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RIC W14 Reactor Decommissioning Session--D. Doyle--Status of Decommissioning Rule
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/09/2022
From: Dan Doyle
Cynthia Barr, 301-415-4015
Shared Package
ML22003A169 List:
Download: ML22032A173 (8)


Technical Session W14 Reactor Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste Status of the Decommissioning Rulemaking Dan Doyle, Senior Project Manager Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support

Regulatory Improvements for Production and Utilization Facilities Transitioning to Decommissioning

  • This rulemaking would amend the NRCs regulations to provide an updated regulatory framework for nuclear facilities transitioning from operations to decommissioning. It has the following goals:

Maintain a safe, effective, and efficient decommissioning process Reduce the need for license amendment requests and exemptions from existing regulations Address lessons learned from licensees that have completed or are currently in the decommissioning process Align regulatory requirements with the reduction in risk that occurs over time, while continuing to maintain safety and security Address other decommissioning issues deemed relevant by the NRC 2

Current Status and Next Steps

  • Proposed rule to be published March 2022 75-day comment period Public meetings
  • Final rule/final regulatory guidance Public meeting to discuss implementation Provide to the Commission in fall 2023 3

Recent and Planned Shutdowns

  • Factors affecting licensees decisions Market factors resulting in a decline in power prices Increasing plant modification, maintenance, and repair costs
  • Requests for license amendments, regulatory exemptions, and relief from orders 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 4

Decommissioning Rulemaking Process Public involvement:

Rulemaking trigger: Public involvement:

Draft regulatory basis Regulatory basis Commission direction ANPR published for published for published (SRM-SECY-14-0118) comment (120 days) comment (90 days)

Public involvement:

Draft proposed rule Staff evaluates public Public involvement:

Publish proposed rule provided to comments and revises Public meeting on and draft guidance for Commission for vote rule and guidance implementation comment (75 days)

Commission review and approval of draft Publish final rule Rule takes effect Compliance date final rule 5

Regulatory Guidance

  • Four guidance documents for public comment:

DG-1346, Emergency Planning for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors (new)

DG-1347, Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors (RG 1.184, Rev. 2)

DG-1348, Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Production or Utilization Facilities (RG 1.159, Rev. 3)

DG-1349, Standard Format and Content for Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (RG 1.185, Rev. 2) 6

Graded Docketing of 10 CFR 50.82/

Permanent Cessation of Operations All Fuel in Dry Cask All Fuel Offsite 10 CFR 52.110 + 10 Months (BWR) or Storage Approach Certifications LEVEL 1 16 Months (PWR)

LEVEL 2 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 Emergency Preparedness Post-Shutdown Permanently Defueled ISFSI Only Permanent or interim Emergency Plan Emergency Plan Emergency Plan waste storage available (PSEP) (PDEP) (IOEP)

Allows for certain physical Can transition from Physical Security security plan changes 10 CFR 73.55 to without prior NRC approval 10 CFR 73.51 requirements Cyber Security Removal of cyber security requirements Onsite/Offsite Insurance Reduction of onsite insurance to $50 million Reduction of offsite insurance to $100 million 7

Path Forward

  • Public comment period
  • Public meetings
  • Final rule/final regulatory guidance 8