s) for the GE VNC Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 3:01:00 PM Importance: High Hi Kim, Tom, and Vandana!

Hope you are having a great 2022 up to this point!

As you may already know, we at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) are still working on the review and approval of the 2020 update of the GE Vallecitos Decommissioning Funding Plan (DFP) for the SNM-960 licensed activities (i.e., NRC-DFP). An issue we still need to address to finish this review is the inclusion of 79,163 ft3 of waste material under the States DFP (i.e., CA-DFP) that they previously included under the NRC-DFP.

In a response to a request for additional information (RAI) that we issued, they stated that the 79,163 ft3 of waste material was erroneously included in the 2017 NRC-DFP, which they should not have done, but that it was indeed included in the 2017 CA-DFP. They further stated that CA staff approved that DFP and provided a copy of the approval letter.

With this said, would it be possible if you can provide us a copy of the 2017 CA-DFP that you guys approved?

Let me know if you want to discuss. I appreciate all the assistance you can provide!

Thank you so much!

Osiris Siurano-Pérez Project Manager USNRC, NMSS/DFM/FFLB Cell: 301-820-8246 From: Sakata, Kim@CDPH <>

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 3:50 PM To: Siurano-Perez, Osiris <>; Ko, Lynn@CDPH <>;

Fassell, John@CDPH <>; Kubota, Connor@CDPH


Cc: Kline, Kenneth <>; Moore, Thomas@CDPH

<>; Kohli, Vandana@CDPH <>


[External_Sender] RE: Updated DFP(s) for the GE VNC Hi Osiris,

I included Thomas Moore and Vandana Kohli on this email because they are reviewing GEs updated DFP for CA. We are able to join in for a chat. I will be teleworking, but Thomas and Vandana will be in office. Please let us know what number to call or teams/zoom information. Thanks.

Thanks, Kim From: Kubota, Connor@CDPH <>

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 11:53 AM To: Siurano-Perez, Osiris <>; Ko, Lynn@CDPH <>;

Fassell, John@CDPH <>; Sakata, Kim@CDPH <>

Cc: Kline, Kenneth <>


RE: Updated DFP(s) for the GE VNC Hello Osiris, Kim Sakata is currently handling financial assurance duties here at CDPH-RHB and will be the point of contact for this decommissioning funding plan. I have included her in this email.

Hi Kim, may you please follow up with Osiris regarding the DFP for GE Vallecitos?

Thank you, Connor Kubota Licensing Support Analyst California Department of Public Health Radiologic Health Branch Radioactive Materials Licensing Section P: (916) 445-3523 F: (916) 636-6777 From: Siurano-Perez, Osiris <>

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 11:44 AM To: Kubota, Connor@CDPH <>; Ko, Lynn@CDPH

<>; Fassell, John@CDPH <>

Cc: Kline, Kenneth <>


Updated DFP(s) for the GE VNC Importance: High EXTERNAL EMAIL. Links/attachments may not be safe. To report suspicious emails, click

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Hi to all!

I am the NRC project manager for the Vallecitos Nuclear Center SNM-960 license.

We are in the final stages of our review of the updated decommissioning funding plan for the NRC materials license for the facility and would like to have a short discussion with you regarding our findings and a couple of issues we have identified in an effort to get our review completed and help you complete yours (for the CA licensed material).

We would like to set up a short call for tomorrow, 11/16/21, at 2:00 PM EST. Would that work?


Osiris Siurano-Perez Project Manager Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards US NRC